VOL. 128 NO. 46 DAVISCLIPPER.COM FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2020 SPORTS 4 Opinion Hansen 21 Showcase wins THE 22 Life Gatorade 27 Sports female DAVIS 28 Classifieds track 31 Comics honors Clipper A NEW WAY Back to School STORY ON PAGE 6 DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT 2 FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2020 NEWS THE DAVIS CLIPPER THE DAVIS CLIPPER NEWS FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2020 3 Petition to change ‘Braves’ D istrict weighs name is gaining steam in on mascot by Becky GINOS by Tom HARALDSEN my actions. In my haste to provide quick responses [email protected] [email protected] to these emails, I made comments that were overly simplistic and hurtful. As the mayor of Bountiful BOUNTIFUL — In response to concerns by BOUNTIFUL — The decision to begin an effort City, I take seriously my responsibility to listen Bountiful High graduate Mallory Rogers regard- aimed at changing Bountiful High’s mascot hap- carefully to all concerns and questions that come ing the Braves mascot, the Davis School District pened rather suddenly, but concern over the name my may and apologize for where I fell short in showed support for addressing the issue. has been an issue for two of the school’s graduates these responses.” “Know that we, as District Leadership, for some time. “I was happy to see it,” Mallory Rogers said. “I recognize the considerable issue and challenges Mallory Rogers and Mykala Rogers, both 2013 hope this will lead to another step forward and before us, as well as all of society, in terms of BHS graduates (but not related), co-authored a equity and equal treatment of all people,” said petition for the website change.org on Monday. As Ultimately, I want this Superintendent Reid Newey in an email to written, the petition is to “draw attention to the Rogers. “We have made and will continue to offensive, outdated and racist mascot of Bountiful conversation to be make significant progress in this area and thank High School, the Brave, and advocate for a change.” determined by Native you for your support and for your concern. We The two graduates also sent emails to the school “ can be better and we will be better.” administration, the Davis County Commission, American voices.” Chris Williams, Director of Communication members of the Davis School Board, several Utah & Operations for the district said this is not a state legislators and Bountiful Mayor Randy Lewis, » Mallory Rogers decision that will be made quickly. “Principal outlining their concerns. (Aaron) Hogge wants to facilitate a good “We tried to throw out the widest net that we discussion between several groups, parents, could,” Mallory Rogers said in an interview with students, community leaders and anyone who the Clipper on Tuesday, one of six different media wants to weigh in. He wants it to be a healthy interviews she conducted that day. “A lot happened process.” all at once. What kicked it off was when another Williams said this doesn’t really come as 2013 graduate, Maryn Tan, shared a story from a surprise. “With the movement across the IllumiNative, (a nonprofit aimed at challenging nation such as the Washington Redskins and negative Native American stereotypes in American the Cleveland Indians a discussion about the society). “It made me take a step back, and reflect mascot is appropriate for our times.” on the cultural misappropriation I had participated It’s just the beginning stages of the process, in while at Bountiful High.” he said. “Two of our board members cover Mallory said that about a year ago, she “started Bountiful. I don’t necessarily know if there’s a to realize some of the costumes I wore for football procedure. There’s nothing in the policy about games weren’t the most appropriate. By that I renaming a school mascot.” mean many of us wore face paint, feathers in our “This is uncharted water for us,” said School hair, headdresses. Proms were sometimes called Board President John Robison. “I understand “Pow Wows,” and we always did war cries. So I the principal has started the process of putting spent a lot of the Fourth of July talking to Mykala together a committee. I don’t know if this will so we could draft the petition and the emails.” even come to the board. It’s early in the process Over the past few days, Mallory’s social media so no decisions have been made. I trust the has been filled with responses, both positive and principal along with the school directors.” negative, and she said, “my Twitter account is sort “This is a topic that we are in current dia- of a mess.” She has received email responses from logue about as an administrative team and we a number of people (see sidebar