May 13, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E443 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CELEBRATING ASIAN PACIFIC there is much work still to be done. Disparities Throughout this service, Colonel Adams AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH in economic opportunity, education, health earned numerous distinguished awards, in- care and more between AANHPI and other cluding the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star, HON. ED CASE communities and within subgroups of our and the Defense Meritorious Service Medal. Though his tour as Commander of the 628th OF HAWAII AANHPI community persist. Air Wing and Joint Base Charleston has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES These disparities have become all the more apparent amidst this COVID–19 pandemic. ended, Colonel Adams will long be remem- Wednesday, May 13, 2020 Across our country, Native Hawaiian and Pa- bered for his lasting contributions to our com- Mr. CASE. Madam Speaker, our country cific Islander communities have been espe- munity. He established the Lowcountry De- has officially observed each May since 1992 cially hard hit, reporting infection rates up to fense Community Partnership Council, a civil- as Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, three times higher than the rest of the popu- ian-military program intended to strengthen the recognizing the extraordinary contributions of lation. At the same time, across the country, relationship between the Lowcountry civilian our Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pa- Americans of Asian, Native Hawaiian and Pa- community and the base. He oversaw the cific Islander (AANHPI) community to the rich cific Islander descent are working on the front base’s response to Hurricane Dorian, Hurri- fabric and history of our nation. lines to care for their fellow Americans and cane Florence, and most recently, the May is especially important to me as the keep our country going. Their strength and re- COVID–19 pandemic. And he was also hon- proud Representative of Hawaii’s First Con- silience alongside our fellow Americans are ored with the Military Service Award at the gressional District with the largest population truly inspiring. As a member of executive Black Engineer of the Year STEM Global of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pa- board of our Congressional Asian Pacific Competitiveness Conference for his work to cific Islanders of any district in our country. American Caucus, I will continue to work to inspire students to work in cyber, STEM, or For over a century and continuing through the protect the health and wellbeing of our entire aviation and build pipelines for them to suc- present and into tomorrow, Hawaii has pro- AANHPI community both in Hawaii and across ceed. duced repeated accomplished AANHPI ‘‘firsts’’ the country during this difficult time. Madam Speaker, please join me in recog- in government who have left a lasting impact During this Asian Pacific American Heritage nizing Colonel Adams for his accomplishments on our state and country, including Territorial Month, while we celebrate the accomplish- as Commander of Joint Base Charleston. On Delegate Jonah Ku¯hio¯ Kalaniana‘ole, Senator ments of Asian American, Native Hawaiian behalf of my constituents in the Lowcountry, I Hiram Fong, Senator Daniel Inouye, Senator and Pacific Islander communities in my dis- thank him for his service to our community. Daniel Akaka, Congresswoman Patsy Mink, trict, in Hawaii and across America, we must f Governors John Waihe‘e, Ben Cayetano and also rededicate ourselves to continuing to em- SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS George Ariyoshi, as well as my current col- power and uplift all Asian American, Native Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, leagues Senator MAZIE HIRONO and Congress- Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities agreed to by the Senate of February 4, woman TULSI GABBARD. I am also proud to and individuals. 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- have served as a young staffer on Capitol Hill f tem for a computerized schedule of all for my own mentor, the late Senator Spark IN RECOGNITION OF THE CHANGE meetings and hearings of Senate com- Matsunaga. mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- But the accomplishments of Hawaii’s Asian OF COMMAND OF COLONEL TER- RENCE A. ADAMS tees, and committees of conference. American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Is- This title requires all such committees lander community extend well beyond the to notify the Office of the Senate Daily realm of politics and government into all areas HON. JOE CUNNINGHAM Digest—designated by the Rules Com- of our society including science, law, sports, OF SOUTH CAROLINA mittee—of the time, place and purpose business, music, arts and culture and more. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the meetings, when scheduled and We are so proud to remember individuals like Wednesday, May 13, 2020 any cancellations or changes in the astronaut Ellison Onizuka, Judge Herbert meetings as they occur. Choy, entrepreneur Robert Taira, singer Don Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise As an additional procedure along Ho, Olympic swimmer Duke Kahanamoku, today in recognition of the Change of Com- with the computerization of this infor- golfer Michelle Wie, Native Hawaiian navigator mand of Colonel Terrence A. Adams, whose mation, the Office of the Senate Daily Nainoa Thompson, boxer Brian Viloria, actor presence will be greatly missed in the Digest will prepare this information for Jason Momoa, singer and songwriter Bruno Lowcountry. printing in the Extensions of Remarks Mars and so many more. Before joining the Air Force, Colonel Adams section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD The year 2020 also marks the 120th anni- began his military career in the U.S. Army, on Monday and Wednesday of each versary of Okinawan immigration to Hawaii. where he served for seven years. He entered week. On January 8, 1900, twenty-six men from Oki- the Air Force through the Reserve Officer Meetings scheduled for Thursday, nawa arrived in Honolulu as part of the first Training Corps program after graduating from May 14, 2020 may be found in the Daily group of contract laborers. Like so many other Auburn University with a degree in Computer Digest of today’s RECORD. AANHPI communities, Okinawan immigrants Information Systems. In addition to his degree initially faced discrimination but through their from Auburn, he holds a Master of Business MEETINGS SCHEDULED own hard work and sacrifice, our Okinawan Administration from Troy State University, a MAY 19 community has contributed deeply to the eco- Master of Arts in Military Operational Art and nomic achievements and cultural richness of Science from the Air Command and Staff Col- 10 a.m. Committee on Banking, Housing, and our state. Today, persons of Okinawan de- lege, and a Master of Arts in National Security Urban Affairs scent are deeply integrated into Hawaii’s polit- Strategy from the National War College. To hold hearings to examine the quar- ical, economic and social life, and I am proud Since his first assignment in the Air Force terly CARES Act report to Congress. to serve as their Representative here in Con- as team for an ACC Computer System Squad- WEBEX gress. ron, he has built a remarkable record of lead- In Hawaii and across America, AANHPI ership, holding squadron and group level com- 3 p.m. Committee on Environment and Public communities are as diverse as they are ac- mand six times. His service includes deploy- Works complished. But while our country has made ments to Oman, Iraq, and Qatar in support of Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear significant progress in increasing visibility and Operations Southern Watch, Iraqi Freedom, Safety expanding opportunities for all Asian Ameri- Enduring Freedom, New Dawn, as well as the To hold hearings to examine the nomina- cans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa. tions of Beth Harwell, of Tennessee, ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:37 May 14, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13MY8.001 E13MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS.
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