State probing cleanup aste dumps TRENTON (API - Local and state ing. when one witness said the report -certain individuals who have had an prior to February 197», when a court rino testified at the New York Fine then mentioned the New Jersey ••KM-ials and a private cleanup company indicated that the fire was cauwd by enforcement responsibUty in DEP and order directed DEP to take charge of last week that Albert, a re- report, compiled by State Police Sgt. are being Investigated for negligence arson. Individuals in the toxic waste industry- the company. mobster, forced Carracino out of Robert Kearstan, and said it indicated uml poulbly corruption in connection But Edwin Slier, director of the There were indications in the report Coastal Services Inc.. the firm hired /the company at gunpoint in 1977 Car- the causes of the fire. New Jersey of- with their handling of illegal waste Division of Criminal Justice, said the that some of the persons are no longer by the DEP to clean up the site and/ racino also testified that Edward FaiUe, ficials denied that the report came to dumping at the Chemical Control site in report is ongoing and has not de- employed by the DEP. several other lock: waste dumps la I now a DEP investigator, witnessed the such conclusions. Kliubeth. a published report indicates termined the fire was caused by arson. stale, also is under investigation, St takeover. An internal state police report on the Stier said his division and stale po- He did say. however, that the fire said. Coastal Services was fired fit It also was at the New York Select "I have reviewed the document and illegal dumping and fire which erupted lice also are investigating safety re1 was believed to be "suspicious" and the Chemical Control cleanup by' Committee on Crime hearings that 1 find it characterises the fire as sus- in April during the cleanup was revealed that "certain allegations" regarding quirements at Chemical Control, which DEP shortly after the fire former New York Assistant Attorney picious but reaches no conclusion on in a report published in the Sunday Star- Department of Environmental Protec- may not have been monitored properly The FBI and the U.S. Attorney'sN General John Fine^now a counsel to a arson. It does not remove any cause but l-wlger of Newark. tion employees are being investigated by local agencies. Office also reportedly are looking into 'environmental com reflects numerous leads that have to be deferences to the state police report by his division. Law enforcement officials also are the financial affairs of past Chemical mitiee, u-stif led that arson caused the followed through. " said Col Clinton L. were nude last week at a New York Stier emphasized that the DEP as a investigating the relationship between Control presidents William Carracino spectacular April 21 fire at the Elis- Pagano, superintendent of the stale po- legislative probe of toxic waste dump- whole is not under investigation, only Chemical Control and Stier's division and John Albert. abeth site. lice Register >lonmouth County's Great Home Newspaper VOL. 103 NO. 127 SHREWSBURY. N.J. MONDAY, DECEMBER 1,1980 20 CENTS Some choices made for Reagan Cabinet LOS ANGELES (AP) - Ronald Reagan says Answers," also refused to say if the prospective he has made some of his Cabinet choices, but the appointees include Democrats, blacks or women. president-elect is keeping up the suspense about Nofziger said he expected there will be no who they are. Some of the answers may come late political liberals in the Cabinet. this week, Meese denied that the speculation has become "I'm not going to report or speculate until we embarrassing or is making it more difficult for have a crew together and an announcement ready Reagan to choose a Cabinet. to make," Reagan told reporters yesterday as he "Remember it has been less than 30 days returned from an overnight stay for a charity since Ronald Reagan was elected president, and I dinner in Palm Springs, Calif. "We're whittling away." Edwin Meese III, who will become a Cabinet- level counselor to the new president, said yester- Reagan's health called day that Reagan "has made definite decisions ... and he is in the process of implementing some of excellent by his doctor those now." WASHINGTON (AP) - Ronald Reagan's Asked about that as he returned to Los Angel- personal physician says the W-year-old presi- es, Reagan said: "Yes, that's right... but I'm not dent-elect is in excellent health and "quite able ready to say that we are ready to announce to handle stress." names." In an interview published yesterday in U.S. As he left Palm Springs, Reagan said he would News & World Report, Dr. John Reynolds said RELIEF EFFORTS —Members and friends of Red Bank Elks Lodge 233 pack spend the first few