ISSN 0739-1390 ICTM NATIONAL COMMITTEES AUSTRALIA - Chair: Prof. Allan Marett clo Musicological Society of Australia, GPO Box 2404, Canberra, ACT 2601 BANGLADESH - President: Mobarak Hossain Khan I3011 West Rampura, Wapda Road, Dhaka-1217 CANADA - Chair: Dr. Judith Co hen clo Canadian Soc. for Trad. Music - Soc. Canadienne pour les trad. musicales 751 Euclid Avenue, Toronto, Ont. M6G 2V3 DENMARK - President: Or. Lisbet Torp BULLETIN clo Dansk Selskab for Traditionel Musik og Dans Kaersangervej 23, DK-2400 Copenhagen NV ESTONIA - President: Or. Ingrid Ruiitel clo Folklore Department, Institute of Estonian Language, EE-OOOI Tallinn of the FINLAND - clo J. lukkara, Maailman Musiikin Keskus, Meritullinkatu 33C, FI -00170 Helsinki I GERMANY - Chair: Prof. Or. Marianne Brocker Obere Seelgasse 5a, 0-96049 Bamberg HUNGARY -Chair: Or. Lujza Tari INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL clo MTA, Zenetudomanyi Intezet, Pf. 28, H-1250 Budapest ITALY - Prof. Goffredo Plastino for clo Dipto di Musica e Spettacolo, Univ. degli Studi di Bologna, Via Barberia 4,1-40123 Bologna JAMAICA - Chair: Or. Olive Lewin Grace, Kennedy & Co., Ltd., P.O.Box 84, 64 Harbour St., Kingston TRADITIONAL MUSIC JAPAN - Chair: Prof. Tsuge Gen'ichi clo Toyo Ongaku Gakkai (The Society for Research in Asiatic Music) 201, Daini Hachiko House, Yanaka 5-9-25, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0001 R. O. KOREA -Chair: Prof. Kwon Oh Sung College of Music, Han Yang University, 17 Haengdang-dong, Sungdong-ku, Seoul 144-791 LITHUA lA -Chair: Or. Rimantas Sliuzinskas clo Department of Baltic Studies & Ethnology University of Klaipeda, Sportininku 13, LT-5813 KJaipeda No. XCVII THE NETHERLANDS - President: Or. Henrice Vonck clo Nederlandse Vereniging voor Etnomusicologie •Arnold Bake' October 2000 att.: Secretary P. Bos. Research School CNWS, P.O.Box 9515, NL-2300 RA Leiden NORWAY - President: Gunnar Stubseid clo Norsk folkemusikklag - Radet for folkemusikk og folkedans Rff-senteret, N-7055 Dragvoll OMAN - Chair: Khalfan al-Barwani M.A. clo Oman Centre for Traditional Music,P.O.B.lOOO code III Seeb POLAND -President: Or. Ewa Dahlig With Inst. Sztuki PAN. ul. Dluga 26-28. skr. 994, PL-OO 850 Warszawa Third Notice PORTUGAL - Chair Prof.Dr. Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco clo Institute de Etnomusicologia (INED Universidade ova de Lisboa, Avenida de Berna 26C, 1069-61 Lisboa RIO DE JANEIRO 2001 CONFERENCE ROMANIA - Chair: Mr. Marian Lupascu clo Romanian Society for Ethnornusicology Institutul de etnografie si folclor, str. Tache lonescu 25. sect.I, RO-70166 Bucuresti SLOVAKREPUBLIC - President: Prof. Or. Oskar EIschek Ustav Hudobnej Vedy, Slovenska Akademia Vied. Dubravska cesta 9,841 05 Bratislava SWEDEN - President: Or. Krister MaIm Musikrnuseet, Box 16326, S-103 26 Stockholm SWITZERLAND - President: Pietro Bianchi INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR TRADITIONAL MUSIC clo Swiss Society for Ethnomusicology, att. Secretary Daniel RUegg DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC Musikethnologisches Archiv, Universitat ZUrich. Florhofgasse 8110, CH-8001 ZUrich TURKEY - Chair: Or. Arzu Ozturkrnen COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10027 clo Folklor KUIUbU,Bogazici Universitesi, Tarih Bolumu, 80815 Bebek-Istanbul UNITED Kl GDOM - Chair: Or. Suzel Ana Reily clo British Forum for Ethnomusciology School of Anthropological Studies. The Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast BD INN THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR TRADITIO AL MUSIC CONTENTS DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC-MCI815.COLUMBIAUNIVERSITY. 