12 MUSICAL AMERICA August 18, 1917 STRACCIARI SHOWS ~--------------------------------------------------------- OPERA STARS DAZZLE ADVANCE IN HIS ART How the Musical Public Can Help ASBURY AUDIENCES Baritone Reappears After Ten In the Matter of Food Conservation Hempel and Homer Unite in a Years' Absence-Not~g ~rtists Concert- Aida Appears at at Ahnelt Fete in Deal ' MUSICAL AMERICA has received from the Jersey Resort One of the important details of the Bureau of Trade and Technical Press Publicity for ASBURY PARK, N. J., Aug. 13.-0n the concert and garden fete held at Ahnelt evening of Aug. 10, an audience which Hall, in Deal, N. J., on the evening .of the Food Administration Campaign, at Washing- , nearly filled the large Auditorium Aug. 11, was the appearance of Riccardo ton, an appeal for co-operation in the matter of set~ ~. greeted Louise Homer, contralto, and Stracciari, the noted Italian baritone, ting before tlie reading public reached by this peri­ Frieda Hempel, soprano, both of the who has been engaged to sing with the odical the necessity of intelligent and effective Metropolitim Opera Company, in a bene­ Chicago Opera Company next season. fit concert for the First Methodist Although Mr. Stracciari was a member economy in the use of food=stuffs. Church of Asbur:y Park. The assisting of the. Metropolitan Opera Company Jam:es H ~ Collins, editor of the bureau, the ad­ artists we. e Arthur Pryor, trombone some ten years ago, there was little . visory committee of which includes the names of a soloist, and Clarence Reynolds, organist. about his singing on Saturday night that Miss Hempel displayed real charm, art recalled his previous operatic appear­ number of distinguished editors and publishers of and technique. She had the able assist­ ances i~ New York, for he has made tre­ class papers, says: · ance .at the piano of Paul Eisler. mendous strides in his art since that "Every reader of a technical journal is a human Mme. Louise Homer opened her part time. of the program by singing "The Star Mr. Stracciari sang the cavatina from being, of course, and eats food. Therefore, every "The Barber of Seville" and "La Mia Spangled B:mner." Never has one heard Bandiera," by Rotoli, winning a veritable one of your re~ers needs to be reminded regularly our national anthem sung with more real storm ·of applause from an audience that this fooq/ is serious business-it may win enthusiasm. Then followed the aria from which ·at once recognized the superior ~dge "Samson and Delilah," in which the qualities of his vocalism. His voice was or lose the war.'' prima donna scored another ovation. full and rich in quality, his phrasing and Florence McMillan played splendid ac­ style were polished and his diction was If every reader of MUSICAL AMERICA were to companiments for Mme. Homei:. a source of constant delight. do his or her part in this vital campaign the total­ In the singing of two duets, "Barca­ The concert was given through the rolle" from Offenbach's "Tales of Hoff­ kindly offices of Mr. and Mrs. William result would be a remarkable factor in righting the man," and "0 That We Two Were May­ Paul Ahnelt, who threw open their economic situation. · The requirements do not im­ ing," by Nevin, Miss Hempel and Mme. beautiful home and grounds for the Red Homer gave more joy to the huge audi­ Cross benefit. More than a thousand ply a great personal sacrifice. A strict observance ence, which again demanded extra num­ guests ,attended. bers. Paquita and Enrique Madriguera, of them will, in . fact, improye the individual's Arlhur Pryor, trombone soloist, de· pianist and violinist, respectively; both physical welfare. _ lighted the assembly .. A solo by Clarence young performers of extraordinary_ tal­ Reynolds, the Auditorium organist, ent, were heard to advantage in several These are the regulations made by Herbert opened the recital. Much credit is due Mrs. Bruce S. numbers, and Mme. Gina Viafora,:, the Hoo-v~r, United States Food Administrator." well-known soprano, was accorded hearty Keater as chairman, and the fol:owing applause for her delightful singing of committee: Mrs. Julian Edwards, of New Sanderson's "Until" and the Santuzza York; A:exander Lambert, of New aria from "Cavalleria Rusticana." The York; Mrs. Samuel Metzgar and Arthur pure quality of her voice, the consummate United States Food~ ·.Administration Pryor, of Asbury· Park. Mrs. Keater artistry with which she invests every­ is the organist of the First M. E. Cnurch. thing she attempts, were again charac­ Wlf'l THE WAR BY GIVING YOUR OWN DAILY SERVICE Two thousand persons gathered at the .. ~· teristic of her delivery of these songs. Auditorium Aug. 11 to hear Mme. Fran­ Vernon Stiles sang a group of four songs SAVE THE WHEAT.