August 2, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1501 air conditioning and refrigeration. To find ways schools in the 14th District, both with out- TWA has a long history of providing safe, to make the most efficient use of electricity, standing academic reputations, have an un- secure, efficient, and dependable air transpor- the people at Arizona Public Service Co. de- usually high number of students participating tation. Recently, employee-owned TWA signed an Environmental Showcase Home. in the games this year. emerged from financial difficulties to post sig- Sacrificing neither comfort nor aesthetics, the Castilleja School is a college preparatory nificant earnings and now seems destined for home uses 60 percent less electricity and school serving girls and young women in a successful future. In addition, TWA is a re- water. Mr. Speaker, I assure you that savings grades 6 through 12. Its students are known sponsible corporate citizen that continues its such as this will rapidly add up in Phoenix's for their aptitude and achievements, and now long and dedicated commitment to serving its large home-building market. for their athletic accomplishments. Although it community. Ms. Pat Vincent, APSC marketing and sales is a small school, Castilleja has three alumni This tragedy has rightly caused us all to director, was in Washington recently to receive in the Olympics. These distinguished athletes more closely examine safety precautions at the award from EEI President Thomas R. are Amy Chow, Laura Korholtz, and Katy airports, and to consider new methods for pre- Kuhn in a Capitol Hill ceremony. My congratu- McCandless. venting terrorist activities. Safety and security lations to Arizona Public Service Co. for this Stanford University is one of the most distin- must be our foremost concerns, and we have well-deserved honor. guished private universities in our country. a responsibility to ensure that air travel is free f Stanford has demonstrated how multitalented from terrorist threat. We must also always its students truly are. Forty-nine Stanford stu- bring to justice those responsible for cowardly TRIBUTE TO THE GRASSY HOLLOW dents, alumni, and coaches are participating in acts of terrorism. VISITOR CENTER the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta. These I again want to express my sympathy to the distinguished athletes and coaches are Jen- families and friends of the victims. Those un- HON. JERRY LEWIS nifer Azzi, Nich Bravin, Ray Carey, Amy witting victims will forever live in our memo- Chow, Domonique Dawes, Janet Evans, Scott OF CALIFORNIA ries. Let us work together and do all we can Fortune, Catherine Fox, Chryste Gaines, Kurt IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to prevent tragedies like this from occurring Grote, Barbara Fontana-Harris, Julie Foudy, again. Thank you Mr. Speaker. Friday, August 2, 1996 A.J. Hinch, Joe Hudepohl, Lisa Jacob, Regina f Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speaker, I Jacobs, Skip Kenney, Kristin Klein, Mike Lam- would like to bring to your attention the fine bert, Jeremy Laster, Jair Lynch, Rick McNair, PRIVATE VOLUNTARY ORGANIZA- work and outstanding public service of the Bev Oden, Dave Popjoy, Sherry Posthumus, TIONS AND U.S. FOREIGN POLICY U.S. Forest Service as it prepares to open the Richard Quick, Nancy Reno, Jeff Rouse, Katy long anticipated Grassy Hollow Visitor Center Steding, Kent Steffes, Fred Sturm, Jenny HON. LEE H. HAMILTON on California's Angeles National Forest, Thompson, Zoran Tulum, Tara VanDerveer, OF INDIANA Valyermo Ranger District. Under the leader- Erica Wheeler, Wolf Wigo, Jessica Amey, Elin IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ship of U.S. Forest Service district ranger Bill Austevoll, Gus Envela, Claudia Franco, An- Friday, August 2, 1996 Helin, the visitor center will open at a public drew Gooding, Ted Huang, Eddie Parenti, ceremony on August 17. Sean Pickering, Gabrielle Rose, Brady Sih, Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, several The grand opening of Grassy Hollow Visitor Dave Strang, Andrew Vlahov, and Robert weeks ago I had the honor of co-hosting a Center represents an innovative approach to Weir. ceremony during which three private U.S. the management of our natural resources. Re- In addition, there are three remarkable groups that help the U.S. Government and the cently passed legislation enables national for- Olympic athletes who reside in my district: U.N. distribute food aidÐCARE, Save the ests to operate facilities largely as a business, Josh Davis, Mary Harvey, and Heather Sim- Children, and World VisionÐsigned new work- reinvesting revenues directly to the specific mons-Carrasco. These Olympians have distin- ing agreements with the U.N. World Food Pro- site generating those revenues. This type of guished themselves in swimming, soccer, and gram. This event provides an opportunity to management is attributed largely to unique synchronized swimming, respectively and I am pay tribute to the inspiring work of U.S.-based community-based partnerships involving the exceedingly proud that these athletes call the private voluntary organizations that help meet Forest Service and local citizen groups in the 14th Congressional District home. basic humanitarian needs worldwide. area. This is an indication that the entre- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Private voluntary organizations, many of preneurial spirit is alive and well at the Forest in saluting these remarkable athletes whose them church- and synagogue-based, have Service. determination, prowess, and incredible per- played important roles in promoting U.S. hu- Like other similar facilities, the Grassy Hol- formances inspire us all. These Olympians manitarian and foreign policy objectives since low Visitor Center will be a gateway to our who have excelled in both academics and ath- World War II. Catholic Relief Services, CARE, local national forest. More than providing infor- letics are role models to our Nation and to the Save the Children, World Vision, and other mation to the general public and our youth, world. U.S.-based groups have been key participants this center will share tenets of responsible f in one of the most successful U.S. foreign pol- land stewardship which is vital to the long- EXPRESSING SORROW AT THE icy initiatives of the post-war era: the Food for term viability of our local natural resources. DOWNING OF TWA FLIGHT 800 Peace Program. Since the enactment of the Mr. Speaker, as competition for Federal dol- Food for Peace statute in 1954, the United lars becomes more intense over time, the HON. KAREN McCARTHY States has distributed nearly $55 billion in management of the Grassy Hollow Visitor food aid in 150 countries. U.S. food aid, much OF MISSOURI of it distributed by private voluntary organiza- Center provides a model to be emulated IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES across the country. I commend Bill Helin for tions, has saved millions of people from star- his leadership in promoting local partnerships Friday, August 2, 1996 vation and improved the health and quality of and the conservation of our natural resources. Ms. MCCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today life of tens of millions of others. Private U.S. It is only appropriate that the House recognize to express my deep sorrow at the downing of development agencies, medical teams, and Grassy Hollow Visitor Center as it opens its TWA flight 800, and to extend my heartfelt refugee groups have enhanced the living doors for the first time on August 17. sympathy to the families of the victims. As in- standards of countless others in the develop- f vestigators continue the difficult chore of de- ing world. termining the cause of the accident, and the Americans take pride in the impressive hu- TRIBUTE TO OLYMPIANS OF THE torturous process of recovering the bodies, manitarian achievements of U.S. private vol- 14TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT citizens the world over are horrified by this untary organizations, whose work has been tragedy. generously supported by millions of U.S. do- HON. ANNA G. ESHOO My community of Kansas City, though 1,500 nors. But some Americans may not be aware OF CALIFORNIA miles from the site of the crash, feels a par- that the work of these groups also supports IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ticularly strong connection to TWA 800. The important U.S. foreign policy interests. lives of five Kansas City area residents were U.S. food aid has promoted economic de- Friday, August 2, 1996 taken by the crash. Missouri is home to TWA, velopment in dozens of countries. Economic Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and to many of its thousands of dedicated em- development has turned many food aid recipi- honor Olympic athletes and coaches from ployees, and TWA is the air carrier of choice ents into big markets for U.S. farm exports, California's 14th Congressional District. Two for many of my constituents. and it has enhanced the political stability of.
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