Cluijttunt DuUu Heufter. vol. vra. CHEYENNE, WYOMING, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3,1874. NO. 13. BY TELEGRAPH gard to this house Is thought to be flagration which lighted up the district BTEPHEN SON. & wholly unfounded. 8. Kauffman, for miles around. The poor families Oyer's Hotel French Restaurant : Aco., dealers In and exporters of in the tenement houses had barely PEASE&TAVIOR, axroimro izranaLT for rn* ao«vnre lraoir. cotton, grain and petroleum, as well time to escape with their lives; many 16th st., opp. Rolliis House, Eddy stroet, Cheyenne. Wyoming. escaped : as bankers, have been obliged to in their night dresses, leaving UVEK, Proprietor. WHOE3ALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN their clothing, furniture, to be Has last received the most complete stock ol NIGHT REP OR T. suspend payment. The amount of Ac., destroyed. Several business houses This establishment has been thoroughly remind their liabilities is not known, but ind is now rcsly :o accommodate its old patroie. also were burned. The Are was not MKNTI*AND BOYS* tnd the public In Aral rate style. they stood well, their commercial checked till it reached the stables of OAM*, GIiOCEKIES New York City News. bills taking rank with the best. In LADIES' AND MIISBN A the Brooklyn Railroad Co. The loss AND connection with the rumored failures is roughly estimated at $200,000. dSft Fresh Oysters of other firms to-day, the Commer- mAr Rumors of Commercial Fail- Twenty-five tenement houses were Indall the luxuries of the season always on hnad* cial this p. in., has the Single Meal*. Board by the Day Week, a Advertiser, burned ; no lives are known to be lost. or we Foots and moderate terms. following: As go to press there Shoes! I* the PROVISIONS. ures. The Bar always provided ’with beet is a rumor of Million) and Cigar*. that the house Henry UTAH. or TUB BINT QUALITY For a flood Meal, go to the French Mrs* Clews, A Co., has failed, and we fear tiuraut. Oats, Com, Flour, Meal and Ground Feed. Salt Lake, Oct. 2.—The prisoners at Henry Clews & Co. Bankrupt. that there is but too much truth in Beaver, under indictments by the SfiJTFree bus to and from all trains. By the report. The pnpers MENS’ BUFFALO BOOrS ilie Sack or Car-load. extended of grand jury for polygamy and for con- to-day The New Morning Paper, the firm were sent to protest. nection with the Mountain Meadow Hsua nude and WarrarteA. GABLE HOUSE, Whether the case proves more serious breaking jail COLORADO FLOUR FOR FAMILY USE. massacre, were detected Seventeenth st, bet. Eddy and Tholmea.CheyenM will be known to-morrow. The or- were placed a guard The Republic. and under of A. SIiHItIOUTS, Proprietor. dinary business of the firm continues THE VERY BEST r ft-i SAW OF ALL SORTS. United States soldiers. P as usual. and day or week Board, and Lodging, at very Leather Findings GOODmoderate prices First class accommodations The Third Term again. The now morning paper,The Repub- to transient boarders. The cheapest and b-st NEW HAMPSHIRE. *ouse in town. feh«4d*wly Cheese, lapses' and Baris' Celebrated Sami, Breakfast lic, will be issued on Monday. The Os every description, which he sells at very lea Nev York Ficlorj Manchester, Oct. 2.—At 12 o’clock prices for cash. composing and press rooms have been com- Bacon, and Dried Beef, What a Member of the Cabi- fully organized, and the last night Hugh Donahue had paper will bo pleted 825 miles of 1,100 which he is All Work 'Warranted! ably conducted. The Republic has a WESTERN HOTEL, SAUCE', CHOCOLATE, COCOA, net is reported attempting to walk in the same num- JELLIES MB AT SAGO to have .capital of half a million of dollars, Near tlx© Depot, ber of hours. His condition is fair, If yoa want a good bargain call on TAPIOCA, OAT-MEAL, CRACKED WHEAT, said. with C. C. Morrell, formerly financial although somewhat affected for the STEPHEN BOH BUCKWHEAT. Garden ’¦‘reds. Bu'tir f.sdle* and Print*. Churns, Pali?. Bucket*. Good* U.-llv- editor of the Times, os president and CHAS. KIMMt Proprietor, limlis, a«d want of sleep. Hestill maintains great ered free of.barge within the city Kvcrjthl g Warranted editor-in-chief, SlzteestH Bitvisa fsrgasoaiul lily. Hon. E. B. Wesley, Strut. - hopes of success. j - publisher treasurer, CHEYENNE, WYO. - - - at CHsYENNE, WTO. TEB. Fire Green Point. and and Hon. T. CHEYENNE. WYOWUM? ' C. Plutt, trustee. Prominent among MASSACHUSETTS. First-class table and nicely furn- the editorial staff are Col. Geo. F. Boston, Oct. 2.