§ 117.289 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–14 Edition) 7 a.m. to 4:20 p.m., Monday through except that from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., the Friday except Federal holidays, the draw need open only on the hour, twen- draw need open only on the hour, 20 ty minutes past the hour, and forty minutes after the hour, and 40 minutes minutes past the hour. after the hour and except between 4:25 (f) The draw of the Corey Causeway p.m. and 5:25 p.m. when the draw need (SR693) bridge, mile 117.7 at South not open. On Saturdays, Sundays, and Pasadena, shall open on signal; except Federal holidays from 7:30 a.m. to 6 that, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday p.m. the draw need open only on the through Friday, and 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. hour, quarter-hour, half-hour, and Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal holi- three quarter-hour. days, the draw need be opened only on (b–1) Stickney Point (SR 72) bridge, the hour, 20 minutes after the hour, mile 68.6, at Sarasota. The draw shall and 40 minutes after the hour. open on signal, except that the draw (g) The draw of the Treasure Island need open only on the hour, twenty Causeway bridge, mile 119.0, shall open minutes past the hour, and forty min- on signal, except that from 7 a.m. to 7 utes past the hour, from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. the draw need open only on the p.m., Monday through Friday, except hour, quarter hour, half hour and three Federal holidays. quarter hour. From 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. (c) The draw of the Siesta Drive the draw shall open on signal if at least Bridge, mile 71.6 at Sarasota, Florida 10 minutes advance notice is given. shall open on signal, except that from (h) The draw of the Welch Causeway 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Fri- (SR699) bridge, mile 122.8 at Madiera day, except Federal holidays, the draw Beach, shall open on signal; except need open only on the hour, twenty that, from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Satur- minutes past the hour and forty min- days, Sundays, and Federal holidays, utes past the hour. On weekends and the draw need be opened only on the Federal holidays, from 11 a.m. to 6 hour, 20 minutes after the hour, and 40 p.m., the draw need open only on the minutes after the hour. hour, twenty minutes past the hour (i) The draw of the Belleair Beach and forty minutes past the hour. Drawbridge, mile 131.8, Clearwater, FL (d)(1) Cortez (SR 684) Bridge, mile shall open on signal, except that from 87.4. The draw shall open on signal, ex- 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., the bridge shall open cept that from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., the on the hour and half-hour. draw need only open on the hour, 20 [CGD 82–025, 49 FR 17452, Apr. 24, 1984] minutes after the hour, and 40 minutes after the hour. From January 15 to EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- May 15, from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., the draw tations affecting § 117.287, see the List of CFR need only open on the hour and half Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume hour. and at www.fdsys.gov. (2) Anna Maria (SR 64) (Manatee Ave- nue West) Bridge, mile 89.2. The draw § 117.289 Hillsboro Inlet. shall open on signal, except that from The drawspans of the SR A–1–A 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., the draw need only Drawbridge, mile 0.3 at Hillsboro open on the hour, 20 minutes after the Beach, must open on signal; except hour, and 40 minutes after the hour. that, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., the From January 15 to May 15, from 6 a.m. drawspans need be opened only on the to 7 p.m., the draw need only open on hour, quarter hour, half hour, and the hour and half hour. three quarter hour. Public vessels of (3) [Reserved] the United States and tugs with tows (4) Pinellas Bayway Structure ‘‘E’’ must be passed at anytime. (SR 679) bridge, mile 113.0 at St. Peters- burg Beach. The draw shall open on [USCG–2001–10881, 71 FR 70310, Dec. 4, 2006] signal, except that from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. the draw need open only on the § 117.291 Hillsborough River. hour and 30 minutes past the hour. (a) The drawspans for the