Code No.: 0911 11-1 ~6~e> g)~f{o, e~~J ~~~~~~ . .;)0. ~. (!lg)d5.J5;6o;66~e1o~6~eD, 2010 ~~o-1 : Prose & Poetry Note:Attempt all Questions. All Questions equal marks. Answers may be written in San• skrit or Telugu or English. While answering in Sanskrit, Devanagari script should be used. I. ~ ~ ~ t4lpC'4 C4R ..c'lUct - 2x10=20 Explain anyone Sioka taking one from each part. a 1. ~~: '8""tl\Ji: qrtrt4)cfi'<\JiIctIPr ftI~- ~ElHlrti rtq\Jiclcpd) ~cpl\JilclcpIPlI ~10\5f4G 14rt4 rt'(i)\JiICfC'fI;Ucp011(qcllrti tpl4lGlrtWaoI4RRIct: ~tqC'flcfij&lrtl~ II 2. lFCi lFCi ¥fti lJCFI~lj~cl1 <I~ (qj qrq*Wt ~ TIW .iUctcptd WRI: I ~atOI4R:q41'{~qlciI~ qlcll: x1fcllS4;ij rt4rt"{j~ ~ ~ ciIC'flcpl:I b. 1. ~ ql5t9';lf q~fi 'rt q~rtl ~ ~ PlCl"dcp},<01: I j'(i)4R~rt ftcft wISfit CIIPlt:Pct ~ ~ ~FffclCGq~ II 2. 3I~ ~ Pl"!'ffifcl¢q~ ~ "{j&t4 ~ I ~ (>fa4l4Ricl~ ~ \JICI'CR:~~ 4lqcp~ II u. \3$f4;:firt~I"!t:l:qct qUI4ct I 20 Describe the glory of Ujjayini 3I~ or 4tlq~~lcplC4f4 ~ xi)G!t:"!oi Pr'(i)44ct I Give an account of the significance of Megha sandesa with suitable illustrations. 20 II ~ ~ yidqlRdi ,<l"i;frRlFl~IGmlI Explain t~e polity established in the words ofVanecara. 3I~ or ~: ~ R1&d I Write the dialogue of Draupadi N 'q(qJR '8Y<'b,< oj Cl41'Lc4ld I AlJnotate any fou r 4x5=20 1. _ g ~ &CldFIiq~iRi I 2. ~ qfl:t14'Rl qR~14't4 I 3. Y"ffll;ffi.1fPlqI4~t 4. sf.l~141qf(l~I 5. ~G1cldlff!$\~1011clqcl4qq1Trqffi\jf' \ij)qro<'b: II 6. W2Pi ,<1"'41#,~:~: II V ~G1~;flfficj qohld I 20 Describe the festive occasion of Harsha's birthday. 3I~ or 611°1'<"4 '<iI~I~~o4.'8)GnNOi R1&dl Write the literary skill of Bana with illustrations. Code No.: 0911' I-II ~~ ~~~Q;) aQ;)~ :J~S:J~.s~~O ~6ooeJOO.•... ~6~c> :>~Ko, ~~~J .;)~~SGl~ ~O. ~. (!>~~:S ;SO;S6~60~6~el), 2010 iJ~o-1i : Sanskrit Drama Note:Attempt all Questions. All Questions equal marks. Answers may be written in San• skrit orTelugu or English. While answering in Sanskrit, Devanagari script should be used. I. ~ ~ ~ t4l(~k46lU{,c;ZUd - 2x10=20 Explain anyone Sioka taking from one each part. a 1. 4'1Cl1,< I: ~cp)c'<~'<Eltlt:e1'ffi'(i)OIIi"ftI: ~:EbRrR'HcficpclP1G: ~i4'i1 Qcn4cl1: I fcl'<El1'<i)441i"f1Gf1'l~41d4:~~ ~ "TTI- ~~TI ~ f.1ts!FG~'<El1~d1:II 2. 41Mq)d)-~ 4Rl'{)~- qlfCl~d)S~OI~,<ffl,< ~S*: I ct\Jl)~4t4 ~4I4qclIx:Fl)G41~- "cl1cP)f.14RId ~Cl1f+1G~II'i1~~II b. 1. \3G4ftl 15 ~I~~: rp11B;:fi410'541°'8: !H:P1014RClH)~: I fd[q'l!f.1rp'l!i"f~ x~ m liffi: '?id\Jicl ~ ~ ~: 1IGf.U II 2. ~ i5ffPa TI ~GPa TI fcl'dgm - ~Sl41ff4Pa ~ ~ g ~.RClffPd I d'fli1~~ 01~~Ilcl,<ii"fpqctrt ~~: ~~IIrt'tlqrt1 ~ ClGl4141:I II. ~lSlFf1'{::qilR::tR!=;tul Cblf&~l'{H::q• Pi'{tjq4C1I 20 Evaluate the greatness of Kalidasa in creating the character of Dushyanta. 3I~ or 3IPim ~Il~;:a:cl wet ~~ ~ ffl~~ Describe importance of 4th act of ~Il~'"flc;P"! II ~iUCbR:Cp >lfdf4~d '{iJfIGlR!=;tojcrufm:I I 20 Describe the Social conditions as depicted in ~iUCbR:Cbs:t 3I~ or c['H~'fl'114I: 't:{R=;tR!=;tojfB&d I Describe the character of Cl'ti~'fl'11 IV 4&UR 'ti>lCb'l!0j04IMld I Annotate any four 4x5=20 1. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~IRIdIs:t' 2. ~sfq ~If4CbG)Il) "'1~:rctmClI'I!f4g1' 3. 3IQfU\Sdltd ~ 1IdI -q ~ ~ 'q ~ 'q fflJlCl'tiPd I 4. 1\'fiepctI:~ jdl'6'UI'1cldI Cl'1cldIP'l:! 