Jewish Federation of NEPA Non-profit Organization 601 Jefferson Ave. U.S. POSTAGE PAID The Scranton, PA 18510 Permit # 184 Watertown, NY Change Service Requested Published by the Jewish Federation of Northeastern Pennsylvania VOLUME XI, NUMBER 11 MAY 31, 2018 “Friends of The Reporter” Campaign The Federation is asking members of its newspaper of the region, the publication columns covering other topics, from Fed- Pennsylvania, 601 Jefferson Ave., Scran- communities to support its “Friends of The offers its readers a variety of material, from eration’s free Jewish Film Loan Library ton, PA 18510, and mark it “Friends of Reporter” Campaign, which seeks to raise opinions and columns on controversial to food and entertainment. The Reporter.” Donors can also use the $9,500 to assist in funding the newspaper. issues that affect the local communities, The Reporter can also be read online response portion from the “Friends of The The regional Jewish newspaper, The Israel and world Jewry; to publicity for at the newly designed Federation website, Reporter” ad in this and every edition of Reporter, is the primary communica- events and programs held by Federation’s www. jewishnepa.org. the newspaper. tions tool of the Jewish communities of affiliated agencies and organizations; to The Federation is asking each member “Your gift to F regional Jewish news- Lackawanna, Monroe, Pike and Wayne life-cycle events, personality profiles, of the community to become a “Friend paper matters a great deal to us and we counties. Supplementing synagogue letters to the editor, holiday recipes, the of The Reporter.” To do so, send a check would be most grateful for your support,” and temple newsletters and bulletins, Jewish community calendar and other to the Jewish Federation of Northeastern said a Federation representative. The Reporter’s circulation now stands at more than 800 families. Throughout this period of time, costs in publishing the paper have increased dramatically, Campaign contributors thanked although the newspaper continues to be provided to members of our commu- The Federation expresses its “deepest community as an insert in The Reporter. nities in Northeastern Pennsylvania at thanks” to those who made a gift in sup- The Annual Report will detail how your no charge. The Federation assumes the port of its annual 2018 UJA Campaign. Campaign gifts benefit the Jewish institu- financial responsibility for funding the The 2018 Campaign Honor Roll will tions and educational, cultural, religious newspaper at a cost of $26,000 per year be published during the summer in The and recreational agencies that comprise and asks only that its readers assist in Reporter as a token of the community’s the Jewish communities of Northeastern raising $9,500 as part of its “Friends of appreciation. Pennsylvania, as well as serve Israel and The Reporter” Campaign – to alleviate In addition, the Federation’s forthcom- world Jewry. a share of those expenses. ing 2017-2018 Annual Report will be “Thanks again for your generosity,” The newspaper is delivered twice a issued in June and presented at the Fed- said a Federation representative. “Our month (except for July and December, eration’s Annual Meeting on Thursday, Jewish communities, institutions and which are single-issue months) to every June 7, at 7 pm, in the Linder Room of agencies in Northeastern Pennsylvania, identifiable Jewish home in Northeastern the Scranton Jewish Community Center. It Dr. Joel and Leah Laury, co-chairs, 2018 Israel and around the world are deeply Pennsylvania. As the primary Jewish will also be distributed to the entire Jewish UJA Campaign indebted to you for your kindness.” paign Updat Cam e 2018 UJA U.S. dedicates Jerusalem embassy amid Campaign Update jubilation, violence Our sincerest thanks BY MARCY OSTER We made it! historic and sacred land to each of you for JERUSALEM (JTA) – The United of Jerusalem,” Trump making this States dedicated its newly established said. Its opening, he said, achievement embassy in Jerusalem in a high-profile was “many, many years possible! ceremony attended by Trump administra- ahead of schedule.” tion officials. Both Israeli Prime Minister The dedication came Benjamin Netanyahu and President Reu- as Gaza’s Health Minis- ven Rivlin pronounced the Shehechyanu try reported that Israeli prayer during the May 14 afternoon cere- For information or to make defense forces had killed a donation, please call mony, which is said when one is thankful at least 50 Palestin- 570-961-2300 ext. 3 or for a new or unusual experience. ians during protests by send your gift to: “Today we officially open the United tens of thousands of Jewish Federation of States embassy in Jerusalem. Congrat- Northeastern Pennsylvania, Palestinians who were The U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem sits on a traffic circle 601 Jeerson Ave., ulations it’s been a long time coming,” massed on the territo- recently named for President Donald Trump. The compound Scranton, PA 18510 President Donald Trump said in a video ry’s border with Israel. (Please MEMO your is in the middle of Arnona, a