Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Volume-I Environmental Management Framework (EMF) March 2019 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Assam Inland Water Transport Project Environmental Management Framework Report 2019 Report Data Sheet Project Data Client : Office of the Director, Inland Water Transport, Government of Assam Project : Environmental and Social Assessment Studies for Assam Inland Water Transport Project Services : EIA & SIA Consultancy Services Document Data Document Title: Volume-I: EMF, Environmental Management Framework Issued on :14/03/2019 i Assam Inland Water Transport Project Environmental Management Framework Report 2019 Abbreviation AIPCL Assam Inland Ports Corporation Ltd AIWTCL Assam Inland Water Transport Corporation Limited AIWTDS Assam Inland Water Transport Development Society AIWTP Assam Inland Water Transport Project AoI Area of Influence CBO Community Based Organizations CE Chief Engineer CIA Cumulative Impact Assessment CIFRI Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute CPCB Central Pollution Control Board CV Curriculum Vitae CWC Central Water Commission DBFOT Design Build Finance Operate and Transfer DIWTA Directorate of Inland Waterway Transport Assam DPR Detailed Project Report EA Environmental Assessment ECoP Environmental Codes of Practice EDC Eco-Development Committee EHS Environmental, Health and Safety EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIC Engineer-In-Chief EMF Environmental Management Framework EMIS Environmental Management Information System EMP Environmental Management Plan EMMP Environmental Management & Monitoring Program EOT Extension of Time ESE Environmental, Social and Economic ESHS Environmental, Social, Health and Safety FA Financial Analyst FBS Fixed Budget Selection FD Finance Department FRI Forest Research Institute FTP Full Technical Proposal GC General Consultant GCC General Conditions of Contract GIS Geographic Information System GoA Government of Assam JFMC Joint Forest Management Committee ID Institutional Development IR Inception Report IRS Indian Register of Shipping ITC Instructions to Consultants IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature IWAI Inland Waterways Authority of India IWT Inland Waterways Transport IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IDA International Development Association IPP Indigenous Peoples Plan RAP Resettlement Action Plan JV Joint Venture LAD Least Available Depth LCS Least Cost Selection LU Land Use LT Long Term MIS Management Information System MoEF& CC Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change MPR Monthly Progress Report ii Assam Inland Water Transport Project Environmental Management Framework Report 2019 NGO Non-Governmental Organization NPV Net Present Value NW National Waterway O&M Operation and Maintenance PIA Project Influence Area PIANC Permanent International Association of Navigation Congress PIU Project Implementation Unit PPP Public Private Partnership QAP Quality Assurance Procedure QBS Quality Based Selection QC Quality Control QCBS Quality Cum Cost Based Selection QPR Quarterly Progress Report RE Resident Engineer RET Rare Endangered and Threatened Species RFCTLAR&R Right or Fare Compensation and Transparent Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement RFP Request for Proposals RH Risk Assessment & Hazard SA Social Assessment SCC Special Conditions of Contract SEESA Strategic Environmental, Economic and Social Assessment SIA Social Impact Assessment SMC Safeguard Monitoring Consultant SMF Social Management Framework SMP Social Management Plan SPMG State Project Management Group ST Short Term STP Simplified Technical Proposal TSC Technical Supervision Consultant TL Team Leader TNA Training Needs Analysis/Assessment TQM Total Quality Management TORs Terms of Reference VR Village Road WB World Bank iii Assam Inland Water Transport Project Environmental Management Framework Report 2019 Team Involved in EMF Study and Report Preparation: EMF consultants: The EMF study has been carried out by EIA Team of Arkitechno Consultants (India) Pvt Ltd as per the prescribed TOR of World bank. Time to time guidance is received from Experts and Team Leaders of World Bank, Environmental and Social Experts of AIWTDS and Environmental and Social Experts of General Consultants. The report is prepared and submitted to the World Bank, GC and AIWTDS for observations. AIWTDS has contracted Arkitechno Consultants (I) Pvt. Ltd to prepare the EIA for Component 1& 3. AIWTDS hired General consultants to review and provide guidance on the work of the EIA / SIA team as they carry out their work, as well as to prepare EMF. Environmental study team: The environmental team comprised of Dr. Prajakta (Environment - Team Leader), Dr. Latha Bhaskar (Social - Team