Govc;rnment qf Bombay BAN AS KANTHA ~ISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK IBa.;ed all the 1951 CenslI<) BOMBAY Jm t}le Government Publication.!! SaleQ Depot, [llstitute of Science Bul1d1D.g, ~bB:Y I for p\lrchaStlra in BOQlbay Cityl,from tb6 Governmellt Dook Deput, Charni !dens, Bomhay 4, ffor ordera from the mofl1ssj]) or through the Hjgh Commis3ioD81' India House. Aldwyoh. LondoD. W.C. 2, or through &on,. reoognized BooksoUcr Price- -R.o 2 A•. 8 or 4 10 6 d. 18&% ..... u ...'" 0:: ~ - ~ I- § en 0 Q- .q ~ ~ « ..." :r: § ,{ i t-- ~ ~ ~tn i! < .~ z~ ~~ CONTENTS. A. General Population Table•. A-I Area, Houses and PopuiaLion 4-;; A-fIr Towns and Villages classified by Population 6-·7 A-V T"wns arranged territonally .......... ilh populatlllll by livelihood clas~es. 8-~ 8. Economic Tables. B-1 Li"'elihood Classes and Sub-Classes 10-17 B-Il Secondary Means of Livelihood 13-111 LmpJoyers, Employees ilnd Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-Divisiomi. 2-l-i·l Index of nen-agricultural occupations in tllt" distrkt. li:.l-67 C. Household aod Age (Sample) Tables. Co_I Household (Size and Composition) 6K-il C-II I.ivelihood C'asses by Age Groups 72-).'1 G-Ill Age and Civil Condilion i6-.~1 C-IV Age and Literacy .~t-87 G-V Single Yeac Age Retu['ns 88-:'1 D. Social and Cultural Tables. 0-1 Language,: (i) Mother Tongue n-!'6 (iil Bilingualism 91-101 O-JI Religion !02-IIlJ 0-111 Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 102-lIJ:1 D-V (il Displace.d Persolls by Year of Arrival I04-10;i (iil Displaced Persons by LIvelihood Classe, 106-:01 D-VI Non-Indian National. 106-1(11 O-VII Livelihood Classes by Educational Standard. 108-11 I D-VIII Unemployment by Educational Standaeds 112-11;; E. Summary Figur~. by Talukas aod Petu. 116-J~1 Primary Census Abstracts. 122-331 Small Seale Industries Census - Employment in Establishments. 332-337 A -(-Area, House. DISTRICT OCtUpied Hou~es T <l.luko or P~I ... To"n~ 11)m\ Hllral Urban Total 3.985.6 1.331 143.536 132·006 11.530 Abu Roa"'- 303.8 ~2 9,49S 0,635 2.86;~ Dttnta 341.S 18:~ 1i,927 6.927 DOf>ilf\ 620 .• I .. :!U~31 19,5:i1 2,280 Deodar 323.3 l::W 11,:)35 11.335 DhnnerB 432.7 130 13,211 ]3,211 Kankrej :104.4 10" 12.376 12.376 Palanpur 530.'8 1S4 Z~,053 23,593 5,{60 ThRrBrl 420.9 133 11,166 10,229 927 VlldlZQD1 214.7 110 15,821 15.821 10 Wo.v 492.6 121 12,329 1~,329 Note:-l. In the priIllAry cellt!u8 abstracts t.he Brea. figure or each villllgo is given. The arl .. thmetical totals of theso artJa,!J however do not add up to the aroo. figures supplied by the Collector for talukas & petas. In column 2 of this table & column 2 of the E-SumrnaTY Table the Brea figures of tal',ka,8 & petaB Bupplied by the Collector frem the &nnuallBn(j revenl;l~ return DiHtrict Form No. 1 have been utilised becau8e for the tlllllka or petB ftB " whole. the figure supplied by tho collector j" a8sumed to be mort) accurato thn.n the arithmetical -total of t,he I\roo flgure~ for ville.ges 2. The numb~r at' villa.g~s shown in column ::l is the number of .revenue villages' excluding uninhabited \'iBllgt"s and vlUagel! which fonn part of municipal Meas. 3. 'I'he number of towns given in column 4, is the nnmoor of wwns shown in table A-I. In general, fI, town means" municipal area, cantonment area. or a. place which has R population of 0,000 or more perSons and exhibits urban chq:r~teristios. aBel Population, BANASKANTHA "Population PcnODB I F.... I .. Tol.1 Rural -T-~-;'-I-'I-R-;-;-al---'I:--u-'-::-"-I ~: I ~: 10 748.796 691.954 51.842 384.08: 354.533 21.550 36U14 337.422 27.%92 <, 5~.42~ 35,446 16,983 27,179 18,176 9,003 2~,250 11.210 1.980 40,669 40.66P 21,Iti8 2'1,168 19.501 19,60} 110,701 100.0C5 10,'-16 67,183 tB,lii53 5.630 '3,618 48,502 '.011 6~.003 66,003 33.626 33,626 31.318 31.318 65,028 65.02i 33.516 33.516 31,512 31,612 68,422 66,422 34,587 34,~87 31.865 31,856 129.99" 117,306 22,629 70,989 69,338 11.631 69.026 58.021 10,991 66.371 59,787 6,584 Sf.116 80.830 3,286 32,255 !8,957 3,211 73,413 73.413 16.501 16,912 36,912 68,766 88.768 35,258 33,'08 33,508 4. Tbe Dumber of occupied houeee given in CQl~ 5, 6 an. 7 i. tohe numll.r of oenaull housel ibat were occupied a' the tim. or tho cenlUe. 