Student Run Since Volume One February 23, 2021 | Vol. 66, Iss. 2 In This Issue............ Faculty Spotlight Gator Life...........................2 News..................................7 Tremaine Kwasikpui, Arts and Entertainment......13 Student Activities Director Opinions............................18 By Jennifer Ayala Tremaine Kwasik- love with UHD and stated ly watching and being ployer, or the person who pui makes a difference and that it is the reason that he directly influenced by will one day be the love of changes the lives of UHD is in Texas altogether. If himself and his wife. their lives through SGA. students, as well commu- there was anyone that he As the director “My life work, nity members. As Director owed his inspiration to, of Student Activities, he my ministry, is peo- of Student Activities, he is his grandfather, Ste- stated that his main focus ple,” Kwasikpui stated. has worked for UHD since phen Kwasikpui, who is to “connect people with As far as accom- July 3, 2016, only three came to America on a people.” plishments for the Gators days after packing up his program to get his educa- Bridging the gap or activities that he is most Later, Gators bags and moving to Hous- tion. Though he had many between students and busi- proud of, Kwasikpui stated Past UHD Presidents ton from his hometown in obstacles, he persevered. nesses or partners where that one of the first things see Gator Life, Page 4 North Carolina, which was Tremaine Kwasik- students can thrive is that comes to mind is the a long two-day drive. pui recalled all that his extremely important, said UHD Food Market, which Although Kwasik- grandfather endured and Kwasikpui. He is passion- was opened up after the pui began his career at all that he accomplished ate about the connection devastating Hurricane Har- a community college in is the reason he continues of people whether they are vey that ravaged Houston. North Carolina after grad- to push through, as well meeting someone who will Continued on page 5 uating in 2008, he fell in as his children endless- one day be a potential em- Houston Rodeo Local Business Spotlight canelled again By Jennifer Ayala Day 6 Coffee see News, Page 8 Only a 13-minute ers have created a platform inspiration for displaying cheesecakes around and he walk from the UHD cam- for local artists to display art from Barcelona. stated that in order to get pus, Day 6 Coffee at 910 their work, as well as a “Every morn- to where he is now, it was Prairie St. showcases local space for creatives to sell ing I would wake all about persistence and a artwork in a cozy environ- all their most beloved cre- up, my host mom just do it attitude. ment that makes visitors ations in their coffee shop. would make coffee, and The Wilson broth- feel right at home. According to the brothers, we would talk on the ers also explained why Joining the local they believe that entrepre- balcony and watch the they opened a coffee shop coffee scene in the middle neurship is an art, and that sunrise. It was like a so- rather than going into the BHM Spotlight: of a pandemic may have Houston is full of creatives cial, spiritual, and medita- family’s plumbing busi- Founder of #MeToo raised quite a few eye- that need to be seen. Their tive thing that I fell in love ness. see News, Page 12 brows, but with the drive hope in displaying so with,” RJ Wilson said. “We realized a lot and never give up attitude much art and creativity is Though Ian Wil- of our clients were in the exhibited by the Wilson that it will provide local son’s love for cooking hotel and restaurant busi- brothers, there was nothing artists with a place for came at a very young age, ness. Hotels and restau- that was going to stand in them to get the recognition after the tragic passing of rants were closing down the way of fulfilling their they deserve. his brother, he was able to and struggling, so they dream. “This is our art, our use the art of cooking and thought that maybe it was “Everyone is going masterpiece if you will,” making cheesecakes to a good idea to hop into the to think you are crazy, un- RJ Wilson said. essentially feel connected hospitality market because til they start thinking you RJ Wilson, who to him. Today, Ian Wilson competition was weak JoJo Siwa comes are a genius,” RJ Wilson fell in love with coffee uses his persistence and right now.” out as queer said. studying abroad in Spain, skill to create some of see A&E, Page 16 The Wilson broth- said he may have got the the most mouthwatering Continued on page 6 The University of Houston-Downtown 2 Gator Life February 23, 2021 Now hiring! Student Run Since Volume One UniversityTHE ofDATELINE Houston-Downtown 1 Main Street, Houston, TX 77002 Deadline to apply: Office: S-260 Phone: 713.221.8275 [email protected] March 10, 2021 Spring 2021 Staff Editor.............................................................Jaida Doll Editor Position Assistant Editor......................................Indira Zaldivar Social Media Manager..............................Jema