2960 BWY. NEW YORK.NY 10027. U.S.A. ra. +212 678-0332 Fax: +212 678-2513 or +212 854-8191 FROM THE ICTM SECRETARIAT, NEW YORK . 2 e-mail:<[email protected]>; hup:llmusic.columbia.edul-ictm THIRD NOTICE - 36TH ICTM WORLD CONFERENCE 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS President From the Secretariat . 9 Or. Krister MaIm - Sweden 200 1 General Assembly of the ICTM . 9 Co-chairs for 2001 Meeting of National Committees and Vice President Liaison Officers . 9 Prof. Salwa EI-Shawan Castelo-Branco - Portugal Study Group on Musics of Oceania Meets 2001 in Australia . 10 Secretary General Italian National Committee - Reorganized . 10 Prof. Dieter Christensen - USA Biodata of New Liaison Officers Austria, Iran, Vanuatu . 10 Executive Secretary/Treasurer Ethnomusicology Symposium in Bucharest . II Nerthus Christensen M.A. - U.S.A. Vice-president Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco Salutes 100th Anniversary of Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv 11 Executive Board Correction . 12 Prof. Samuel Mello Araujo Jr. - Brazil Prof. Egil Bakka - Norway Or. Marianne Brocker - Germany REPORTS Or. Adrienne L. Kaeppler - U.S.A. Meetings of the Executive Board Or. Allan Marett - Australia 87th Meeting . 13 Prof. Or. Tilman Seebass - Austria 88th Meeting . 13 Prof. Anthony Seeger - U.S.A. Study Groups Prof. Or. To Ngoc Thanh - Vietnam Prof. Tsuge Gen'ichi - Japan Folk Musical Instruments - 14th Meeting 2000 ..... 14 Or. Wim van Zanten - The etherlands Historical Sources of Traditional Music 13th Meeting 2000 . 16 Ethnochoreology - 21st Symposium 2000 . 17 Chairs oflCTM Study Groups Music and Gender - Toronto 2000 . 21 Folk Musical Instruments: Or. Andreas Michel - Germany Analysis & Systematisation of Folk Music: Or. Emil Lubej - Austria Music of the Arab World - AleppolSyria 2000 . 22 Historical Sources of Traditional Music: Or. Susanne Ziegler & Prof. Rudolf Brandl - Germany Music and Minorities - First Meeting 2000 . 24 Ethnochoreology: Or. Anca Giurchescu - Denmark Anthropology of Music in Mediterranean Cultures Oceania: Prof. Barbara Smith - U.S.A. Annual Meeting 2000 . 26 Iconography: Prof. Tilman Seebass - Austria National Committees Computer Aided Research: Or. Ewa Dahlig - Poland Music and Gender: Prof. Carol Babiracki - U.S.A. & Or. Fiona Magowan, Australia Korea . 27 Maqam: Prof. Jurgen Elsner - Germany & Prof. Fayzullah Karomatli - Uzbekistan United Kingdom , ,,, 29 Music of the Arab World: Or. Scheherazade Hassan - France Liaison Officers Anthropology of Music in Mediterranean Cultures: Prof. Tullia Magrini - Italy Ireland - 2000 . 32 Music and Minorities: Or. Ursula Hemetek - Austria Spain , . 35 ICTM MEETING CALENDAR 37 ICTM The World Organization (UNESCO 'NGO') PUBLICATIONS AV AILABLE FROM THE SECRETARIAT.. 