J. clin. Path. (1954), 7, 61. A RAPID METHOD OF IDENTIFYING PARTICULAR BARBITURATE DERIVATIVES IN SMALL SAMPLES OF BLOOD BY PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHY BY J. T. WRIGHT From the Medical Unit, The London Hospital (RECEIVED FOR PUBLICATION AUGUST 4, 1953) The quantitative estimation of barbiturates in present method sacrifices certain refinements in the blood by ultra-violet spectrophotometry (Gold- interests of speed, since a delayed report is of little baum, 1948; Walker, Fisher, and McHugh, 1948; use to the clinician. Born, 1949; Lous, 1950; Wright and Johns, 1953) is of limited value unless the particular barbiturate Principle derivative is known or can be identified. Goldbaum Barbituric acid derivatives are selectively distributed (1952) described an ultra-violet spectrophotometric between suitably buffered filter paper and a chloro- technique by which he claimed to make such iden- form moving phase. tification, but many workers with experience in this Materials field will prefer to rely on more direct methods of qualitative analysis. For general purposes the Re-distilled chloroform, Whatman No. 1 filter paper strips, stock solutions of M-20 sodium carbonate and micro-crystalline method of Turfitt (1948) is suit- M-20 borax for making suitable buffers, and a " hano- able if urine or gastric contents are available, via chromatolite" lamp are required. though even then it is always best to confirm the identification by extraction and mixed melting Method point determination. Cases of barbiturate poison- Descending chromatograms are run in a glass tank ing frequently occur, however, where such material measuring 25 x 25 x 60 cm. fitted with a ground-glass is not available for analysis, or if available, does lid and kept in a dark cupboard. The atmosphere not contain adequate amounts of barbiturate, as in inside the tank is kept saturated with water and chloro- poisoning by short-acting derivatives. It is in these form vapour, but owing to the liability of chloroform cases that a qualitative method applicable to small to decompose, the tank is washed out frequently. blood samples is of particular value. Paper Stock mixtures of 0.05 M-borax and 0.05 M-sodium chromatography seems suitable for this purpose. carbonate are used to make up buffers of pH 10 and pH 10.6 as required (Clark, 1928) and the pH of Wickstrom and Salvesen (1952) described three each buffer is checked on a lithium glass electrode satisfactory solvent systems and were able to before use. Rectangular strips of No. 1 Whatman separate 10 barbiturate derivatives by paper filter paper 15 x 50 cm. are then sprayed with the chromatography. Algeri and Walker (1952) were appropriate buffer solution, usually pH 10.6, about apparently the first to apply paper chromatography 20 ml. of buffer being required to saturate this area to blood extracts, and they explored at least 27 of paper. The paper is left suspended in air by the solvents before settling on a butanol-ammonia edge which will ultimately hang lowest in the tank, and is used as soon as it feels reasonably dry. Paper system which enabled them to identify 10 barbitu- which appears to have become thoroughly dry may rate derivatives. These authors used chemical be used provided that, after the application of the methods to reveal the spots, though Algeri and spots, it is allowed to hang in the moist atmosphere Walker employed ultra-violet light to show up of the tank for at least an hour before the moving thiopentone. Grieg (1952) sprayed the chromato- phase is added. Barbituric acid derivatives in 0.25%,' gram with alkali and demonstrated the spots by alcoholic solution are applied to the base line 2.5 cm. holding the paper up to a fluorescent screen illu- apart with a capillary pipette graduated to contain minated by ultra-violet light. 0.01 ml. Small spots are obtained by intermittently applying the pipette to filter paper under an infra-red Paper chromatography is a relatively slow pro- lamp. The paper is then suspended in the tank with cess if excellent results are to be obtained, and the its upper end immersed in re-distilled chloroform. 62 J. T. WRIGHT 1. - Key to Some Chromatogram Official Name Proprietary Names 02 03 -I. 1 Starting line 2 Phenyl methyl bar- Rutonal (May & 04 bituric acid Baker) 3 Diethyl barbituric Barbitonum (B.P.) Veronal (Bayer) 05 acid Medinal (Schering)* 4 Phenyl ethyl barbi- Phenobarbitonum Gardenal (May & turic acid (B.P.) Baker) Luminal (Bayer) 5 Diallyl barbituric Allobarbitonum Dial (Ciba) acid (B.P.C.) 6 Allyl isopropyl bar- Allonal (Roche)t bituric acid 7 Ethyl-cyclo-hexenyl Cyclobarbitonum Phanodorm (Bayer) barbituric acid (B.P.C.) 8 Allyl isobutyl barbi- Sandoptal (Sandoz) 067 turic acid 9 Butyl ethyl barbi- Butobarbitonum {Soneryl (May & turic acid (B.P.C.) Baker) Neonal (Abbott) 10 Isoamyl ethyl barbi- Amylobarbitonum Amytal (Lilly) 08 turic acid (B.P.C.) 11 Ethyl (l-methylbutyl) Pentobarbitonum Nembutal (Abbott)* barbituric acid (B.P.) 12 Allyl(l-methylbutyl) Quinalbarbitonum Seconal (Lilly) barbituric acid (B.P.) 13 Ethyl (1-methylbutyl) Thiopentonum Pentothal (Abbott) thio barbituric acid (B.P.) 14 Methyl cyclohexenyl. Hexobarbitonum Cyclonal (May & N-methyl barbi- (B.P.) Baker) turic acid 15 Solvent front Evipan (Bayer) 10 11 { * Thes products are sodium salts. t This product also contains amidopyrine. 