289 Page Numbers in Boldface Type Refer to Illustrations. Abelove, Henry

289 Page Numbers in Boldface Type Refer to Illustrations. Abelove, Henry

Index Page numbers in boldface type refer to illustrations. Abelove, Henry, 262, 263, 266n.26 69–80, 82nn.7–8, 83n.21, 268. See Abe Shinzō, 8, 70, 79–80, 157, 267– also gender equal society (danjo 268. See also womenomics kyōdō sankaku) abortion, 3, 9n.7, 35, 210 area studies, 256–263, 266n.10 academic feminism, 218, 220 Ariga Chieko, 160 activism and activists, 13–85; Ariyoshi Sawako, 132, 155, 160–164, intersectionality in, 166n.19, 217, 165 230–231, 239–241, 245; of Korean Armstrong, Bruce, 213–214 mothers in Japan, 234–235; arts, traditional, 103, 116, 116n.1, lesbian (rezubian) feminism, 14, 118n.20. See also ikebana 50–61, 62n.7, 62n.11, 63nn.22–24, Asakawa Mari, 52, 56 66nn.53–54; suffrage movement, Asia-Japan Women’s Resource 15–29, 29n.1, 31n.17, 33n.33; Center, 228n.55 “summer of mothers” congresses, Asian Women’s Association (Ajia no 14, 34–45; Yamakawa Kikue, Onnatachi no Kai), 219, 228n.55, 15–23, 26–29. See also ribu 237, 239, 243, 275 movement; specific groups and Asian Women’s Conference Fighting persons Against Invasion=Discrimination Adachi Tōko, 114 (Shinryaku=Sabetsu to Tatakau “Affection in Education” Ajia Fujin Kaigi), 6–7, 237 (Carpenter), 188–189, 200n.5 Association Echo (Meari Kai), 234 Ainu, 217, 220, 227n.47 Association for Reading Korean Akaeda Kanako, 189, 204n.38 Women’s History (Chōsen Akiyama Yōko, 53–54, 275 Joseishi Dokushokai), 236, 239, alcohol, 3, 247n.12 249n.26, 249n.28 Alexander, M. Jacqui, 207, 224n.18 Association of Korean Women in Allim (periodical), 238, 249n.31 Japan. See Puin-hoe Amano Michimi, 52, 54 Association of Korean Women androgyny, 134, 137, 138 in Japan for Democracy. See anti-feminist conservatives, 8, Yeoseong-hoe 289 6715_Book.indd 289 8/3/17 3:43 PM 290 Index Association to Support the Lawsuit feminism, 219–220, 235–237, by the Korean Victims in Japan 242–244; and Yamakawa, 22, 23, (Zainichi no Ianfu Saiban o 31n.20 Sasaeru Kai), 243 comfort women: prostitution Association to Think Through the dichotomy, 242; public events Comfort Women Issue (Jūgun on, 237–238, 249n.29; redress Ianfu Mondai o Kangaeru Kai), movement for, 236–242; ribu 238, 249n.29 movement on, 219, 235, 248n.22; Atsumi Ikuko, 221, 275 and Yeoseong-Net, 230–231, 236–239, 249n.29, 250n.37. See Basic Law for a Gender-Equal also Korean women in Japan; Society (1999), 68, 72, 74, 78, 81n.1 prostitution Beauvoir, Simone de, 90, 239 compensated dating, 173, 182n.17. Bebel, August, 187, 193–194 See also prostitution Bluestocking. See Seitō Constitution: proposed revisions to, Buddhism, 71, 72, 82n.16, 118n.20 80, 84n.29, 85n.30; on women’s bundan, 160–161 political equality, 5, 16, 17, 19, 28, Bungei shunjū (periodical), 26, 177 215, 226n.37. See also Meiji Civil Burakumin, 199, 220, 227n.46 Code (1898) Butler, Judith, 126, 252–253, 255 Copeland, Rebecca, 160, 171–172 Cotton, Eugénie, 36, 41 Carpenter, Edward, 185, 187–199, critical transnational feminism 199nn.1–2, 200nn.3–5, 203n.25. (CTF). See transnational See also specific titles of works feminism celibacy, 178, 195, 196 The Challenge of the Power of danjo