THE WEATHER KABUL TIMES YESTERDAY Max. 31C. NEWS STALLS Minimum " 19C Near Shahi Pul; Blue Mosque San sets today at 0 pjn. Share-e-na- Khyber Restaurant Sun rises tomorrow at 5--00 am. International Club; Pamir Cine- Tomorrow's ontlook. ma; Near Ariana Afghan Airlines. - :. ES. Cloudy. KABU L TIM Forecast by Air Authority VOL. H NO. 119 KABUL, SUNDAY, JULY 21. 1963 (SARATAN 29, 1342 S.H.) PRICE AT. I Afghanistan's Democracy Eastern Summit To Be To Pak Ambassador Work For People Of To Kabul Held In Moscow Wednesday Afghanistan His Majesty . Agrees To To Discuss Economic Issues Gen. Yousufs Appointment ' SOFIA, SUNDAY, JULY 21, (AP). DR. ZAHIR INTERVIEWED KABUL, July 21. The Minis- AN liastern summit meeting will be held in Moscow next try for Foreign Affairs announces Wednesday to discuss economic - questions, the official ON U.S. TELEVISION that His Majesty the King has Bulgarian news agency BTA reported Saturday. ' agreed to the appointment of BTA said the Central Com- m KABUL, Sunday, July 2L General Yousuf as Pakistani Am- mittee of the COMECON coun- Abdul Zahir, President of the Afghan bassador - National Assembly, at the Court of Kabul Afghan Consuls In tries . Communist Parties- have who Is visiting the United States at the head of a Parlia- A request to this effect had been reached an agreement to hold a mentary delegation said in a television interview Friday night made by the Government of conference in the Soviet capital , Peshawar & Quetta that Afghanistan is anxious to have friendly relations with all Pakistan earlier. July 24. nations. General Yousuf was Pakistan's COMECON is the East bloc's , High He - said-- Afghanistan hemps Commissioner in London. Leave For Their Economic integration organiza- there will be "understanding and tion. ' friendship between ed Development HIS MAJESTY GREETS "The conference is to discuss the Of . Posts Eastern and Western blocs." . KING BAUDOUIN the account of the COMECON -- on He said he hoped "there will be KABUL. July 21. A ielegram-m- e KABUL, July 21. Mr. Sayyed Executive Committee what ' Hazara imple- a united world." Jat has been despatched on behalf Tajuddin, the Afghan Consul in has been done so far to Asked whether the system to of His Majesty Peshawar and Mr.' ment the decision of the June Delegation Leaves the King to His Mohammad 1962 of represen- be established in Afghanistan for Tour Majesty King Baudouin L con- Ayoub Aziz the Afghan Consul in conference the would resemble the system of KABUL, July 2L A delegation Quetta tatives of the Communist Parties composed of Mr. gratulating him on the anniver- left for their respective " governments in other countries. Abdul Hai Aziz, sary of the Belgian National Day. posts yesterday. Similarly Mr. of the member countries, BTA Dr. Zahir said no nation can copy the Minister of Planning; Mr! said. Keshawarz, Gul Ahmad and Mr. Abdul democracy from another.. He the Minister of Agri- ' Rashid Afghan Trade Agents in "The conference will also dis- said for Afghanistan's Would be culture; Mr. Ghulam Ali, Presi- Premier Inspects cuss the further tasks of develop- it dent Mines Peshawar and Chaman respective- a democracy that we hope would of in the Ministry, of Municipality Project ly left for their posts. ing the economic , of work for the people of Afghanis- Mines and Industries together KABUL, July 21. Prime Min- these countries," the brief BTA tan. with a group of foreign and local ister Dr.- - Mohammad Yousuf in- announcement said. President of the National As- experts left Kabul for Hazara Jat spected Saturday- - afternoon the BTA said the agreement on the sembly said the present changes in Central Afghanistan Saturday project launched by tfie Munici- conference provided that the in Afghanistan have started in an morning. pal Corporation for the improve- Dr. Lea tham Leaves Communist Party Chiefs and atmosphere of goodwill and com- The delegation is to make a de- ment of the older section of Premiers of the COMECON coun- plete tailed study of the area's natural Kabul city. Mr. Mohammad tries would attend the conference. resources and possibilities Kabul - Hungarian Communist Party Afffhan-UA- R Friendship .the Asghar, the Mayor was giving of their development so that guiding explanations regarding Chief and Premier Janos Kadar Society's effective steps may KABUL, July 21. Dr. Leatham, already Administrative be taken for the project to the Premier. a is in Moscow. It was not its social and econmic progress. London University Cardiologist, immediately clear whether Al- Members Announced who had come to Kabul last week KABUL, July 21. confor- bania, which is still nominally a ' In New Kabul to give a series of lectures on COMECON country, partici- mity with the constitution of Radio -- will the WHO Chief Arrives heart ailments and visit Kabul pate. un- - Afghan-UA-R. Friendship Society University This was considered In Kabul . Health Institutes, at likely, however. the following persons have been Sfadio To Be the invitation of the College of appointed as the Society's admi- KABUL, July 21. Dr. M. Observers in Vienna believed - Doraisingham, Medicine left for London Satur- nistrative members. WHO chief for day- Romanian opposition to curtail Completed Soon Southeast Asia and Dr. R, Modira, . 