5. ~:"&IF11~JfRiHI=;t'§~ffiiSlPi I 6. ~ Gl'1'1I'"fl'l!f.l)~~IPi I V a. G~~ >lRiQlf~difif41 '1IcCbclaIUIIf.1f4~'1d - 10 Write the characteristics of"'1ICCPbased on Dasharupaka 3I~ or G~~ >lRiQIRdifif41 ~ fB&d , Explain >liS'ti'11 based on Dasharupaka b. t ~ fB&ct I Write short notes on any two. 10 q. ~\()cn=d'114Cb: ~. '1If4CbrRI: ~.~: ~."'1FCfi Code No.: 0911/1-111 ~~ ~oo~~ iJ~l)j ~.c!cS~co~e;>~o ~6croaJOo"- ~e~e> ~~Ko, e~.s.J~~~11os..s .;)0.:>. (!>:>d»:5 i\Soi\S~f$o 056(0:>, 2010 ~~o-III: Grammar and Prosody ~~6-W: 100 ~c;ti,o : 3 Xolbe.v Note:Attempt all Questions. All Questions equal marks. Answers may be written in San• skrit orTelugu or English. While answering in Sanskrit, Devanagari script should be used. I. 1NHi?lIfUI CllI'LCllldl 5x4=20 Explain any Five Sutras. 'I.. d4,<fufCblcl~ ~~dfflIR~'d,<~ ~. ~ Cb'lt0lif 'd. ~ ffid'lln ~. 41)~4)'<J4'<i~ ~. ~ ~~: I 19. ~dl4C1&pdl~ jOlqit.o:tYf L 4iN~dCjfcp 4x5=20 .)ustify the case fo any four of the following quoting Sutras. 'I.) TIi ~ 1J<I: =?) 3IauII "CbTOI: ~) -=qffiq -~ ~) WIG: Cbdf<p&JI: III -:qgurl '<iSfI'<iCbI4~ fcl&d I 4x5=20 Justify the formation of compounds of any four of the following quoting Sutras. '1) ~ =?) 3II~ ~) q~4I)1'if ~) \j4\Jl'lt'<i1 ts) \j4'1tI\Jl1 ~) 3Iarqft IV -:qgurl'HSfI'HCbI4 ~ fcl{!'ldl 4x5 =20 Justify the formation of compounds of any four of the following quoting Sutras. ~. lJ~ 9. 4)cllcqct4i 2x5=10 Va. ~:~: "claiOlI~n:;'! 0) >rq~f<rcI I Explain with examples any two of the following vrittas q. \34'is< SI\ifI ~. cj~R~ , ~. qlfB41 ~. q-=GISbFctI b. ~: JIOlfcl~\if'i~'!ffi~ ~ C'ftijaroi -:q Pi"{tlY4C1 I 2x5=1D Identify the metres in any two of the following with definition. q. qI'ilRi"{tl(t)I CfCI 5)P1CJHI ~. f~h-lYC'i ~ CP!d'!RItI4i ~. 3ffi ii~C1td~ ~ I ~. Ftc:Pr~I: cplfilx)YCl'i YCl~Irq C4~ I Code No.: 0911 II-IV ~~ ~oa~~ d~~ :>rC!cS:>~~e;~o ~e:5ooaJ05Q.- ;S6~v :>~K'o, e~~.J ~~J)-go':l~ ~o. ~. l!l:>d5J:5~o~6~e1oGS6~eD, 2010 ~~o-IV: History of Classical ·$~n$krit~iterature". :'~_..-:""~-_ ......• Note:Attempt all Questions. All Questions equal marks. Answers may be written in San• skrit or Telugu or English. While answering in Sanskrit, Devanagari script should be used. I. "~ ~ CIOl10IiCbcfi~i >I~ :!f.1:" ~~f4::ctCC:~IICIlc4l~: "!IJOfI4UI'f4T.Im~~ fq~IG<ffiI 20 According to the statement of "~~ CfOIfurt Cbcfi~i >I~ :!f.1:" Expalin the importance ofValmiki and Ramayana 3I2fCII or Cblfcl~Ifff4 JOft:ICbICICllFii~ ~,&q4ct I Evaluate the greatness fo Kalidasa and his Maha.kavyas II. fi,<:pct4I~JCPICllq,,!s:q"!I4I: \3cqRi: :fc1Cblff~ CI014ct I 20 Describe the origin and development of Sanskrit Prose Literature 3I2fCII or ,<4'<:PctiP4icn\S~JOf4~cliF:q): ~ ctcqRil4~ fclxgct I Describe the place of ~clil+g, in Sanskrit Champu Literature. III ,<4,<:pct,&qCbCII~JOf4,<::q~ ~ fcl'{5{ct I 20 Write and essay on the origin and developmen1 of Sanskrit Rupakas 3I2fCII or 'Blff~IcCbil5b'f4 qRil4 fcl'{5{ct I Write an essay on introduction of Bhasanatakachakra IV ,<4t<pctCb~{ilffi,4 -q~ctr::t,<::q -x-QIFi aorr~ffi4~ fq~IG<IG I 20 Evaluate the place of Pancatantra in Sanskrit Kathasahitya and the greatness of Panchatantra. ffiffi:q~ ~Rl[ qRil4 cl)Cb&41."CJ~ CI014ct I Describe the introduction and greatness of Hitopadesha. v fi«pdfi~ ~IcpIC4I~jRIA;;: oj fct'&ctI 20 Write an essay on Sanskrit Sandesha Kavyas. 3I2ICII or 4lfdcpI<4~.: ~~Ictcp'f4 Silj\!O..c<jFt~IG<Id I Describe the importence of Bhatrhari's Nitisataka among Neeti kavyas..
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