AEA87BDC tener wants to know how the story ends. The other camp insists that the end be left untold. Doubles Your Radio Enjoyment Peeking behind the scenes, we see the motion-picture moguls on 731 PLYMOUTH COURT the one side attempting to harness CHICAGO, ILLINOIS radio so that it will fill their thea­ ters. Their device has been to pre­ It Looks Like sent their stars in a cleverly drama­ Politics Again tized "trailer" which was supposed to stir up our curiosity so that we Is the farmer's radio entertain­ would run to the nearest theater to ment going the way 01 his hogs and learn how the villain was loiled his wheat? The same Congress and virtue remained triumphant. which took away his right to plant There are clear indications, how­ as much cotton as he wanted to ever, that listeners are beginning plant, and which took away his to resent these strong-arm methods. right to raise as many head 01 live­ In their behalf, radio producers are stock as he wanted to raise is in demanding the lull story or none at the process 01 deciding that he can­ all. During the summer months, the not hear all the broadcasts he battle will be lought and a decision would like to hear. reached. Most American farmers are han­ But we still remain curious. dicapped by being at a distance Which is better entertainment, real­ from the powerful transmitters. ly? Do you want the complete During daylight hours, summer story or just enough to give you a heat and kindred hobgoblins blast taste? II you heard the whole story his reception with static. At night and liked it, would you go to see he is a victim of the mysterious the movie? Has any Hollywood malady called lading. Thus lar, at its next session. Which means lions. There are two on our Mex­ Hotel drama ever caused you to only one medicine has helped him. inevitably WLW will be pared ican border. Daspite all that, poli­ see a certain movie? Has it ever Its name is superpower and the down to a level with all the rest, to ticians say we should go back to annoyed you so much by leaving solitary name on the bottle, up to one-tenth 01 its present strength, the old limit. Such a policy is nei­ out the ending that you have date, has been WLW. if that resolution ever becomes a ther efficient, good sense, nor stopped listening to the program or Superpower means an increase law. Which means that those who American. refused to see the picture? in broadcasting strength beyond live on farms and in towns away Write to us and let us know. the 50,000 watts now used by our from the city will have much 01 How Does It End? strongest stations. Some time ago, their entertainment plowed under A battle royal rages in Holly­ Station WLW was given an experi­ by Congress just as sursly as was wood. It concerns the dramatiza­ AIR BUBBLES their corn. mental license to raise its power to tions of motion-picture plays which Alton Cook of the N. Y. World Tele­ gram suys ... the dizzy strength 01 500,000 watts. Congress wanted the lacts. It Hollywood Hotel. now summer-va­ got them. Superpower is a service cationing, formerly presented. One "This Vallee is a very stubborn m.m. It cost WLW close to a hall-million When news pictures il few years ago dollars. to millions of listeners. Every other camp insists the entire play should produced pictures of Rudy with box­ great nation has superpower sta- ing-gloves, the wrong foot and the The sale reason for permitting be broadcast. claiming that the lis- wrong hand forward, he answered by one station so much power was that going around the country socking peo­ ple on the jaw. He was kidded about our government wanted to deter­ the bad saxophone playing he once mine the lacts about it. Would it did. so he practised, tried his sax with CONTENTS ballroom audiences and then did it in improve reception in farmer a radio brondcast-against the judg­ Spain Is in the News 1 The Shopping Guide 16 homes? Could it reach the small ment of his superiors. Just last week Highlights 2 You're As Young As You he played a clarinet on the program towns with a signal strong enough $500.000 Worth of Ball­ Think 17 and held one note for forty seconds. to overcome fading and static? Players 4 Anything On Your Head That may not sound like very much, The March of Music 6 Is a Hat 18 but it shows those musicians. (Try Some months ago, RADIO GUIDE whistling a note for forty seconds by Southern Gentleman Visits Another Ameche Becomes your watch.)" surveyed the entire United States, Richmond 8 a Father 19 asking