'its heavy industry projects would Dr. Mir Najrouddin Ansari, Mr. ' Abdul Rashid Latin, Mr. Moham- chief of the WHO laboratories in be a main topic. Bulgaria, al-- KABUL, July 21. Work on the that region .arrived in Kabul Before departure Dr. Leatham though said to be strongly sup--, mad Shah Irshad, Mr. Moham- Construction of the new said at the airport: "I feel that mad Moosa Shaft q. Dr.- - Moham- studios Saturday to look into the possi- porting the Soviet Union, may of Radio Kabul has. progressed to bilities of developing labora- British medicine can be of con- bring up its unhappiness over re- mad Akbar Omar and Mr. Moh- ninety per the siderable , -- cent of completion assistance to Afghan Yaseen Af- its tories or Public Health- Institute. duced support for its heavy, in- ammad Mohsini from and will be completed at WHO, medicine, particularly' in the ghanistan and-Mr- . the end has assisted considerably dustry expansion. Mohammad of the current year. The facili- the training of specialists and I would Abdul Rahman Osman Director institutes. help The observers thought a com- ties which would" be installed at The WHO representatives met" like to in, particular with promise solution would be looked of the UAR Cultural Centre in the studios the cardiology. , Kabul; Mr. Mahmood Mohammad will make it possible Dr. Mohammad. Omar, Chief of for because Mr. Nikita Khrush-- . to broadcast three different pro- tha Public Health Institutes, to chov needs all the support he can Din, Counsellor of the UAR Em- grammes at "There, has been great success bassy and Mr. Abdul one and the same discuss the future development get from the East European Rafee time. " in Afghanistan with preventive Yasooni Chief Liberarian of . plans 'for the institute. countries in view of his ideologi-- the This was stated by Engineer Advisors to the depart- medicine and this was the first cal feud with People's Republic Cultural Centre from the United various need. Soon you will of v Attayee, President of the Techni- ments of the Institute and WHO be able to China. Arab Republic. cal section of Radio specialise more m medicine and Similarly Mr. Far-ou- Kabul to representatives were also present Ore-Carri- Mohammad k (Contd. on page 4) surgery." er Seraj, President of the at the meeting. Sinks Olympic Federation and Mr. Mohammad Hashim Mojaddidi As It Collides With have been appointed as Society's Day Turns Into Night; Wolves Howl: members on recommendation of Ship: 22 Die other members and the 'approval Japan & Pacific Observe Eclipse of the founder Total PETITE-RIVIER- members. E. Quebec, July NEW YORK. July 21. fAP). lipse in-- a jetliner to York, TSHOMBE LEAVES Day attain data where the eclipse was 88 21, (AP). Twenty-tw- o bodies turned into night and back on the freaky light emanating per cent total, the sun showed up.. to day again. were recovered from the St. PARIS FOR SPAIN from behind a black blob .of a on 1 v screens like a clipped toen- (Reuters-Presi- dent Lawrence river Saturday after a PARIS, July 21, On the Alaskan coast,- - a pack Moon. They hoped to find clues ail hanging sky. - of - in the ship collision sent an ore-carri- er Moise Tshombe of animals, presumably wolves for man's, future ventures into At Fort Simpson, in the Cana- Katanga on Saturday left .a Paris howled in the woods. In" Japan, space. to the bottom. dian north west territory, the The number of known dead was clinic, where he has been under- there was a black sunrise, a few .' For science, this was perhaps total eclipse lasted the longest going to con- reported by the Foundation Vigi- medical treatment, hours later in the north Atlantic the most intricately covered 100 seconds. lant, tug valescence in Spain, hospital offi- there was a black sunset. history.-- , a sea directing the search eclipse in With equip- At Grand Mere, Quebec, a thick of Tri-- cials said. Stars twinkled 0 a.m. lor survivors the sunken ' at in ment of the modern age, scientists cioud cover hanging over the area a . Mr.: Tshombe arrived in Paris parts of Alaska. Thex spooky tonira tsfwutnn dr-- photographed it, timed it, mea- all day broke up just six minutes ed in Bermuda but assigned to on June 15, suffering from a kid- spectacle of a total eclipse of the sured and simply looked - - - it at the before the show began overhead, St.
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