Demolition of Existing Buildings and Proposed Erection of 8 Dwellings - Bank Top, Springhill Lane, St Mary Bourne, Andover, Hampshire SP11 6BG Client: Spear Design Projects Ltd Landscape Appraisal February 2017 Bradford-Smith Ltd, 5 Thorold Road, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 7JY Tel.no: 01252 714607 email: [email protected] www.brafordsmith.co.uk CONTENTS: CONTENTS: ..................................................................................................................................... 2 1 SCOPE OF WORK AND BACKGROUND ........................................................................... 4 2 SITE LOCATION & CONTEXT ........................................................................................... 8 3 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND ............................................................................................. 9 4 PLANNING CONTEXT ..................................................................................................... 11 5 LANDSCAPE BASELINE: LANDSCAPE CHARACTER ..................................................... 15 6 LANDSCAPE BASELINE: SITE SETTING, SURVEY AND ANALYSIS .............................. 23 7 VISUAL APPRAISAL ........................................................................................................ 27 8 LANDSCAPE RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... 30 9 LANDSCAPE STRATEGY .................................................................................................. 32 10 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................... 35 References Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (Third Edition) Landscape Institute and Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment. Abingdon 2013 National Character Area Profiles, Natural England, http://publications.naturalengland.org.uk/publication/6738147345956864?category=587 130 04/01/2017 Hampshire Integrated Landscape Character Assessment, http://www3.hants.gov.uk/landscape-and-heritage/hampshire-integrated-character- assessment.htm 04/01/2017 http://www.northwessexdowns.org.uk/publications.html#landscape_assessment 04/01/2017 https://www.basingstoke.gov.uk/content/page/27451/2%20Landscape%20Assessment% 20-%20A%20Landscape%20Overview.pdf 09/01/2017 http://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/hants/vol4/pp295-299 08/02/2017 http://www.stmarybourne-pc.gov.uk 08/02/2017 St Mary Bourne Village Design Statement St Mary Bourne Parish Council 2005 Conservation Area Appraisal St Mary Bourne and Stoke; Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council 2003 2 626 – Demolition of Existing Buildings and Proposed Erection of 8 Dwellings - Bank Top, Springhill Lane, St Mary Bourne, Andover, Hampshire SP11 6BG: Landscape Appraisal Drawings Figure 1: Site Location Plan Figure 2: Landscape Context: Topography and Drainage Figure 3: Planning Context Figure 4: Site Survey and Analysis: Local Landscape Context Figure 5: Site Survey and Analysis: Site Features Figure 6: Photographic locations Figure 7: Photographic Views Sheets 1 to 6 Figure 8: Illustrated Landscape Strategy Appendices Appendix 1: Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council Pre-application Consultation report 16/03356/EN28 dated 31/10/2016. 3 626 – Demolition of Existing Buildings and Proposed Erection of 8 Dwellings - Bank Top, Springhill Lane, St Mary Bourne, Andover, Hampshire SP11 6BG: Landscape Appraisal 1 SCOPE OF WORK AND BACKGROUND (FIGURE 1) 1.1 Bradford Smith Ltd has been commissioned by Spear Design Projects Ltd to provide a Landscape Strategy Plan and a Landscape Appraisal for the proposed demolition of existing buildings on the application site and the erection of 8 new dwellings. 1.2 The main purpose of this landscape appraisal is to assess key characteristics and features of the existing landscape, of the application site and its setting, to guide development proposals and support the development of a landscape strategy which protects existing historic, landscape and amenity interests through the detailed design of the development proposals. 1.3 A formal Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) has not been carried out, but the same principles and approach have been used as for a formal LVIA. The landscape appraisal has not influenced the proposed site layout as part of an iterative design process, but has identified considerations to be taken forward through detailed design, construction and operational/management stages of the project. The final design has included landscape proposals which will help to bolster the capacity of the receiving landscape to absorb the development. 