• • GPS GUIDANCE Location, Location, Location The steadily improving performance of CPS machine location and guidance systems means that production equipment can run-with greater precision and productivi­ ty-but it can't hide Russell A. Carter, Managing Editor Perhaps the best indication of how wide­ V'SltS to encounter a truck, shovel, drtll or managed from a control center hundrec ly a spec,fic technology has been accept­ dragline equ,pped With some type of GPS of mIles away from the mine sites. ed by an industry IS the amount of "wow" location/guidance system from Cater~ In mid-January, RIO nnto's Chle' factor a new announcement must pack In pillar, Komatsu, Wenco, lelca Geo~ Executive, Tom Albanese, unveiled hl50 order to make people stop and think systems or Novariant, for example, and company's viSion of the mine of the tu about where that technology has come recent developments have generally been ture, deSCribing the initiative as "part O' from, and where it's going. evolutionary rather than revolutionary. Rio linto's drive to maintain its position as T hat Australia's appears to be leading iron ore the case with producer. M GPS-assisted According to locatlon and Albanese, RIO guidance of linto Intends to mining equIp. be the leader In ment, a tech· integrated and nology sector automated that has had mining and 'Is moments transport In the in the trade Pilbara Iroo ore press as vafl' region, leading ous projects to greater effl' and products clency, lower ,..ele announc­ production ed, often WIth costs and more great fanlare. attractive work­ and then re­ ing conditions ceded Into the that will help It background to recrUit and after either retain staff In being gradual. the highly com­ Iy aSSimilated petitive labor into general From tile Illie Ie Ihr small: Hlill-Preclsicn GPS lechnelci)' plays arole In both these Il.cmalsu 930E..4 haultruclls. confiiutell fer market. industry prac­ autonomous eperaholl at RIO linte's Australian "'00 ort mInes. alld 111 MmeMapper. a system thaI combines laser scanntni WIth Albanese tlces-or qui­ CPS Iocauon thaI can be mounted OIl almost any vehicle Ie ~ale hllhty XCUlale lenalll meaSUreme!lts lIIhile cnlhe tllCI\I!. said major com· etly moved to ponents of tile the back burner by their sponsors. That attitude of casual acceptance autonomous mining plan w,1I be commiS­ Starting In the mld-1990s With may be Jangled a bit, however, WIth the sioned In RIO linto Iron Ore operatlOl'ls in Caterpillar's initial development of ItS recent announcement by RIO linto that It 2008 and 2009, 'ncludlng establishing a Computer AIded EarthmOVing System will take delivery of a fleet of haul trucks remote operatIons center (ROC) to manage (CAESI and Komatsu's purchase of a from Komatsu that Will be confIgured to operatlOOS in the Pilbara mines. The ROC controlling Interest In Modular Mining operate autonomously In the company's will allow operators ~Ing the compa­ Systems, wh,ch at the time was focused PIlbara Iron ore mmes in Australia. The ny's mines and process plant facilities to be on relining Its system lor real-time autonomous haulage fleet will be lust one ph)'S1tally located In Perth. haulage fleet dispatching. the industry 01 several technologies Intended to Imple­ Albanese said. "RIO linto IS changing has seen-and Widely adopted-a steady ment automated mine-to-port operaltons the face of mining. We have at least a progression of technological advances enVisaged by RIO linto, wttich will also three-year start on the rest of the indus­ that have Improved the accuracy. reliabil­ include driverless trams that will carry ore try, whIch has focused on discrete tech­ ity and scope of GPS location and gUid­ over 1,200 km of track. remotely con~ nologies rather than modernizing the ance. It's no longer a novelty during mine trolled drills, and overall mining activity whole mine-to-port operation. We're aim- 44 E&MJ • JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2008 www.e-rnj.cem GPS GUIDANCE ing to be the global leaders in fully inte­ The company said studIes are also mlnel. Utah (RIO Tinto's Bingham Canyon grated, automated operations. It will bemg finalized on the application of mine). Australia (KCGMl. and South allow lor more efficient operations and autonomous train operations technology America (Los Pelambres and Los directly confront the escalating costs In a heavy haul capacity. Mainline trials Sronces-Including the recently approved associated with basing employees at conducted with the Western Australia Los Bronces Development Project expan­ remote sites, giving us a competitive Office of Rail Safety have progressed well sion which IS expected to make the advantage as an employer along the way." and a decision on the next stage of the Chilean copper mine one of the largest Other minmg executives may find project is expected in mid-200B. producers in the world). Albanese's statement debatable, but the Automated rail management is the first Kurt