6 0 &9 RADM H. H. CALDWELL-COMCARIBSEAFRON HERE THIS WEEK A WEEKLY PUBLICATION August 1 ,1963 BASE POLICE INSPECTED RADM H.H. Caldwell, Commander, Caribbean Sea VU-lO's annual Administrative/Material In- Frontier and Commandant, 10th Naval District, in spection was conducted at NAS Leeward Point on Guantanamo Bay for inspection of Utility Squad- Aug. 27, by RADM H. H. Caldwell, Commander Car- ron Ten, presented the Secretary of the Navy ibbean Sea Frontier, who is also the Commander, Award for Achievement in Safety in 1962 to CAPT Fleet Air Caribbean. R. P. Redmayne, CO of the Naval Station, Monday, The inspection touched on every facet of August 26. operation and began with a Full Dress personnel The Naval Station, in winning this award, inspection Tuesday morning. In his address to joined four other base commands, Naval Hospital, the officers and men, ADM Caldwell stated that Naval Supcly Depot, Naval Air Station and Marine he was impressed with their appearance, which Barracks, that received their certificates in spoke well for their pride in their unit and in July. the Navy. The award is representative of all aspects General comments by the inspectors of safety in a shore activity, (except flight RADM J. W. Davis, ComNavBase, looks over mem- indic- ated that the squadron was in excellent condi- safety). primarily considered was disabling work bers of the Harbor Police contingent of the tion. W.B. Moore is Commanding injury frequency and severity rates and motor Base Police during his inspection of Base Po- CDR Officer. vehicle minimum mileage per accident. lice personnel and facilities on Aug. 23. Presentation was made in the office of RADM With white helmets gleaming brightly in the J. r. Davis, Commander Naval Base, Guantanamo. afternoon sun, khaki uniforms pressed to a tee VS-861 TRAINS HERE Admiral Caldwell departed Gitmo Tuesday, and shoes polished to a brilliant gloss, 37 men Anti-Submarine Squadron 861 is back in Guan- following the VU-10 inspection. of the Guantanamo Bay Base Police stood at at- tanamo Bay again, but for a different mission tention in front of Base Police Headquarters, as entirely. This time it is for their annual RADM J. W. Davis, Commander Naval Base, Guantan- training duty, working hand in hand with the amo Bay, inspected their ranks. fleet in The inspection, which took place on Friday, anti-submarine exercises. The last time VS-86.Ljiersonnel saw Guantan- BUMED CELEBRATES 121ST BIRTHDAY Aug. 23, also included a tour of Base Police amo Bay was in Dec. 1961 when they were deployed Headquarters and facilities by ADM Davis. here for seven weeks for operations and train- 1963, marks the 121st Upon completion of the inspection, ADM Davis Saturday, August 31, ing. The Squadron was called up at the height anniversary of the only Bureau of the Navy to addressed the group of special duty sailors. He of the Berlin Crisis in Oct. 1961 and was the of Medicine also presented a letter of commendation to Jos- retain its original name--the Bureau only such squadron from NARTU Norfolk to be re- Surgeon William P. C. Barton was eph P. Ensko, SKI, for meritorious action during and Surgery. called, although NARTU's VS-864 did augment VS- the fire which completely destroyed the trailer chosen the first Surgeon General from a list of 861 with their personnel. sixty surgeons then serving in the Navy. house of Aviation Machinist Mate Third Class and At Gitmo during late 1961 and early 1962, Navy medicine, however, is much older than Mrs. Francisco Natividad, on the night of Au- VS-861 performed regularpatrols and surveillance its official 121 years. Medical officers have gust 15. flights along the coastal areas of northern, been a part ofthe Navy since 1775 when the first ADM Davis commended the men on their fine northeastern and southwestern Cuba. The Squad- work in maintaining order on the base. He stated American flag was hoisted aboard the ALFRED by ron flew 737 flight hours during the month of John Paul Jones. In the early days of the Navy that they were, "a very unique group" and told Jan. 1962, a near record of flight time for one they were called surgeons and were selected them that, as his "direct representatives", they by month in an S2F squadron in this type commanders were assured of his complete backing. of opera- of naval vessels for individual voy- tion. ages. The first surgeons were not formally In closing, ADM Davis thanked the men and or- The Squadron returned to the states Feb. 1, ganized and had little, "the Sheriff", who is LT W. C. Finch, Base Pro- if any, relation to one 1962 and continued inactive duty status,perform- another. An interest in travel and share vost Marshal for the outstanding job they have in any ing surveillance flights along the Atlantic