V . ^5 ■~'^r i..-\'':-y!i.-: r- ’, i’’■ j**'.'. S I : /-, '.*/ :/......; . ' - THURSDAY, APRIL i. 1958 . W'; Ai >'■, ATenige Daily Net Pten Run ♦ a g e t w e n t y ■ i® attrhE H t?r J E iifttitt0 For the Woek Ended The Weather rr"‘--- /-•^.vjifi'.'svn.'- ^ 1*MIMS 'Foracaat tfrtirs. wedthar Bafead 10,933 Fair, cool tonight. Min. Si4S. Member of the Audit Saturday, lacreaaiaf cloudlneee, IS Eureau of CIrculationa mlM. Quicker: Manche»ter— A C i i y of Village C hatm \ Mere Convenient! (Claeilfled Advertialag on Page Id) VOL. LXXIIi NO. 156 M)tJ(CHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1933 . (EIGHTEEN PACES) Easier Food Shopping: \" PRICE FIVE C9NT8 ' AT VOt'R R e d s / / F r e e PWEHURST GROCERY |d t e r n e d FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE 14 Daily Store lloura on \ Except Fnday S in c e 1950 PINEHURST IS OPEN 8:00 A . ^ t o fi P. M. Fridays Until 8:.T0 As 5,000 Kin Wait y • \ . f\ /I^ris, April 3— The FRIDAYS UNTIL y ' _ L ,..— - r French Foreign Office said today that 14 French civilians New York, April 3—(/P)— bore inscriptions in lipstick and YOU GET THE FINKT EASTER POULTRY Interned by the Communists Laughing and crying women; mascara such as "Welcome Home, Self Serve and Meat Dept. Louie.” "Welcome Home, Sugar- in Korea have been liberated . i+tAMSvvLAMtyjEEF ATJ!INEH gav« a wild jweicome today to' \ «M»BYCAR pti*i,*' ann • AboufTtme;*’^ / and viW arrive sbon ifiTMos- soldiers on the first troopship The . Iichaki clad troops leaning cdw„ Convenient pnrkinK lot. Flenijr of help to come into New-York from over the starboard rails as the Battle, Lines Dmtvn for Tideland Oil Fight to cnrry bnlHUeo to your car. NO'-^tlp- SUNLIGHT H ALE’S The Foreign Office said that the FARM FliESH FRO^ COVENTRY Korea. It was unofficially, transport Gen. WiUism Weigal director of the Soviet Foreign $ 4,000 S e t plBg, plenie. ,, \ S A V E IO < Fresh Fniit and Vegetables nosed Into the Brooklyn Army office’s western European division estimated that 5,000 relatives- Base waved wildly, shouted, and' girl friends gathered to hid confirmed the release of the L^RiE^ROASflNO CAPONS BUTTER o n L i p t o n t e a whistled and sang. ' French civilian* to Frsnce'a Am­ 9 A meet the m'en who debarked ' A 35 piece band, blowing of the Legesd As Price of L E T T U C E Firm Head ^E ach bassador in Moscow, Louis Joxe. / OONVENIENTLY LOCATED after a serie.s of delays— a ship's whistle and the drone of => / I Three-Mil* Zese RSZS FOWl Y o R FRICASSEE . ■ The move was viewed here ** a I Tradittesel Netiesel l*Hs4*ry F ™ Oeisied by Le«iii*a* right'at anchor in the harbor, airplanea and helicopters added to conciliation gesture In the Com­ At *02 Main Street, comer Middle Lb. 2 1 c the uproar. g g n lO-Mile Zese i P E P P E R S a pumber of - welcome home munist world's current peace cam- N lOVi-MHc Zest ‘Protectionl TnmpUie. Out of downtown 'traffic. In Harbor Yesterday palgn. BBM Caliierai* DesMsdt TW* l*«sdery WlhTE ROCK FRYERS speeches, and a gangplank Army regulations dictated that tmdiheiMi leoeftecy *) Beh. 1 0 c The Foreign Office said It did B*nft« .*sd Test* ---- — ---- - - P A R S L E Y ^ that got stuck. the ship dock this morning' *!• not have a list of the,.^civilians re^ New London, April 8— (ff) ONE<STOP 8HOPPINO FANCY, LARGE Brondwny Parad* i though she reached New York leased but they probably includ'»d — State’s Attorney Robert F. RVISCERATb^(FROZEN) SMALL. SeCOAl4 SALE PACKAGES New York and New Jersey-j harbor late yesterday. A host members of the Seoul connate A > Anderson of New LondqB Evorythlni; you expect to find In a troop* headed for a city hall re- | of Broadway enterta:iners gave a staff and a French newspap^cor­ C U C U M B E R S ^ For’ show aboard ship until the early f County said today he waa in­ modem food store . plus a lew NATIVE TURKEYS 2lC ception and a Broadway parade' respondent of the Frenciv Press ! / } L b . 5 5 c befdris they coiild scatter for their morning hours, but some troops Agency (A F P ), MauriegAChante. L^ISIANAy^ ^ vestigating a report of a do- •xtraa. Uitht liulb* . popular booke home*. w-ere disgruntled that the ship did loup. ■■ TEXAS mand of money to kill an anti­ BEANS Lb . 2 5 c and mafaxlnes . kitchen ha^ware. 48 Troop* from other *tat«* board- not dock immediately. Captured In Reoiil '/>» SZZi IIUION fireworks bill pending in the CRANBERRY SAUCE .\ . ...................... 