1.4 LVIA is a tool used to identify the significance of, and the effects of change resulting from development on both the landscape as an environmental resource in its own right and on people’s views and visual amenity (Landscape Institute and IEMA 2013). The guidance states that the principles and processes of LVIA can also be used to assist in the ‘appraisal’ of forms of land use change or development that fall outside the requirements of the EIA Directive and Regulations. The LVIA methods are therefore referred to in this document and have been employed to produce this ‘Appraisal’. One of the main differences is that a formal EIA includes an assessment of the significance of effects, LVIA role in landscape ‘appraisal’ does not. 1.5 In accordance with the Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (GLVIA), throughout this report ‘impact’ is defined as the action being taken and the ‘effect’ is defined as the change resulting from that action. 1.6 ‘Likely significant effects’ that have been embraced as part of this study have included positive/beneficial and negative/adverse, direct and indirect, long and short term, and cumulative effects. 1.7 The site is located within the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The site: Planning history 1.8 Six previous planning applications relate to the application site: 1.9 Application BDB/27321 for the erection of a new bungalow and garage and covered pool was granted by Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council on 23/08/1989. This is assumed to be Bankcroft; the bungalow immediately adjacent to the site. It seems likely that the land this application refers to was previously under the same ownership as the application site, and may have served as part of the previous land use operation. 1.10 Two applications were submitted to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council on 4 626 – Demolition of Existing Buildings and Proposed Erection of 8 Dwellings - Bank Top, Springhill Lane, St Mary Bourne, Andover, Hampshire SP11 6BG: Landscape Appraisal 18/12/1992 but subsequently withdrawn. Application BDB/34192 was for the demolition of storage buildings and dwelling. Application BDB/34138 was for the redevelopment of the site comprising the erection of 7 no. houses and 1 no. bungalow with double garage. 1.11 Application BDB/34977 for the redevelopment of the site comprising 5 dwellings was granted by Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council on 08/12/1993. 1.12 Application BDB/34978 for the demolition of existing house store and clearance of scrapyard was granted by Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council on 08/12/1993. 1.13 Application BDB/44714 for the variation of condition 1 of planning permission BDB/34977 to allow a further period for commencement of development was granted by Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council on 23/02/1999. This is no longer extant having expired 5 years from the decision date. The site: Location and setting 1.14 The application site is located at St Mary Bourne, to the north-east of Andover in the County of Hampshire. It is located to the north-east of the B3048 accessed from a rural lane (Springhill Lane) close to its junction with the B3048. 1.15 The landscape setting is of a narrow flat bottomed river valley in an open, gently undulating chalk landscape. The elevation is generally between 90m AOD and 130m AOD. The application site is located on one of the valley side slopes at between 92.5 and 98.5m AOD. Method 1.16 A desk study was undertaken to identify lengths of public rights of way and other publicly accessible areas with potential views of the site. These have been surveyed to confirm the visibility, and the visual sensitivity of the application site. The nature of the proposed change to the landscape was assessed to conclude with an appraisal of the likely landscape and visual effects of the proposed development. Ecology 1.17 An Extended Phase 1 Habitat and Preliminary Protected Species survey was carried out by FPCR Environment and Design Ltd in August 2016. The report of survey advises that: The application site is not subject to any ecological designation, and the increased residency from the proposed development of the site should not have a significant effect on any of (non-statutory) designated sites in the local vicinity; The hedgerow on the north-eastern boundary of the site is of some interest for its diversity of native species; There was no evidence of badger activity during the survey visit, but the report advises a further survey be carried out prior to construction because the habitat is suitable for colonisation by this species; Boundary vegetation is suitable habitat to support local populations of bats. Mitigation and enhancements for bats were recommended as listed in the survey report; 5 626 – Demolition of Existing Buildings and Proposed Erection of 8 Dwellings - Bank Top, Springhill Lane, St Mary Bourne, Andover, Hampshire
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