its readers to name those Listening to Learn 9 Uncle Sam Broadcasts 20 From the Detroit Free Press ... stations to which they listened reg­ Hollywood Showdown 10 Don't Look Too Far for "The worst of American programs Airialto Lowdown Your Fun 22 are probably worse than anything tol­ ularly. The result was a smashing 11 On Short Waves 12 What's l3ecome of­ 24 erated in other countries. They are triumph lor superpower. People getting worse all the time. Some are Program Locator 13 Programs 25-40 demoralizing to children; others sick­ who live in Oregon and Maine and Puzzle 15 Summer Contests 41 ening to adults, and the public is con­ Canada and New Mexico told us stantly wearied by silly mutual ad­ M. L. ANNENBERG, Publisher miration contests among radio artists they depended on WLW lor much and by cheap ballyhoo that frequently 01 their listening. In other words, CURTIS M ITCH ELL, Editor mars even enjoyable programs. Jt is unfortunate, too, that stations which superpower did a job the ordinary Vol. 7. No. 38 July 9, 1938 most delight in giving the best com­ SO,OOO-watt stations couId not do. monly tolerate the worst along with it:' Now. alarming news comes from Joan Crawford's recent broadcast Congress. The Senate has passed on the Lux Radio Theater got her $5,000 for the hour's work. Joan im­ a resolution that 50,000 watts mediately turned the entire check over should be the limit. It seems likely to the Motion Picture Relief Fund which lakes care of out-of-work .ac­ the House will do the same thing tors and actresses. FRANCE: IVIZA Sp . "'O~OCCO· That the listener may understand The shaded sector above shows estates were broken up. reform laws of ment. however. is of Italian and German better the news his radio brings Spanish territory won by the Reb· all kinds were written into the books. manufacture, although one American him, RADIO GUIDE is presenting a els, less than one-third (white) and for a time it looked as if Spain had boy. fighting for the Government, at series of artic1es-of which this is remains to the Government at last left the Middle Ages. Teruel, complained that his comrades the second-designed to sketch in But it was not to be. Republican Spain were being killed by American-made detail the background necessary had made powerful enemies: the nobil­ bullets! There are about 8,000 Russians for a complete grasp of national of years Spain had three rulers: the ity and the rich. the army and the with the Government forces, most of and foreign news as it comes over royal family and the landed nobility, Church. They wanted the old Spain them technicians and airplane pilots. the loudspeaker. Today the atten· the Church, and the army. The rule of back again, and they were accustomed The Rebels use Italian and German air· tion of the civilized world may be this triumvirate was absolute and self­ to getting what they wanted. It is defi­ planes and pilots almost exclusively; fastened on the tinder·box of perpetuating, and from it there was no nitely known now than Juan March, the Government, Russian-made ships of Czechoslovakia, tomorrow on appeal. It was a harsh, crushing rule, the richest man in Spain, financed American design. flown, in the main, Spain's battle-fields, next day on the and it sowed the seeds that have been much of the early cost of the rebellion, by Spanish pilots. bombed ruins of Chinese cities. To reaped in the past two years at Guada­ and it is also known that he made nu­ In Spain, for the first time, the world keep pace with the minute-by-mil1" lajara, at Castellon, at Teruel. merous official trips to Rome. was given an opportunity to see what ute flow of news as it pours into For the plain fact of the matter is that In July, 1935, at a given signal. the war-models 1935, '36, '37, '38-really United States microphones is the the royal family and its satellites, the Spanish army rebelled. If the original means. The mass bombing of civilian duty of the patriotic. America-con­ Church. and the army ruled Spain not plan had worked, there would have centers by the Rebels, intended to crush scious citizen of today! for the Spanish people but for their own been no civil war-merely brisk. vio­ resistance and wreck morale behind the individual. selfish interests. No author­ lent fighting in the cities. a quick sei· lines, has succeeded only in making the OTTEST hot-spot on the world's ity of recognized impartiality will deny zure of control.
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