—-The Herald, yes- ished rooms. #1.50 per day, A New Chief of the Secret Williams, formerly of the Times, as meals 50c. Reason- terday afternoon, published a letter J. t. BLATTMAN. single WHIPPLE, managing editor, Augustus Snow, able for I. o. Service. from S. J. Simmons, collector of the discount weekly F. H. Norton, Henry Sedley, Wm, Boarders. and formerly a Butler WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN P. Copeland, E. B. White and Capt. port, strong Tailor, eent 18*74 ts A TIOO Mile Walk. John Howell. They are one and all man, in which he denounces Butler Merchant old journalists and well known in the 1 as being guilty of chicanery, fraud CLOTHS, GROCERIES AND profession. and corruption. He admits having The Post’s Washington < party CASSIMERES, AMERICAN HOUSE WASHINGTON. special says done work for the Butler PROVISIONS, Washington, Oct. 2.—The follow- that a member of the cabinet is cred- which causes him to blush. As an VESTINGS, &c. Cheyenne. ing telegram ited with saying that he is satisfied, United States officer he has intimi- 16th St., was received this after talking morning: witli the President, that i dated liquor dealers to vote for he has no intention of being a Grain, Feed, Poultry, Navy candi- Butler, and has packed caucuses at Cheyenne. Wyo. OPEN DAY AND NIOHT. Pensacola date a Yard, for third terra, and that at the Boston, Fall ltiver, and other places; on October 2, 1874. Cleaning and Repairing done BUTTER, EGOS. FRTTIT, etc. proper time lie will indicate his pur- and he has received money to carry short notice. scp22dtf FINEST : THE To the Sccrctai'y ofthe Navy pose to decline further political hon- on his work. Ho proclaims his in- “Commodore ore. It is not improbable that the Wolsey died this tention of stumping the State with Marks & Myers, ALSO morning; Lieut. Commander Kel- Southern Convention of Representa- the view of opposing Butler. and FUBNISHED , logg more favorable though seriously tives, which is to meet at Chattanooga Wholesale Retail Ueslers in the POWDER CO’S during Agentfor HAZARD ill; Lieut. Commander Barclay bet- the present month, will be Memphis, Oct. 2.—Jefferson Davis STAPLE Ac FANCY ter; Assistant Surgeon Miller and greeted with an authoritative deolara- addressed a West Tennessee grange, of ROOMS. Assistant Engineer MeElwell are ( tion the President’s views which at Humboldt, yesterday, upon the SFORIiIG liO MINING POWDER ISO FOSE. doing well; are con- will defeat the object for which the feasibility of direct trade and the all the others The table supplied withevery delicacy of the . Convention has been called, or at least opening Mississippi River. iiitwwsisiMal season. ALSO valescent. One new case of fever of the demonstrate en- yesterday, that of a seaman. that further action is Congressman Barbour Lewis pub. tirely unnecessary. WINCHESTER, SPENCER AND NEEDLE CARTRIDGES. Signed, A. A. SIMMS. llshes a card, denying a statement CLOTHING, MEALS AT ALLHOURS Benator Sherman, who is in the city, The President this morniug made of the Cincinnati Commercial, that it • reports that the political canvass in the following appointments: John would be unsafe for him to return Street Eddy and Ferguson, Ohio is advancing in away that is Geat’s Furnishing Goods, nth , between W. Thatcher, 1 here. DAY of Virginia, Commis- satisfactory to the Republicans, and OR NIGHT sioner of Patents, Lafles’ vice M. D. Leggett, • that their success on the 13th is abso- FOREIGN. and Sants' Boots and Shoos, resigned, to take effect November lutely certain. It is believed that .the 1, 1874; Ellis Spear, of Maine, Assist- Democrats will lose many votes on London, October 3. —The city was Week, morning by HATS,CAPS, Board by Day or HEHLLMAN’S ant Commissioner of Patents; Mar- • account of the financial arguments of awakened this the terrific S. Perkins, of Virginia, explosion of a gunpowder barge on cus Ex- some Democratic papers. The Repub- ALSO A FINE BELECTION OF The only Hotel In town whar.no Liquor law ¦ trem- aminer in Chips in the Putent Office, , licans, lie thinks, will probably lose the Regent’s Canal. The city CLOTHING EMPORIUM as by an earthquake. the last two appointments also to some congressional districts, but gain bled if shaken Oassimeres, and i was Velvets Tailors' Morris, Street. take effect on November 1. others, and will have as strong a dele- A large amount of property des- Lewis Sixteenth ffcw »I>U f Prsprtstsr. The Secretary of the Treasury to-day ¦ gation in the next Congress as in the troyed, but fortunately very lives TKINfEIVIIINrOS, CHEYENNE, WYO. TER. confirmed the appointment • present one. were lost. In fact everything found In a flrnt class Dry of Elmer Goodn and Clothing Store. Wo also keep con- KEEP THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF D. Washburn, of Chicago, to be Chief f Brooklyn, Oct. 2 —Beecher returned DAILY BULLITH. stantly on hand largo osaorLuienUi of of the Secret Service force of the Trea- ¦ to this city yesterday nfternoou from PLANTERS’ Whltely, Service UTim’ and Glim, HOUSE sury vice re- War Department.
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