, 1 3 / 1 9 9 8 » www.m agicvalley.i iy.com 2 0 0 s -o-ni-Em: ^ X IiflUE r s L Friday, Fcbruiuary 13. 1998 50 ccnt.s Twin Falls, Idaho/^o/93rd year, No. 44 ■ 5 M etii 1;becomes G o o d m o r n iING n |Q a growi/ing concern, W e a t o e r Cuffijs darlknes! in juvesniie justice M o i Ms st Today: lom- ing snow a fy m ctcs ouout justice to juvenile “And tliis stuff is darkness."s." "niosc arc dcpricpres.-ants. Tlus i.s Varinin said juveniles toll him w Sf B,K.rtMcCl.a„ lanufac- the opposite - itit speed-9sj them up. they bcl)clieve tin; druK cnhancc.s rainshowe TlmwWowi WTttw offenderslers in four countics, and s6 eft Snowfall !• ------------------------- -----he’s worriorried by how many of his tured drug, is commonly' Iciknown They’re very acutelyacu aware of thdr carapabilitics; on. They're para- "It makesm them feel like 5 - Crank is flood- cas<s invonvolve methamphetamine, as crank or tweer. It’s similm ilar lo what is going on. inches. Southwest windidlO- TWINFALLS- the drugs that used lo bcc ccalled noid,” Varin saiciaid. “It causcs a they'reu sm; arter, more: pfiy.sically n g b y >ng th e juvenilele courtrooms of which hehe calls an exceptionally 20 mph. Partial clearing ious and addictive drug, speed, but is not like drugsugs par- person to becomcme crazy. Tlie doc- attrn ciiItive. Thai's piirticulurly r38 Judge Jotin Varin.Va and he’s pemiaouj aftemoon. Highs near 31 len the light goes on, the ents arc bener acquainteded with, tors believe it’s; actuallyact a form of dnnRcroirous because wc'rc ilL-aling . ).« sounding the oloxrarm. ^ W h '” sucli as marijuana and alcohi»hol. manic^ieprcssiveve disorder.”c Lows 25-30. Pagel£° ^ Varin. a mogiigistratc judge, darknessess leaves,” Varin said. Please sec CRANK. Pace A2 M a g i c V a l l e yY H e ’s M r ., S m o o t h Joining In: Another candndi- =a*«=aaaas= = = BIID has date has joined the raceice for an Idaho congressionalal I seat. Pageg eB l caimdidate Collision concerns: A secsec- TFfor ond accident at a Jeromiime in' County railroad crossingtng is raising some concerns. PagetgeBl terview Ham Brock lews writer__________________ S P O R ' r e iszvocalltt Vikings win: Ricks' winnever o B IN FALLS - A candidate ibed as the leading con- the CSI women’s basketl« » a U to become the next direc- team all but assured the f the city's Business Viking of being regiona- a l vcment District-is in tovm r f a n i majK»«t :c his pitch for tiie job. tournament hosts. PageB® MomlngiWe Schlinsog of St. Charles, □etnentary . nterviewing for what cpuld School S40,000-per-year job. W e e k e n d Tliuisdfly iDOfiv sog, 34, is one of a dozen ants; eiglit are from Twn Ing. Tucker and one is from Filer, one is Beroopof]Ba i^olumbia, Mo., and one is musicians Vashington. D.C. toured area ele- link he’s a front-runner.” Jck lieus, managing part- Muggers Brewpub in thc ^ H j sctMoUtoedu- ' Did Toime district. Ttiough C8t« children . )wne is not part of thc BID alwutmuslc., - Beus has been u major • in the area’s rcaiai.s.sance. Try to;rembmben The en if this (Twin Falls job) C ^ e ^ e of Southem Idaldaho 't work out, I’ve enjoyed, lg h e re ,” Schlinsog said Theater Depaiiment taiclaices ■net ^oo&iyevW gr^ music^ day. “T h e re ’s an o ir.o t siasm that’s contagious -f _ “'^ e Fm tasti^.” Page int insog is executive direaor owntown St. Charles O p i n i o n ByWiiliaiirship Ind, o nonprofit enti- i t s t a r tLS t o d a Tlme»We>N ^ t i l I ja z z sm m m i tracted by the d ty to revi- Why? The Air Force stilliU its downtown basiness dis- hasn’t shown why it neec-eds TWINle has been on thc job for to buzz the Owyhee Couj 3rd annual dcscribiyears; Schlinsog has held IS jazz up lender i< '' canyonlands in the fost Musician; ' positions in Pocatello and CSI Blues aiid Jm to r ofnetown of Mju^hficld, Wis. place. PagegeA6 Improve)93, he eam ed a certificate ■Twiri Falllls schools ,Q studem tight festurir« CSI ia s ET to m ake:fc^ional downtown man- "ew st eKbtt: T^'tonKlitTickeis Jay Sc nt from thc National Mainr\^X T V W e e k l y By Karma M. Rtzgeralcaid l e for students. III., is int □ Summit Ertravagfvus featudng Blu Ccnter, operated '• Tlme»f<ews corrwpondenlent___________;_______ t be a nal! Trust for Hi^oric Revue ond-Bones’ Malone: 8 pjn. 8 Schlinsovation in W ashin^m i, D.C. TWIN FALLS - Ru;lusty Tuckcr can work a »OroraduR8..