http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf087000gp No online items Register of the Petr Berngardovich Struve papers Finding aid prepared by Ronald M. Bulatoff and Olga Dunlop, revised by Lyalya Kharitonova Hoover Institution Library and Archives © 1998, 2016 434 Galvez Mall Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-6003 [email protected] URL: http://www.hoover.org/library-and-archives Register of the Petr 79083 1 Berngardovich Struve papers Title: Petr Berngardovich Struve papers Date (inclusive): 1890-1987 Collection Number: 79083 Contributing Institution: Hoover Institution Library and Archives Language of Material: Mainly in Russian Physical Description: 58 manuscript boxes, 1 envelope(24.2 Linear Feet) Abstract: Correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, memoranda, essays, editorial files, printed matter, photographs, and memorabilia relating to Russia in World War I, the Russian Revolution and Civil War, anti-Bolshevik movements, the Russian economy and industry, conditions in the Soviet Union after the Revolution, and Russian literary and political émigré affairs. Includes papers of the wife and sons of Petr Struve. Creator: Struve, Petr Berngardovich, 1870-1944 Creator: Rossiĭskoe T͡Sentral'noe Ob'edinenie Creator: Rossīĭskīĭ zarubezhnyĭ sʺi͡ezdʺ (Location of meeting: Paris, France. Date of meeting or treaty signing: 1926.) Hoover Institution Library & Archives Access "Microfilm use only except Boxes 46-58, Envelope A, and memorabilia. The remainder of the collection is open for research; materials must be requested at least two business days in advance of intended use." Publication Rights For copyright status, please contact the Hoover Institution Library & Archives. Acquisition Information Materials were acquired by the Hoover Institution Library & Archives in 1979, with increments received in 1980, 1982, 1983, and 1985. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Petr Berngardovich Struve papers, [Box no., Folder no. or title], Hoover Institution Library & Archives. Alternative Form Available Also available on microfilm (59 reels). 1870 Born, Perm, Russia 1894 Published Critical Observations on the Problem of Russia's Economic Development Graduated from the University of St. Petersburg 1897 Editor, Novoe Slovo 1899 Editor, Nachalo 1901 Began publishing the weekly Osvobozhdenie (Stuttgart) Immigrated to Stuttgart, Germany Arrested and banished from Petrograd 1905 Returned to Russia and joined the Constitutional-Democratic (Cadet) Party 1907 Elected to Second Duma 1907-1914 Editor, Russkaia Mysl' (Petrograd) 1914-1916 Member, Government Commission on Food Supply 1916 Awarded doctorate at Cambridge University 1917 Joined the Russian Provisional Government and resigned shortly afterward Elected to the Russian Academy of Sciences 1919 Editor, Velikaia Rossiia (Southern Russia) 1919-1921 Minister of Foreign Affairs, Volunteer (White) Army under General Vrangel' 1923-1924 Editor, Russkaia Mysl' (Prague) 1925-1927 Editor, Vozrozhdenie (Paris) 1927-1928 Editor, Rossiia (Paris) 1928-1934 Contributor, Rossiia i Slavianstvo (Paris) 1944 Died, Paris, France February 26 Scope and Content of Collection Register of the Petr 79083 2 Berngardovich Struve papers Correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, memoranda, essays, editorial files, printed matter, photographs, and memorabilia relating to Russia in World War I, the Russian Revolution and Civil War, anti-Bolshevik movements, the Russian economy and industry, conditions in the Soviet Union after the Revolution, and Russian literary and political émigré affairs. Includes papers of the wife and sons of Petr Struve. Incremental materials received subsequent to the creation of this register are listed at the end of the register. Subjects and Indexing Terms Russian literature Russia -- Emigration and immigration Soviet Union -- History -- Revolution, 1917-1921 World War, 1914-1918 -- Russia Soviet Union -- History Refugees Soviet Union -- Social conditions Anti-communist movements Statesmen -- Russia Industries -- Soviet Union Soviet Union -- Economic conditions Vrangelʹ, Petr Nikolaevich, Baron, 1878-1928 Vooruzhennye Sily na I͡Uge Rossii Microfilm Reel Content Guide for Boxes 1-45 Downloadable PDF file of the Microfilm Reel Content Guide BIOGRAPHICAL FILE 1912-1987 Scope and Contents note Biographical material, including personal documents, calling cards, address books, reviews and other material related to biographies and biographical articles about Petr Struve, and clippings about Petr Struve from periodical press. box 1, folder 1 Genealogy of the Struve family, printed copy 1960 Personal papers box 1, folder 2 Documents 1920-1943 box 1, folder 3 Calling cards and address books 1931-1944 box 1, folder 4 Bills and receipts 1925-1942 box 1, folder 