September 16, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1657 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN HONOR OF CHARLES W. English Channel from England to Normandy in grandchildren; and his extended family to cele- MEYERS, SR. occupied France. The collective cost to the brate faith, family and tradition. Mr. Taylor United States was terribly high, including more continues to be a source of strength and inspi- HON. NANCY PELOSI than 29,000 killed and 106,000 wounded and ration to his family and friends, and I wish him OF CALIFORNIA missing. and the entire Taylor family continued bless- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As a Member of Congress and the daughter ings of peace and joy. of a World War II veteran, I believe I have a f Thursday, September 16, 2010 duty to honor the men and women who coura- TRIBUTE TO PHIL GOLDING Ms. PELOSI. Madam Speaker, I rise today geously served our country and gave their to pay tribute to Charles W. Meyers, Sr., a lives at the Battle of Normandy. Earlier this much beloved San Francisco community lead- summer, I had the privilege of visiting the Bat- HON. TOM LATHAM er and public servant, who passed away on tle of Normandy Memorial Museum during a OF IOWA September 12. Charlie enthusiastically gave congressional delegation and was able to get IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his energy in service of the city and the coun- an up-close look at the strength and resilience Thursday, September 16, 2010 try he loved. He will be remembered for his of the Americans who served in the United Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise to rec- big heart, generous spirit, and the unwavering States armed forces during the invasion of ognize Phil Golding, a World War II Army vet- devotion of his friendship. Normandy. eran from Boone County, Iowa, and to ex- A proud native son of San Francisco, Char- Our country owes all veterans of this conflict press my appreciation for his dedication and lie discovered his passion for public service a great debt for their service. commitment to his country. early in life. After enlisting in the U.S. Army f The Boone News Republican is currently and serving in World War II, he was elected running a series of articles that honors one to the State Assembly as a 28 year old—mak- IN HONOR AND RECOGNITION OF MR. RONALD TAYLOR Boone County veteran every Tuesday from ing him one of the youngest members of the Memorial Day to Veterans Day. Phil Golding legislature at the time. was recognized on Tuesday, August 24. As an Assemblyman for the next 22 years, HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH Below is the article in its entirety: Charlie vigorously sought to improve em- OF OHIO BOONE COUNTY VETERANS: PHIL GOLDING ployer-employee relations. He is an author of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (By Alexander Hutchins) the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act, which still Thursday, September 16, 2010 Not all military experiences are life-chang- stands as the state law regulating employee ing tales, fraught with peril and excitement. relations in the public sector. Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise For former Boone County resident Phil Charlie’s involvement in San Francisco life, today in honor of Mr. Ronald Taylor, a de- Golding, his experiences in the military were however, went far beyond his work in the state voted father, grandfather, mentor, friend, en- rather mundane. legislature. He was a valued member and ac- trepreneur, and United States Veteran, whose He was never shot at, ‘‘to my knowledge,’’ tive supporter of many organizations, including joyous life continues to be focused on family, he said. He never received, nor wanted, a the San Francisco Forum, Knights of Colum- faith, and service to community. Purple Heart. A Boone resident for nearly 50 Born in Wichita, Kansas on February 10, years, Golding, however, recalls his times in bus, Disabled American Veterans, and the the United States Army with fond memories, United Irish Cultural Center. In 2007, he was 1930, Mr. Taylor was the only child of parents with his three most volatile army jobs being honored for his work in public service by his Russell and Mildred Taylor. He moved fre- battery clerk, gas truck driver and ammo alma mater, the University of San Francisco. quently with his family until settling in Cleve- truck driver. San Franciscans have lost a beloved friend. land, Ohio. His parents taught him the impor- Golding was inducted into the U.S. Army I hope it is a comfort to his beloved wife tance of hard work, family and faith. They at Camp Dodge from Glidden, Iowa, in Car- Alene, his