Octavos by series Print (sorted by series, then voicing)voicing, then sales) Edition Year Sales Cantar Alabanzas Series 2-Part Great Is the Love/Hay Gran Amor Jaime Cortez 20251 2006 $1969 Dios Te Salve, María Juan Sosa, Pbro. 8963 $1757 Bread of Life/Pan de Vida Jaime Cortez 10815 1998 $1492 Alabaré/O Come and Sing Manuel José Alonso / José Pagán / Owen 12192 2004 $1258 Alstott We Venerate Your Cross/Tu Cruz Adoramos Santiago Fernández 20035 2005 $700 Emmanuel, Oh Rey de Gloria/Emmanuel, O King of Juan Sosa 30143029 2019 $177 Glory Iglesia en Salida / Church on a Mission Pedro Rubalcava 30137656 2016 $111 Amo Tu Voluntad/I Love Your Commands Eleazar Cortés 30108123 2012 Ave María Fr. Bernardo Rodríguez 9880 1993 Bajo la Sombra de Tus Alas Medina, The Reverend Héctor M. 11883 2004 Envía Tu Espíritu, Señor Rosas, Carlos 12191 2004 Madre de la Iglesia Juan J. Sosa, Pbro. 10355 1996 María, Oh Dulce Virgen/María, O Blessed Estela García-López / Rodolfo López 30145554 2020 Misa Juan Diego Rufino Zaragoza, OFM 9894 1994 Te Doy Gracias (Salmo 138) Rosas, Carlos 12202 2004 3-Part Pan de Vida Bob Hurd / Pia Moriarty 9110 $35477 Envía Tu Espíritu Bob Hurd 9104 $8769 Letanía de Adviento/Advent Litany Jaime Cortez 20326 2007 $2341 Pueblo de Dios Bob Hurd / Pia Moriarty 9546 1991 $1574 Misa Panamericana (Mariachi) Eleazar Cortés 11652 2003 $1007 Ardía Nuestro Corazón/Our Hearts Burned Within Rubalcava, Pedro 30130416 2014 $732 Us By the Power of Your Love/Por Designio de Tu Eleazar Cortés 30108124 2012 $332 Amor Hoy Ha Nacido en Belén Correa, Diego / Thillet, Damaris 30134765 2016 $191 Amanecer/At the Break of Day Rubalcava, Pedro 20760 2008 $188 Light My Heart/Transforma Mi Vida Eleazar Cortés 30108126 $113 Un Pueblo en Marcha Silvio Cuellar 30138550 2017 $81 Litany of the Saints / Letanía de los Santos Estela García-López / Rodolfo López 30142629 2008 $39 1 report created 3/20/2020 Pueblo de Dios/People of God Jaime Cortez 30138548 2017 $13 Cantamos con el Corazón/We Sing This Gift to You Solís, Mr. Ramón A. 11884 2002 Pregón Pascual (Exsultet) Jaime Cortez 11002 1998 Vayan por el Mundo / Go Out to the World Eleazar Cortés 30108130 2012 SAB Amén. El Cuerpo de Cristo John Schiavone 10528 1997 $18976 No Hay Amor Más Grande/No Greater Love Bob Hurd 20102 2006 $2763 Easter Proclamation/Pregon Pascual Rubalcava, Pedro 30105757 2011 $1712 Compañeros de Cristo/Companions of Christ Bob Hurd 10335 1996 $1077 Donde Dos o Tres/Where Two or Three Bob Hurd 30108125 2012 $600 We Who Hunger Come to the Table/Los Que Jaime Cortez / Bob Hurd 30108133 2012 $516 Tienen Hambre Vienen Si Yo No Tengo Amor/If I Do Not Have Love Traditional Spanish 20126 2006 $442 Nuestra Alegría/Our Joy Iván Díaz 30140002 2017 $208 Cantemos al Señor Domínguez, Frank G. 11881 2004 Espíritu de Vida Juan J. Sosa, Pbro. 9769 1992 Flores y Plegarias Eleazar Cortés 12795 2005 Misa de la Misericordia: Aclamaciones Christopher Walker 30134202 2015 Responsoriales Yo Soy el Pan Vivo/I Am the Living Bread Bob Hurd 30108134 SAT Tu Palabra, el Santo Verbo BEACH SPRING / arr. Scott Soper 30141356 2019 Unison Misericordia, Señor (Salmo 50) Lourdes C. Montgomery 12737 2004 $104 Quiero Responder Que Sí/Lord, I Say "Yes" Jaime Cortez 30141358 2018 $31 Cántico de Daniel/Canticle of Daniel Rubalcava, Pedro 30104403 2011 ¿Quién Dicen Que Soy Yo?