University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 2-23-1938 Sandspur, Vol. 43 No. 19, February 23, 1938 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 43 No. 19, February 23, 1938" (1938). The Rollins Sandspur. 515. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/515 Florida's Oldest College Eollins antispur Take the Hint (Weekly Student Newspaper) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1938 (Complete Campus Coverage) NUMBER 19 ROLLINS MAGAZINE 'Livuig Death' Victims of Dread Radium Poisoning FOUNDERS' WEEK "PUBLISHED" HERE CONVOCATION HELD BEFORE HUGE CROWD MONDAY IN CHAPEL "Magazine" Was Broadcast Luce Speaks on Aspects of From Both Washington Youth In Life; Byrd Ex­ And New York NEW POSITION plains World Troubles ABOUT 7,500 PRESENT SIX DEGREES GIVEN Holt Acted As Editor; Grover Mrs. Chase Awarded Sullivan As Publisher WAS SPEAKER CREATEOiOELD Miedallion By ELSIE MOORE Last Monday morning at approx- Last Sunday afternoon the Ani­ imately ten o'clock the second Con­ mated Magazine was "published" vocation of the year was opened by for the eleventh time. As Publish­ HERE SUNDAY BY Oe. GOOVEfl Reverend Charles S. Macfarland er Edwin Grover reminded us, this who pronounced the Invocation. magazine is the only one of its Kinsolving Chose "Life" A; Install V i c e-Presidency To After a choral interlude Henry type in the United States, or in­ Subject of Sermon Help Holt in Development R. Luce, editor of 'Life' and deed the world. It has no subscrip­ In Chapel of College 'Time' and publisher of 'Fortune* tion list, makes no attempt to sell magazines, spoke on the aspects of a printed copy, for the practical CARL HOWLAND READ TRUSTEES HOLD MEET youth in life. "Life is not, as is reason that the cover is the only many times declared," he said, "de- John Palmer Gavit Elected To part that is printed. It is pub­ Window Unveiled In Honor of moralizing. Is youth but an adoles­ Board lished only once a year, and it has Mrs, Warren cent fervor?" Mr. Luce then pro­ ceeded to interpret the unjust at­ but one page of advertisement, The Reverend Arthur Lee Kin- At a meeting of the board of tacks on the democracy of the which he emphatically stated is im­ solving-, D. D., rector of the Trin­ Trustees on Friday, February 18, The specter ot a slow but early death faces the nine women, abo\'e, who claim they are suffering from United States. He refuted the ar­ portant and should not be passed ity Episcopal Church of Boston, Dr. Osgood Grover, for the past 12 radium poisoning contracted while painting dials on watches at an Ottawa, III., factory. Mrs. Catherine guments for the balancing of mon­ over lightly. gave the sermon in the Knowles years the professor of books at Wolf Donohue, reclining on sofa, now weighs only 71 pounds and has asked compensation In a test ey holdings or the raising of wages When we say that this maga­ Memorial Chapel on Sunday, Feb­ hearing before the Illinois Industrial Commission. Doctors testified that she has only a short time to Rollins College was promoted to saying that when we use such ar­ zine is published but once a year, ruary 20th. His talk on "Life" was live. Mrs. Donohue's husband, Thomas, is at her side in the picture above. The other women are, the new position of Vice-president guments we are not talking in perhaps that is not exactly true, briefly as follows: left to right, Charlotte Purcell, Olive Witt, Marie Rossiter, Pearl Payne, Frances O'Connell, Marguerite of Rollins College. Dr. Grover will Glacinski, Maxine Smith and Helen Munch. Nine other women who worked with them in the dial terms of economics but 'politics for it was broadcasted over a na­ assist President Hamilton Holt in "At the moment we stand in the factory already have died. ^ and morals'. Mr. Luce made ap­ tional hook-up only last week. This the development of the financial midst of serious times. We stand parent his displeasure at the at­ radio presentation of the Magazine program of the college. This new under the compulsion of events tempt to cover these seemingly de­ was broadcast from New York with position was created upon the rec­ set in motion by nations that have spicable conditions with laws which many distinguished guests, some of ommendation of the president. not neglected to frame a faith for said that such measures are de­ whom were unable to be present their people which will goad them Dr. Grover has the distinction of feating the purposes for which the at the publication here at Winter