TUESDAY TORRANCE HERALD JUNE 9, 192S Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kent of 1001 Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mlddlng of r. and Mrs. Wallace Gilbert Jr., Sfcrjait Avenue entertained on Sat­ Long Beach and Mr. and Mrs. .nhd Mi's. Benjamin Wayt, and school at Berkeley. Barthelmess In House Peters Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hardeaty en­ urday evening at a radio party. Harlcy Haynes enjoyed a picnic at Exposition Park on Sunday. joyed a grunlon fishing party at Mrs. Lulu Kent of 1001 Sarto Delicious refreshment* Were served 'ermlnal Island on Saturday eve- A\-enue Is confined to her home c to Mr. and Mrs. Van Orsdell, Mr. Miss Nell-Whyte of Flint, Mlch., Film With Wife In Tornado' at Ing. and Mrs. E. W. Huddlcston, Mr. Is visiting her brother, Qrover C. GIFTS OF and Mr?. Bill Golden, and Mr. and Whyte. Miss Whyto will remain Here Two Days Lomita Theatre Mr. and Mrs. John Torrenco en­ nner guests' of Mrs. Mrs. Flunk Smith. Ifl Torranco a month. joyed a drive to Santa Barbara A. V. Bowen of 2828 Honoma Ave- Saturday, remaining over tho week- nue were O( i>rge and John Bov Usting QUALITY LETS 'New Toys' Will Be Shown 'Dark Swan' and Minor Glyn ii with Mr. and Mrs. William rma Cable, of Los An- flHHBCZZZ!.Z the Torrance Films Are Also Theatre Booked Outing Shirts Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wayt, Mrs. at Cost. Eby's, Toi ranee. Adv For the June Bride and the "No Toys," which Hca Davis and Harold Terry en- Graduate. Jewelry is the one Tonight and ti omorrow will Sundae :e Theatr on Wednesday Ita Theatre House J6ycd a beach party on Sunday. Kresh Strawberry shown at the L< Hughey's Tho American, Carson gift that doesn't swear out. ITORRANCE and Thursday, presents Mary riay Peters In "The Tornado" tin St. Adv. In the leading role with her hus­ Ing player of the screen in the Raymond Cov R * ^-*- THEATRE band. Richard Barthelmess. This la itrongest role of hi Our magnificent array of the flrs't time the couple have ap­ For ono day only, this coming peared on the screen together since Thursday, "Tho Dark Kwan" FREE TICKETS diamonds, watches ami sil­ D. W. Griffith's "Way Down East." It Is a Warner Cl THE BIG SHOW TONIGHT! ( or many fans, "New Toys" will of the Screen, with Marie Prevosl to the verware includes all that is Monte Blue and Heleno Chadwlck rich, beautiful and artistic in Hay as a screen actress. In the cast. A story of two als TORRANCE THEATRE and silver jewelry and The story of "New Toys" Is ap­ ters, one beautiful of mind whll gold Toby's Mammoth pealing because of Its sheer real­ the other Is beautiful of body, botl tableware. ism. It presents a young couple In striving for tho love of one mar Wednesday and Thursday. June 10-11 the early stages of married life, Elinoi1 Qlyn's picture, "Man ani COUNTRY STORE settling down to a future of ap­ Maid," with Renec Adoree and Lev To the first 100 people who bring in this parent happiness with their little Cody In the cast. Tho story of ; 50 PRIZES AMATEUR CONTEST homo and t)aby. These are the millionaire and his stenographer puzzle correctly solved to the in ,addition to "new toys," as they call them. one of the most gorgeous and ex The "toys" begin to pall upon citing pictures ever made. BARBARA LA MARR BERT LYTEL . the wife, though, and after a couple BEACON DRUG CO. N in "THE ETERNAL CITY" ol years she .succumbs to the lure of the statre. In this she is secretly encouraged by a former suitor and Amateur Night a former sweetheart of tho bus., WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY band. J503 Cabrlllo The characters introduced med­ Popular Event dling neighbors, pseudo friends and open enemies of the little home * § and the situations which their in­ Friday Nights IL terference bring about are striking in their close application to life. Barthelmess plays his first com­ Torrance Theatre Attract edy rolo in several years. Big Crowds With Week­ Miss Hay has an Ideal role for ly Event her reappearance on the screen, as her special forte is light comedy. CLASSIFIED She. also dances, so that motion Amateur Night, which is'.eve picture fans will get a glimpse of Friday at the Torranco Theatre, I the Mary Hay who is so popular becoming more and m'o>e popul with Broadway musical comedy each week. j patrons. Last Friday a house full national capacity enjoyed a delightful O pheunV. Circuit sketch called "The ORGAN SOLO NEWS FABLE& COMEDY Golf Goose." Lost and Found For Sale: Furniture and Georgo Ovey, popular motion pit FOUND Pair Household Goods turo comedy atar, and Walter Will of spectacle, a well known tlfcttcer of the stage t