50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2019 (LPI Contrib. No. 2132) 2050.pdf INTERPRETING AQUEOUS ALTERATION IN THE MURRAY FORMATION USING REACTIVE TRANSPORT MODELING E.M. Hausrath1, D.W. Ming2 , E.B. Rampe2, and T. Peretyazhko3 1UNLV, Las Ve- gas, NV 89154 [email protected], 2NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX 77058 3Jacobs, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston TX 77058 Introduction: Abundant evidence for liquid water Methods: Mineralogy was input into CrunchFlow exists at Gale crater, Mars [e.g. 1]. However, the char- as two layers of different compositions. The bottom acteristics of past water remain an area of active re- layer was based on CheMin measurements of Mojave search. The first exposures of the Murray formation in and Confidence Hills samples, and the top layer on Gale crater, Mars (Fig. 1) were studied with four sam- CheMin measurements of Buckskin and Telegraph ples analyzed using CheMin: Buckskin, Telegraph Peak samples, including proposed past dissolution [2]. Peak, Mojave, and Confidence Hills [2]. Analyses Both layers contained plagioclase, pyroxene, olivine, indicate differences in mineralogy and chemistry be- magnetite, fluorapatite, glass, and hisingerite; the top tween the samples which have been attributed to layer also contained cristobalite and tridymite, and the changes in pH and oxidation state of depositional and lower layer nontronite. In addition to the minerals diagenetic environments [2-6]. Recent work also sug- input, the secondary phases amorphous silica, hema- gests that hydrothermal fluids may have been present tite, ferrihydrite, jarosite, gypsum, and clinochlore based on the presence of Se, Zn, Pb, and other ele- were included based on measurements by CheMin and ments [7, 8]. evidence of incipient chloritization [18, 19]. Plagioclase Olivine 4445 Pyroxene Magnetite Hematite Cristobalite Tridymite 4450 Phyllosilicate Opal Amorphous 4455 Approximate Depth (m) Depth Approximate 4460 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Volume % Fig. 2. Mineralogy measured by CheMin in the Murray formation from [2]. Fig. 1. Panoramic view of the Pahrump Hills outcrop of the Solution was modeled as flowing from top to bot- Murray formation, with the locations of Confidence Hills tom, with pH ranging from 2-6 based on [2]. Both high (CH), Mojave (MJ) and Telegraph Peak (TP) marked. The oxidation and low oxidation state conditions were sample Buckskin is approximately 6 m higher in elevation modeled. Low oxidation states consisted of zero oxy- than Telegraph Peak. Image Credit: NASA/JPL- gen or equilibrium with current atmospheric O2 condi- Caltech/MSSS. tions, and oxidized conditions consisted of oxidants in One way of testing the effect of changes in envi- both the reacting fluid and the top layer based on [3], ronmental conditions such as pH, oxidation state and using oxidant concentrations from [17] based on temperature is to use reactive transport modeling. The measurements from the Phoenix lander [21]. reactive transport code CrunchFlow has been used to In order to test the effect of temperature, models examine terrestrial soil chronosequences [9], ocean were run with fixed temperatures of 1, 25, and 75 °C, floor sediments [10], weathering on Costa Rica basalts as well as both increasing and decreasing temperature [11-13], a range of terrestrial settings [14], and Sval- with depth, including based on scenarios from [20]. bard basalts [13]. CrunchFlow has also been previous- Results and Discussion: As has previously been ly used to interpret weathering on Mars [13, 15-17]. proposed by [2], lower solution pH values result in Here we test the effect of pH, oxidation state, and tem- modeled dissolution that is consistent with observa- perature on water-rock interactions in the Murray for- tions of increasing plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine mation using the reactive transport code CrunchFlow. between Buckskin and Telegraph Peak, as well as formation of secondary amorphous silica (Fig. 2 and 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2019 (LPI Contrib. No. 2132) 2050.pdf 3). At higher pH values, less dissolution and precipi- Magnetite (oxic) tation of amorphous silica occurs, and therefore results 4445 Hematite (oxic) Magnetite (anoxic) are less similar to observations from Murray fm. Hematite (anoxic) Nontronite 4445 Forsterite 4450 Glass Plagioclase Pyroxene 4450 Magnetite 4455 Hematite SiO2(am) Clinochlore (m) depth Approximate 4455 4460 Approximate depth (m) depth Approximate 2 3 4 5 6 7 4460 Volume % Fig. 4. Modeled mineral volumes of hematite and magnetite 0 5 10 15 20 under anoxic and oxic conditions with temperature = 1-10°C Volume % in the top layer, and 10-40 °C in the bottom layer. Fig. 3. Modeled mineral volumes with temperature increas- Conclusions and Future Work: ing with depth, 1-10°C in the top layer, and 10-40°C in the Results of ongoing modeling indicate that the pH bottom layer and pH = 2. most consistent with Mars observations is a highly Comparing model results to measurements from acidic pH. Comparison of modeling results varying Mars, we also observe that the temperature conditions temperatures with observations from Mars indicate that were most consistent with observations from Mars alteration in the top layer is most consistent with low consisted of alteration under low temperature condi- temperature conditions, and that mineral precipitation tions in the upper layer, and alteration at higher tem- observed in the lower levels is more consistent with peratures in the lower layer (Fig. 3). Under these con- higher temperature precipitation. Tests of oxidation ditions (at low pH as discussed above), dissolution state indicate that magnetite precipitates under low occurred that was consistent with increasing plagio- oxidation state conditions, and hematite under high clase, pyroxene, and olivine with depth in the upper oxidation state conditions. More work is needed to layer, and formation of clay minerals in the lower lay- explore interactions between pH, oxidation state and er. With higher temperature alteration in the upper temperature, as well as the role of detrital minerals. layer, olivine, plagioclase, and pyroxene did not show Acknowledgements: We would like to thank Carl the increase in depth that is present in the observations Steefel for providing CrunchFlow, and NASA Grant from Mars (Fig. 2 and 3), and with lower temperature #80NSSC17K0581 for funding. alteration in the lower layer, the increase in phyllosili- References: 1.Grotzinger, J.P., et al. (2014) Sci. 343: cates was not observed. Lower temperatures near the 1242777. 2.Rampe, E.B., et al. (2017) EPSL 471: 172-185. surface and higher temperatures at depth therefore 3. Hurowitz, J.A., et al. (2017) Sci. 356: 6341. 4. Yen, A.S., et al. (2017) EPSL 471: 186-198. 5. Frydenvang, J., et al. better match measurements from Mars. (2017) GRL 44: 4716–4724 6. 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