August 23–28, 2016 St. Petersburg, Russia EACS 2016 21st Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies Book of ABStractS 2016 EACS- The European Association for Chinese Studies The European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) is an international organization representing China scholars from all over Europe. Currently it has more than 700 members. It was founded in 1975 and is registered in Paris. It is a non-profit orga- nization not engaging in any political activity. The purpose of the Association is to promote and foster, by every possible means, scholarly activities related to Chinese Studies in Europe. The EACS serves not only as the scholarly rep- resentative of Chinese Studies in Europe but also as contact or- ganization for academic matters in this field. One of the Association’s major activities are the biennial con- ferences hosted by various centres of Chinese Studies in diffe- rent European countries. The papers presented at these confer- ences comprise all fields from traditional Sinology to studies of modern China. In addition, summer schools and workshops are organized under the auspices of the EACS. The Association car- ries out scholarly projects on an irregular basis. Since 1995 the EACS has provided Library Travel Grants to support short visits for research in major sinological libraries in Western Europe. The scheme is funded by the Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation and destined for PhD students and young scholars, primarily from Eastern European countries. The EACS furthers the careers of young scholars by awarding a Young Scholar Award for outstanding research. A jury selects the best three of the submitted papers, which are then presented at the next bi-an- nual conference. This scheme is also supported by the Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation. The EACS issues a Newsletter. It publishes, among other items such as internal EACS affairs or conference announcements, sur- veys of Chinese Studies in various European countries as well as the results of scholarly projects and conference proceedings. The EACS is governed by a Board consisting of 24 members. These are elected by the members at the General Assembly held during the bi-annual conferences. The day-to-day administra- tion is done by an Executive Committee made up of the Presi- dent, the Secretary General, and the Treasurer. Officers of the EACS for 2014–2016: • President — Roger Greatrex (University of Lund); • Vice-President — Alexey Rodionov (St. Petersburg State University); • Secretary General — Tian Yuan Tan (SOAS, University of London); • Treasurer — Michael Schimmelpfennig (ANU); • Newsletter editor — Yulia Dreyzis (Moscow State University); • Webmaster — Holger Schneider (University of Erlangen). Find more at www.chinesestudies.eu. St. Petersburg State University Founded in 1724, St. Petersburg University (SPbU) (1908) in Physiology and Medicine; N. N. Semenov (1956) is the oldest institution of higher education in Russia. in Chemistry; L. D. Landau (1962) and A. M. Prokhorov During the 285 years of its existence, the University se- (1964) in Physics; V. V. Leontyev (1973) and L. V. Kantor- cured the right to be acknowledged as one of the best ovich (1975) in Economics. Many of the alumni became fa- institutions of higher education in Russia. Its rich history, mous all over the globe in various fields. Those are world- modern research, large-scale development and innova- known scientists, teachers, statesmen and public figures tions make the University ahead of the curve in Russia’s such as K. N. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, A. F. Koni, P. A. Stolyp- science. in, D. I. Mendeleev, V. I. Vernadsky, D. S. Likhachev and The University has over 32 000 students specializing in dozens of others. The University has given to the world more than 320 areas in 24 faculties. The University’s staff such renowned people of art as I. S. Turgenev, P. A. Bryul- is almost 14 000 people, including nearly 6 000 teachers. lov, A. A. Blok, A. N. Benois, V. D. Polenov, S. P. Diaghilev, Among the teaching staff, 1 000 have a post-doctoral de- M. A. Vrubel, L. N. Andreev, I. Ya. Bilibin, N. K. Roerich, gree, and over 2 000, a doctoral degree. Altogether, there I. F. Stravinsky, and many others. Four heads of Russia’s are 289 academic departments. government were graduates of St. Petersburg Universi- St. Petersburg University has long-standing partner- ty: B. V. Stürmer, A. F. Kerensky, V. I. Lenin, and V. V. Putin. ship traditions with 350 leading universities worldwide, Two graduates were Russia’s Presidents: V. V. Putin and providing the academic staff and students with access to D. A. Medvedev. numerous research and study opportunities. The inter- In November 2009, Dmitry Medvedev, President of the national cooperation allows researchers and students to Russian Federation, signed a law granting St. Petersburg share experience and keep abreast of the latest advance- State University the special status of “a unique scientific ments in