this offi< JEW WOOD BED, coll springs, Another of those delighfjul dance; and screen, wjtll Mrs. Ovey and mattress, and dresser, $36. Other irii-en by the Odd Fellows will b Mrs.' Wills, principals In the E Business Directory furniture; 1927 Carson St held In Mooso Hall, Caison Street sketch, kept the udie in Torrantie, next Saturday evening 'ontinual uproar of laughtei FOR SALE OP RENT Singer The music will be famished by 25 minutes. The stage was ti D. C. TURNER sewing machine. Call after 5 M I T the Hollywobdlandei'S. Everyone In Rappaport's Store p.m. 1408 Cota. L° who attended the last dance Is sure Miss Oodi and Mr. Walker Phone to be there, and thosi rvho missed also "excellent in a drawing Expert Shoe Repairer 26 Help Wanted: Male JL*I THl Lomita 266 THEATRE the last one heard so nuch about ecitatio t. While Miss God VERTICAL The Little Theatre with the Big Show HORIZONTAL Hakes Old Shoes Look New WANTED Man familiar with auto­ /hat they missed, they'll be there recited popular poi ncludlng 1. Richard (popular form). "Ont Where the WeSt Begins" am 2. Modernn scientific entertair mobile business, as resident 3. Part of "To be." salesman for an old established "Let Me Live In a House by the 7. Theatricical plays (colloq.). 4. Twenty-four hours. CABINET VAPOR BATHS; Swed­ TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Mrs. Harry Paige is convalescing Side of the Road," Mr. Waller ish massage. 2021 Carson St. line of cars. Good proposition to. 12. Within. 5. That thing. good man. Write Box 476, Oar- "om a very severe attack of heart crayoned appropriate pictures. 14. Floor cc Torrance. ouble on Saturday morning. Other pleasing acts were M dona, Calif. 15. Point of actress. fAN'S Window Cleaning Service irbara Lee, a Texas singer, 8. Pronoun. popular songs, and Bud Snyd 16. Exist. House, store, office. Reasonable. 30 Wanted to Buy 9 9. Unit. Phone 201-M. 2304 Gramercy. Tornado and buck and wi PETERS The comedian 7. Automot 10. Pronoun. ission TheatreC dancer. WANTED CLEAN, 'SOFT COT­ THE STERLING PLAYER OF THE SCREEN IS. Dress a by Mary 11. Immediately following. HEMSTITCHING, Mrs. King, 2267 TON RAGS, NO SILKS OR Long Beach El Walter E. Trask, in charge Hay ir "New Toys 13. Having a nap. West Carson St., 1 block west of M lese amateur performances, i WO0LENS, FREE FROM BUT­ IN THE STRONGEST ROLE 22. Burden ir toil, 16. Southwestern state of Germa high school. TONS. 10C POUND DELIV­ American Avenue tes all local people who can sing. 18. Alcoholic beverage. STUPENDOUS FLOOD AND TORNADO SCENES dance, play a music ument or 23. Knights of Pythias (abbr.). ERED HERE. HERALD. Horn* of Spoken Drama 19. Chums. 8 Travel Opportunities perform in any way to arrange 25. Small play. 20. Aged (old English). WANTED Real estate. LUt yonr :ryout with Mr. Anderson, mar 27. Delirium tremens (abbr.). 21. Born. LADIES wishing relia properties with the Nelll RaaJtr Theatre. The Charles King Players • of the Torrance 28. Poke. 24. Negative. portation to and fron Company. " 8-M-tf THURSDAY with 11. Definite article (Span.). 26. Mamma. geles, phone 62-J. Dudley . Rote 29. Practices in preparation for 33: Real Estate: Improved MARIE PREVOSTf Ayret ana Ludwig .2. Of-tFr.). public performance. 10 Financial Present New Pipe Organ 33. Competitive test of speed. 30. Function of a director of For Sale, Trade or Rent MONTE BLUE» Swan' 35. One left without a competitor MONEY TO LOAN Dark movie-direeto as in tennis, etc. 33. First National ON AUTOMOBILES Is Installed at 34. Princes of the Roman Catholic NEW 6, Pronoun. t- No Brokerage church. Loans completed In ten minutes. FRIDAY SATURDAY 8. South American cuckoo. 35. One of the screen's most popu­ Drive In Park free Get check 5-room house, modern, with Lomita Theatre 40. Wives of a Sultan. lar male ' stars, now playing Drive away. garage. Call at 2441 25Xth in "NEW TOYS." St., Harbor City. Ask for1 3. Small drum. G. W. BRACE Johnson. ELINOR Organist Will Play Numbers 5. Before. 37. Mrs. Barthelmees' name on th S>99 So. Figueroa Street Requested by the 6. Conclusion. stage. at Santa Barbara GLYN'S Wonderful character part Public 7. Beverage. 39. Motion-picture company which Phone Vermont 9016 MODERN two-room house in Har­ by Dudley Ayres. 8. Players in a movie. produces pictures for First bor City, almost new. J1SOO. V«*y Don't miss it 9. Two of a kind. National. 11 For Rent: Houses, easy down payment, balance Haw. Trucks stopped at the Lomita 30. Mischievous child. 41. Measure of area (100 square Furnished rent. Telephone AXridgo 8»W, a* Make Your Reservation Now to Theatre last week and men un- 1.
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