Prize Winners Yol. 16, No. 51 Thursday, Dec. 22, T ~t·e nty Cents U:rntral !lainr'.s mrrkly Nrw.s While Board of Trade Chairman Steve Shook looks on, Par­ Special Meeting ade Marshall Ken Pullen presented the checks for best floats in the Board of Trade Santa Parade to Dot Trask of the Milo Garden Club for first prize and to Pauline Sherburne of the Ayuda Club for second prize. (Photo by Claude Trask) LITERACY VOLUNTEERS IN MAINE Literacy Volunteers of the Pine Tree State, Inc. an­ nounces a change of name to LiteracyVolunteers in Maine. "We feel this change will identify us better, not in Maine, but also throughout the country, 11 re­ ported Board President Ruth Hazelton. The state head­ lquarters will remain in Water- ville. L VMe is a private non-pro­ fit corporation which recruits, trains and organizes volun­ teers to tutor adults and out­ - of-school youth who don't read well enough to function in today's society. All tutor­ ing is on a one-to-one basis, and is free and confidential. L VMe covers the state with 17 local affiliates from Fort Kent to Biddeford-Saco, Washington County to Bethel Valley. Anyone wishing to volunteer as a tutor, or be­ come a student, should call Selectpersons Dan Bavalaar, Janet Valente, Herb Dunham and Galen Carey and Police 1 - 800 - 452 - 4648 or write Chief ;:,teve Vermette were on hand at the long discussed public hearing held at the Milo LVMe, 101 Water Street, To·.•. n Hall last :'lfonday evening. Approximately 50 people were on hand to discuss their Waterville, ME 04901. 'Jrr.r;laint;; with police polieies and individuals. The questions raised were answered by Chief Vermette and it is hoped that a better understanding between citizens and local ~~J\ er r.me:nt offieials was reached. (Photo by Claude Trask) I December 22, 1977 THE TOWN . CRIER' 'fHE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday by the Milo "Prlntin~ Company. We lo· eo..mm&:4 n itv hope to be of·help to the citizens of the towns 4f'ni ·of our coverage area thti:>ugh NEWS, IN- • FORMATION and LOW PRICED ADVER- ;J.lo "'pi taL CJ1.~ w ~ TISING. " We accept no financial responsibility for errors ia advertising but will gladly WEEK OF DECEMBER 11 print OO·rrectlons. ADMISSIONS DISCHAR GES · Copies of most photos appearing in THE MILO MILO TOWN CRIER may be obtained through our Oscar Lumbra Oscar Lumbra office. Maxine Scanlon Maxine Scanlon If you have news or available photos of Georgia Rolllns Christopher Chase any eort we urge you to call or drop ln. Deadline is Monday afternoon but we would E. McKusick, Executortb.ere=­ appre~~te copy received earlier ln the week. ified by giving bond to Kennebec in named. Classified ads $1. 00 minimum up to 20' 'County Probate Judge in. accord- ARLENE w. ARNOLD, late ~Mds._5 'cents for each additional word. a·1ce with Title 18, Sectton 3629· of Dover-Foxcroft, deceased. ·Display ad space by the column inch. Estate of GL YNOON J. wlll and Petition for Probate Call 943- 738Tfor ad space or with news. PALMER, late of Sangerville, thereof and that Letters llf Joanne w . .Srigham, Editor deceased. Alvin w. Perkins Testamentary issue to Stuart of Guilford and Kenneth Co- E. Hayes of said Dover-Fox- burn of Waltham, County of croft, without giving bond. Middlesex and Commonwealth Presented by said Stuart E. GERMAN SHOR THAffiED of Massachusetts appointed Hayes, Exec utor therein pOINTER PUPPIES Co-Executors, December 6th, named. · FOR SALE . 1977, without giving bond. NELLIE M. LEONAR D, late If yo~ y.-ant to :fSUY;., SELL, AKC Registered. Wtll be Richard Edwards of Sanger- of Sangerville, deceased. Pe-. REN'l\or SWAP, try "Town ready by Christmas~ Call ville, Agent in Maine. tition for Administration and C rier11\ C las allied. Lynne Sinclair - 942- 0697 • Attest: Virginia Mealey Jud- that Kenneth R. Leonard of Pick your puppy out now· kins Register of Probate said Sangerville or some other ' suitable person be appointed VILLAGE GIFT SHOPPE WANTED STATE OF MAINE Administrator without giving .For the unusual and different Old ds cart- To all persons interested in bond. Presented by said Ken­ . 