EVENING STAR AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES. PROPOSALS. RAILROAD LINES. GKEEN * WILLIAMS, AacU»M«ri. JAM18 0. McQUlBE * 00., AoctioftMrt. ABGB BALK OF GOVBBNMBNT BUILD- Hr'lCI DEPOT COM MIS8ARY OF SCB- ORAKtiK ANB UkUHDRU ft. ft. |£Y j£Y I INGS AT THB DISMANTLED FOBTS V 8I8TENCE, Baltimore Markets. ELEGANT ROSEWOOD AHD WALNUT TRUSTEE'S SALE OfTaLUABLE BU8IBB9S ABOUND WASHINGTON. Wmkiubto*, D. O.. Oetob»rfc,lMI. The of the market re- HOUSEHOLD IUBNITUB1 BT PUBLIC KTAKD ON 7TH 8TBBET, OPPOSITE THE Dtpmrtmtni of following summary Headquarters Washington. 1 _ PROPOSALS FOE FRESH MEAT. port* of the Baltimore American gives the ar- AUCTION. PATENT OFFICE. Offict 0/ Chtef Wuartermaittr, 5 v«a'M proposals, of the form fnrnieh-'d by the THBOrOH BT EAIL r*n«WA8n 27: Ob TUESDAY.th* 3tst liirt., at 10 o'clock a. Br virtue of a deed of trrut,dated October 7, A. Was* <ng ton D. C.. October erage price# for the week endinc October we and recorded i®, rate) SnMt.W Jril1 ^ received. in duplicate. nntii and ALEXANDRIA TO *IC°" Mb shall sell, at the Club No. on the D. 1*4, duly in Liber . Flour..Bonnet* has been conflned almost Hmm, 363, N. O. T No. Will b« aold at Public Auction to th« highest Wil- TOKBDAT. MoT>mb»r 7.ltK6.atI2 m.. for all the AND LTKCBHt'ftO. conn of 12th and K streets north, opposite frank- 47, folio 308. Ac., one of the Land Becerd* for Vuk- der, at tbe time* and place* named below, all of the Ov knd ift^r to the wan's of the local and near lin D. C.. and .. .w ?n*5required for any pnrpoee, FrWUT.fc-pt l.lMS.tfc* Trttuoa entirely Square. IngtoD County. by direction of the party Barrack*. Officers' Quarters, Hospitals, Mess- V a*hl D tin* road will nin . (i»llow* Southern trade. Sales include l,(NUbbl» good One fine Parlor Puite, Walnut Frame, ccT«r«d with ecured thereby, I will Mil at public auction, on licrnoo*. Stable*, and otner *:nirtnres to i i place#: njrton. C., and cut Damask, of Tete HUM'Ai, tne bid 01 belonging \»., Camp DUtrihutimi. Vt. Oiii- TEA INSM>UTH. and choice Howard street Super Ex- Bine consisting a-tete, Sofas, day Honmbtr, A. D. ISM, at tke United States, in and atoat the dismantled fort# boro D C., F«.rt« Foot ud MJ Lhm at 7 W ft. in and A » f ro tra at fl(>a»l«.25. i,**> bbU- Extra do. at f10.75 Easy. Bide, end Gothic Chairs. 4 o'clock* p. m., in front of the arcmites, all that and batteries around Washington, aa '' Waahington. Wft*hinjt<D Parlor Unit*. valuable follows, v *** required to deliver thu 3U) bbU. Western at *9.75. One fine Bos«-*ood Frame, covered improved property in tne city of Wash- Ji0»»L 5« fct Lmt« Gordannrilleat 11 SO in and 1 4B a. Mil. Super 1,060 with Green Bep, consisting of and ington. being a part of Lota Mot. 11. in kJ tinJfc !h* Pinamed. where p m. bbls. Extra do. at SlOdOafll, the inside figure Side Chairs. Sofas, Easy, Ho. U, and 13. NOBTTI OF POTOMAC. he will dutrltyte it la inch quautiti>*# and at «urh A'rrlT# at Rirhm«nJ at b or a. in and < a m. and 500 Square 465, beginalng for the same on 7th >n MONDAY, OCTOBER 90th, at 10 o'clock a. *®r °' tb* *m,... -< mi. - for spring wheat Flour, bbls. standard One fine Gilt Frane French plate U feet street wsst, 68 feet and 6 inches sonth from the at BiMMmc* Department Mills at $9.75 bbl. 6 feet wide Mirror, m., Battery Parrott. fonr frame buildings. Same may direct^ City Super per long by northwestern corner of said Square, and thence day atl o'clock p.m., Fort Martia Scott, fonr frame Bn>*rit« will itl«a n and .First new has in Twn W alnnt Whatnnti n/? OrntmsnU south on be received for nptlfin] Lmm Lrnrbt'crc Tl»» m. Kye Flour quality sold running 7th street 18 feet and 6 inches, and buildings. Same day at 3 o'clock p. m., at Battery aaf h or anyproposalsnumber of the above L«av« Kit l.moad at 7 Ou a m and 7M) p m lots to the trade at f?aS7.25, and old stock at Two costly Walnut And Bosewood Marble-top Cen- having a depth of 10S feet and 3 inches to an five named puEe* tre Table# the alley, Vermont, frame buildings. Bidden must be present at the of the Lmn GortlonaTill# at 11.90 p m and It *> a m # 75a*6H7*. and also free use of said alley. On TUESDAY. OCTOBERSlst, at lOo'clock a.m., openfn* AbnaMt at t 56 in