THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1971 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 36 ■ Number 218 Pages 21569-21658 PART I Part II. begins on page 21651 HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status of any document published in this issue. Detailed table of contents appears inside. INCOME, ESTATE, AND GIFT TAX RETURNS— Presidential Executive order authorizing inspec­ tion by the Committee on Public Works............— 21575 ECONOMIC STABILIZATION— OEP supplemen­ tary guidelines effective 11—11—71-------- 21598 ANIMAL QUARANTINE— USDA proposes revision of hog cholera interstate regulations; comments within 30 days________________________________________ 21652 MEAT IMPORTS— USDA regulations on excessive meat importation; effective 11-11 -71 ------------ 21577 ANIMAL FEED LOTS— USDA regulation revoking approved lots; effective 11-11-71...... 21579 VIRUSES, SERUMS, AND TOXINS— USDA revo­ cation of regulations re anti-hog serum and chol­ era virus; effective 11-11 -71____________ 21579 ENVIRONMENT— AEC amendments to interim statement on implementation of National En­ vironmental Policy Act............ ......................... 21579 NUCLEAR LIABILITY INSURANCE— AEC regula­ tion relating to indemnity waivers of defenses endorsement...... ......... ................. ........-.................... 21580 FOOD ADDITIVES— FDA provision for safe use of certain drugs as antioxidant and stabilizer for polymers; effective 11—11—71............ 21588 SHIPMENT AND STORAGE OF FOOD AND ANI­ MAL FEED— FDA revision of policy on secondhand containers .................................................................... 21587 (Continued inside) Current White House Releases WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS This unique service makes available transcripts of system of cumulative indexes. Other finding aids the President’s news conferences; messages to Con­ include lists of laws approved by the President and gress; public speeches, remarks, and statements; of nominations submitted to the Senate, a checklist and other Presidential materials released by the of White House releases, and a digest of other White House announcements. White House. This systematic publication of Presidential items The Weekly Compilation carries a Monday date­ provides users with up-to-date information and a line and covers materials released during the pre­ permanent reference source concerning Presidential ceding week. It includes an Index of Contents and a policies and pronouncements. Subscription Prie s: $9.00 per year Compiled by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from: Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays, or FEDERAL^REGISTER on the day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D.O. 20408, AreaA nn CodeP n l. 202o n t VA »34.«»- ^ phone 962-8626 pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act,' approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 15), under regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, ap­ proved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The Federal Register wUl be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $2.50 per month or $25 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies is 20 cents for each issue, or 20 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, which is published, under 50 titles, pursuan to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended (44 U.S.C. 1510)- The Code of Federal Regulations Is sold by the Superintenden of Documents. Prices of new books are listed in the first Federal R egister issue of each month. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal Register or the Code of F ederal Regulations. HIGHLIGHTS— Continued FLOOD INSURANCE— HUD additions to hazard COAL MINE SAFETY— Interior Dept, notice of re­ areas and insurance eligibility lists (2 docu­ quest for modification of mine safety standard; ments)......—- ......... , .......... ... 21589, 21590 comments within 30 days..................................... 21612 MEDICAID— HEW regulation on reimbursement FOOD ADDITIVES— of certain practitioners; effective date retroactive FDA notice of petition to change specifications to 7-1-69 ...... ........... ..................................... 21591 for diatomaceous earth.___ _______________ ______ 21614 FDA notice proposing use of urea in manufac­ MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY— DoT amendments to ture of food contact coatings.......... ................ 21614 brake fluid regulations; effective 3 -1 —72 .......... 21594 MOTOR CARRIERS— ICC regulations on trans­ NEW ANIMAL DRUG— FDA notice of hearing on portation of waste products for reuse; effective withdrawal of approval of Lincocin Forte; effective 12-15-71 ........... ...... ..... _______________ 21596 for 30 days______________ _________ 21614 HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES— HEW proposal NEW DRUGS— FDA evaluation of reports on cer­ for assistance in construction costs; effective tain drugs for human use (3 documents) 21612-21614 12-11-71 ______ 21600 AIRFARES AND RATES— CAB notices on IATA AIRLINE TRADE AGREEMENTS— CAB proposal agreements (2 documents) ___________ 21616 for certain extensions; comments by 11-25-71.. 21601 GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES— Interior Dept, ex­ FRANCHISING— FTC proposal relating to dis­ tension of time for comments on proposals for closure requirements and prohibitions; comments operating and leasing public lands from 1 1-12 - by 2 -7 -72.................. 21607 71 to 11-22-71 21610 Contents THE PRESIDENT ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION COAST GUARD Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations EXECUTIVE ORDER Environment; interim statement- 21579 Drawbridge operation regulations; Inspection of income, estate, and Nuclear liability insurance; in­ miscellaneous amendments____21590 gift tax returns by the Commit­ demnity waivers of defense en­ tee on Public Works, House of dorsement ___________________ 21580 CONSUMER AND MARKETING Representatives______ -________ 21575 Notices SERVICE Virginia Electric and Power Co.; application for construction per­ Rules and Regulations EXECUTIVE AGENCIES mits and facility licenses; time Handling limitations: for submission of views on anti­ Navel oranges grown in Arizona AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH trust matters__________________ 21615 and designated part of Cali­ SERVICE Battelle Memorial Institute; pro­ fornia ___________ ___________21577 posed issuance of facility li­ Valencia oranges grown in Ari­ Rules and Regulations cense __________________________ 21615 zona and designated part of Animal feed lots; revocation of California __________________ 21578 approved lots___________________ 21579 CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Milk in Eastern Ohio-Western Viruses, serums and antitoxins; Proposed Rule Making Pennsylvania marketing area; revocation of certain regula­ order suspending certain provi­ tions __________________________ 21579 Airline trade agreements; certain sions __________________________ 21578 extensions_____________________ 21601 Proposed Rule Making Proposed Rule Making Notices Animal quarantine; proposed revi­ Raisins produced from grapes in sion of hog cholera interstate Airfares and rates; notices on California; grade and condition regulations—___________________ 21652 IA T A agreements (2 docu­ standards_______________________21599 ments) _______________________ 21616 Hearings, etc.: EDUCATION OFFICE AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Basler Flight Service, Inc--------21616 See also Agricultural Research Nigeria Airways, Ltd___________21616 Proposed Rule Making Service; Consumer and Market­ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Higher education facilities; finan­ ing Service; Packers and Stock- cial assistance in construction yards Administration. Rules and Regulations costs---------------------------------- 21600 Rules and Regulations Temporary boards and commis­ (Continued on next page) Meat; limitation on imports______ 21577 sions; excepted service------------21577 21571 21572 CONTENTS EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Grand Banks Corp.; order denying HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND action to become bank holding OFFICE company ___________ ._______ 21624 WELFARE DEPARTMENT Rules and Regulations Marshall and Ilsley Bank Stock See Education Office; Food and Drug Administration. Economic Stabilization; guidance Corp.; proposed acquisition of for application--------------------- 21598 First National Leasing Corp— 21624 Perry County Bank; order approv­ HEARINGS AND APPEALS FEDERAL AVIATION ing application for merger of OFFICE ADMINISTRATION b a n k s — ----------------------- 21625 Shorebank, Inc.; order approving Notices Rules and Regulations acquisition of bank stock by Kaiser Steel Corp.; petition for Airworthiness directives; turbine bank holding company---------- 21625 modification of safety stand­ engine powered aircraft with ards ________ ___________________ 21612 certain types of batteries in­ FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION stalled _____________________ — 21581 HOUSING AND URBAN Area high routes; designation (6 Rules and Regulations
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