• f ■ .--V'? SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19,1940 The Wsatber Euntlno ATtrags Dally CirealatioB ; ei V. 8. Waalhai r« r the Meath nf SepteoilMr, 1S4S The Brotherhood of Wliist Is Scheduled 65 Are Made Fair and aaMar usl Lutheran church has chartered 6,441 dftj fair a»4 i lAbout Town * a bus to visit New Haven next FUEL and RANGE OIL Meahat o< the Aaiit Tuesday evening and Eastern Star NOTICE! local church V ,. Voters Here Bnraaa et Oltenlhtieaa » w y Beott «f 0«rmui- n’elocic A few places tn the bus In Any Quantity— Any Time Manche»Uir—“A City of VUiage Charm nK .|la, tha w««k-«n<l fueat soil Callable and reservations I Maty IjOu Naylor of B A MlllUry Whist igmnsored ^ Wholesale and Retail (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENT! Tumplk* Woat, may be made ^ the Order of Eastern Star and the Total So Far i§ G. O. P. MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1940 LAvey or Carl Matson. Masonic Social Club will be held Electric Service VOL. i X NO. 19 at Masonic Temple on Wednesday 784, Democrats 676; ' OlbboBa Aaaambly. C. U ^ C. There will be a public meeting evening October SO at eight In Session Today. BANTLY OIL COMPANY titacu* wlU meet at tne of the various local ^ u p s en ^g - d’clock.' Merchandlse prizes will be T. M. C. A. Monday evening at ed In securing British War R«k«f awarded and refreshments will be Center Street Phone 5293 Cramped But Safe |;18. All members Interested are tomorrow afternoon 2 . aixty-flvs persons were made Interruption Orange Hall. The meeUng has served. voters last night at the two-hoiir Serving the Public' for 23 Years. Scatter Uiged to attend. For further In- Mns. Robert Boyce, Worthy Ma­ Nazi been planned to give the general session of the Board of Selectmen Noon Oct. 29 Set fbrmatlon they may caU Miss tron of the Eastern Star has ap­ Oirtrude O. Maynard, telephone DUblic an idea of what types of and Town Cleric after which the Due to necessary distribution changes to war relief the local committee has pointed Mrs. Marjorie Straw and Registrars listed an advantage of MSB. been engaged in sinc' the chapter Mrs. Bernice ’Thrall to serve on the Republicana over the Demo­ improve service the following streets org^anized two months a^o. the committee. They will be as­ Group No. 8 of Memorial crats of 108 sines ths sessions will be without el^tric curreht for ap­ On First Drawing sisted by Harry Straw, James started laat month. In Hit-Run Attacks; Hospital auxiliary. Mra D. M. Maher and Irving Wickham of the Score la 784 to. 878 proximately one-half hour on Moiitlay Otlmirell. leader, will fneet Mon­ Social Club. Forty-two of those given the day at two o’clock In the Clinic. Not Badly Hurt The committee requeate all elector’s oath last night chose the morning, October 21st. buUdlng. those planning to attend to make Republican party an<l 20 were Of Draft Number In Auto Crash I reservations as soon as possible In re^st^red with the Democrats, Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Keeney , Depot Square Whjdaor Kerry Predicted ' order that the correct number of giving the Republicana tha larg­ Offensive will return from their vacation ^ t tables and flags can be arranged est single session advantags of North Main Buraham > Union Place Roosevelt to Pull Cap­ Sunday afternoon and the doctor j Stanley Pawelec, 20, of 128 ' A large attendance Is desired. the fall. The count for the season Willkie Offer Alarms Sound Twice In will be In his office Monday. Sprang street, 'Thompsonvllle wa.a' I thua far la 784 Republicana against DEMOCRATIC Union ”^Woodland MfCabe sule from Glass Fish- T»i &bin.l pfazis’ Bombs injured about the head iMt night , -s Taw • 676 Democrats. Three persons Bowl Used in World bay Day Coming Soon Ixindon Before Mid- Walter Baldyga, Buckland. and 1 made voters declined to register North Adams Marble To Share Hall Mary C. Orlowski, of 16 Kdward* ,';;"^^uth w m ^ o r' and “l t S ° a ; with either party. The non-regla- H||HfWar; Full Process t* . > Afternoon; 2 Bomb# stTMt, have applied for a mar- ScllOO.l MllSlC trant group for the season is When Britain Will Be SmUS/l Putie^ telephone pole. Pawelcc was ad­ sHghUy more than 200 and laat RALLY Golway \ Cumberland Hilliard Fall Just Before SirenB riaM license In Hartford. mitted to Memorial hospital but ' Expected to Take at N ot ACCeptca In Position to Hit Axis hia injuries Included a bad lacera­ Fund Growing night males held an advanUge ov­ Tolland Turnpike — Middle Turnpike West Shriek First Warn­ er females, 34 to 31 but women l -a Least 12 Hours." Foes; Bombers in At Embassy Fifty members' of the Polish tion of the head and his condition still lid In registrations for the ing; Throb of Moloin Roman Catholic Alliance and the was not regarded as serious. season, 845 to 820. HIGH SCHOOL HALL If the weather is unfavorable, the work Early Asserts Roosevelt Raiils Stretching to Polish Women's Alliance of this Two paaaengers with Pawelec in Splendid Response'” to One Rejected Wa.shington, Oct. 21.