SPRING 2013 www.pacificcollege.edu Pacific College New York Brings Healing to Survivors of SUPERSTORM SANDY urricane Sandy, the largest Atlantic hurricane on record, was classified as a Category 2 storm at its peak intensity when it H hit the East Coast of the United States in late October 2012. Over the course of one week, Sandy devastated portions of the Carib- bean and the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern U.S, also impacting South- eastern and Midwestern states and Eastern Canada. Sandy’s winds spanned 1,100 miles, and this hurricane is estimated to be the second- costliest Atlantic hurricane on record, behind Hurricane Katrina. Sandy was deadly, and 253 people lost their lives. Due to the severe and widespread damage of the storm, combined with its unusual composi- tion, it has been termed “Superstorm Sandy”. continued on page 6 Quad Partners and Pacific INSIDE THIS ISSUE.... PAID PRSRT STD PRSRT Nestlé, Coca-Cola, and U.S. POSTAGE Bolingbrook, IL PERMIT NO.932 3 College Partnership Chinese Medicine? 4 Pacific College Integrative Student Exchange Program n 2008, Pacific College entered the former Governor of New Jersey, Proving a Success into a partnership with Quad Chairman of the 9/11 Commission, 8 Treating Sports Injuries I Partners. This has sparked a and the President of Drew University. and Pain lot of interest, as well as questions Quad is currently partnering 9 Heavenly Streams: Meridian from Pacific’s holistic health com- with Pacific College, as well as other Theory in Nei Gong munity. To answer some of these schools and universities. For a com- 10 A New Era of questions, we sat down with Pacific plete listing of current partnerships Communication College President Jack Miller and see the Quad website: http://www. 11 Merging East & West With Quad Partners General Partner Dan- quadventures.com/c1_current.php. Synergistic Massage and iel Neuwirth to explore the result of Acupressure Treatment the partnership to date, and what’s in WHY DID PACIFIC COLLEGE with Oil store for the future. CHOOSE TO PARTNER WITH QUAD 12 Pacific College Serving PARTNERS? Others Through Global FIRST OFF: WHO IS QUAD President Miller’s vision for Pa- Health PARTNERS? cific College has always been about 16 Congratulations to the Quad Partners is a small, unique educational excellence in holistic Recipients of the 2012 Pacific College/ACCAHC firm based in New York City that medicine and providing greater op- Alumni Awards! provides growth capital and opera- portunities for students. tional assistance solely to education 18 Pacific College Brings “After 20 years at the helm of Pa- Oriental Medicine to institutions. Perhaps their approach cific College, I saw dramatic changes Veg Fest! is best explained from the source. As happening in higher education,” Miller 19 Holistic Getaways Dan Neuwirth says, “Our strategy is said, “I believed I needed to secure to invest in small and mid-sized edu- 20 Chinese Pediatric Tui Na: additional partners for the school who The Caring Touch Of cational institutions with significant were extremely experienced in the Chinese Medicine strengths, then apply the educational issues of accreditation, government 21 Dredging the Channels; expertise of our principals to help regulation, marketing, and distance Relieving Deep Stagnation college directors achieve their ac- education. Whenever I asked about Bridging the creditation or growth goals while firms that were committed to higher 25 Understanding Gap maintaining or improving academic education, Quad Partners were always Pacific College New York results.” The Quad team is a mix of 28 at the top of everyone’s list.” Reveals Renovated Clinic educators, administrators, and inves- Space 7445 Mission Valley Rd., Suite 105 Rd., Valley 7445 Mission 92108 CA San Diego, www.PacificCollege.edu 800-729-0941 tors, and includes Thomas H. Kean, continued on page 14 Nestlé, Coca-Cola, and Chinese Medicine? By ERIC BRAND, LAc s Chinese medicine increas- ety of modern and classical texts. Eric has a ingly attracts worldwide at- particular passion for Chinese herbal pro- COCA-COLA IS A COMPANY A tention, more and more glob- * cessing, herbal authentication, and quality al companies are investing in Chinese WITH DEEP ROOTS IN HERBAL discernment. He spends much of his time medicine-related research. Large immersed in Asia, and is the owner of the pharmaceutical companies such as MEDICINE. Their original recipe granule company Legendary Herbs. Eric is Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca as a TCM advisor to the American Herbal and Merck have been researching is a closely-guarded trade secret, Pharmacopoeia, and he serves as a U.S. Chinese herbal medicines for years, but it is believed to contain delegate for the ISO 249 committee on and major Western universities such TCM standards. OM as Harvard and Yale have begun to herbs used in Chinese medicine research Chinese herbs as well. It such as nutmeg and cinnamon, seems natural for pharmaceutical cor- SOURCES: porations and scientific institutions