story), including appreciate your advocacy for this subject and from Lewis. His initial response questioned the your alma mater,” BHS Assistant Principal Doug timing of the petition effort. He asked Mallory Hammerschmidt said in an email response to Rogers if she was an indigenous person or an offi- Rogers. “We look forward to further discussion cial representative critic of the Braves, and if she on this matter.” had evidence that the indigenous people are Williams has been with the district for 20 offended by Bountiful High. He then wrote, years and nothing like this has come up during “This sounds a lot like sheep mentality BOUNTIFUL HIGH is the his tenure. “However, at one time South Davis that follows the BLM [Black Lives Matter] second oldest Junior High was known as the Redman,” he said. movement. Now is a good time to pile on.” school in the BECKY GINOS “Somewhere along the way that was changed to He added, “I believe we all need to be less district. the Spartans. I don’t know when or why.” easily offended about many things.” that we can put the drama of his first Bountiful High is the second oldest school in That response offended Mallory, who called response behind us.” the district, said Williams. “It has a great follow- it “so unprofessional and disrespectful and dismis- She knows this campaign is just beginning, ing. All those factors are part of the big picture sive. I was disappointed.” though as of Wednesday morning their petition on to start the conversation. Since Aaron became On Tuesday, Lewis issued a public apology on change.org had received close to 1,600 signatures. principal they’ve started to move away from city letterhead, saying “I made some offending She said that for both Mykala and herself, “this isn’t the logo of a male with a feather to the letter comments I would like to apologize for. I am trying about us. Ultimately, I want this conversation to ‘B’ with a feather. It’s been a tradition to have to reach out personally to those that I offended, be determined by Native American voices. We just someone dressed up like a Native American at but would like to publicly take accountability for wanted to help get that conversation started.” sporting events but that will no longer happen.” 4 FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2020 NEWS THE DAVIS CLIPPER ClipperTHE DAVIS OPINI N AI DM NISTRATION D estruction of property To the Editor R. Gail Stahle P UBLISHER Dear Editor: [email protected] Thanks so much for giving us many pages ext. 114 is pure stupidity about America, the Constitution, and our flag!! L orie Matern I'm grateful to be an American and I wish all Off ICE MANAGER The opinions stated in this Americans could see this issue of your paper! [email protected] article are solely those of ext. 115 Thanks! the author and not of A DVERTISING The Davis Clipper. Kathryn Gardner Centerville Brad Roghaar s I get older I find Cyclops SALES REPRESENTATIVE myself becoming [email protected] ext. 135 less willing to Aaccept stupidity. by Bryan GRAY Thought of the Week Richard Stahle This comes in all SALES REPRESENTATIVE CLO UMNIST from the desk of R. Gail Stahle, publisher [email protected] forms. When I hear ext. 137 liberal progressive thinkers tout place” it is around the country. Child “Ring the bells that still can the idea that taxpayers should abuse, racial taunting, and gang- ring, and forget your perfect EDITORIAL provide free college tuition for all planned murders are commonplace students, I immediately become a too, but that doesn’t mean we should offering. There’s a crack in T om Haraldsen M ANAGING EDITOR curmudgeon. (“Why should I help turn a blind eye and whitewash the everything. That’s how the [email protected] pay for a 20-year-old to spend four wrong. ext. 126 years studying philosophy? There Yes, the police car can be replaced. light gets in.” Becky Ginos are much better uses for my tax And who pays for it? You and I do! » Leonard Cohen Ass OCIATE EDITOR money!”) Similarly, I cringe when I A protester has no more right to [email protected] hear our dear president complain destroy a police vehicle than he does ext. 118 that vote-by-mail is merely a corrupt bashing in my car window. Lighting L AYOUT/DESIGN way of electing Democrats. (“Come a police car on fire is not a symbol of to Utah, Mr. President, and explain anything but violence and ignorance. Devin Christ how vote-by-mail And if the protesters CREATIVE DIRECTOR has eroded this figure the cop car [email protected] A protester Republican strong- can be replaced then Rebecca Jamieson hold. Especially in has no fine…but make them CLAS S IFIEDS/LEGALS this time of the pay for it! [email protected] more right ext.
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