1 9 e SIO IILLION E g g s EDUCATOR Tea- Baga LARGE BUNCH ad ferries for New Jersey jro to While they enjoyed the show, The consulate staff was headed ecnNTiAL MHivn legislature. The bill would Camp Kilmer for furlough clear­ they felt the delay In disembarking by Consul M. Apifj-riche. The Grade A'Large ance. might prevent them from reaching prohibit the sale of fireworks A N I S E Each 2 5 c A i-Frenchmen were , captured In Seoul CRAX Many, though, held brief dock­ home In time for Eaftec.'’ at the outbreak of the Korean in Connecticut. \ Tender Cure Doz. Anderson, refusing to dlacuw HOW TO BUY HAM WISELY AND WELL side reunion* with wive* they The Military Sea Transport war.. ull Pound;—Beat Value Meet The TOMATOES Cello Pkg. 2 1 c hadn't seen in two years. Rome Service gave two versions of the The Rusrians already haVe of­ the case In deUil, said that at CORNED were seeing their Infant children reason for keeping th/fe troops fered to hrip/'bbtain the release of MILUONl present it appeared that "a breadi NKW FLORIDA abosrd ship overnight. British oitilians held by the North of ethlca Imt not of law'* waa in­ for the first time. « volved. The best advin m u a five yoa, it la BEEF ... '■V. The welcorner* waved sign* Fir.«t, it-reported that the ship Koreansreani since the start of the |S2.7 IlLLION NO fSTIMATI ( Harold Disco of David Dlaco afld Best Foods POTATOES 3 Lbs. 2 9 c they had written on white pla­ Korean war. British Hihister of FLOftIM IICAUMI card* provided by the Army. They (COnHiiiied on Page Eight) Staw SelwynS Lloyd said in Lon­ Son, Norwich, a leading flrtworiuoriu talfct MORRELL’S READY TO EAT HAM, Honeyeonati BALDW IN TNIhE IS NO distributor, said that he had baan \ c don .yeaterday that Ruaaian-North MAINLAND Korean talks on, this are now un­ « W ^ Y 1 rioouenos approached with an offer, th at'If Family he paid a sum of money th* bill TRIPE A P P L E S 2 Lba. 3 9 c derway. He addftd, however, that T which it fully- cookad, nady to h u t aad the firat Russian* report on their would be killed. He refused to agy SUGAR HEART TENDER progress said two of the nine civil­ Congre*# I* attempting to come up with m i answer a* lo whether But that was before geologlata reported blllloas of dnllnm of oil mder who made it or how much money BANANAS 2 Lbs. 3 1 c XJ. S. to Take Red Peace ians are dead and the Koreana the state* or I'nrie Sam owns the bllllona of dolhu-s In potential off- the aurfnee ftt offsimre waters. Wkeii that happened, the tedernl waa sought, but deocribed it aa aat Ha caakiag diriakaga.. aaparb Haver. DAISY l U t - ■ - - - ............... ’’an exorbitant auffl." clalm,.,to -.know :nothing about -a shiii^ oil. ' ’’Ehriy bisto'ry saw tKe" Tede'ral government bolding"'Ihnt .gov-emment-mtade Itd elnima and the light started, -Abover-Newamap ■ S and W / \ ■ third. -*• show* the state Involved In the eontroveroy, the offohore righto they Reports to Raldala RAMS title to offshore lands within the three-mile IlmK lay with the state*. Whela haiiia I l i a Id Ibt. Bay half arwkela SWEET PEAS California ^ r g e \ "Feelers aO ^ce" Valite On March 18. Soviet Minister V. are demanding, and how mueh money In oti I* pofbatlally. Involved. Disco and President C. K. Frozen Food Specials M. Molotov promised to help win BacKes of M. Back«a and Eoni, Genuine the release of British civilians In­ X, Wallirtgfbrd fireworks manofac- at yaa praftr. Whale cr ihaak hall 79e lb. 2 Cans Washington. April .3—(ffV-SoViet Premier Georgi Malen­ terned in North Korea. Then, on SiliRi TBrror il Hartford: turers, reported th* matter - to / WALKUTS vj Snow Cro|i Leaf or ChoppMl Svlnach the .27th, he made a similar prom­ Nation’s Deficit Stassen < Backs Clarence F. Baldwin, R*public«i CUBE kov had President Eisenhowcr’ypwn words today to assure ise regarding French clvlllanii. State chairman. Pk«r- - \ him that all Russian peace approaches are being received by saying he agreed they should be In Woodbridge, Baldwin aaid that STEAKS G h ifi Fantail Shrimp, 2 1 Baskat the U. S. government at full/face value. Ei.senhower made repatriated. Seen Heading Ike’s Views on about two weeks ago, two Backaa this .st.ttement si a .news confer- • ' --------------- The list of the Frenchmen who company officials reported thht Cola PiRBappla Ji^cB ence ve*terdsy. saying the govern- ‘ - m j , have been freed was listed by the T o 6 1 /2 B illion Diaco had been told by an ex-lagii- ment should take every offer,made ^ J q y R C C 1 1 1 6 Frenth News Agency as Georges Sen.
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