Leader), Mr. Ratnesh Kotiyal (EB Expert), Mr. Rakesh Kumar Satapathy (Environmental Engineer), Mr. Niranjan Kakati (River Hydrologist), Mr. Joshua Anand (Hydrologist , Sediment), Mr. Punit Lal Mahato (LU Expert), Mr. Adhikrao Yewale (Water Expert), Mr. Arun Roy (Statistician), Mr. Sanjeev Sharma (Air and Noise Expert), Mr. Ram Das Wani (RH Expert). EIA team is thankful for the time to time guidance, support and understanding from World Bank, GC and AIWTDS. This definitely improved our knowledge and also the report quality. iv Assam Inland Water Transport Project Environmental Management Framework Report 2019 Executive Summary of EMF 1. Background Governments of Assam intend to upgrade the existing Inland water transport system in state. To modernize and transform IWT in Assam, the World Bank is assisting the GoA through a phase-wise project which includes up gradation of ferry Infrastructure, last mile connectivity. Fleet modernization, institutional capacity development etc. for total 11 identified Terminal / Jetty / Landing point locations. However, in phase-I, three ghats/ landing points have been selected. The project includes civil works along with new construction activity; for which it has been categorized as Environment Category-A according to World Bank classifications. Project development / civil intervention works during development may have interface with various physical, social and biological components of the environment, i.e. water quality, aquatic and terrestrial flora & fauna, air quality, noise levels etc. at all project development stages. All these environmental components will get affected due to development and operation of the terminals and a detailed environment and social impact assessment has been carried out to assess all the potential impacts of the project. Further the impacts of development can be due to its location or due to the nature of activities to be performed during its development and operation phase thus both these aspects should be looked into while carrying out EIA study. As the complete lists of project activities and locations have not been finalized, a framework approach has been adopted. Under this approach, the present Environmental Management Framework (EMF) has been prepared to identify all the potential but generic negative environmental and social impacts, propose mitigation measures, provide basic screening criteria for selecting subprojects, implementation and provide institutional arrangements, grievance redressal mechanisms and monitoring, reporting and documentation measures for environmental and social safeguards compliance. The EMF covers all physical works activities as well as feasibility and other studies to be carried out under the project. 2. Project Description 2.1 Strategic Components and Action Plan of the Project 2.1.1 Project Development Objective (PDO) The Project’s Development Objectives are to: (a) Improve passenger ferry infrastructure and services in Assam, and (b) to improve the institutional capacity and framework. 2.1.2 Project Components The project is focused primarily on improving ferrying of cross-river passengers on the Brahmaputra, and seeks to use the opportunity to establish a tenable foundation for development of a modern IWT sector in Assam. The long absence of adequate policy response and piecemeal investments in IWT in the state (as also nationally) have resulted in somewhat unorganised and weak condition for the sector, which is not predisposed to a linear scale-up. Despite the odds however, Assam manages to provide ferry services to about 5 million people annually, usually along with their vehicles/livestock/goods. In order to support the functioning but ill-equipped IWT sector therefore requires a more granular approach encompassing a range of supply and demand side factors. As such, the project is guided by a binding philosophy that admits wider, and even incremental interventions as long as they contribute to strengthening institutions and planning; operational efficiency and safety; and importantly sustainability. Estimated cost of the project is USD 135 million. Broadly, the project is structured through the following three components: Component 1: Institutional and Safety Strengthening a. Technical assistance in sector planning; An Integrated Strategic Development Plan (ISDP) for the state is being prepared. The exercise involves preparing an overall transport strategy for Assam, and more specifically preparing v Assam Inland Water Transport Project Environmental Management Framework Report 2019 investment plan to help mainstream Water Transport in the state including multi-modal integration and last mile connectivity. Studies on EIA and SIA will also be undertaken. b. Technical assistance in design and roll-out
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