---JV-* ..;--v;.'»» -r»r'‘Jt-J* f •! ^ i. ,•• • •- ■ >.y. ■ ' ; ■ . :l- r-t-; ^ ' ' Af - ■--■■'", THE WEATHER ^ mr^: PoMciMt ttf O. •• W»nth** BBimm, NET PRESS RUXi \ Sm^Umv^a AVERAGE DAILY CIRCUIjATIOX OV THE EVENING HERALD Fair and wanner to-nijsht, Sun- for the month of November, 1927 \ Conn. State Library da3f iicreasing cloudiness and wanner followed by rain. 5>057 V (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Classified Advertising on Page 10. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEI— u 10, 1927. VOL. XLII., NO. 60. SLAPPED HER FACE TAXREDUCnON Wreck Synagogues SO SHE KILLED HIM STARTS DISPUTE SENTENCED TO 10 IN COMMITTEE Berlin, Dec. 10. — Seventeen.^M. C. A. He attempted to quiet GEirp SEATS synagogues were destroyed, fifty* the rioting students by speaking six volumes of Rabblnclal scrip­ from the balcony of a theater. Re­ y e a r s h a r d l a b o r ‘ ‘Flapper Widow” Smokes tures were stolen and damage total­ senting the intervention, scores of RED CROSS DRIVE I ing $1,500,000 was done by riptous students climbed up to the balcony, Indications Point to Exclu­ Democrats in the House Rumanian students during anti- dragged the American to the and Reads in Cell as She Jewlsh pogroms at Grosswardein ground, and beat him senseless. sion of Smith and Vare by PASSES OBJEaiVE Claim that Cuts are and Klausenburg, Rumania, accord­ After recovering partially Cap­ STOKHSONIAKES «>rtant ing to the first authentic reports tain Keller tried to communicate \ Calmly Tells Details of reaching here today. with American Minister Culbertson Even Bigger Votes at Sen­ Framed to Favor Nation’s The only serious casualty men­ at Bucharest but his telegram was WRECK TWO SHIPS’ Receive Murder. Total of $1;734 Is Larger tioned was Captain Gottfried Kel­ reported to have been refused by ate Session. Maximum S en ten ce- Wealthy Citizens. ler, an American officer, who re­ Rumanian officials. Hungarian re­ ceived serious stab wounds during fugees today brought news of Kel­ Coast Guard Vessels Search­ Than Last Year’s and Ex­ ler’s plight to the American Lega­ Take Sentence Calmly— Painesville, Ohio, Dec. 10. anti-semltic disorders at Gross­ Washington, Dec. 10.— Charges wardein. Details of the attack were tion In Budapest. Washington, Dec. 10.— With ing in Blizzard for Dis­ While Thomas Edward West, 26, ceeds Expectations. and counter-charges of political lacking. A message from Budapest says Senators-elect Frank L. Smith, of Defense Does Not Make is being buried at Perry, Ohio, this The Rumanian government to- Acting Premier Vass has promised Illinois, and William S. Vare of trickery were bandied about in the Pennsylvania, standing out on the afternoon, Velma West, his 21- Parliament to protest to the League abled Vessels. -------- ! House todav as debate on the new | day prohibited lurlher meeting, by of Nations Council against Ruman­ sidelines, the Reed slush fund com­ Motion for New Trial. year-old “ flapper \vidow,” who has The grand tolai ol the annual , , , ,eduotlon bill passed the pre- | „ „»vellng ian maltreatment of Hungarian na­ mittee will meet this afternoon to confessed that she beat him to Red Cross roll call as announced to­ tionals. organize a new investigation into “ ’"DeS'eratfe'' spokesmen declared i through Europe on behalf of the Y. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Dec. 10. { death with a claw hammer last day by Chairman Fred Van Ness Is their 1925 Senatorial primaries. that the new $232,000,000 tax cut The double-barreled inquiry, re­ With the crew of one wrecked lake May.s Landing, N. J., Dec. 10 'ITiesday night, will remain in soli­ $1,734.10, considerably larger than bill was framed to cat 'i the favor steamer already safe, attempts were — “ Why the jury brought in tary confinement in the county quested by both Smith and Vare the total collected in the campaign of the wealthy. Republican leaders supporters, probably will gat under being made today to rescue the that verdict of voluntary niaii- jail here, with her cigarettes^ and last year, and exceeds the expecta­ asserted that their political foes ISENATORIAL PROBE PROFESSOR RAPS way next week but it is a foregone crews of two other disabled vessels, slaughter I do not know, '^ is her “ modern romance” magazines. crime was beyond question, tions of the organization. The high­ were ready to bankrupt the treas­ conclusion that it will not save which have been at th^ mercy of The young woman has Lihown no lashing gales and mountainous murder in the first degree.” est individual team total was that ury in order to win the taxpayers’ either man his seat in the Senate. This stateujent was made desire to attend the funeral or to favor in the 1928 presidential cam­ i OF HEARST CHARGES ‘NEW HAVEN’ ROAD All indications point to their ulti­ waves for