Zimmerman, technology manag­ company has introduced a number of key major operation scheduled to be run from er for Novariant's mining group, said that technologies on a staged basis to support the ROC. Novariant is focusing on OPtimizing the this scenario, beginning in 2006 with the The East Pilbara ROC will be built for performance of its Terralite XPS position­ development of autonomous drilling rigs Rio Tinto near Perth's domestic airport. ing system in complex or oddly shaped for the Pilbara. In early 2007, RIO Tinto When completed in 2009, the facility pits, particularly with regard to increased estabhshed and funded the Rio Tinto will be staffed by more than 300 employ­ pit depth and "shadowed" corners of the Center for Mine Automation in partnership ees who will work with Pilbara-based per­ mIne. "Customers are asking us to with The Umversity of Sydney. Under this sonnel to manage and operate key assets enhance the effectiveness of our system partnership Rio Tinto secured exclUSive and processes, including all mines, pro­ to meet the specific conditions of their access to robotiCS experts to address its cessing plants, the rail network. IX)rts operations, mainly for high-precision mine of the future opportumties. and power plants. Operational planning applications such as drills. dozers and During a media tour of the company's and scheduling functions will also be shovels. But we're also seeing customer Pilbara operations in January, Greg based in the ROC. interest expanding beyond these typical Lilleyman, general manager East Pilbara Remote operation of Rio Tinto's mines applications to other types of mine operations-iron ore, noted that Rio Tinto and plant in the Pilbara has already been equipment that traditionally haven't had created a technology test hub at its successfully trialed, and the company required high precision, such as haul West Angelas mine for centralized testing recently began operating the processing trucks. Basically, when the availability of of autonomous trucks, drills, other equip­ plants for its West Angelas and Hope the equipment requiring high-precision ment and remote operations and plan­ Downs mines from a site in Perth. location improves, it often opens up other ning systems. [GPS-relatedl possibilities for improving Tnals will Include the Komatsu auto­ One of Many mine operations." nomous haul trucks and a range of other GPS-assisted machine location and guid­ Novariant's Terralite XPS System uses advanced remote control and autonomous ance will be just one of many technolo­ a network of ground-based transmitter technologies. Experience gamed there, gies implemented in Rio Tinto's ambi· stations to broadcast a propnetary XPS according to the company, will allow for tious autonomous mining scenario, but it signal to one or more mobile GPS+XPS further deployments in the Pilbara in Will be an imlX)rtant element and its receivers. allowing operators of GPS­ 2010 and will also have application at inclusion illustrates the high degree of enabled machines to receive continuous other Rio Tinto mining operations. sophistication achieved in this area. real·time positioning information in loca­ Komatsu America's manufacturing Although only a handful of mining com­ tions and under conditions in which con­ facility in Peoria, Illinois, USA, will pro­ panies have the money, technical ventional GPS information may be duce the 320-ton-capacity 930E-4 elec­ resources and property assets that could unavailable. tric drive trucks equipped with the justify autonomous mining of the scope Hexagon, the Swedish parent compa­ FrontRunner Autonomous Haulage Sys­ envisaged by Rio Tinto's plans, the range ny of Leica Geosystems, advanced its tem, a navigation system developed by of products available in thiS sector allows market presence by acquiring Jigsaw parent company Komatsu LId. and inte­ smaller producers to take advantage of Technologies last year. Jigsaw produces grated by Modular Mining Systems Inc. GPS services to reduce mining costs. fleet management software, with sales Although Komatsu America did not dis­ increase productivity and Improve both estimated at $9 million for 2007. Leica close details of the truck order from Rio human and machine safety. Geosystems' products have sold well in Tinto. it is thought to involve initial deliv­ UndOUbtedly the Rio Tinto announce­ South America-last year. for example, ery of fIVe or six 930E-4s during 2008. ment Will draw renewed attention to the Leica Geosystems Mining supplied seven Komatsu preViously supplied a fleet of current state of GPS techoology as it precision navigation and monitoring drill FrontRunner-equipped 930E-4s to Co­ applies to mine operations, but as far as systems to Newmont's Minera Yanacocha deico in Chile. several key suppliers are concerned. mine in Peru-as well as in Australia and Rio Tinto said the automated haulage buyer interest is already at a high level.
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