residential neighborhood in pledge or gift – 2018 greeting. “Israel is a sovereign nation with More than 2,400 were UJA Campaign) the city’s south. (Photo by Ben Sales) the right like any other nation to determine injured. Thousands of its own capital. Palestinians also marched in protest in to the President Jason Greenblatt, who “Today we follow through on this the West Bank. serves as Trump’s special envoy to Middle recognition and open our embassy in the A large stage with an American flag East negotiations. Trump’s senior adviser motif was erected in Jerusalem’s Arnona and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, was also neighborhood, where the existing U.S. in attendance, along with his wife, Ivanka consular headquarters will take on many Trump, who also serves her father as a top of the embassy functions. Previous admin- presidential advisor. Federation istrations declined to move the embassy The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, preferring which passed both houses of Congress by not to buck the international consensus overwhelming votes, recognized Jerusa- on Facebook that the city’s status was disputed until lem as the capital of Israel and called for The Jewish Federation of Northeast- resolved by negotiations between Israel relocating the embassy from Tel Aviv to ern Pennsylvania now has a page on and the Palestinians. Jerusalem. A presidential waiver signed Facebook to let community members A newly hung sign pointing to the U.S. Among the administration members at- every six months until now has allowed know about upcoming events and keep Embassy in Jerusalem, which was tending the May 14 ceremony were Deputy successive administrations to suspend connected. inaugurated on May 14. (Photo by Ben Secretary of State John Sullivan, Treasury moving the embassy on the grounds that Sales) Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Assistant See “Embassy” on page 4 Candle lighting June 1 ............................................8:12 pm INSIDE THIS ISSUE June 8 ............................................8:16 pm “Makers for Heroes” High-tech summit On the silver screen June 15 ......................................... 8:20 pm Teams from Israel’s high tech The world’s young entrepreneurs Spike Lee’s Jewish characters PLUS industries help wounded combat were in Israel recently for the have evolved; a gory Holocaust Opinion .......................................................2 vets with innovative devices. “Forbes Under 30 Global Summit.” film is popular in Russia. D’var Torah ...............................................8 Story on page 6 Story on page 7 Stories on pages10-11 Annual Meeting .....................................16 2 THE REPORTER ■ M AY 31, 2018 A MATTER OF OPINION UJA/Federation 2018 Campaign Honor Roll to accept requests for anonymity The Jewish Feder- made a financial gift to our annual lores Gruber, the Federation’s office ation of Northeastern UJA Campaign this year manager, at 570-961-2300 ext. 3, or Pennsylvania will thereby continuing our at [email protected] publish its 2018 UJA FROM THE DESK OF THE community’s tradition of and your request for anonymity will Campaign Honor tzedakah. be honored. Roll during the sum- EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Should any contributor On behalf of Jews everywhere who mer as a thank-you to our 2018 UJA Campaign will benefit from your generosity to to those commu- MARK SILVERBERG wish to remain anony- our annual UJA Campaign, please nity members who mous, please contact Do- accept my sincerest thanks. To fight antisemitism, first you have to define it BY ANDREW BAKER Racism and Xenophobia, or EUMC. Now, America has also seen a significant Definition could help. And the answer is (JTA) – In recent years we have with proposed congressional legislation increase in antisemitic incidents. Civil a resounding “Yes, but ...” witnessed anti-Israel demonstrations and various state and local initiatives, there discourse is becoming more inflammatory Yes, college and university adminis- that have turned overtly antisemitic and are calls for employing a definition here. and polarized. Raw and hateful antisemitic trators are challenged daily to maintain even violent, but police ignored initially The need for such a definition in Europe invective abounds on social media and a hospitable environment for critical and as only political activity. We have seen became evident after the EUMC conduct- physically in the public square, as we even controversial thinking while insuring prosecutors and judges rule that an arson ed its first analysis of antisemitism in the witnessed last summer in Charlottesville. that the discourse is civil and respectful attack on a synagogue is not antisemitic European Union in 2004 showing that We all feel the need to confront this and of a diverse student body. They must be because the perpetrator was motivated few of its monitors had any definition of naturally seek new methods to do so. mindful when racism or antisemitism or by anti-Israel sentiments.
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