REPORT OF THE SECOND BACKWARD CLASSES COMMISSION V o l u m e n NtEPA DC I) iliii SN1161 Sob. National Systemc , , < NatiiDnai Institute of Educati6ni|f ^ Planning and Aministratiqn D O C, No yy*. laST m AMMBXPRas 1. SoveruBient Or<i?t No. SWL 7 BCA 80, Oated 18.4.1983. 2. Covernment Order lio. SI& 7 BCA 80, dated 21.6.1983. 3. Governaent Order No. SWL 83 BCA 83 dated 2.7.1983. i. Govermeot Order No. 132 IK2A 83, da£ted 16.11.1983. 5. OoveruBient Notificatioii Mo. SWt 76 BCA 83, dt, 11.7.1983 6. Govt. Notification No. 0IIL 33 BCA 84,dt. 3.4^1984., 7. Govt. Notification No, 8WL 125 BCA 84, dt.17.4.1985. 8. Govt. Notification No, SWL 115 BCA 85, dt. 11.10.1985. 9. Govt. Notification No. SWL 115 BCA 85 dt. 6.2.1986 ANNEXDRE - 1-1 PROCBEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT KARNATAKA Subject : Constitution of the Second Backward Classes Commission - Orders regarding the ORPBR NO.SWL 7 BCA 80 BAWGAL(»E DATED ^ E 18TH APRIL 1983 The Suprene Court vide their judgonent dated 23.IT,1982 in the Writ Petitions No. 1297-98/79 and 1407/79 and SLP{C) 6656 of 1979 have directed that the State of Kaenataka ^ shall appoint a . Commission without further delay calling upon it to review the existing list of Backward Classes as approved by Government and in the light of the provisions contained in Articles 15(4) and 16(4) and other relevant provisions of the Constitution and in the light of the vsurious decisions of the Supreme Court bearing on the subject. 2. In pursuance of the direction of the Suprone Court, tte Government of Karnataka are pleased to constitute the Second Backward Classes Ccxnmiss ion with immediate effect with the -following members: ‘ Sriyuths; ^ 1. T.Venkata Swamy .. Chairman Retired Secretary, Karnataka Leg islature/ 80/ H.B. Samaja Road, Basavanagudi, Bangalore - 4. 2. Dr.S. Bheemappa .. Member Social Scientist, Professor of Surgery, Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore. 3. Dr. K.H. Cheluvaraju.. Member Professor and Head of the Department, Political Science, Bangalore University, Bangalore - 56." 4. M.V. Soorachari .. Member Advocate, Hospital Road, Bangalore - 53. 5. Vidyadhar Guruji .. Member Ex-MLA, H.No.124, tF C Aiewan Shahi Coloinyy/ Gulbarga. 6. Prof. John B. Kutinha Meaber N0.48-A, Xavier Leayoout, III Cross, Behind SSt., Philomena Hospiitaalr Bangalore 47. 7. M. Basiteeruddin .. Member Advocate r Raichur:. 8. Ammenbala^ Ba lappa . Member Sajipa Manntir Fosst, VIA Panemangaliorrer 574283 - Bantwal Tqq., D.K. District;. 9. R.S. Naikr .. Member. Dandelir Haliyal Tc|q. 10. Prof. A.M. Dharma-? lingam . .. Member No.Sf Whedtler Road;, Bangalore !- 5. 11. V.D. Veerakyathaiah,.. Mmber Director d|f Backward Secretary Classes & Minoriltices, Lalbagh Road» Bangalore. 3. The terms of reference to the Commission shall b»e as follows: i. The Commission shall review the existing list of Backweard Classes as approved in G.O.No.SWL T^-77 dated 22-2.. 77 and as amended from time to time, knd^ 4 -n the light of the provisions contained in Article V5{4) and 16i(4) and other relevant provisions of the Constitution eand in the light of the various decisions of the Suprceme Court bearing on the subject. ii.The Commission _sha],l nake a scientific and factual inv^stti- gation of the conditions of the Backward Classes in the State and recommend specific measures for thieir advancCTient. |i. Tfhe CcKtunission shall review the measures so far taken bjy the State Goverrwnent for the welfare of the backward cilasses and the betterment of their conditions and atssess the effectiveness of such measures in improving tthe conditions of backward classes and in particular iin matters relating to^ education and representation iiTv public services of the State. Tthe Coramission shall examine and assess with reference too concessions^ privileges and benefits given to them b ^ the State Government, the improvement in the condi- tiLons of the "most backward classes" in education amd other matters. Tlhe Commission may make recommendations as to the fuirther steps that should be taken by the State Govern- mesnt to improve the conditions of the "Backward Classes" im respect of - a.. Education, including reservation of seats in professional colleges and institutions of higher learning> b.. representation in public services? c., trade, commerce and industry? d„ rural credit, marketing and co-operationj e. housing? f. grants? and community development.- Thee Commission may make recommendations ia respect Of short-term and long-term measures to be taken by thee State Qovernment for raising the level of backward clcasses. via-. The Cqaun/ssion shall on the basis of relevant nnaiit^ria so gathered by it. examine and recoiniBend wlietth^er t; reser^tion ordered in 6 .O.N0 .SHL 12 TBS 77' dat; 22.2. 