the last 36 to 48 hours. see the body of the man with whom of the Center Congregational from the bench in Supreme paign. i. _____ _ mate exclusion by an even greater A fourth vessel, the steamer slie eloped only a year ago, accord­ church, $262.75. Martian of the Canadian steamship Court here today by Justice This represents the final total of On one point Rep- Green, Re- , vote than was cast in denying them Campbell, who presided over ing to county authoriti'-S. publican of Iowa, chairman the ! „ . j a ^ their oaths of offic^ lines, with a crew of 35, was report­ Slapped Her Face the drive as given out at the quar­ the trial of Willis Beach and ters of the Chamber of Commerce, ways and means committee, and W a iShlllg m n 116191(1 uUyS To Reopen Hearings, ed aground 15 miles from Port Ar­ West, she declares, maligned her Says System Has for Years thur on Hare Island, inside Thunder Mrs. Margaret Lilliendahl, Some additions may be reported as Rep. Gardner, Democrat of Texas, I ® The Reed committee will reopen convicted of voluntary man­ friends and slapped her face, when stragglers come in with their con­ fully agreed. The j its public hearings on the slush Cape. Although details are lack­ she threatened to leave him Tues­ minority leader, slaughter for the killing of the tributions. tax bill, completely revising the That Mexico Paid Bribes Ignored Orders of Our i fund charges as soon as the Senate ing, It is believed that the ship is in day night. At the height of a “ blind woman's aged husband. Following are the complete team old law, has been simplified for the acts upon a resolution, restoring all a perilous condition. rage” she picked up the hammer Justice Campbell then pn>- totals: taxpayer’s benefit and will effect State Officials. the power it held while probing Coast Guard Searching. iiounced .sentence of ten years and struck him on the head, ac­ Center Congregational ...$262.75 To U. S. Senators. campaign expenditures last sum­ After plunging through heavy at hard labor for the two «Ie- cording to the confession. saving in attorney’s fees. seas at full speed ahead, the United Miss Alice Cheney............. 349.00 Leaders’ Pi*ediction mer. Most of the witnesses heard fendants, the maxiamni pri-son Becoming frightened when he at­ States Coast Guafd steamer Craw­ Sec. Congregationtl........... 201.00 The rival leaders both predicted probably will be called at the soli­ term under the law. tempted to rise, she struck him ford, summoned from Two Harbors, St. James’ church............... 198.00 that a tax bill would be passed Washington, Doc. 10.— The Middletown, Conn., Dec. 10.— citation of either Smith or Vare. again, tied his hands and feet with Minn., was believed searching the Swedish Lutheran ............. 157.75 within a week or ten days and sent Washington Herald, which has That the New York, New Haven & A few others may possibly appear Mays Landing, N. J-. Dec. 10.—- twine and threw a blanket oVer South Methodist ............... 150.06 in rebuttal. There was every like­ blizzard-swept coast off the north Mrs. Margaret Lilliendahl and her him. St. Mary’s church ............. 125.00 to the Senate for further action. been publishing an amazing series Hartford railroad system has for shore tip of Kweenow Point in Lake Standing squarely on the propo­ lihood that the committee would alleged paramour Willis Beach, After accompanying her mother Main St. Collections........... 59.25 of charges concerning Mexican years ignored orders of the Public Superior for the wrecked steamer sition that the committee’s, bill file its final report on both men white-haired poultry faver, today on a Christmas shopping trip, dur­ Green Hill section, Mrs. activities in the United States, pub­ Utilities Commission to improve the early in the n^w year, weeks before Altadoc and its crew of 35c. were sentenced to ten years at hard reaches the limit in safe tax reduc­ The tug Strathbogie is fighting ing which she bought a present for James Jrvin e................... 54.00 road’s Air line division between the sixty-day time limit fixed for a labor for the killing . of the wo­ American L e g io n ............... 47.25 tion, Green Intimated that tax re­ lished an editorial today stating wind and ice in an attempt to reach her husband, she received word that it welcomed the Manatorial Middletown and Willimantic, and report on Vare’s case. man’s aged husband, Dr. William that his badly battered body had Highalnd P a r k ................... 105.00 duction bills may be few and far Vare’s Fate. the steamer Agawa and its crew of Washington School ........... 14.00 between in futu::e years. The coun­ investigation of its charges, which that the system has failed to live 22, wrecked off Advance Point near Lilliendahl.
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