Pantoja This paid posi- pus events as well as and a current 3.0 cumula- Business Manager....................................Sheryl Sellers tion begins summer 2021 reviewing them, includ- tive GPA (3.5 preferred). News Section Editor...............................Aansa Usmani ($425/issue; start date ing student activities and Applications accepted A&E Section Editor..............................Varah Thornton flexible), and the appli- organizations, academics, until position is filled. Opinions Section Editor..........................Briana Garcia cants must commit to fill athletics and lifestyle, To apply, please Faculty Advisor................................Joe Sample, Ph.D. the position for the entire university administration, send a letter of application 2021-22 academic year. and student government; indicting your reasons and Duties include responsibil- also cultural coverage of qualifications for applying The Dateline is the official student newspaper of ity for the overall opera- activities in the theatre, for the position. Include as the University of Houston-Downtown. Since its first tion of the paper. Editors film, music, sports and arts well your resume as well issue in 1982, The Dateline is proud to be “Student assemble and manage a communities, particularly as an unofficial copy of Run since Volume One.” We strive to meet the needs team of student writers as they are of interest to your UHD transcript. Send of a growing university as well as the growing metro- and sub-editors and assign UHD students. these documents to The politan city that surrounds us. them to cover news and Qualifications Dateline faculty advisor, events. Position requires include at least sopho- Joe Sample, Associate Submission Policy some familiarity with the more standing, at least one Professor, at samplej@ The Dateline staff consists of students from the use of Adobe InDesign semester in residence at uhd.edu. Applications are University of Houston-Downtown who complete all page-making software. UHD, successful comple- sought immediately and tasks required to produce the newspaper, which serves The paper runs tion of basic writing and will be accepted until posi- all UHD campuses. The opinions and commentaries stories anticipating cam- communications courses, tion is filled. expressed within reflect the views of the contributing writers. No opinions expressed in The Dateline reflect the viewpoints of the University of Houston-Down- town, its administration, or students. Business Manager The Dateline reserves the right to edit or modify submissions for the sake of clarity, content, grammar, or space limitations. All submissions become property Position of The Dateline and may not be returned. All paid writers must be currently enrolled stu- This paid position the paper, in cooperation pletion of basic business dents at the University of Houston-Downtown. begins fall 2021 (start date with the student editor and courses, and a 2.5 GPA. Press releases, story ideas, news tips and sugges- flexible), and applicants faculty adviser, and ex- To apply, please tions are always welcomed. We encourage all students must commit to the posi- panding the sales of adver- send a letter of application to contribute. tion for the full 2021-22 tising space in the paper, indicting your reasons and Any student interested in joining The Dateline academic year. The job including to businesses in qualifications for applying staff may request more detailed information sending involves both advertising the campus neighborhoods for the position. Include as an email to the editors at editordatelinedowntown@ sales and managing the of NoDo and Washington well your resume as well gmail.com. business and financial op- St. Typical commitment is as an unofficial copy of erations of the newspaper. 20 hours per week; salary your UHD transcript. Send The successful can- is $800 per month, plus these documents to The Follow us on Social Media! didate will have a strong 15% commission on ad Dateline faculty advisor, orientation toward person- sales. Joe Sample, Associate al selling and developing Minimum quali- Professor, at samplej@ advertising revenue as well fications include at least uhd.edu. Applications are as effective budgeting and sophomore standing or sought immediately and management skills. Duties higher, the completion of will be accepted until posi- include managing business at least one semester at tion is filled. @the_dateline and financial matters for UHD, successful com- The University of Houston-Downtown February 23, 2021 Gator Life 3 Faculty Senate meeting By Sheryl Sellers Godwin Ag- three of the affected launched. The study boka, Ph.D., associate protocols. Turning off for a compensation professor of techni- ActiveSync will come analysis was built into cal and professional later as there are more the budget, and CBIZ, Senate Updates communication, users connected to Inc., has been chosen opened discussions that protocol.
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