kyōdō sankaku. See gender Literature (Bungakuryoku no equal society chōsen; Takemura), 252, 255, 260, Davis, Angela, 207, 220 264 Democratic People’s Federation Chongryun (Zainihon Chōsenjin (Minshu Jinmin Renmei), 18 Sōrengōkai), 233–234, 238, Democratic Union of Korean 248n.16, 249n.25 Women in Japan. See Christianity, 4, 273, 274 Nyeomaeng chūsei, 134, 138, 203n.25 Democratic Women’s Association coeducation. See education (Minshu Fujin Kyōkai), 18 Coeducation Research Society divorce, 5, 107, 119, 120, 123. See also (Danjo Kyōgaku Mondai marriage and married women; Kenkyūkai), 97–98 unmarried women Collins, Patricia Hill, 43, 44 domestic violence, 122–123, 124, colonialism: and comfort 130n.9, 248n.16 women, 236–237; and critical dōseiai. See same-sex sexuality transnational feminism, 208, dyke, 53, 58, 59, 65n.40. See also 223n.10; and ethnic Koreans, same-sex sexuality, lesbian 217, 220, 227n.47; and Korean feminism 6715_Book.indd 290 8/3/17 3:43 PM Index 291 Edogawa Ranpo, 171, 189 Flowers in Salt (Sievers), 101n.14, education: Coeducation Research 151n.7 Society, 97–98; equality of Forster, E. M., 190, 198 opportunity in, 96–97; and Fourth World Conference on femininity, 92–93, 100n.9; Women (1995), 81n.1, 238 Fundamental Law of Education friendship love (yūai), 188–189, (1947), 89, 98; of ikebana, 103– 200n.5 112; Koizumi Ikuko on, 5–6, Fuji Jeanie, 129n.5 89–99, 100n.3; Meiji reforms on, Fujimoto Yukari, 137–138 105–106, 108; postwar reforms Fujin kōron (periodical), 15, 59, 194, in, 108–109; qualities of, 151n.7; 198 statistics on, 89, 99n.1 Fujin no tomo (periodical), 3 Ehara Yumiko, 218, 271 Fukuda Hideko, 3, 191, 192 Eighth Day Society (Yōkakai), 4 Funamoto Emi, 54 Eigo seinen (periodical), 255, 257 Fundamental Law of Education employment. See ikebana; labor (1947), 89, 98 conditions and system; ryokan work Gendai (periodical), 136, 177 Equal Employment Opportunity gender and sexuality studies, as Law (1986), 7, 8 discipline, 1–2 eros, 51, 225n.26 gender difference, 87, 91–93, 185 etiquette courses, 105, 106 gender equal society (danjo kyōdō Everyday Dyke (Mainichi Daiku), sankaku), 8, 68–79, 81n.1, 83n.18, 58, 65n.40 83n.22. Ewha Women’s University, 236, “gender free” (jendā furī), 7, 70, 73, 249nn.27–28 77, 269 gender identity disorder, 77, 83n.22 factory labor, 23–24, 32n.22, 95 Gendering Modern Japanese History female homosexuality. See lesbian (Molony and Uno), 270 (rezubian) feminism gender performance, 125–127, 134, 139 female public sphere: Koizumi Ikuko Gender Trouble (Butler), 253, 255 on, 93–94; laws and politics on, General Association of Korean 133, 161, 192; rise of, 3–4. See also Residents in Japan. See labor conditions and system Chongryun Feminism in Japan (Nihon no Goodlad, Lauren, 190, 198 feminizumu; Iwanami series), 218, “good wives, wise mothers” (ryōsai 271–272 kenbo), 87, 90–93, 105, 106, Feminism in Modern Japan (Mackie), 117n.9, 151n.7. See also marriage 213, 277 and married women; mothers and feminisms. See Japanese feminisms motherhood feminist care theory, 43, 80, 88, 133, Gordon, Andrew, 19, 95, 104 149 “grassroots conservative” (kusa no Feminisuto (periodical), 221, 275 ne hoshu) movement, 71. See also flower arrangement. See ikebana