ASSEMBLY GIVEN AT into action. We alone among the Headlines being the first professor called to laws were originally instigated. Park. Mr. Atcheson, of the Read­ people of the earth have thought Rollins College by President Holt "What are the purposes of laws," er's Digest was one of the out­ By FRED LIBERMAN that faith does not matter much. and of being the first professor of he queried. "To make us RICH standing contributors, as was Therefore we have mistaken that SCIENCLLECTUIIE books in the world, a professorship or GOOD?" Rockwell Kent. This Magazine was which determines the destiny of Second World War which was suggested originally by Discussed Migration of Birds again published from Washington, every man and that which under­ Students From Hungerford The Second World War is Ralph Waldo Emerson. Although Rear-Admiral Byrd modestly ex­ D. C. last week. So there have been lies their very national existence. Give Program almost fact. All that is needed Most Fully born in Minnesota, Dr. Grover was cused his lack of speaking ability approximately 2,000,000 subscrib­ is a little more time for prepara­ before he launched into an elo­ One man has attributed the SHOWS SLIDES OF BIRDS brought up in New England. He ers to it before we had the honor of TROWBRIDGE TRUSTEE tion and another "Sarajevo" inci' attended Dartmouth College from quent explanation of the troubles weakness of individuals today to dent. Then the horrors of 1914 which we are now encountering in seeing it here. With the observa­ The science series lecture on which he graduated in 1894. During universities where professors ad­ The students of the Hungerford 1918 will again descend upon world affairs and the only method tion that there were about 6,000 Friday, February 18, was given by college, he was junior editor of vise and teach their students to go School for Negro boys and girls Europe. by which these conditions may be people (a very conservative esti­ out and build worlds of their own Professor Davis of Rollins Col­ the Dartmouth Literary Magazine entertained at the Rollins All Col­ tre it will be hard to find I alleviated. "The 1938 man is con- mate, as the Orlando Sentinel without finding at the heart of Oncei lege. He spoke on his field of Or­ and was managing editor his senior lege assembly Wednesday, Febru­ .Ily to blame. Too many I fused," he said, "but the 1938 gov- placed the size of the audience at things a religious compulsion to who is r nithology. year. He helped to pay his way ary sixteenth. •e taking place which I ernments are more confused. De- 7,600) present, and that all the live. They have their own opin­ He told of many myths concern­ through college by holding for five The program consisted of such r^ight easily lead to an inter­ ! mocracies do not thrive on confu­ copy was ready for the press, Mr. ions, but opinion and faith are ing birds and then proceeded to summers the position of a reporter spirituals as "Swing Low Sweet' national struggle. Merely by read­ sion, dictatorships do." By way Grover, handed the program over two vastly different things in the describe the special adaptations on the Boston Globe. After leav­ Chariot," "Steal Away," "Golden ing your Monday newspaper of the of remedy Admiral Byrd could but to President-Editor Holt. sphere of religion. which birds have to enable them ing Dartmouth, he went to Europe Slippers," and "Hand Me Down I\Iy last two weeks you must have real­ suggest cooperation.I "Coopera­ to pursue their life, such a very for study and travel. With his ever prevalent sense of How can we win a real faith? A Walging Cane"; recitations; and a ized this. tion is the world for democracy. large wing muscules for flying, a He was employed by Ginn and humor, Dr. Holt welcomed the sub­ man must find his faith first in quartet that sang "Git on Board Adolf Hitler, the paper-hanging Cooperation is the only method of high body temperature, and a large Co., educational publishers of Bos­ scribers present, relieved them by terms of the history of which he Li!tle Chillun" and the State Song. maniac, has picked a wonderful staving off the impending world food capacity. ton, New York, and Chicago, in saying that the contributors had is a part. He must feel called to The Reverend Richard Wright spot to spring a few of his sur­ war." It is to this end, toward Another unu:4ual characteristic 1895, as a representative in the been blue-penciled and he was do something in the world.
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