DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 04/11/2020 REPORT BY Assistant Director of Strategic Planning & Infrastructure INDEX ITEM REGISTER NO ADDRESS DESCRIPTION RECOMMENDATION PAGE NO NO A1 19/02937/OUT 187 Ewell Demolition of existing PERMIT A4 Road, building and Approved, subject to Surbiton, KT6 redevelopment of site completion of legal 6AP. for up to 59 residential agreements units (Class C3) with associated car and cycle parking, amenity space and associated works (outline application to consider access and layout) A2 19/02715/FUL The Demolition of existing PERMIT A44 Russets, building and erection of Approved, subject to Kingston Hill, a Care home (Use completion of legal Kingston Class C2) to agreements Upon accomodate 19x care Thames, units. Alterations to site KT2 7LX layout, provision of 14x external car parking spaces,10x cycle parking and rear garden landscaping. Erection of boundary wall around the land parcel with two front access gates A1 REPORT BY THE Assistant Director of Strategic Planning & Infrastructure PLANNING APPLICATIONS Background Papers Item A1 Background Papers Application Reference 19/02937/OUT-187 Ewell Road, Surbiton, KT6 6AP. All Background Papers are available on the Council's website for review ● Application Form; ● Deposited Plans; ● Financial Viability Report dated October 2019; ● Independent 3rd Party viability assessment review April 2020; ● Planning Application Design and Access Statement Part 1 dated 04/11/19; ● Planning Application Design and Access Statement Part 2 dated 04/11/19; ● Planning Application Design and Access Statement Part 3 dated 04/11/19; ● Planning Application Design and Access Statement Part 4 dated 04/11/19; ● Planning Application Design and Access Statement Part 5 dated 04/11/19; ● Planning Application Design and Access Statement Part 6 dated 04/11/19; ● Planning Application Design and Access Statement Part 7 dated 04/11/19; ● Planning Application Design and Access Statement Part 8 dated 04/11/19; ● Accommodation Area Schedules dated 05/11/19; ● Daylight and Sunlight Report dated October 2019; ● Framework Travel Plan dated October 2019; ● Cover Letter dated 11/11/19; ● Noise Assessment dated October 2019; ● Phase 1 Environmental Review October 2019; ● Planning Statement dated November 2019; ● Supplementary Information Template dated November 2019; ● Energy Statement dated November 2019; ● Sustainability Statement dated November 2019; and, ● Tree Survey Report dated February 2019. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Item A2 Background Papers Application Reference 19/02715/FUL-The Russets, Kingston Hill, Kingston Upon Thames, KT2 7LX All Background Papers are available on the Council's website for review Page A2 ● Application Form; ● Deposited Plans; ● Cover Letter dated 25/10/19; ● Arboricultural Statement dated 11/10/19; ● BREEAm Report dated 16/10/19; ● Design and Access Statement dated October 2019; ● Energy Statement dated 10/10/19; ● Planning Statement dated October 2019; and, ● Transport Statement dated October 2019. Page A3 Register No: 19/02937/OUT Address: 187 Ewell Road, Surbiton, KT6 6AP (c) Crown Copyright. All right reserved. Royal Borough of Kingston 2007. Licence number 100019285. [Please note that this plan is intended to assist in locating the development; it is not the site plan of the proposed development which may have different boundaries. Please refer to the application documents for the proposed site boundaries.] Page A4 Ward: Berrylands Description of Proposal: Demolition of existing building and redevelopment of site for up to 59 residential units (Class C3) with associated car and cycle parking, amenity space and associated works (outline application to consider access and layout) Plan Type: Outline Application EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. This application seeks outline planning permission, with all matters reserved for future consideration except for access and layout, for redevelopment of the 187 Ewell Road including. ● Demolition of existing buildings on site and erection of a building to accommodate 59 residential units (Use Class C3) comprising ○ 22 x 1 Bedroom units 37 % ○ 25 x 2 Bedroom units 43 % ○ 12 x 3 Bedroom units 20 % ● 7 Affordable Units (12%) comprising ○ 4 London Affordable Rent Units ○ 3 Shared Ownership Units ● 39 car parking spaces comprising ○ 6 Accessible spaces ○ 8 spaces provided with Active Electrical Charging Points (controlled by Condition) ○ 31 spaces provided with Passive Electrical Charging infrastructure (controlled by Condition) ● Car Capped development ● 116 Bicycle Parking spaces ● Approx. 600sqm of external communal amenity space sqm 2. Indicative plans have been submitted indicating that 59 residential units would be delivered across 6 floors of accommodation with all units having access to private outdoor amenity space. 