12 )13 FIG. 1.-Paper chromatogram showing resolution of 13 barbituric acid derivatives. The purity of these compounds was confirmed by melting point determination. (Paper buffered to pH 10.6, -, 0)14 chloroform run for six hours at temperature 21° C. Total 15 length of run 45 cm.) Adequate development of the chromatogram takes spectrophotometry is extracted with ether three times, between four and seven hours; owing to the relatively the ether phase is evaporated to dryness and sufficient slow progress of the solvent front as it nears the alcohol added to give a concentration of barbiturate lower end of the paper, development may usually be estimated at about 0.25%. Crude extracts of blood allowed safely to continue overnight if this is more made by direct shaking with ether have also been used convenient. At the end of this time the paper is with success, though it is difficult to obtain spots of removed from the tank, dried in air, and is ready suitable size unless the approximate quantity of barbi- within five minutes to be viewed under ultra-violet turate present is known. light. A " hanovia chromatolite " lamp emitting maxi- at 253.7 mm is used, and the spots, mal radiation Results which appear dark on a bright background, are for ordinary purposes ringed in pencil, though permanent Fig. 1 shows the distribution of 13 barbiturate records can be made by suitable exposure to ultra- derivatives run simultaneously on the same piece violet light of photographic paper placed in direct of paper. It will be seen that in general there is The of maxi- contact with the chromatogram. point a relationship between the distribution of the mal density of the spot (usually its centre) is used for be doubt various derivatives on the chromatogram and their making measurements. Should there any the slow acting regarding their identitiy as barbiturate the spots are relative speeds of clinical action; eluted with 0.05% sodium hydroxide, buffered to barbiturates travel slowly, medium acting barbitu- pH 10, and the solution submitted to ultra-violet rates more rapidly, and fast acting barbitu- spectrophotometry. Experience showed that less rates most rapidly. The chromatogram thus material is required to give well-defined spots of slow parallels Tatum's (1939) classification of barbitu- running barbiturates such as barbital, phenobarbital, rates, the only notable exception being ethyl and methyl-phenyl-barbital. These are therefore ap- barbiturate acid (cyclobarbitone thus cyclohexenyl plied in 0.083% solution. Well-defined spots are " which this author classifies as obtained with amounts of barbiturate varying from phanodorm") and runs slowly on the about 10 to 25 pg. For chromatography of blood short acting yet relatively extracts the final acid solution used for ultra-violet chromatogram. IDENTIFYING PARTICULAR BARBITURATE DERIVATIVES 63 TABLE I amylobarbital and quinal barbital may readily be R VALUES RELATIVE TO PENTOBARBITAL (pH 10.6 differentiated whereas the ranges of allyl-isobutyl CHLOROFORM) barbital and butobarbital overlap as also do those of barbital and phenobarbital. Mean S.D. Range Observations In practice the identification of an unknown Barbital .. 0-12± 006 0-06-0-21 10 barbiturate is best done by running it on the same Phenobarb .. 0-13± 0.01 0-10-017 11 Allyl isopropyl 0-61 ± 0-05 0-53-0{70 10 sheet of paper as known representatives of slow, Butobarbital .. 0*69± 0 04 0-63-075 13 and quick acting derivatives. Two alco- Amylobarbital 093 ± 0-03 0-88-0 98 15 medium, Quinalbarbital 1-06± 0-02 1-01-1.08 9 holic solutions of markers are used here, one con- taining phenobarbital, butobarbital, and pento- barbital and the other barbital, allyl-isobutyl This parallelism between the chromatographic barbital, and amylobarbital. distribution and clinical action is most useful from The slower running compounds can be more the diagnostic standpoint, since even if a given widely separated by running them on paper barbiturate derivative cannot immediately be iden- buffered to pH 10.0 or alternatively, using N tified, its position on the paper roughly indicates butanol as solvent and paper buffered to pH 10.6. its speed of action so that an estimate can be made Figs. 2, 3, and 4 are examples of unknown drugs of the significance of blood levels already obtained identified by the above technique. Fig. 4 is of by spectrophotometry. particular interest in that it shows how amylo- As might be expected in a chromotographic barbital and quinal-barbital may be separated in system involving the use of buffered paper with the blood of a patient who had taken a mixture of chloroform as the moving phase, in which no great pains are taken to ensure uniform temperature or humidity, absolute Rf values are too variable to be useful in identifying particular derivatives.
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