38 for the Study, Practice, and Documentation of Music, including Dance ICTM MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 39 and other Performing Arts ICTM OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS Inside Front Cover ICTM LIAISON OFFICERS Inside Back Cover ICTM NATIONAL COMMITTEES Outside Back Cover I FROM THE ICTM SECRETARIAT, NEW YORK TIDRDNOTICE 36th WORLD CONFERENCE OF THE ICTM SUBMISSIONS FOR THE YEARBOOK FOR TRADITIONAL MUSIC (YTM) RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL, JULY 4-11, 2001 The Editor of the YTM encourages submissions of articles and country reports from members and non-members alike. Specifications for submissions are printed in each YTM under the heading "Information for Authors." Please send submissions to: YTM Editor Prof. Dieter Christensen, Center for Ethnomusicology, MCI815, Columbia University, 2960 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, USA. Tel: +212 - 678-0332; Fax: +212 - 678-2513 or 854-8191; <ictm @compu serve.com>; or send to the Conference Information respective Guest Editors. Conference Schedule SUBMISSIONS FOR YTM REVIEWS The 36th ICTM World Conference will be held from Wednesday, 4 July 2001 On behalf of our Review Editors we remind members that they should submit their new to Wednesday, 11 July 2001, with Sunday as a rest day (for excursion). Conference publications/recordings/COs for review or have their publishers send review copies to the respective participants should plan to arrive in Rio de Janeiro no later than Wednesday, 4 July, editors: ICTM Book Review Editor: Prof. Gage Averill as the opening session will be held on Thursday morning. Department of Music, ew York University, 24 Waverly PI., 2nd FI., ew York,NY 10003- The closing session is scheduled for noon, Wednesday, I1 July. A more 0067,USA; e-mail: [email protected] detailed conference schedule will be published in the April 2001 Bulletin and on the ICTM Record Review Editor:Cynthia P. Wong. Submissions should be sent to: ICTM website (http://music.columbia.eduJ-ictm). Att.: YTM RR Editor; address same as for YTM submissions; e-mail: [email protected] ICTM Film/Video Review Editor: Prof. John Baily Organizing Committee Goldsmiths College, University of London, Lewisham Way, London SEI4 6NW, U.K. Tel: +44 171 - 919 7658; fax: +44 171 - 9197644; e-mail: [email protected] Chair: Prof. Samuel Araujo, Escola de Musica, UFRJ PLEASE DO NOT SEND NEW PUBLICATIONS/RECORDS/COS TO THE ADDRESS OFTHE Members: Prof. Elizabeth Travassos (UNIRIO) ICTM SECRETARJAT IN NEW YORK. We cannot, as a rule, forward materials received at the Prof. Martha Ulhoa (UNIRIO) Secretariat. Prof. Cassia Frade (UERJ) The timely publication of the Yearbook for Traditional Music depends, among other things, Prof. Mauro Costa (CBM) upon the cooperation of those who have agreed to submit reviews for the YTM. Please do keep your deadlines' Prof. Rosa Zamith (UFRJ) Inquiries concerning the local organization should be directed to: SUBMISSIO S FOR THE BULLETI OF THE ICTM (Editor: ertbus Christensen) Prof. Samuel Araujo If space allows, the Bulletin will consider news for or from international meetings that may Escola de Miisica da UFRJ be of interest to the ICTM membership. Priority is given to UNESCO affiliated organizations. Rua do Passeio 98 Deadlines for submissions to the Bulletin April Bulletin: Ist of March Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20021-090 October Bulletin: Ist of September Brazil All submissions should be sent, whenever possible, bye-mail or on an IBM compatible disk. tel: +55 (21) 532-4649 or 240-1441;
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