3. The application includes the removal of three trees. Full details of the tree removal and retention plan would need to be submitted with the reserved matters. Replacement planting would be controlled by way of a planning condition and through any reserved matters application. Page A5 RECOMMENDATION; 4. Approve subject to completion of relevant legal agreements under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), as specified in the legal agreements section, and to delegate to the Head of Development Management any consequent changes to conditions and legal agreements to be agreed in consultation with the Chair of the Development Control Committee. Planning Application Fact Sheet Planning Proposed Relevant Standard Compliance Issue with Development Plan? Affordable 7 Units (12%) 50% of the units to be Yes housing Independently delivered as Affordable assessed by third units, or in the event that party Viability the delivery of 50% of the Consultants units as affordable is not viable then the maximum reasonable amount of affordable units. Employment 0 sqm of Re-provision of No Employment Employment Floorspace / Space Proposed Capacity Cycle parking 116 Spaces 98 spaces Yes Energy 35% reduction on Zero carbon Yes site with rest off set by contributions. However, this would be further assessed at the reserved matters stage. Page A6 SITE DESCRIPTION 5. The application site measures approx 3675sqmm (0.3674ha) and contains a part single, part two storey office building (B1a) with a floorspace of 1887.8sqm. Behind the site (to the east) lies a 4 storey residential development (Kingfisher Court). To the south is a 5 storey residential flatted development (Brunswick Lodge), whilst to the north lies a 4 storey office building (Millbank House). 6. The site does not lie within, but is located close to two Conservation Areas (Oakhill to the north-west and Fishponds to the east and south). The subject building is not listed nor is it locally listed. 7. The site has a Public Transport Accessibility Advice Level (PTAL) of 2 (low) and does not lie within a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), however, the land to the north of the site sits within a Permit Parking area and the land to the west is within a CPZ. 8. The site falls within Flood Zone 1 (lowest probability of flooding) and does not have any identified issues with surface water flooding. 9. A Horse Chestnut tree located at the front of the site (western boundary) is protected by a Tree Preservation (TPO). The majority of the site is covered in hardstanding, with landscaping along the eastern boundary and part of the northern boundary. THE PROPOSAL 10.Outline planning permission is sought for the demolition of the existing building and the erection of a building to accommodate 59 residential units. The illustrative plans submitted show a proposed building with a maximum height of 6 storeys dropping down to 3 storeys as you move to the rear of the site. Illustrative plans and CGIs set out below show a L-shaped building. Page A7 Indicative Site Plan Indicative Front elevation Page A8 Indicative Side elevation Indicative CGI 11.An application for outline planning permission is used to establish whether in principle the development would be acceptable. This type of planning application allows fewer details about the proposal to be submitted. Notwithstanding, the applicant has submitted indicative plans indicating how 59 units could be delivered on the site. Officers have assessed those plans purely as an indication of how the development might be delivered, in the full knowledge that certain matters are not for consideration now but reserved for future consideration. Page A9 12.If outline planning permission is granted, any details reserved for future consideration would be the subject of future reserved matters applications. In the case of this application all matters except for means of access and layout have been reserved for future consideration. 13.The matters for consideration as part of this application are, the principal of the development and matters relating to: Access The accessibility to and within the site, for vehicles, cycles and pedestrians in terms of the positioning and treatment of access and circulation routes and how these fit into the surrounding access network Layout The way in which buildings, routes and open spaces within the development are provided, situated and orientated in relation to each other and to buildings and spaces outside the development 14.The matters reserved for future consideration (the reserved matters) are: Appearance The aspects of a building or place within the development which determine the visual impression
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