$6ror(tudentsJ AUevenUBtCS! Fna Arts Aoditbrtim. applicanugh he’s passe^ through crowd ot Twin Fallss sixtli-graders i with thc •Purchase| tickets ot Eveotocys Busin Falls, 'allsor a few tim ^ m < ^ n .‘iog rks a Kansas City night- ' same finesse he work Music. CnMtey Pnannacy ond CSI Bo from Cok to admit h ^ H e v 'o t to dub. Felts; SavMor Dni{ in 6uhl: and AM from Waibout thc to J ^ H a ^ o ^ less Man, is he smooth.1. Jerofw.;.' “I ihii5 - and th c /W n iv 8too«or Tucker sang his vraway into thc hearts and - said Ric 1 12-year-olds Thursday souls of 30 11- and J ner ofle N m em jjlJIM Jlpai^r afternoon at Sawtooloth Elementary. By th e because. I love to sing,” saic dty's OUovvn T w ^ s f f T H w ” ^ y u 1 1 time tie was done,1, imusic groups of the Tara Andrews, a Sawtooth sixt Old Tow Triple play: “Law and future were being fonarmed. “I could just sit around and - yet - 1 pj nance was part of the Order” is booked for an Tucker’s performt music all day long,” said playerresent in >»^O Q kickoff to the 3rdd Annual College of Michelle„ Hammond. 12. “Even entire evening. Plus WiniWinter ^Souiltem Idaho Bluescs and Jazz Summit. ^ , is a p a ' X c c Q The third in their trio was nc doesn't; resignt/T4 Olympics coverage. Express bandm aie Tim Aihllo Fee laughs wliWith a Mend wtilla clapping her handiMdi Tucker, with KC Ej “It m ade me feel like I coui com ingly won cle » \p n jra rc |^ ^ Whitmer, CSI jazz pliployers Tat Hidano and sing.. It just inspired me a 1 T hursd! riO N totlwbeat.pftfiemuimutlo. English professor Jeff ^ J. ^ S e c t i o n by s e c t k Adam Crofr.s, CSI Ei Kcim said. en th u si Fox and CSI jozz direireaor Jim Mair - a for- • That’s from three girls.......................................here.” w m er m em ber of KCC Express - gave a 4S- hadn’t. heard jazz untii Thursd -T- Sdilin;Samca-, a S e c t i o n A comics.............® ■ ‘Zr//w/ tf/ inspired me a lot.' minute jazz lesson tcto Twin Falls students For Mair, that's mission accom■J \ / o f Dovho runs a GcrtnQfc^oto Weaitier.......2 Thursday. They tourured four of the seven He started thc Blues and'4' , y PartnersJ on Main Avenue. <^'s NaUon.......3-5 S s c t l o n C grade schools and Icleft dozens of budding when, he arrived three years t J ty contrrbeen a part-time job. T ™ .l-4 - C h c l s ey lKcim, Sawtooth student; n t m usidans in tlieir wal■ake. talize itswc get a big gun like Opinion .......6 Sports........ ____ , , “I just tliink Rustyty inspired me thc most PieasQ . SCO■■■“— I trict. He ictatio..........7 Ifll - three yeease see CANDIDATE. Page A2 S e c t i o nl EE --------------------------- •' #. • t l similar p ZZ S u m m i t liis home S e c t i o n B Money....... Magic Vaiiey .1-4 l^utual funds BEnsemble'wttli ^ gh court Obiluaries ...2 World........ -3 Expeerts expeectE lN^mo to hlangaroi Dear Abtjy. • • .2 Legai notices ! Blues BrothOT • S treet C ra.8atafl«.TlcHete N ationa11 decide Ciassified .. It “Thishis is the critical period for thi • Preserva Section C , „ ■'3^, Ti»w«i»ia«ift»i---------------------------- U nited;ed States — Januoiy, Februar; im. .• :• ■ Thoug M arch,” L eetm aa said. Man; luslness.’ Wekli T>vin Fal WeekW .. .W SeCtlOO1 F WASHINGTON)N — The EI Nino nnd Mo m veto rn that hos lashed areass of the country, NOAA repon >1 Bookstore In IViln is quick i jQ weather poctcrn Arteho’s Bowbis In Icamabc Movies........ 5 Classlfled ■ pam of Califomialia and Florida with cdrareire already experiencing condi ties Times severe storms ancind record rainfall tionss tthat rank in the top 1< leadersT - lm e» W ew s_____________ aper. w h ile w an n in gg rnormally frigid warmesnest, wettest or driest years o ------- --------------- 1----- tlie BID. 1*1. northem states ^vill continue at Icaist the centicntury. SomIHINGTON e — In a ruling federal forecasters Throiirough April, Leetmaa s offio said 11-year-old Downtov ^ through April, fed sixth-grader. is know:by backers of a local sugar TTTT^. -.predictedIhuredayJay. ...... ............................. predictslicts, tem peratures will remaii ;o-opcrative, a fodoral “El Nino is stillill jgoing strong and uncomijmmonly higli in Norlherl and listen to this full-timeitru^ down tiic new Line aid her friend The pre C l A S S I H E D w ill for.
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