anti-feminist conservatives 6715_Book.indd 291 8/3/17 3:43 PM 292 Index Greater Japan Federated Women’s Howl of the Loser Dogs (Makeinu no Association (Dai Nihon Rengō tōboe; Sakai), 170–171 Fujinkai), 5 Greater Japan National Defense Ichikawa Fusae, 4, 16, 23, 24–25, Women’s Association (Dai Nihon 33n.33, 155 Kokubō Fujinkai), 5 ikebana: and educational reforms, Grewal, Inderpal, 207, 231 105–108; as female employment Grotesque (Gurotesuku; Kirino), 171, opportunity, 95, 103–105, 115– 172, 175–179, 183n.26 116; iemoto system in, 114–115; Group Chame, 244 rise of postwar programs on, 6, Group of Fighting Women (Gurūpu 103, 116, 117n.10; Sogetsu Ikebana Tatakau Onna), 52, 220 Notes, 110; styles of, 107, 111; teacher recruitment in, 109–112; Hani Motoko, 3 U.S. interest in, 103–104; in the Hantongryun (Korean Democratic workplace, 113, 118n.34 Reunification Union), 235, 240, Ikenobo (ikebana school), 103, 105, 249n.24 109, 111, 112 Hara Minako, 50, 51 Ikuta Kizan, 147, 153n.41 Harding, Sandra, 156, 164 individualism, 91–92, 260–261 Hartley, Barbara, 141 infanticide, 210 Hendry, Joy, 122 Inoue Teruko, 218, 271 hermaphrodites, 134, 137, 138 The Intermediate Sex (Carpenter), heterosexual feminism vs. lesbian 190, 192, 201n.5, 203n.25 feminism, 50–51. See also lesbian International Feminists of Japan (rezubian) feminism (IFJ), 59 High Treason Incident (1910), 191, intersectionality, 166n.19, 217, 230– 202n.17 231, 239–241, 245 Hiratsuka Raichō: child of, 44, 45; Ishihara Shintarō, 167n.30 creation of Mother’s Congress Ishikawa Sanshirō, 191 by, 34, 36–37, 41; New Women’s Itō Kei (Itō Megumu), 191, 192, Association by, 4; opinions of, 16, 202n.16, 202n.23 41, 47n.30, 94; in roundtable on Itō Noe, 3, 191, 196–198 state feminism, 26; and Seitō, 3; Iwanami Shoten, 218, 271 Suzuki on, 155 Izumo Marou, 57, 62n.7 home work (naishoku), 74, 104, 122. See also “good wives, wise Japan Communist Party, 18, 20, 76, mothers” (ryōsai kenbo); ryokan 83n.20 work Japan Conference. See Nippon Kaigi homosexuality. See lesbian Japanese American Studies (rezubian) feminism; male Association, 256 homosexuality; same-sex Japanese feminisms: canonization sexuality vs. contention in, 270–273; a case hooks, bell, 156, 245 for rethinking, 42–44, 267–270; 6715_Book.indd 292 8/3/17 3:43 PM Index 293 future outlook of, 276–278; Korean women in Japan: national vs. transnational in, 273– education of, 249n.25, 249n.27; 276; origin of, 273–274, 281n.19; employment of, 247n.12, overview of, 2–8, 210–211, 248n.13; feminist activism 224n.19, 227n.46. See also specific by, 242–244; and Japanese types feminism, 219–220, 235–237; Japan War-Bereaved Families’ mothers as activists, 234– Association (Nippon Izokukai), 71 235; and names, 240, 247n.9, joseigaku. See women’s studies 249n.26, 250n.33; nationality Josei tsūshin (periodical), 236 and citizenship of, 232–233, jūgun ianfu. See comfort women 247nn.8–10; oppression of, 217, Jung Yeong-hae, 217–218 247n.12; and organizations, 185–186, 220, 227n.47, 233–242, Kagura Jamu, 54, 63n.22 248nn.16–17, 249nn.23–29, Kakefuda Hiroko, 50, 51, 63n.23 250n.37; voting rights of, 19–20, kakekomidera, 122–123, 130n.9 30n.12, 30n.13.

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