global science. The ties between scientific com- and education complex, the oldest institution of higher munities are the strongest, and SPbU takes pride in being education in Russia that is of a great importance to the de- a part of that. velopment of the Russia’s society”. SPbU was granted the The scientific discoveries and achievements of the privilege to set its own education standards and award its University contributed to the global and Russia’s science own degree certificates. and technology. Its professors and alumni include seven Today St. Petersburg University is headed by Prof. Ni- Nobel Prize winners: I. P. Pavlov (1904) and I. I. Mechnikov kolay Kropachev, the Rector. Asian and African Studies at SPbSU The tradition of Asian and African studies at St. Peters- in 1819, when several manuscripts in Persian, Turkish and burg University can be traced back to 1818, when the Per- Tartar as well as а number of books оn Oriental studies sian and Arabic languages started off to be taught here. were donated to the Imperial University of St. Petersburg The Faculty of Oriental Languages was established in by the Kunstkamera and by the Asian Museum. The lib- 1854 by an imperial edict of Nicholas I. At present, Asian rary is now well-stocked with books and materials total- and African studies at St. Petersburg University are mainly ing 285 000 items, including 50 000 manuscripts and xy- concentrated at the Faculty of Asian and African Studies, lographs. the Institute of Philosophy and the School of International St. Petersburg University is hosting the Centre for Relations. St. Petersburg University of is one of the major Chinese Studies, the Confucius Institute, the Ho Chi global centres for studying and teaching the languages, Minh Institute, the Institute for Interdisciplinary Re- cultures, international relations, economics, religions and search on Korea, the African Studies Centre, the Thai history of Asian and African countries. The number of Asian Cabinet, the Nusantara Centre, and the Indian Informa- and African languages taught here is unparalleled any- tion Centre. where in the world. Almost 200 highly qualified specialists St. Petersburg University publishes “Vestnik of St. Pe- including 2 academicians, 35 professors and 60 associate tersburg University: Asian and African Studies”, an aca- professors are engaged in the Asian and African studies at demic quarterly. It is one of Russia’s leading journals in this St. Petersburg University. sphere of learning. “Vestnik” welcomes contributions in The Oriental Department of the University Library is Russian or English from international scholars in all areas оnе of the oldest of its kind in Russia. It was established of Asian and African studies. Chinese Studies at SPbSU The Chinese studies commenced at St. Petersburg foreign language. Our alumni include such outstanding University in 1855. Acad. V. P. Vasiliev, S. M. Georgievsky, sinologists as Acad. B. L. Riftin, N.A.Speshnev, L. N. Men- Acad. V. M. Alexeev, G. V. Yefimov, Ye. A. Serebryakov, shikov, V. V. Petrov and many others. B. G. Doronin, S. Ye. Yakhontov, Ye. A. Torchinov were the key figures for M. E. Kravtsova, B. M. Novikov, I. F. Popova, A. A. Rodionov, the development of sinology at St. Petersburg Universi- N. A. Samoylov and A. G. Storozhuk are the leaders of the ty in the 19th and 20th centuries. Currently, more than University’s sinology today. 40 scholars are researching and teaching the Chinese St. Petersburg University regularly holds international language, literature, culture, religion, history, politics conferences “Issues of Far Eastern Literatures”, “History and and economics. Among them, there are 5 full professors, Historiography of Asian and African Countries”, “Languag- 10 associate professors, and over 25 lecturers. The num- es of the Far East, South East Asian and Western Africa”, ber of students studying Chinese as their major exceeds and “Way of the East”, which are important platforms for 200 people, while 300 students study Chinese as a second scholarly discussions in Chinese studies. he State Hermitage is one of the greatest art museums in the world. Its collections numbering about 3 000 000 items feature the art and culture of Antiquity, Western Europe, Oriental countries and Russia. TThe history of the Hermitage as a museum collection is traditionally held to have begun in 1764 when Catherine II bought a large number of Western European paintings. For more than two centuries the collection kept growing. The Hermitage is a home to 17 000 paintings and about 620 000 drawings and prints, 12 000 sculptures and 350 000 works of applied art, 760 000 ar- chaeological exhibits and more than 1 000 000 coins and medals. © State Hermitage Museum, St.Petersburg, 2016 St.Petersburg, Museum, Hermitage © State Collection of Chinese Art The collection of Chinese art in the State Hermitage collection of precious Museum was assembled during 18th–20th centuries. It and rare monuments can be divided in two main parts.
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