/Who Do You Say That I Jaime Cortez 9716 1993 Am? Choral Hymns of Praise 2-Part Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Johnson, Dennis R. / GWALCHMAI 11880 2002 SAB Joy to the World Richard Proulx / ANTIOCH 9569 $19502 On Jordan’s Bank Kevin Keil / WINCHESTER NEW 20304 2007 $1757 When Signs of This World’s Anguish Keil, Kevin / Glen, OSB, Genevieve / KING’S 20049 2007 LYNN 2 report created 3/20/2020 Unison Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence Wright, Andrew / PICARDY 11285 2000 $4507 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say Wright, Andrew / KINGSFOLD 11574 2002 $2454 Faithful Cross, O Tree of Beauty DeBruyn, Randall / Dufner, OSB, Delores / 20771 2009 PICARDY / PANGE LINGUA GLORIOSI Choral Series for Young People 2-Part Enter the Journey Friedman, Mark / Vogt, Janet 11794 2002 $8954 Jesus, You Are Bread for Us Christopher Walker 10156 1995 $8665 Trumpets Sound with a Shout of Joy Barbara Rusbridge 8986 $7167 We Shall Prepare Janet Vogt 11319 2000 $5532 O Come, Emmanuel Vogt, Janet / Friedman, Mark 20142 2006 $4839 Prepare a Way/Tell the World Gerard Chiusano / Mary Chiusano 21059 2009 $3893 Sing Alleluia Janet Vogt 10161 1995 $3892 Thank You, God Janet Vogt 10629 1997 $3799 Make a Manger in Your Heart/We Hear Angels Miffleton, Jack 20394 2008 $3264 Share the Light Bernadette Farrell 11307 2000 $3129 Walk in the Light Carey Landry 10919 1999 $2803 We’re Going to Bethlehem Carey Landry 12062 2004 $2650 Advent Canon Landry, Carey 11494 2001 $2551 Glory All Around Christopher Walker 20141 2006 $2451 Sending Song of Joy Carey Landry 11715 2002 $2241 Holy Table, Holy Bread Landry, Carey / Kinghorn-Landry, Carol Jean 20656 2008 $2067 Born to Be Our Savior Carey Landry / Carol Jean Kinghorn-Landry 30140858 2018 $1720 Song for Veneration of the Cross Walker, Christopher / Freeburg, DC, Sr. Paule 12260 2004 $1642 Alleluia! Christ Is Risen Carey Landry 11711 2002 $1534 God’s Greatest Gift Owen Alstott 11352 2000 $1417 Sign Us with Ashes Friedman, Mark / Vogt, Janet 12070 2003 $1332 We Celebrate with Joy Carey Landry 11488 2001 $1268 Mass of Thanks and Praise Carey Landry 30109093 2012 $1123 The Star Seemed Near and Friendly/Tu Scendi Jabusch, Willard F. 30114060 2013 $984 dalle Stelle Go and Tell Paul Inwood 10917 1998 $967 Oh, Won’t You Sit Down Miffleton, Jack 12090 2004 $941 Get on the Boat Vogt, Janet / Friedman, Mark 11644 2001 $904 Gaudete Coppo, Albert 30133749 2016 $660 3 report created 3/20/2020 Listen to the Word of the Lord M.D. Ridge 30103394 2010 $526 God-With-Us Forever Carey Landry / Carol Jean Kinghorn-Landry 30140862 2018 $478 Comemos de Este Pan/We Come to Eat This Bread Jaime Cortez 20879 2008 $476 Something Beautiful for God Marie-Jo Thum 30140076 2017 $456 Stir into Flame the Gifts of God Carey Landry 20662 2008 $321 The Friendly Beasts Traditional; adap. by Carey Landry 12060 2004 $202 Our Father Marie-Jo Thum 30138442 2017 $192 Al Partir el Pan/In the Breaking of the Bread