Efficiency in Plant Breeding Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the European Association for Research on Plant Breeding, EUCARPIA Wageningen, the Netherlands, 19-24 June 1983 W.Lange ,A.C .Zeve nan dN.G .Hogenboo m (Editors) f$N- ^n// cp Pudoc Wageningen 1984 CIP-GEGEVENS Efficiency Efficiency in plant breeding : proceedings of the 10th Congress of the European Association for Research on Plant Breeding, EUCARPIA, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 19-24 June 1983 / W. Lange, A.C. Zeven and N.G. Hogenboom (eds.). - Wageningen : Pudoc. - 111. Met lit. opg. ISBN 90-220-0856-8 geb. SISO 632 UDC 631.52 Trefw.: plantenveredeling. ISBN 90-220-0856-8 © Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 1984. Nopar t ofthi spublication , apart from abstract, bibliographicdat aan d brief quotations embodied in critical reviews, may be reproduced, re-recorded or published in any form including print, photocopy, microform, electronic or electromagnetic record without written permission from the publisher Pudoc, P.O. Box 4, 6700 AA Wageningen, the Netherlands. Printed in the Netherlands Acknowledgments The Organizing Committee of the 10th Congress of Eucarpia wishes to thank every­ bodyconcerne d inth e organization, aswel la sthos ewh oacte d ashost s onth e excursions or were involved in other activities. We also gratefully acknowledge the following organizations for making a major donation: Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, The Hague, the Netherlands NKB, Dutch Breeders' Association, Amerfoort, the Netherlands NTZ, Horticultural Seed Trade Association, The Hague, the Netherlands , Association 'CIOPORA', The Hague, the Netherlands Board of Agriculture, The Hague, the Netherlands Cebeco-Handelsraad, Rotterdam, the Netherlands Central Bureau of Food and Vegetable Auctions, The Hague, the Netherlands Commodity Board for Food and Vegetables, The Hague, the Netherlands 1RS, Sugar Beet Research Institute, Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands (also on behalf of the Netherlands' Sugar Industry) NAK, General Netherlands Inspection Service for Field Seeds and Seed Potatoes, Ede, the Netherlands NAK-B, NAK-G &NAK-S , General Netherlands Inspection Services for Horticultural Crops, The Hague and Roelofarendsveen, the Netherlands Netherlands Association of Flour-Millers, The Hague, the Netherlands Rabobank, Utrecht, the Netherlands The Organizing Committee: H. Lamberts, chairman W. Lange, secretary C. Dorsman A.H. Haak M.J. Hijink N.G. Hogenboom C. Mastenbroek M. Mesken A.D. Mulder J.E. Parlevliet J. Sneep Contents Opening session 1 H. Lamberts, President of Eucarpia: Address of welcome 3 G. Braks, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries: Opening address 5 C. Dorsman: Plant breeding in the Netherlands 9 Improvement of selection methods / 11 C.J.T. Spitters: Effects of intergenotypic competition on selection 13 M.G.R. Cannell: Competition and selection for yield: a perspective from forestry 28 A.C. Fasoulas: Effects of competition in the selection process 35 J. Hill: Separating the effects of intra- en intergenotypic competition 40 A. Gallais: Use of indirect selection in plant breeding 45 H. Hansel: Selection for a complex characteristic by a subtrait ('Tables of indirect selection') 61 J.F. Ledent: Morphological characters: a physiological analysis 65 A.J. Wright: Unconventional uses of indirect and index selection 69 W.E. Weber: Selection in early generations 72 J. W. Snape & E. Simpson: Early generation selection and rapid generation advancement methods in autogamous crops 82 J. Sneep: Is selection on quantitative characters between F3 lines in small grains feasible? 87 Hartwig H. Geiger: Selection in early generations 90 Zoltân Kertész: Improvement of harvest index 93 C.L. Hedley& M.J . Ambrose:Th eeffec t ofplan t interaction oncro p harvest index 105 Thomas Kramer: Harvest index and grain yield as selection criteria in plant selection 109 P. Ruckenbauer: Stability of the harvest index 113 D. Wilson: Development of better selection criteria 117 P. Miedema: An evolutionary concept ofbreedin g objectives and selectioncriteri a 130 C.Plancho n &R . Ecochard: Breedingfo r better climaticadaptatio n usingphysio ­ logical criteria _ 133 L.A. Hunt: Development of better selection criteria - a comment 138 A. Sozinov: Blocks of prolamine components as a selection criterion in breeding and seed production 140 P.J.C. Kuiper: Efficient use of energy, nutrients and water 142 N.G. Hogenboom: Phenotypic plasticity and breeding for tolerance to Dutch stress 155 H. Krug: Efficient use of energy 159 J. Nösberger: Effects oflo wtemperatur e onphotosynthesi s and growth character­ istics 163 Breeding at the cell level 165 David L. Mulcahy: Manipulation of gametophytic populations 167 H.F. Linskens & R.J. Campbell: Selection of gametes 176 