5 Obituaries and letters of condolence on P. B. Struve's death 1944 box 1, folder 6 Short biographies and chronologies of P.B. Struve's life, typescript undated Reviews of biographies of P. B. Struve Frank, Simon, Biografiia P. B. Struve box 1, folder 7 Koriakin, Iu. F., excerpt from untitled article, typescript undated box 1, folder 8 Mikhailov, S. E., "Pokhorony russkogo liberalizma. O knige S. L. Franka Biografiia P. B. Struve," typescript copy of article published in Voprosy filosofii, 1958 Pipes, Richard, Struve, Liberal on the Left and Struve, Liberal on the Right box 1, folder 9 Struve, Gleb, comments and questions, typescript undated Register of the Petr 79083 3 Berngardovich Struve papers BIOGRAPHICAL FILE 1912-1987 Reviews of biographies of P. B. Struve box 1, folder 10 Miscellaneous reviews, printed copies 1971 Biographical articles re P. B. Struve box 1, folder 11 Borman, Arkadii 1953-1971 Scope and Contents note Includes miscellaneous articles re P. B. Struve and responses from Gleb Struve, printed and typescript copies. box 1, folder 12 Kadomtsev, B. P., "Vospominaniia o Petre Berngardoviche Struve," typescript 1944 box 1, folder 13 Lazarevskii, V., "O 'razmyshleniiakh' Struve," Russkaia Mysl', 1947 August 9 box 1, folder 14 Meiendorf, A. F., "P. B. Struve," holograph undated box 1, folder 15 Pipes, Richard, "Peter B. Struve: The Source of His Liberal Russian Nationalism," tearsheet from Essays On Russian Liberalism, University of Missouri Press 1972 box 1, folder 16 Putnam, George, "P. B. Struve's View of the Russian Revolution of 1905," The Slavonic Review, printed copy 1967 box 1, folder 17 Ryss, Petr Ia., "Vospominaniia Petra Iakovlevicha Ryss o P. B. Struve," typescript undated box 1, folder 18 Struve, Arkadii, "Vzgliady P. B. Struve v gody vtoroi mirovoi voiny," typescript 1946 Scope and Contents note Includes correspondence between Gleb Struve and N. A. Tsurikov. Struve, Gleb box 2, folder 1 Miscellaneous holograph and typescript notes undated box 2, folder 2 "Dva 'liberal'nykh konservatora'. Iz perepiski P. B. Struve i V. A. Maklakova," typescript undated box 2, folder 3 "Eshche k iubileiu V. A. Maklakova i P. B. Struve," typescript draft undated box 2, folder 4 "Iz Arkhiva P. B. Struve," printed copy undated box 2, folder 5 "K biografii P. B. Struve," letter to the editor of Russkaia Mysl', typescript draft undated box 2, folder 6 "K 50-letiiu okonchaniia grazhdanskoi voiny na iuge Rossii," Mosty, printed copy 1970 box 2, folder 7 "K stoletiiu so dnia rozhdeniia P. B. Struve," typescript undated box 2, folder 8 "Kn. D. P. Sviatopolk-Mirskii o P. B. Struve," typescript undated box 2, folder 9 "Piat'desiat let nazad: posledniaia stadiia grazhdanskoi voiny na iuge Rossii. Po neizdannym dokumentam iz arkhivov P. B. Struve i V. A. Maklakova," typescript undated box 2, folder 10 "P. B. Struve o smysle russkoi revoliutsii. Tri pis'ma k E. D. Kuskovoi," typescript undated box 2, folder 11 "P. B. Struve v gg. 1918-1919," typescript undated box 2, folder 12 "A Russian Liberal About the World Crisis of 1938-1939 and the Second World War," typescript undated box 2, folder 13 Tsurikov, N. A., "Petr Berngardovich Struve. Vospominaniia," typescript undated box 2, folder 14 Vodov, S., "Liberal'nyi konservator," Russkaia Mysl', printed copy 1964 February 27 box 2, folder 15 Zander, L., "Svetloi pamiati Petra Berngardovicha Struve," Russkaia Mysl', printed copy 1964 February 27 Clippings re P. B. Struve from periodical press box 2, folder 16 Pre-revolutionary 1912-1914 box 2, folder 17 Émigré 1921-1983 box 2, folder 18 Soviet 1924-1979 box 2, folder 19 P. B. Struve in Poland, newspaper clippings 1921, 1959 Register of the Petr 79083 4 Berngardovich Struve papers BIOGRAPHICAL FILE 1912-1987 General General box 2, folder 20 Index of individuals associated with Petr Struve, typescript undated box 2, folder 21 List of lectures delivered at the Russian Scientific Institute in Belgrade from 1928-1938, typescript undated box 2, folder 22 Lecture announcements, reviews and reports on lectures, printed matter 1923, 1952 box 2, folder 23 Indexes of writings and correspondence in P. B. Struve's archive, typescript undated box 2, folder 24 Miscellaneous printed, typescript and handwritten material 1925-1987 Scope and Contents note Includes short articles, book reviews, and notes. CORRESPONDENCE 1903-1970 Scope and Contents note Personal correspondence of Petr Struve, arranged alphabetically. box 3, folder 1 Unidentified undated General box 3, folder 2 1919-1943 box 3, folder 3 Typescript copies of miscellaneous correspondence 1914-1947 box 3, folder 4 Photocopies of miscellaneous correspondence 1927-1939 Diplomatic dispatches and Civil War correspondence box 3, folder 5 General 1920 box 3, folder 6 1920 September
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