Fuertes, Mariano 30136698 2016 $150 We Are the Light of Christ Carey Landry 30143081 2019 $24 Children, Go Where I Send Thee Spiritual / Landry, Carey 20651 2008 Creo/I Believe García-López, Estela / López, Rodolfo 21136 2009 Day by Day Miffleton, Jack 11105 1999 Feed Us, Lord Carey Landry / Larry Theiss 10665 1998 Glory Hallelujah to the Newborn King Miffleton, Jack 11981 2003 God Be in My Head Miffleton, Jack 10888 1998 God Is Here Carey Landry 10110 1995 I Am Your Friend Walker, Christopher / Freeburg, DC, Sr. Paule 11998 2003 Jambo, Yesu Miffleton, Jack 20391 2007 Jonah, What Will You Do Janet Vogt 11643 2001 Let Us Go Up Gerard Chiusano / Mary Chiusano 30107491 2012 Mary Magdalene Mariano Fuertes / Owen Alstott 11485 2001 Meadows and Mountains Dan Schutte 10499 1997 New and Eternal Day Paul Inwood 10924 1999 O Sacrum Convivium Hruby, Dolores M. 10874 1998 Sing a New Song Paul Inwood 10837 1998 Sing for Joy Bernadette Farrell 11442 2001 Sing with Joy Paul Inwood 10925 1999 Springtime Is Blossoming Ricky Manalo, CSP 20320 2008 Though We Are Many/Make Us a Sign Bernadette Farrell 11564 2001 Two Songs for First Eucharist Carey Landry 21031 2009 Venimos (We Come) Friedman, Mark 10327 1996 We Come As Servants Janet Vogt 11941 2003 Where Do You Go, My Friend/O Come, All Ye Carey Landry 12061 2004 Faithful Medley Who Shall Come to Worship Him Janet Vogt 11040 1999 3-Part Praise Him with Cymbals Janet Vogt 10334 1996 $5115 4 report created 3/20/2020 Gloria in Excelsis Deo Friedman, Mark 11039 1999 $4280 Make a Joyful Noise Mark Friedman 10488 1997 $3895 God So Loved the World Gerard Chiusano 11095 1999 $3612 Glory to God on High Mark Friedman 10333 1996 $2723 Come to Us, Spirit of Jesus Mark Friedman 10160 1995 $2688 Jubilate Deo Barbara Bridge 30105763 2011 $1969 Oh, When the Saints Medley Briare, Maureen / Spiritual 30103391 2010 $1247 Jesus Is Here with Us Now Carey Landry 11718 2002 $1241 Never Too Young Landry, Carey / Guarino, John 20660 2008 $980 Ven, Jesús, Emmanuel/Come, O Come, Emmanuel Bob Hurd / Pia Moriarty 30131796 2015 $278 Together As One Julie Hoy 30130960 2016 $221 Behold the Lamb Mark Friedman 10676 1997 God Is a Part of My Life Carey Landry 10302 1996 Jesus, Be with Us Paul Inwood 10896 1998 Let Us Sing Carey Landry 10303 1996 Litany for the Procession of Gifts Paul Inwood 21141 2009 Little David, Play on Your Harp Miffleton, Jack 12071 2003 One Tiny Child Martin Willett 10870 1999 Prayer Is the Key/Standin’ in the Need of Prayer Miffleton, Jack 12739 2004 Sing to the Lord, All the Earth Carey Landry 11719 2002 The Pharisee and the Sinner Walker, Christopher / Freeburg, DC, Sr. Paule 11989 2003 The Promised Land Tom Conry 10341 1996 Vamos, Vamos García-López, Estela / López, Rodolfo 30101896 2010 Walk On Regina Pirruccello 10500 1997 We Believe, We Believe in God Carey Landry 10304 1996 We Shall Be the Light Vogt, Janet / Friedman, Mark 11489 2001 What Can I Give Him/Señora Doña María Miffleton, Jack 10841 1998 SA May We Grow Carmen Scialla 30100700 2009 $320 Unison An Angel Came from Heaven/Glory to God Walker, Christopher / Freeburg, DC, Sr.
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