E. Ottaviano & M. Sari Gorla: Gametophytic selection and haplo-diploid gene expression in maize 178 M. Zenkteler: Female gametophyte - a source of modified plants 180 Lyndsey A. Withers: In vitro techniques for germplasm storage 182 Gunda Mix: Preservation of potato germplasm in vitro 194 Monique Sibi: Heredity of epigenetic-variant plants from culture in vitro 196 Patrick J. King: Selection for plant variation using cultured cells 199 Michel Jacobs: Selection of biochemical mutants in plants 215 PhilipJ . Dix, Una A. McLysaght &Roge r S.Pearce :Th e potential ofcel lculture s for the production of salt tolerant cultivars 219 G.Wenzel , F.Köhler , R. Schuchmann &B .Foroughi-Wehr : Selection invitr o for resistances 224 Esra Galun & Dvora Aviv: Manipulation of protoplasts, organelles and genes: applicability to plant breeding 228 H.J.J. Nijkamp, N.Overbeeke & A.J . Kool: Geneticmanipulatio n of cytoplasmic plant genes 239 G. Pelletier: Cytoplasmic hybridization in higher plants 244 T. Hein & O. Schieder: New procedures for selection and cultivation of somatic hybrids and cybrids 248 Robbert A. Schilperoort: Potential of cells and genes of higher plants 251 Abstracts of posters 287 A. Allavena &L . Rossetti: Factors in development of multiple shoots from apical buds of Phaseolus vulgaris L. 289 A.G. Balkema-Boomstra & H.D. Mastebroek: Selection for yield through selec­ tion for rythm of development in spring barley 290 A.G. Balkema-Boomstra& H.D . Mastebroek: Effect ofselectio nfo r harvest index on kernel yield in spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) 291 B. Barcikowska, B. Brzótowicz, A. Czerwinska, W. Miyniec, A. Murkowski &Z . Paszkiewicz: Luminescence method in screening for frosthardiness 292 D. Bassi, D. Gaggioli& P. Montalti: Chilling effect of development of immature peach and sweet cherry embryos 293 W. Betzwar: New planter for precision placement of small and large seeds 294 U. Bieri, J. Schmid & E.R. Keller: Shoot tip culture in Viciafaba L. 295 B. Borghi, M. Corbellini & G. Sorrentino: Early selection for yield and harvest index in bread wheat 296 Katarina Borojevic: Significance of experimental heritability estimates in wheat breeding 297 I. Bos: Some thoughts about the principles underlying honeycomb selection 298 I.W. Boukema, K. Hofman, H.Toxopeu s &F.W.M . Lamers:A n efficient screen­ ing method for root knot nematode resistance in cucurbits and crucifers 299 A. Brzóstowicz, E. Grabikowski, A. Murkowski &Z . Prokowski: Luminescence methods in investigation of physiological stress in plants 300 A.M. Burdun& Nand y Paramesh: Use ofletha lan d semilethalgene si nhybridiza ­ tion to obtain shortstemmed competitive forms of wheat and triticale 301 P. Crisp & N.L. Innes: Indirect selection for quality in cauliflower 302 J.B.M. Custers: Selection for micropropagation ability in Nerine and Gloriosa hybrids 303 G. Delogu, C. Lorenzoni, A.Marocco , M.Odoard i& A.M . Stanca: Evaluation of S, progenies for development of a synthetic population in winter barley {Hor­ deum vulgare L.) 304 G.E. van Dijk & G.D. Winkelhorst: Testing perennial ryegrass {Lolium perenne L.) as spaced plants in swards 305 S.J. vand eDij k &L .Smeets : Evaluation ofphysiologica l parametersfo r breeding for production under low temperature and light conditions 306 O.Dolstra : Shorteningth eselectio ncycl eo freciproca lrecurren t selection inmaiz e {Zea mays L.) 307 B.D.Dowker , A.G.Johnson , B.M.Smith , J.L.Jink s& M.J . Kearsey: A biometri- cal approach to vegetable breeding 308 R. Ecochard, C. Planchon, M.J. Villeger & M.H. Paul: Portable device for measuring photosynthesis 309 A.H. Eenink, F.L. Dieleman& R . Groenwold: Components for partial resistance of Lactuca to Bremia lactucaean d Myzus persicae - 310 A.H. Eenink& R . Groenwold: Gameticcompetitio n in Cichorium intybus and the induction of self seed formation on self-incompatible genotypes by double or triple pollinations 311 A.H. Eenink & L. Smeets: Relationships between stomatal frequency, stomatal resistance and growth rate in lettuce 312 W. Friedt, B. Foroughi-Wehr &G . Wenzel: Agronomic performance of androge- netic doubled haploid spring barley {Hordeum vulgare L.) 313 T.M. Georgiev: Improvement of harvest yield in maize 314 K. D'Halluin, J. van Geyt, W. de Greef, M. Jacobs & E. Ceulemans: Culture of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in vitro ' 315 P.R. van Hasselt& J . Woltjes: Chlorophyll fluorescence, ausefu l selection method for plants with better growth abilities at suboptimal temperature? 316 P. Jacquard: Adaptation to competition and breeding of forage crops: grass-le­ gume mixtures 317 J. deJon g& A .Smaal :Th eeffec t ofselectio nfo r lowtemperatur eflowerin g ability in Chrysanthemum morifolium 318 E. Jongedijk & M.S. Ramanna: A method for the selection
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