4 T he Courier-Gazette. V olum e 50. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, MARCH i9, 1895. id Clnua Hall Mutter. N im b k b 11 FRATERNITY FACTS. color to be soiled by the touch of the traitors Maj.-Gen. Hiram G. Berry to your country and to your God.’ Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U . S. Gov’t Report Disclosures of Importance from Ihe Hidden Haunt “Colonel Berry then introduced the Rev. W hat is it? Mr. Kalloch to respond to thc presentation. of the Gay and Giddy Goat. A It IOC l!AI‘IIY The reverend gentleman said he was proud In point of fact, it is the freedom to accept the task devolved upon him. lie from poisonous and spurious in­ \ cry Eminent Sir Frederick S. Walls of was ashamed of the man who did not love Vinalhaven, Deputy Commander of the Grand his country, hut this could never he said of Baking gredients, the excellence in flavor, Cominandery of Maine, officially inspected St. ll'ri/fcu fo r the Courier-Gazette by Edward K Gould that gives to the sons of Maine. (Applause) Whoever John’s Cominandery of Knighti Templar at [Begun In No. 8. Back number* can be had. | does not now love his country would he Bangor Monday night. IV. the Broadway side, the regiment was marched unworthy of the name American or citizen. The new order or warrant for Pioneer to the front of City Hall, where they were re­ He would exhort them to remember that not Powder Conclave, Order of Secret Monitor, is on ex­ The lirst accident in the regiment occurred ceived by committees of the Sons and Daugh­ only were they soldiers, hut freemen, and to hibition at the Atlantic Shoe Store. It is while the Fourth were marching to the cars ters of Maine. T> e scenes which then ensued nerve their arms to light until the last foe Ab s o lu te ly p u r e signed by the Earl of Warwick, who is one m Portland. A soldier named Roland of were very interesting, and in some instances expires. The reverend gentleman then con of Ihe Grand officers. Company F of Brooks stepped upon a roll­ tinued at some length to address the men, Flavoring even affecting. Friends who had not met for A WONDERFUL WATCH. A special communication of Aurora Lodge* ing-stone, slipped and fell, breaking his leg years soon recognized each other, and then and in behalf of Mr. John E. Merrill, a Rock- No. 50, F. and A. M., was held Wednesday in two places. The poor fellow was cared there were impulsive rushes here and there to lapd citizen engaged in business in this city, evening, and the Entered Apprentice degree for by the citizens. shake hands and to exchange friendly words presented a beautiful camp flig, saying that It Rai for Fifteen Years Without Winding— T Extracts I S On arriving in Boston, the’ Fourth Maine was conferred on three candidates. There of greeting. Some little time was consumed he felt it to be a happy coincidence that the Story Is Certain1/ Reliable if True- their wide popularity and increas­ will he another special communication of this was met by the Cadets and escorted 4o the in these conventionalities and the formal cere­ banner was presented to a Rockland com­ Common where a collation was provi led for in g sale. lodge tomorrow evening for work on the monies of handshaking might have lasted mander from a Rockland man by a Rock­ second degree. them. The Boston Herald says of them: much longer hut f >r the stentorian voice of land bqy. (Laughter and applause.) How a Rebel Ham Was Destroyed ‘ There used to be a man in town, with mild The retail grocers arc learning “The Cadets escorted the regiment to the the commanding officer ordering the men to ‘After thc ceremonies of the presentation and modest eye; unlike the great George that quality rather than price is Nahanada Tribe, I.O . R. M., at last Fri­ Common, where the afternoon was passed Washington he often told a lie. He has been day's sleep adopted four palefaces and ad- 'fall in’ and ‘dress’. The colonel then came to re concluded the officers retired to the By a Gillant Rockland Man. necessary to retain the confidence away very pleasantly by means of a collation, the front and announced to the regiment that Astor House and the privates to their bar­ known to sit for hours a-telling lies for fun, v tnced seven to the Hunter’s degree. The the joint production of the Regimental about the awful sights he’d seen and wonders of customers and