6. A houl8e for oemu. pUrpoaei meant. .. a dwelling with. Ilaparat8 maJn .n".... no Thue more th!"n One houehold might b8 found in t.he ume Moan. hOUM 6 A.II1-Townl and Villalle5 DISTRICT --- __ Total Popuilltion. Tow..s ------_- Total No. of I Leai! than 600 Ta.luka or P.t. inha.bit.ed towns lit Persons Ma.les I Females villll,g;&iI. I ::io. "f&l611 IF'~"U ------- Total 1.335 74S.796 3St.082 364.714 861 109.176 101.991 .<\buRM SO 5:?,42\J :!7,179 25,250 81 8.902 6.'25 Da.n'. 183 40,660 21.16~ 19,601 169 14,989 13."li Deell" 149 )10,7!.!1 57,183 0:1."18 68 10.325 9,6.12 Deodar lSI 65.003 33,625 :11,3;8 86 1!.730 11,631 .. 6 Dhan.ra 180 65,02.'1 33,516 31,61 :! &6 I :!,'i67 II,SO'O • Kanknj 10. 66 ..1t2 ;J4.567 31,855 •• 7.~il4 6.769 P.lan-ptu JOG 139,QYol 70,969 69,025 110 13,"71 1 :!,04.i Thara.+i 134 6(i,37I at,l16 32,255 88 13.~81 13,CIII' Vadgllom 110 73,413 36,501 36.91~ 51 6,724 6,49\* In \V ...... 121 88.7ee 35,258 33.608 70 S.t'H 1I,36! A·III-Town. and Vill"ge< DISTRICT I_- Towlls a.nd villages with a population of 5,000-10,000 10,(100-20,000 -:.. -[--Fern.,e. N •. Ma.les I'.araal.u I :: )D ~O ~l 22 23 Total 3.286 3.298 A~H' Road DlIl.Ill. D ..... Df!odar Dhuurr. Ka!1Lr:nj :ra.\.)iI.~lr Tha.,ad 3,'1.'6 3,:2\18 " ..Ipm 10 W." Classjfjed bv Population BANAEKANTHA a.ud villages with & population of 600-1,000 I 1,000-2,000 I 2,000-6,000 No. ~I -Male, 1 Female, I No. Males Females 10 11 12 16 17 I I":' r:'"1 7: 1 348 124,942 119.227 93 61,247 59.349 41 G1.509 58.952 13 . 4,891 4,673 4,68..1, 4.516 4,Otl 3,7~3 11 3,780 3,649 1,.146 1,20, ],053 1147 62 22.334 21,040 I'.! 8,407 7,951 ]i,487 9,859 3D 13.348 t 2,586 10 6,092 6,775 1,446 1,3'0 35 12,535 11,777 3,732 3.:)7~ 4.4H2 •.458 32 lJ,94_' n.OG'" 4,\r37 4,653 lO,H!O 9,375 41 16,332 1/;.036 15,715 Ja,Jb7 40 14.018 13.'2S~ 2.931 ~.659 38 1 :J,\J2i 13 9,207 9.44~ 6,649 6,990 37 12,837 12,233 5,OJI 7,4M 6,997 Clanified by Population.-clltlci(i. BANASKANTHA Towns omI villagt'8 with a popuJ.\tion of t ~O,000-100,000 100,000- & above 20,000-50,O~' I . I )lo. No. Ma.lee IFemuJea I No, Males Females i "; 1:-:"1 27 28 2" I 30 31 32 11 831 10,998 11,631 IO.Jffl~ A-V-Towns arranged Territorially DISTRICT Population PertlOm'l (includin;!: Taluka or Peta.. Name of Town I V Production Pel'8on.... Malee Ft"mR.les other them cultivation MI1I~s Femalell District Tot.1 56,842 29,550 27,292 5,772 5,112 Abu Roa.q Abu Road M, 12,5H 6,6fU 5,883 1,503 1,306 Mount Aim M. 4,439 2,34~ 2,097 20i 133 Deel6 Deua 'f, 1~,6Hi 5,e30 3,016 J,176 ),064 P.J.npur PalBnpur M. 22,6'W 11,631 10,9'8 2.554 2,208 'rbar.m Th&cad 6,38. 3,2i6 3,298 335 311 - --- M stands for Municipality. with Population by Livelihood Classes. 9 I3ANASKANTHA LIVELIHOOD CLASSES Non.Agricultuml Classes Agricultural Classes _1- dependi?v~Ii~~ 1;~!: their principa.l means of IV Non-cultiva- I-III Cultivators. ting ownel's of cultivating -I- ---- land; agricultural VIII Other rent receivers labourers VII Tra~port services and and their and their VI Commel'<'e dependants r miscellaneous, I dependants Males Fe';'alc, I Male, I Fem.lesl Mal"""UI::~ IM"~ I-F-em-'--I-",--'-~-I'-Ie-'-'--F-em-.I-" :_ 10 II I 12 13 I ~~ _! __15_---'-_1_6_-'-_1_7_ 7,529 7,190 1,982 1,810 12.479 11.502 72 63 1.125 1.615 1,'59 1,305 1,384 1.268 2,196 1,907 12 107 90 387 357 48 42 1,678 1.549 22 15 1,760 1,572 219 165 l,94t> 1,680 52" 0133 2,693 2.65:! 272 272 5,60' 5,336 37 36 • 71 40 • 1,230 1,30' 59 63 ],046 1,030 17 17 599 573 - ---- l(} Economic Table - B.I-LlyelihOl>~ DISTRICT Note:-Where a perwon was in receipt of an income and that income was sufficient a& least for his own maintena.nce then he, ( or she, as the case might be) was to bo rega.rded 8e a self-supporting person fOT purposes of the cenSUl! enquiry.
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