and « M) a. a. One fi ie Walnut Writing Desk with Book Cue at- This is by a and sub- AfflMIt p. Molasses..Stock light and firmly held at tached stantialpropertyBrick improved go»d at Port Simmonds, fourteen (14) Prams and Log Payment to be made at this offlce. in inch rand* Arrira at Washington at t JO 9 m and .15 a m. quotations, riz..Cuba 50aG0 ctsMus- House, and is a most desirable loca- hulldincs. Same day at 1 o'clock p.m., at Fort w the Got eminent may have for On 8at>d8y» Imtp Wa«hincun at 8 SO p m only. Clayed Wslnnt and Cherry Wardrobe* tion for business. one Frame The M< at disbursement covado do. 55a75 cf nts; Island 60aU5 Walnut Mrrble ManKfield, twenty and Log buildings. will be sabject to a rigid in«r*-<-ti »n Lacal frujrht train lfar»>« Alexandria at 4 00 a English top Dressing Bureaus Terms of sale- One-third in cash, of which On NOVEMBER lat. at and if not m I cents, and Porto Kico 80a&> cents. No New Walnut Wa*h*tand* muKt be at the of sale. $100 WEDNESDAY, lOoTel'k satisfactory, rnrcbue* in the open and arriTaa at &ordoD«YiII* at 11 4&a mtm Marble-top paid time The deferred pay- a. m . at Pert Pram* and Log market will be made at the at n and arrlv** at Orleans in market. Walnut French Besteads and Tables ments to be six Bayard, twenty expense of the cob GardontTiH* I2..15 r Al»ia» said in and twelve months, with buildings. Same day at S o'clock p. m., at Port tractor ci-r 1 m. at N flfl n m T>irnM»h fr»i*ht Imvma AIayab. Coffee..Common to fair grades we quote at Curled Hair and other Mattresses interest from aay of sale, and to be secured by deed nine Frame and All Feather Pillows, Spreads. Sheets, of trust to the satisfaction of Gaines, Log Buildings. Question* respecting qnaltty and condition dnaat3 00a >. and arrfrM at Lynrbl arfr a( 7 10 19wa2t<S cents, eold, and cood to strictlv unme Blankets, Com- Trustee. Terms ef On THURSDAY, NOVEMBER >d, at 10 o'clock will be settled by the officer of the Sabaistence De- p. m Lht« at 3 20 a. m a*darrfr«al at 211122 cent*, varieties art forts. and other Bedding I sale to be complied with withia five after day a. at Part Build- Lynchburg rold. Other scarce VeWet, Brussels, Tapestry. and of the days m., Kearney, twenty (30) Prame partment receiving the meat. Alexandria at 6 10 b m. and nominal as previously quoted, via:.La- Three-»ly, Ingrain, sale, otherwise property may be resold at ings. Same day at 2 o'clock p m., at Port De Bus- The contract will be made for fonr months from Pa*a*n*»ra for W arrenlon will take th«>7 on a. m other Carpets risk and cost of defaulting after one twelve Frame and or gnayra 32cents, currency, and Java 45a Hall Oil Cloth and Brussels week's notice. purchaser, sy, Buildings; at 4 o'clock p. m., the let da> of December. 1*6. aach period a*the train tooth from Waohinrton and Ut« 6 tb a. m cenu, Step Carpets V at Battery Smead, three Frame Buildings. Commissary General may determine. train north froaa Lvnchburg currency. One fine Otb) Top, Caryed Leg, Walnut Extension All conveyancing and stamps at purchaser's cost. On FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 3d. at 10 o'clock a. mn»t endorsed Bid* be "Proposal* for Fresh . by tba (.45 a. on and 7 1» p m train* Provisions..There has been scarcely any Table It feet long, WM. fi WARD, Trustee. m., at Port six " iroin market the the ALSO, Slemmer, (<) Frame Buildin/ra. Meat, at and addressed to the undersigned, Lyncbborjt. and th« 7 90 a m and 7 ISp no during: pa.«t week for Hog pro- 0*k Dininff fiiftlpi ocH J. C. McQUIRB A CO., AucU. Same day, at 12 o c'ock m., at Port Bunker Hill, who reserve* the right to reject any and all Mil*. train* from Richmond .connect with train* at VVaab duct, and to effect scales dealers had to accept thirty-two Frame Bnildinrs. O. for all parta of the and V> e«t lower Kates Plateau ('aatora. Spoons, Forks and Cutlery T WARDWELL A HAYS, Auctioneers; On at RILL, lnfton'*"*** North price*. close unsettled but with a Pining Crockery and 01a«sware B D. 0. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4th. 10 o'cloek oc !7-3t lfaior and C. B . U. 8. K. J*. tfca ad rant. aw all othar*. by downward tendency.
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