children Charlene Hansen, Chip guided him toward a solid education and sup- roll County, assigned to active duty on July ported all of his athletic endeavors. While at- 3, 1943, ‘‘policing the camp grounds for ciga- Meyers, and Gerri Brown, and his many rette butts’’ prior to the crowds of visitors grandchildren that many San Franciscans join tending Central High School in Cleveland, Mr. swarming into the area. them in mourning his passing. Taylor excelled in athletics and broke Jesse ‘‘I was given a G.I. haircut, clothes and f Owens’ high jump record. Mr. Taylor’s record equipment, then sent to a tank destroyer fa- still stands today. He continues to use the ex- cility at Camp Hood, Texas, for four months HONORING AMERICAN TROOPS periences of his youth to teach and guide his of infantry basic training before spending 41⁄2 WHO DIED ON D–DAY own children and grandchildren. months on campus at the University of Illi- Mr. Taylor blazed a path of independence nois in the Army Specialized Training Pro- SPEECH OF and achievement. He attained the level of gram ostensibly to be an engineer,’’ Golding recalled. ‘‘This changed when the war in Af- HON. BETTY McCOLLUM Eagle Scout, only the second African Amer- rica, Italy and Europe called for fresh OF MINNESOTA ican in Ohio to do so at the time. While at- blood.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tending Miami University of Ohio, he was a Golding, along with hundreds of other member of the U.S. Air Force ROTC. He was ‘‘non-essentials,’’ as he referred to himself, Tuesday, September 14, 2010 drafted into the U.S. Army, and served honor- were transported by troop train to the Ms. MCCOLLUM. Madam Speaker, I rise ably during WWII. He later continued his stud- Eighth Armored Division at Camp Polk, La. today in support of H. Res 1251, which recog- ies and became an attorney and real estate Before long, they would be replacing ar- mored units in combat zones, but first there nizes and honors the United States troops broker. He owned several successful law, tax were inspections. who fought and died on D-day at the Battle of and real estate businesses in Chicago, Cleve- ‘‘We spent the hot summer of 1944 being in- Normandy. land and Las Vegas. He continues to run a spected to death before the Germans got a On June 6, 1944, the Western Allies landed successful law practice, Ron Taylor & Associ- shot at us,’’ Golding said. ‘‘We boarded a in Northern France and opened up a major ates, in Oak Park, Illinois. troop ship in early fall. Somewhere, mid-At- military offensive against the Nazi German Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join lantic, a couple hundred of us below deck forces. After 5 years of worldwide warfare, the me in honor and recognition of Ronald Taylor, playing cards, writing home or reading, when something big banged hard against the bulk- Normandy invasion proved to be a critical who continues to serve as a leader and the head only a few feet away! We never knew turning point in pushing the United States and foundation of his family. Mr. Taylor will join what, but one officer didn’t wait to panic, he its allied forces to victory. D-day remains one this Labor Day weekend with his children, went bananas, bounding up the stairway of the greatest beach landings in world history, Kevin, Rennie, Reginald, Leah, Michael, Ron shouting, ‘Don’t panic . let me outta here! involving nearly 3 million troops crossing the Taylor, Jr., Ron II, Ronnetta, and Robin; his Let me outta here!’ ’’ ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:58 Nov 24, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E16SE0.REC E16SE0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1658 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 16, 2010 It was a couple months later when the erated electricity at the Dresden site. Employ- each other and our next generations, regard- group ate their Thanksgiving turkey in what ees and guests will be celebrating this less of our gender, ethnicity or race. Golding referred to as ‘‘Jolly ol’ England.’’ achievement on Wednesday, September 22, I want to congratulate La Plaza’s Fiesta In- After next celebrating Christmas with an English family, they finally received their 2010. dianapolis on their 30th anniversary. In your equipment on New Years Day: tanks, trucks, On August 1, 1960, Dresden Unit 1 entered long history, you have enriched the lives of 105 mm howitzers, and more. commercial operation and became the nation’s those who attend this event, the City of Indian- The soldiers were rushed across the chan- first full-scale, privately financed commercial apolis and our Latino community.
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