't th V'll Gift Sh guns, sw0 r ' v~s1 e 1 age oppe, 'd a ·~orms pow- either of the Estates herein- neth R. Leonard, an heir- at_- S . St M rt ges, w r u" 1 •• , pNng reet, 1°1 der flasks, any related items. after named. law of said deceased. Calvert - 943-8802-Milo. At a Probate Court held at JENNIE E . RICKER, f(:,....i WANTED Dover-Foxcroft, in and for merly, JENNIE McCORMACK, Club Secretaries, earn cash NOTICE the County of Piscataquis, on late of Milo, deceased. Pe- value for merchandise. Con- · The Milo Town Office wlll the first Tuesday of Decem- tltlon for Administration and .tact Town & Country Clothing close at noon on Friday, Dec. ber in the year of our Lord that Bernice M, Rollins of ·Store in Milo 943- 2251 23. It wlll open again on Dec. one thousand nine hundred and Orange, in the State of Conn- 27th. In case of emergency, seventy-seven and from day ecticut or some other suitable AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR call Mrs. Janet Valente at to day from the sixth day of person be appointed Adminis- SERVICE 943-2167. said December. trix, without giving bond. · Bob's Service Center has The following matters having Presented by said Bernice M. moved to 21 Church Street, been presented for action Rollins, an heir-at-law of Brown.vllle. Complete disc thereupon hereinafter indi- said deceased. and drum brake service. LEGAL NOTICE cated, lt is hereby ORDERED: LEO D. MILLETT, late of · Tires. AAA Road Service. That notice thereof be given Greenville, deceased. First Cars picked up and delivered PROBATE COURT Notice is hereby given that to all persons interested by account presented for allow­ on request. Call 965-8495 causing a copy of this order ance by Harold Millett, the following appointments w. to be published two weeks Special Administrator. were made by the Probate successively in The Town HORTENSE E. SAlTER, late FOR SALE Court within and for the Crier newspaper published of Lyndhurst, County of Cuya­ 1972 Buick Opel Cadett Sta­ County of Piscataquis. ~ Milo, Maine, in said Coun- hoga and State of Ob.io , de­ tion Wagon, goo<i condition, Estate of KENNETH WOOD, <~.t ty, that they may appear at a ceased. First and final ac­ 2 new snow tires - $1100. of Brownville, Adult Ward. Probate Court, to be held at count presented for allowance Call 943-7~68 Thomas Wood of said Brown­ Dover-Foxcroft, on the third by Virgil Lee S..titer, Execu­ ville appointed Guardian, Oc­ day of January A. D. 1978, at tor. tober 18th, 1977. Qualified ten o'clock in the forenoon, ETHEL B. HUGHES , late of by filing bond, November 28, fOR SALE and be heard thereon if they Dover - Foxcroft, deceased. 1972 Mercury Marquis Bro­ 1977. gham, 4 door pillared HT, One see cause. Thirteenth account of certain owner, 51500 mi., VS AT, PS, Estate of NORMAN KffiK of FRED A. McKUSICK, late of estate. left in trust for the use PB, PW,AC,rad1o and tape , Monson, in the County of Pis.. Guilford, deceased. Will and and benefit of Mary IT. Stuart vinal roof, new radials, new cataquis, Adult Ward. Bureau Petition for Probate thereof et al, presented for allowanp- exhaust system, more, very of Mental Retardation of Aug- and that Letters Testamentary by The Merrill Trust Con.._j clean. Call Ralph Monroe at usta, County of Kennebec and issue to Carl E. McKusick of pany, Trustee. 943-2268. Asking $1500.00 State of Maine appointed Guard- said Guilford, without giving ian, December 8th, 1977. Qual- bond. Presented by said Carl Cont'd from Page 2 I THE TOWN CRIER December 22, 1977 Cont'd on Page 3 _ MAYNARD t£. BEAL, late of Dover-Foxcroft, deceased. Eighth account of certain es­ t , ' left in trust for the use l__., benefit of Marion M. Beal et al (Paragraph Seventh), presented for allowance by · The Merrill Trust Company, Trustee. VffiGINIA D. TYLER, late of Bangor, in the County of Penobscot, deceased. Sixth account of certain estate left in trust for the use and bene­ fit of Stephen Donnell Tyler, presented for allowance by The Merrill Trust Company and Allan Woodcock, Jr., Co ~ Trustees. OL~~y L. HIGGINS, late of Dover - Foxcroft, deceased. Ninth account of certain es­ tate left in trust for the use and benefit of Woodlawn Ce­ metery, presented for allow­ ance by Merchants National Bank of Bangor, Trustee. Dated at Dover- Foxcroft, this twentieth day of Decem­ ber in the year of our Lord The Penquis Valley High School Freshman team, coached by Russell Carey, is well into one toousand nine hundred and their season. Playing this year are: David Andrews, Jeff Herbest, Cory Richards, Mal­ seventy-seven. colm French, George Rideout, Terry Awalt, Mike Bouchard, Charlie Vail, Billy Mayo, Allan Woodcock, Jr. Ricky Rublee, and Manager Eric Towne. (in front) Rodney Russell, Coach Carey and Bobby Berg. (Photo by Annette Smalll. ~itting by Request udge of said Court '-'TRUE COPY. ATTEST: Virginia Mealey STUART J. CLAYMAN Ph . D. Judkins REGISTER . Adults • Parents A LETTER FROM Prompt Appointments AN OLD FRIEND MILO RECREATION DEPT. • Call For Fee Estimates There will be a dance at the Christmas time and what do we have to be thankful for? Milo Town Hall on Friday, 866 - 41!\2 December 23. Time will be Oh, Mr.
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