to in addition to many other http://www.reuters.com/article/2007/10/15/ take an interest in Chinese medicine, coca-chinese-medicine-idUS- but nothing seems to attract as much herbal extracts. PEK16525520071015 attention as the odd pairing of Chi- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/ nese medicine research with compa- business-20536847 nies such as Nestlé and Coca-Cola. Already one can see a plethora of http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/busi- While Coca-Cola’s involvement in herbal drinks on the shelves at 7-11 ERIC BRAND, LAc A graduate of the Pa- ness/2009-08/10/content_8548101.htm Made in the USa Chinese medicine is old news, Nestlé stores throughout Hong Kong and cific College of Oriental Medicine and a http://www.astrazeneca.com/Research/news/ made headlines recently by launching China that bear the Coca-Cola trade- fluent Chinese speaker, Eric has pursued Article/20121218--astrazeneca-and-fudan- a joint venture to develop Chinese me- mark. Selections range from cool- extensive academic and clinical opportu- university-sign-research-collab At Kan, we have always believed the best way to ensure dicinal products. At first glance, there ing teas with Xia Ku Cao (Prunellae nities in mainland China, Hong Kong, and http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/busi- the consistency, quality, and safety of our products is to is something almost paradoxical about Spica) and Ji Gu Cao (Abri Herba) to Taiwan. He is the author of A Clinician’s ness/2012-09/07/content_15743913.htm pairing corporations that built their lung-moistening beverages with Bai Guide to the Use of Granule Extracts and http://cam.yale.edu/research/areas.aspx manufacture them ourselves. Kan buys herbs in whole raw empire on sugary foods with Chinese Mu Er (Tremella), Bai He (Lilii Bul- the co-author of the text Concise Chinese http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/ bulk and tests each incoming lot for over 200 different medicine. It seems like an odd match, bus), and Asian pear (Xue Li). They Materia Medica, and he has edited a vari- PMC3031246/#R36 like a McDonald’s-funded obesity re- make qi-supplementing drinks with pesticides as well as toxic metals and bio-burdens, such as search center. Yet, given the vast size things like Xi Yang Shen (American yeast, mold, E.Coli, Staphylococcus and Salmonella. Our of the Chinese market and the fact that ginseng) and Hong Zao (Jujubae the Chinese herbal beverage “Wang Fructus). Indeed, Coca-Cola is prov- The Institute of Certificates of Analysis reflect our commitment to the Lao Ji” currently outsells Coca-Cola on ing to be quite adaptive in the Asian Classical Five-Element Acupuncture Inc. the Chinese domestic market, it makes market, and I have to say that their quality, safety and efficacy of our products. sense that these food and beverage herbal beverages taste great. Proudly announces the next giants would not let the local health Coca-Cola is a company with drink market pass them by. deep roots in herbal medicine. Their Classical Five-Element In Hong Kong and some parts of original recipe is a closely-guarded Acupunture Program China, it is already common to see trade secret, but it is believed to con - Beginning September 20, 2013 herbal beverages made by Coca-Cola tain herbs used in Chinese medicine in convenience stores, but Nestlé and such as nutmeg and cinnamon, in ad- Coca-Cola are likely looking beyond dition to many other herbal extracts. Presented by alternatives to soft drinks. In a recent Even the name Coca-Cola is related BBC News article about Nestlé from to its early herbal recipe, which origi- Neil R. Gumenick November 29, 2012, Luis Cantarell, nally contained cocaine from coca M.Ac. (U.K.), C.T. (A), L.Ac., Dipl. Ac. th the chief executive of Nestlé Health leaves at the turn of the 20 century. and Staff Science, was quoted as saying: “We Given Coca-Cola’s long his- believe traditional Chinese medicine tory of herbal extract use, it should has a real potential to become part hardly be a surprise that they are A unique opportunity for licensed acupuncturists, physicians, of innovative solutions.” The article dabbling in Chinese medicine. In and students of Oriental Medicine to learn the profound body/mind/spirit noted that Nestlé will first focus on fact, it is even possible that research medicine, as taught by the world renowned late Professor J.R. Worsley. Kan Herbals l Kan Traditionals l Kan Singles l Sage Solutions l Gentle gastro-intestinal products, but “may funded by corporations like Coca- The Program, called “life-transforming” by its graduates, meets once per month for 9 months in Santa Monica, CA. Warriors l Chinese Modular Solutions l MycoHerb l Alembic Herbals in the future expand into the meta- Cola or Nestlé could someday make (First session Friday-Monday, subsequent 8 sessions Friday-Sunday) bolic disease and brain health areas.” a significant contribution to Chinese Non-California residents are welcome.
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