make a success­ Warrior’s and Chief’s degree will be exempli­ the Rev. Isaac S. Kalloch, formerly of Boston, racks in the Park. Quartermaster and thc City of Boston, music would invoke the diviite blessing on their “ While artangements were being com­ he nad done. I heard him tell a tie one night, ful business. fied at next Friday’s sleep. After the exempli and fun. This was the merriest lot of men that almost turned iny whiskers white. He fication a clam chowder will he served to all cause and themselves. The men were soon as pleted tor thc departure of the regiment, the Anecdote of Hit* Eat 1* Captalu Henry J. we have ever seen on the Common since the men were ordered to stack arms and dis­ i said he started out one day to chop some present. Nahanada Tribe is desiriou3 of turn­ quiet as could he desired, and the clergyman Sleeper, Told by a Fellow Officer— S.IM n V, rhn- <!.« r. :• V. • ; war commenced. They were continually at proceeded to deliver a brief but fervent prayer. persed around the park. They left by the j wood across the bay. He had a nice gold O< h i! I <••» «< ‘!t . ing in thc best report of any Tribe in the some rough and tumble games which neither watch with him, which he hung up, upon a state and from present indications it will suc­ At its conclusion the regimental colors were late train for Philadelphia, en route for the Willi a Singh* HoalS Crew Hi* Enters fatigued them nor the thousands of laughing advanced in the front. One was a silken fed­ seat of war.” ! limb. He thought the plan was very good, S.U.i |,.s iMin, . » -Ughtt r! ceed. The Enemy's Lines —Hasty H ‘treat of Why.. spectators. Nearly every company has a wag eral flag, of the regulation size, heavily fringed I »r he might break it chopping wood, and so A,,j j>l«n,.HU..h.i,;>u«,rway Knox District Lodge of Good Templars which kept them all in good humor. The with gold. The other was a blue silk flag, THEY REACH 1'H JI .ADELPHI A. The Ham's Crew. it hung there all alone ’till he got ready to go met Wednesday with Hamilton L- dge in this lower part of trie Common was enclosed for heavily and chastely embroidered. The first home. He hunted round when he came back J i city. There was a good attendance, every their accommodation, and those who had The regiment arrived in Philadelphia at (as there was no snow he left no track) and was ornamented with arms of thc State of about eleven o’clock at night. Both officers “ U r . d e lodge except two being represented. 'Ihe friends inside or favor at the gateway were Maine, with the name of the regiment, and searched and searched to find the notch where session was held throughout in the I district admitted. nd men were somewhat exhausted by the he that morning hung his watch. He stamped Outside there were thousands the latin inscription -Dingo.’ The other was long journey and were most agreeably sur­ Tour request IL M S < r Degree. All the lodges are to he inspected enjoying the fashionable amusement of the inscribed, ‘Presented to the Fourth Regiment Harriman of Haiti and raved but all in vain, he couldnt find his \\ . and ranked in April. The inspecting officers lime—a military display. Th's is getting to prised when they were met at the depot at watch again. of Maine Volunteers by the Daughters of that late hour by a delegation of citizens and more, Md., lurnishes were chosen as follows: G. IL Upham be an every flay affair, and fashionable Maine in* Brooklyn, June 19, 1861.’ T ill. C.-G. with th He said ’twas 15 years or more, since he •‘ I use Le P a g e ’s L iquid (»’ e in the ■ .it<int West Rockport, E. A.1 Mank of Rockland, audiences flock to the Common as they do in invited to partake of such refreshments as they was chopping there before, he went to chop “ The Rev. Dr. Hitchcock presented the had hastily prepared. The line was formed following anecdote of O ffice, the National Mus. nr ,.t ■ Unit. 1 St.it. s Ruel Sanford of Camden and IL L. Skinner the season thereof to balls and the opera. tirst Hag, and in doing so addressed the regi­ the late Captain II. J some wood again (the watch was quite forgot­ arsenals, because it is the strong t, most flexible, of Port Clyde. "I he winning lodge will re and the regiment marched to a building tem­ ten then). He brought a big tree to the handiest—in fact the BLbl.
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