1977 and aa amended fr<Mi time to time may cc^ntim or will need any mpdif ication. viii. The Canmiiision sha)^ll cover all such questioflns ai issues as have a bearing upon: a. the question enumeration and classitfHeati< of Backward Clashes in the State; b. , the question of reservation in adnissiion educational institutions including procfeession colleges and institutions of higher leearnin and c. the question of reservation of appointmnent posts in favour of Backward Classes in tl^e se vices under the State. 4. The Cammissipn may obtain such information aas th may consider necessary or relevant for their purpoose such f o m and in such manner, as they may think approopriat f r m the State Government or any officer or authority ssubord nate to the State Government or any organisation or a individual as may in the opinion of the Ccammissiom be assistance to th^. 5. The Commission may visit any district or talluk the State. 6 . The Commission shall sijlMnit its report to thie St? Government within one year. By order and in the namej of t Government of karnoataka, Sd/- tP.G.NAIK) . Deputy Secretary to Goverrnmen" Social Welfare and Labour Dep>artme; The COTipiler, Karnataka Gazette, Bangalore. ^ p y ito 4 All the Manbers. All Departments of the Karnataka Govt. Secretariat. All Heads of Departments. All Dy. Commissioners of District. The Secretary, Karnataka^ Public Service Commission. The kegistrar. High Court of Karnatakai Bangalore. The D.P.A.R (Cabinet Section). The Finance Department. The Secretary to Chief Minister. ’ The P.S. to Chief Secretary. The P.S. to Minister of Social Welfare & Seri­ culture. The Press Table. AMIEXUJRPIE - 1 SROC^INGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARHA*PAKA Sub; Constitution of the Karnataka II Backward Classes Commission - appointment of jneanbers- orders regarding. Read: G.O. No. SWL 7 BCA 80 dated 18.4.1983. Preamble: In the Government Order read above, Gqvernmen1»it ha^ constituted Karnataka II Backward Classes CoB(imissicDn>n, wii the following members: Sriyuths: 01. T.Venkataswamy Chairman 02. DR. S.Bheatiappa Mamber 03. Dr. K.H. Cheluvaraju " 04. M.V. Soorachari " 05. Vidyadhar Guruji " 06. Prof. John. B. Kutina " 07. M. Basheeruddin " 08. Ammembala Balappa " 09. R.S. Naik " 10. Prof. A.M. Dharmalingam " 11. V.D. Veerakyathaiah Member Secretary Further Government have decided to appoint ,fouur mo members to the said Commission. O m E R NO. SWL 7 BCA 80 BANGALORE, DATED THE 21ST JUNE 83. Government are pleased to appoint the following perso to be the members of the Karnataka II Backward Classes Commi sion. = -7- Sriyuths 1.. M.L. Muttennavar, MLA, At : Iranahatt, Post Madawal Gokak Taluk, Belgaum Districjt. 2:. V. V6 nkataramana, Ex-TDB President, Sarjapur, Anekal Taluk, Bangalore District. 31. Prof . B^ Puttaiah, Advocate, No.1 , 1 st floor, Sri Krishnarajen^a Market, Bangalore - 2. 4U 'm .S. Helawar, Advocate, Kadur, Chickmagalur Taluk. By Order and in tJtie name of the Governor of Kaifnataka (P.G.NAIK) Deputy Secretary to Government Social Welfare & Labour Department. Tto The Compiler, Karnataka Gazette, Bangalore. Ctopy to All the Members. All Commissioners and S;ecretaries to Government. All the Divisional Commissionera. All Heads of Departments. All Deputy Commissioners of Districts. The Secretary, K.P.S.C. Bangalore. The Registrar, High Court of Karnataka, Bangalore. The DPAR (Cabinet Section) The Finance Department. The Secretary tCJ-Chief Minister. The P.S. to Chief Secretary. The P.S. to MiiJister of Social Welfare & Sericulture. Sri P.K. Misira, Visiting Professor and Head of the Dept, of Post Graduate Studies & Research in Anthropology, University of Mysore, Manasa- gangotri, Mysore - 570 006. All Dist. Officers for Backward Classes & Minorities. The Press Tabl«> - 8- MTOBXDIBB #4 3 PROCBEDINGS QP TBS 6GVBRNIIBIIT OB KJIRIIATAKA Subject : Karnataka»II Baclward Classes GooBnission- Resignatibn of Sri.M. Basheeruddin, laeiabier- acceptance of th/fe - orders regarding* Read : 1. SWL 7 BCA 80 dt. 18.4.83. 2. G.O.HO. DPMI 1 LMR dt. 9.5.^3. 3. Letter dt. 17.6.83 frraa Sri. M. Basheeruddin, Advocater Raichur. Preamble: In the Governfnent Order read at (1) above, Karnataka II Backward Classes Cc»nmission has been constituted wit:h Sri. M. Basheeruddin as one of the members of the said Canmnis- sion. 2. In the G.O. read at SI.No. 2 above, Governmesnt bave appointed "State Minorities Commission" including Sri.M.Bashee­ ruddin, Advocate, Raichur as one of the members of the said Commission. 3. In the letter read at Si.No. 3 above, Sri. M. Bashee­ ruddin, Advocate, Raichur has intended to continue in the State Minorities Commission and has tendered his resignation to the Membership in the Karnataka II Backward Classes C<»Mnis- sion. ORDER NO. SWL 83 BCA 83 BANGALORE, -DATED THE 2ND JULY 83. Government are pleased to accept the resignation of Sri. M. Basheeruddin, Advocate, Raichur, to the Membership of the Karnataka II Backward Classes Commission, Bangalore.
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