months of his presidency Reagan had no medical problems during the parcels of goods, bound for earthquake victims in southern Italy. The lodge is concentrating on the economy. recent campaign. one of several county organizations taking part in a drive spearheaded bv the Asked if he believed he could improve the The physician noted that Reagan has a mod- Matawan Italian-American Club and St. Gerald's Guild of Long Branch. economy soon, Reagan replied: "I don't know erate bearing loss, which might make It difficult how soon. It took a long time to get in this mess, for him to hear questions at a press conference but we are going to start." if there were a lot of background noise The president-elect planned to continue select- EDWIN MEESE III ing a Cabinet today, and transition chief Meese said all the choices probably will be announced don't believe any president in history has an- 'Not ready... to announce names' Cash and clothes nounced his Cabinet any earlier," Meese said. before Christmas. regard for both Simon and Shultz." Lyn Nofziger, Reagan's press secretary, who "This is a normal time," be added. "As a But Nofziger refused to describe Reagan's spent his last day on the job yesterday, said some matter of fact, probably it is a little ahead of feelings about the situation, saying he did not Cabinet selections may be announced as early as schedule." wish to make it appear that any of the three sought for Italy Thursday or Friday. Reagan said he was not dismayed that leading actually would have been chosen for Cabinet But Reagan, Meese and Nofziger all were Cabinet candidates William Simon, George Shulu positions Meese said none had been offered a ByANDREWSHEEBAN made to the Italian-American Club on careful not to drop any hints about who the and Anne Armstrong had withdrawn their names Cabinet post before withdrawing from contention. The organizers of a countywide relief Route 35, Laurence Harbor, or to the fol- appointees might be. from contention. Ms. Armstrong, a former ambassador to Brit- effort on behalf d the victims of earth- lowing organizations the Hazlet Italian Asked if there would be a woman in his Nofziger, holding his last press briefing on ain, had been widely speculated for the Com- quake-torn southern Italy yesterday nar- American Association, the Society of St. Cabinet, Reagan said only: "Uh, let me say there Saturday, denied that Reagan engineered the merce Department. Simon had been mentioned rowed their appeal for contributions, Anthony of Padua in Old Bridge. Amici of is quite a broad range of names that are being withdrawals of Simon and Shultz. for his old job at Treasury. Shultz. a former labor eliminating everything but blankets, Freehold, the Amerigo Vespucci Society of discussed." "He's not Machiavelli," Nofziger said of the and treasury secretary, had been a contender to clothing, money and hygienic supplies. Long Branch, the Garibaldi Club of Red Meese, interviewed on ABC's "Issues and former California governor. "And he has high be secretary of state The St. Gerard's Guild of Long Branch Bank, and the Beachwood Italian Club and the Matawan Italian-American Club, The other umbrella relief organization the organisations which have spearheaded in Monmouth County, the St. Gerard's the local drive, also expressed hope that Guild of Long Branch, also has appealed Monmouth County residents will continue for additional blankets and clothing. their strong support of the relief effort in Alfonse Alfone, St. Gerard's president, 14 more tremors jolt Italy the wake of yesterday's additional tremors said the guild is gearing up efforts to outside of Naples. combat the continuing tragedy in Italy. NAPLES, Italy (AP) — Fourteen more trem- living in a trailer," Giuseppe Zamberletti. the with his wife At the last minute, he told his wife Louis DiGirolamo, president of the St. Gerard's is coordinating supplies ors jolted southern Italy during the night and government's special commissioner for the earth- he forgot something, returned to his partially Matawan dub, said volunteers packed received by Holy Trinity Church of Long early today, but hundreds of earthquake surivors quake zone, told The Associated Press. destroyed home and shot himself hundreds of relief packages over the week- Branch, the Surf Lounge on Ocean resisted government orders to move. Government sources in Naples said nearly Two strong aftershocks jolted the quake area end and will accept further donations Boulevard, Spotlight Magazine In Asbury One man killed himself rather than leave his 1.000 of the homeless were bused to tourist hotels Sunday, arousing new fears among the survivors throughout the week. DiGirolamo said a Park, Red Bank Elks Lodge 233 at 40 W.
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