DECEMBER, 1951 . • TWENTY-FIVE CENTS "...and on earth peace, good will toward men." LETTERS _TIMES from Our Readers DECEMBER 1, 1951 VOL. 60 No. 12 Established in 1891 as The Southern Agent. Name changed to The Southern Review in 1892. to The Southern Watchman in Sirs: 1901. to The Watchman in 1905, to The Watchman Magazine in 1917. to 1946. Incorporating: The Tennessee THESE TIMES. She Our Times in Recently an individual read a copy of River Watchman (1901 ), The Gospel Herald (1903 ) wrote on her envelope which she turned in, "After reading in RODNEY E. FINNEY the magazine—THESE TIMES—of the very great need of churches Editor - - - - overseas, we desire by the grace of God to give our little help to Circulation Manager - - IRvIN f I. 'URIC secure whatever it might. It is a tenth part of what God has enabled us to labor for." Art Director - - - ROBERT M. ELDRIDGE T.A. Published monthly (except December, when semimonthly) by the SOUTHERN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION. 2119 Twenty-Fourth Avenue, North, Nashville S. Tennessee. Entered as second-class Sirs: matter January 19, 1909, at the post office in Nashville. Tennes- Some time ago I received this fine magazine, and in one of the see, U. S. A.. under Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. Accept- issues you told of a Bible course for adults. I would like to ance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103. Act of October 3, 1917, and authorized July 11, 1918. enroll if it is not too late. I also wish to thank whoever sends me * Rates: 25 cents a copy, and 82.75 a year, in the United States. this lovely paper. I enjoy it so much. Rates higher for other countries. Iroquois, Ill. Mrs. C.S. * Change of Address: Please give both the old and the new address. * Expiration: Unless renewed in advance, the magazine stops at Sirs: the expiration date shown on the wrapper. I read your magazine for the first time and enjoyed it very much. Member of Associated Church Press. Please send the Bible course for seniors. Thank you so much. Corning, Ark. Mrs. J.H. Special Features Sirs: I found one of your magazines in the basement of the apart- Pageant of Prophecy 3 ment house where I live, and liked it very much. Would vou Pete's Favorite Picture—Nancy Gildersleeve 4 please send me the back issues for this year, if it is possible, and The Finger of God—C. S. Longacre 6 start my subscription from the first of this year? I always like to God's Plan Depends on You—E. L. Pingenot 8 read the magazines written about our Lord, and I think there Halos for Sale—Myrtle ['ors/ Sheppard 11 should be more of them printed. May God bless your staff in Hope for the Tempted—Mrs. E. G. White . 12 their work for Him. Narcotics and Our Teen-agers—George S. Belleau , 14 Seattle, Wash. S.R. The Angel With the Loud Cry—Leonard C. l ee . 16 Jungle Thorn—Norma R. YO-ung'erg 20 Sirs: Jesus Was Emmanuel—Taylor G. Bunch 24 I bought one of THESE TIMES from a dear old lady on the The Bible—Key to Suryiv'al—Kenneth J. Holland 36 street; I read it through, and my heart picked up hope. I am so glad that I have been permitted to have the pleasure of reading Regular Departments HESE TIMES. Statesville, N. C. Mrs. L.W.H. Letters From Our Readers 2 Events of These Times 10 Sirs: Interpreting These Times, by the Editor 18 We traded magazines with some friends and became acquainted Happy Homes 22 with THESE TIMES. We enjoyed it so much because of the Choice Thoughts for Children 23 spiritual help it gave us. I thank God for the publishing of Let's Ask the-Doctor 26 Christian magazines. I would like to subscribe for THESE TIMES God's Two Books 34 and am enclosing $2.50 in a money order. Thank you so much! Please Explain 35 Culver, Ind. P.W. Poetry Sirs: Thanks to the individual who caused this publication to be "Pot. God So Loved . ."—Inez Clark Thorson 5 sent to me. I have received some comfort and assurance from your Christmas—Grace Barker Wilson 11 Scriptural interpretations. I have been pleased to note that you Out of the Dust—Grace Barker Wilson 15 are sometimes at variance with those of the Watchtower Publish- Song of Christmas—Christie Jeffries 25 ing Co. Praise the Lord—Grace Noll Crowell 29 North Wales, Pa. A.G.C. Truly Great—Eugene Rowell 32 Sirs: I wish to express my appreciation for your magazine, THESE The Cover TIMES. I am enjoying it so very much. San Angelo, Texas Mrs. C.W.H. Our cover this month is by Ewing Galloway. 2 THESE TIMES, DECEMBER, 1951 "History is but the un- PAGEANT of "We have also a more rolled scroll of proph- sure word of proph- ecy."