—(A*) Heard During Second town will visit the New York hUs car at the time of the accident One would-be voter was reject­ will be ilone on the next eleur day. Berlin and Northern iVo Member of U. S. World’s Fair tomorrow in ob.servr were unhurt. They were James —President Roosevelt will Probably Will Speak .Appeal for Money to ed last night due to his Inability draW the first number in the Alert; Heavy Barrage. ance of Polish Day. Crowley, 20, and Raymond Miller, to read as required of him. In ’ Brooklyn Rather Italv During Night. Staff Injured in Recent 19 both of Thompsonvllle, State Biiv Instruments. WED., OCT. 2 3 -8 P. M. draft lottery at noon on Oct. The Selectmen and the Town Air Raid; Inside of ^ I l e t i n ! Nathan Gatchell of the faculty Policeman William Conlin investi­ Clerk expect a final all-day rush Watch for Further .\nnouncemcnts! The Manchester Electric Division 29. Dr. Clarence A. Dykstra, Than in Baltimore. Bulletin! of Manchester High school took a gated. Twenty-four one dollar contri­ today, the final session for mak­ selective service director, Building IStit Damaged London. Oct. 21,*—(/P)— small group of students to New London, Oct. 21.—(4’)— butions yesterday boosted the to­ ing voters except for those who made the announcement to­ Washington, Oct. 21 —(47— Anti-aircraft guns opened up York today for a visit to the j tal of the Instrumental Fund of qualify In the interim between THE OONNEOnOUT rOWEE COMPANY Two air raids on Berlin, dam­ World’s Fair. To Hold Services now and election day. day after- a conference with President Roosevelt, a secretary aging blows elsewhere in Ger­ I»ndon. Oct. 2 1—(4’)—Windows a deafening barrage in the the public schools to’ 1154.000, It The hours today and Selectmen /7S Main Street Manchester. Conn. said today,, la not accepting Wen­ were smashed In the United States’ I.ondon area when darknesh was announced today by Treasur­ the chief executive. many and a foray into north- The entertainment committee of in charge are:. 9 to 11 a. m., Sher­ Dykiitra mild the drawing would dell L. Winkle’s offer to share an big new embassy building on Gros- felLon the capital tonight aft­ Mlantonomah Tribe of the Red At (iospel Hall er Walter Buckley. This fund is wood G. Bowers; 11 a. m. to 1 p. London family shows how one of the small Anderson shelters can be used as a family rn Italy demonstrated- last Ate held In the Interdepartmental auditorium with him In Baltimore of equipping -the shelters venor square in a recent Nazi air er earlier sporadic firing. Ths Men will meet at the club on being raised to purchase^ musical m., Harold R. Symington; 1 to 4 Oct. 30. dwelling during long air raid alarms. The Brltl.sh caption says the idea n)ght to both ends of the Axis > Bralnard Place at 7:30 o’clock instruments for the use of pupils p m.. David Chambers; 4 to 6 p. auditorium adjaccHt to the Labor with bunks belongs to a London bobby. This shelter is capable of holding bunks for four adults and raid, but the red brick, white-trim­ barrage signalled the return John Bernard of Brighton. BLUE CASTLE INN Department building in Waahlng- Stephen Blarly, the president’s oyal Air Force’s “gath­ Monday evening to complePt plants in the local schools arid thus far m., Raymond H. Burnham; 6 to med colonial structure was not of Nazi raiders to the city for the program on October 27, Mass., who has visited Manches- ' the response to appeal has ton, with the chief executive pull­ press secretary, said that rather four children. ering'strength,” the Air Min­ 8 p. m., Harold M. Reed. 865 EAST MIDDI.E TURNPIKE MANCHESTER ing the first numbei^ from the than in Baltimore or Washington badly damaged. after a day they had devoted when three degrees will be confer­ ter on previous Occa.slons, will been most encouraging. istry News Service i reported No member of the staff was in­ red on a class Of 25 candidates. conduct .services In the Gospel \ I.atest Contributors (On the Bolton Road) ■* ' - glass goldfish bowl used In the on that date Mr. Roosevelt prob­ largely to scattered hit-SBd- All members who have been sell­ hall.
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