draw- (e) The draw of the Pinellas Bayway, bridges at Platt Street, mile 0.0, Structure ‘‘C’’ bridge, mile 114, at St. Brorein Street, mile 0.16, Kennedy Bou- Petersburg Beach shall open on signal; levard, mile 0.4, Cass Street, mile 0.7, 576 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:33 Sep 02, 2014 Jkt 232135 PO 00000 Frm 00586 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\33\33V1.TXT 31 Coast Guard, DHS § 117.303 Laurel Street, mile 1.0, West Columbus minute delay, the draw lowers and Drive, mile 2.3, and West Hillsborough locks, providing the scanning equip- Avenue, mile 4.8, must open on signal if ment reveals nothing under the draw. at least two hours notice is given; ex- The draw remains down for a period of cept that, the drawspan must open on eight minutes or while the approach signal as soon as possible for public track circuit is occupied. vessels of the United States. (d) After the train has cleared, the (b) The draw of the CSX Railroad draw opens and the lights return to Bridge across the Hillsborough River, flashing green. mile 0.7, at Tampa, operates as follows: (1) The bridge is not tended. [CGD 82–025, 49 FR 17452, Apr. 24, 1984; 49 FR (2) The draw is normally in the fully 37381, Sept. 24, 1984; Redesignated by CGD07– open position, displaying green lights 04–015, 69 FR 42874, July 19, 2004] to indicate that vessels may pass. § 117.300 Manatee River. (3) As a train approaches, provided the marine traffic detection laser scan- The draw of the CSX Railroad Bridge ners do not detect a vessel under the across the Manatee River, mile 4.5 Bra- draw, the lights change to flashing red denton, operates as follows: and a horn continuously sounds while (a) The bridge is not tended. the draw closes. The draw remains (b) The draw is normally in the fully closed until the train passes. open position, displaying green lights (4) After the train clears the bridge, to indicate that vessels may pass. the lights continue to flash red and the (c) As a train approaches, provided horn again continuously sounds while the scanners do not detect a vessel the draw opens, until the draw is fully under the draw, the lights change to open and the lights return to green. flashing red and a horn continuously [CGD 82–025, 49 FR 17452, Apr. 24, 1984; 49 FR sounds while the draw closes. The draw 37381, Sept. 24, 1984, as amended by CGD7–92– remains closed until the train passes. 56, 58 FR 15420, Mar. 23, 1993; CGD07–04–148, 70 (d) After the train clears the bridge, FR 43766, July 29, 2005; USCG–2001–10881, 71 the lights continue to flash red and the FR 70310, Dec. 4, 2006] horn again continuously sounds while the draw opens, until the draw is fully § 117.295 Kissimmee River. open and the lights return to green. The draw of the DSX Railroad bridge, mile 37.0, near Fort Basinger, shall [CGD07–04–015, 69 FR 42874, July 19, 2004] open if at least 96 hours notice is given. § 117.301 Massalina Bayou. [CGD07–93–091, 59 FR 21932, Apr. 28, 1994] The draw of the Tarpon Dock bascule § 117.297 Little Manatee River. span bridge, Massalina Bayou, mile 0.0 The draw of the Seaboard System at Panama City, shall open on signal; Railroad bridge, mile 2.4 at Ruskin, except that from 9 p.m. until 11 p.m. on shall open on signal if at least three July 4, each year, the draw need not hours notice is given. open for the passage of vessels. The draw will open at any time for a vessel § 117.299 Loxahatchee River. in distress. The draw of the Florida East Coast [66 FR 36467, July 12, 2001] Railway bridge across the Loxahatchee River, mile 1.2 at Jupiter, operates as § 117.303 Matlacha Pass. follows: The draw of the SR78 bridge, mile 6.0 (a) The bridge is not constantly tend- at Fort Myers, shall open on signal ed. from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 3 p.m. (b) The draw is normally in the fully to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday. On open position, displaying flashing Sundays the draw shall open on signal green lights to indicate that vessels from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 3 p.m. may pass. to 7 p.m. At all other times, the draw (c) When a train approaches, the need not be opened for the passage of lights go to flashing red and a horn vessels. starts four blasts, pauses, and then continues four blasts. After an eight [CGD7–92–74, 57 FR 58711, Dec.
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