—Garfield. PROPHECY ecy."-2 Peter 1:19. Because of the hundreds of Bible texts dealing prophetically with our troubled days, THESE TIMES presents this new feature. It will bring in to sharp focus the true meaning of world events. LIQUOR DRINKING.--"The earth is filled with violence." Genesis 6:14. The Bible predicted that our day (like Noah's) would be characterized by drunkenness, which inevitably leads to violence. In 1950 Americans spent over ten billion dollars for alcohol. In the U.S. 10,000 gas stations sell alcoholic beverages. Liquor advertisements state that alcohol is a food; but Kansas, which has been used as a guinea pig since repeal, shows it to be a killer--crime and liquor-caused accidents have gone way up. At present rate there will be 350,000 violent highway deaths in the next ten years, the major portion due to alcohol. U.S. spends 6 times more for liquor than for religion; 3 times more for liquor than for education. INCREASED KNOWLEDGE.--"Knowledge shall be increased." Daniel 12:4. There has been a greater increase of knowledge by invention and discovery in the past century and a half than in all the rest of the time of man's existence. For example, in 1844 Morse began operating his experimental telegraph line, costing $30,000. In 1946 a radio device transmitted a talk in 7 languages simultaneously. Today long-distance dial service is available. Such increase in knowledge marks our day as the "time of the end" because the prophecy declares that in the time of the end "knowledge shall be increased." PERILOUS TIMES.--"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come." 2 Timothy 3:1. High-ranking officers of the Air Force believe that Russia's atomic efforts are the biggest peril to the U.S. New Russian jets have been designed by combined brains of German and Russian engineers. The Russians are excellent aircraft developers and mass producers. Adding to the perils of our day is the lack of moral standards and ethical principles in the world at large, plus social and economic ills. The underprivileged and oppressed peoples everywhere, "particularly in the vast expanse of Asia, are sick and tired of poverty and hunger and racism and landlordism and colonialism; and they will grasp anything, any philosophy, any system of economics or government, that seems to offer them hope." GOSPEL INSTRUCTION.--"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations." In view of the fact that one half of all the people in the U.S. are untouched by any church and that millions of children are growing up without religious teaching or moral guidance, various denominations are carrying on more aggressive programs. In the U.S. alone, for example, the work of 25,000 Methodist preachers in more than 40,000 churches is supplemented by more than 150 schools, colleges, and universities, 160 homes for the orphaned, the aged, and others, 75 hospitals and medical centers, and 50 social institutions of various kinds. And in foreign lands its institutions of learning number 360, its hospitals and clinics 129, its homes and orphanages 104, its social centers 22. The spirit of Christianity is truly alive, as can be seen from the fact that America recently received with open arms its 250,000th Displaced Person. Written for These Times, December, 1951 3 Pete's Favorite Picture Through It He Discovered the Real Value of Faith AUTHOR'S NOTE: A friend of mine had sent a By Nancy Gildersleeve bundle of clothing to Poland and had tucked her name and address inside. The mother of the family who had received the clothes wrote to my friend a their meal. It was deeply distressing to her to hear long and interesting letter full of thanks and appre- Pete talk so; it grieved her that her husband had lost ciation for the gift. The letter, which was written in his faith. True, they were in poor circumstances, very good English, contained the story which I have cramped in two gloomy, damp basement rooms with told. The Polish lady said it actually happened to one little to eat or wear. Still Marie believed better times of her neighbors. It was briefly told, of course. All would come. It was her faith that kept her going. names are fictitious. In the morning a package arrived from Stella, Pete's sister, who was living in the U.S.A. Stella had been good to them in their misfortunes. It was a smaller parcel than usual, but the children 0 AHEAD, start eating!" roared Pete as he opened it with great excitement.
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