booty a ship might done. capture served as inducements Coast, routine squadron training exercises and to join the Navy. fleet service operations. In 1798, the Navy Department was born, and The Commander Fleet Air, Norfolk commended surgeons and surgeon's mates were given commis- the unit for its excellent performance while on sioned status. Tne year 1830 saw the first active duty. On Aug. 1, 1962, the Squadron was permanent hospital for the care of seamen estab- returned to its original training status except lished in Norfolk, Va. In the 1860's the Navy's for a few men who remained on active duty, ot- first regular hospital ship, the RED ROVER, was hers returned to their civilian occupations. commissioned. The Navy's first female nurses VS-861 is now commanded by CDR Harold E. also served aboard the RED ROVER, however, the Morgan who served as Executive Officer during Nurse Corps was not established until 1908. In the 1961 call up. 1871 the medical officers were no longer listed simply as grades of medical directors, medical inspectors, surgeons, and passed assistant sur- geon, with relative marks, in general, to capt- MIDDIES VISIT GITNIO ain, commander, lieutenantcommander and lieuten- Thirty-nine midshipmen performing their six- ant. Assistant surgeons on their first cruise week summer midshipmen cruise aboard the USS had the "relative rank" of ensign. The rank of ROBERT K. HUNTINGTON (DD 781), USS GLENNON (DD- RADM was given to the Surgeon General of the Navy 840) and USS ROCKBRIDGE (APA 228) were given an in 1899. The forerunners ofthe present day hos- extensive tour of this vital Navy installation pital corpsmen were known as "loblolly boys". in the Caribbean. The group consisted of NROTC The name was derived from a porridge served to students representing 24 universities and col- sick seamen. The Hospital Corps was established leges throughout the United States in addition in 1898, the Dental Corps in 1912, and the Medi- to eight midshipmen from the U.S. Naval Academy. Pal Service Corps in 1947. Their tour commenced at Kittery Beach, fol- At present members of the Medical Department lowed by a detailed explanation by a Marine ser- serve throughout the world with the naval forces geant as they travelled the fenceline. At the on land, sea, and in the air. The growth of the Northeast Gate, where the thousands of Cuban Medical Department has developed into one of the workers travel daily from their homes in Cuba to most modern medical organizations in the world. their jobs here on the Naval Base, the midship- Today the military and civilian staff of men were able to observe the separation of Com- our own modern hospital and its branches reflect LTGEN James P. Berkeley, Commanding General of munist Cuba and the American Democracy--a white on the numerous achievements in medical care and Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic, accompanied by line. research perfected through the Bureau of Medi- members of his staff, arrived in Guantanamo Bay In addition to the Marine installations cine and Surgery, and celebrate this anniversary Aug. 22 for a briefing and inspection of the visited, the group was briefed on the offensive with the feeling of confidence and respect for base facilities. He is shown here preparing to -and defensive capabilities of the Utility Squad- its future success. take off for a helicopter tour of the fenceline. .on TEN detachment here at Gitmo. 9 ge Two THE GITMO REVIEW August 1 1110 I , . JUST WONDERING SHIP OF THE WEEK. CHAPLAINS )CORNER . ABOUT LABOR DAY X-MAS TOYS AND "LANGUAGE" by Chaplain J. M. Caplice SHOOTING STARS The hallmark of a good military man is self- control. Anyone who has gone through even the b ). Koze, .10' most elementary military training realizes that This coming Monday, September 2nd, one of the emphasis is on self-discipline. If you can the Nation's foremost holidays will be celebrat- recall your days at boot camp or flight training ed by millions in the United States, Canada, you will remember that nothing was allowed to be Puerto Rico and here at Gitmo Bay. out of order. There was a place for everything, Labor Day for the children means the end of and everything in its place. If a man could not keep a neat locker or an orderly sea bag, he was the summer and the beginning of the long school not considered a good military man. Self-con- road. To the businessman on the busy beaches in trol was lacking. the states, it means the termination of the big season. And, of course, to the thrifty - minded Nearly the same principle applies to our traveller who plans his -vacation later, he'll spiritual life. And more especially does it ap- USS SWERVE (MSO 495) ply to the faculty of speech.
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