-One wheatless meal a day. Use cum., ces Alda. Mme. Aida's recital was note­ with noteworthy effect, and Anna Fitziu oatmeal, rye or barley bread and non-wheat breakfa.st foods. Order worthy from every standpoint This was heard to advantage in an aria from bread twenty-four hours in advance so your baker .will not bake soprano, with a voice that was full and flexible, was at ease in the most dramatic "Tosca." beyond his needs~ · Cut the loaf on the table and only as required. Prominent vaudeville performers came music and in the most lyric phases. Her from New York to lend variety to the Use stale bread for cooking, toast, etc. Eat less cake and pastry. pianissimo quality was superb. Mme. program. Our wheat harvest is far below normal. If eoch person weeklv saves one Alda had the splendid assistance of the p-•und of wheat flour that means 150,000,000 more bushe's of wheat for 'the Allies to renowned accompanist, Frank La Forge. Among the guests were Cleofonte mix in their bread: T!).is will help them to save DEMOCRACY. Campanini, director of the Chicago Mr. La Forge also appeared as soloist, Opera Company; Mme. Campanini, SAVE THE MEAT.-Beef, mutton or pork not mo_re than contributing the MacDowell's "Etude de Giulio Crimi, Mme. Crimi, Rosa Raisa, once daily. Use freely vegetables. and fish. At the meatmealser:ve Concert" and two .worthy . compositions Giacomo Rimini, Miguel Sigaldi, Gianni of his own. Both effective compositions. Viafora and others prominent in musical smaller portions, and stews · instead of steaks. Make made-dishes On Aug. 9 the Kaltenborn String affairs. of all left-overs. Do this and there will be meat enough for every Qua.rtet gave a concert in the Ocean one at a reasonable price. Grove Auditorium. This quartet is com­ posed of Franz Kaltenborn, first violin; WANT PRESENT PITCH KEPT We are today killing the dairy cows and female calves as the result of high pric"s- Therefore, eat less ~nd eat no young meat. If we save an ounce of meat Seraphin Albisser, second violin; Max each day per person, we will have additional supply equal to 2,200,000 cattle. Barr, viola, and Max Gegna, violoncello. American Guild of Piano Tuners, in Con­ The Oriental Musical Pageano "Ahasu­ SAVE THE MILK.-The children must have milk. Use every vention, Protest Against Change erus" had its second performance in the drop. Use buttermilk and sour milk for cooking and making cottage Auditorium on Aug. 7, with the same According to a Cincinnati d.i'spatch of cheese. Use less cream. splendid chorus and soloists and under Aug. 10, to the Morning Telegraph of J William Dodd Chenery's able direction, New York, a decided .protest against any SAVE THE FATS.-We are the world's greatest fat wasters. as at the first presentatio,.._ change from the present international A pleasing Sunday evening concert pitch of tone, contemplated by the Amer­ Fat ·is food. Butter is essential for the growth and heaith of chil­ was given at the Ocean Hotel, Asbury ican Federation of Music, was voiced by dren. Use butter on the table as usual, but not in cooking. Other Park, Aug. 12, by Mme. Beth Tregaskis, the American Guild of Piano Tuners, fats are as good. Reduce use of fried foods. Save daily one-third a mezzo-contralto, of Newark, N. J.; which opened its eighth annual conven­ ounce animal fats. Soap contains fats. Do not waste it. Make Albert Sidwell, tenor, and Flora Rubin, tion in Cincinnati last week. Leading violinist. delegates to-day said there have been dif­ your own washing soap at home out of the saved fats. Dan Beddoe, tenor, delighted the con­ ferent pitches in America during the last TJse <"me-third ounce less per day of animal fat and 375,000 tons will be saved gregation at Trinity Church with a solo 100 years and likely always will be, but yearlY. during the evening service, and Edward the guild would like to see a uniform SAVE THE SUGAR-Sugar is scarcer. We use today three Bromberg, baritone, sang for the offer­ tone adopted and believes the inferna­ tory at the morning service. tional to be the nearest approach to it. • times as much per person as our Allies. So there may be enough Approximately 1,400 persons attended They said time was when the singer for all at reasonable price, use less candy and sweet drinks. Do the Arcade Concert given by Pryor's wanted a low, or the so-called French not stint sugar in putting up fruit and ]ams. They will save butter. Band Aug. 5, the greatest attendance yet pitch, which is the vibrations to the sec­ If everyone in America saves one ounce of sugar daily, it means 1,100,000 tons this season.
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