DOCUMENT RESUME ED 244 743 PS 014 338 AUTHOR Stone, Karen; And Others TITLE Bibliography of Nonsexist Supplementary Books (K-12). INSTITUTION Northwest Regional Educational Lab., Portland, OR. Center for Sex Equity. SPONS AGENCY Women's Educational Equity Act Program (ED), Washington, DC. REPORT NO ISBN-0-89774-101-3 PUB DATE 84 NOTE 109p.; This publication was first published as "BIAS (Building Instruction Around Sex Equity): Bibliography of Non-Sexist Supplementary Books (K-12)" in 1982: For related document, see PS 014 339. AVAILABLE FROMThe Oryx Press, 2214 North Central at Encanto, Phoenix, AZ 85004-1483, $22.50). PUB TYPE Reference Materials - Bibliographies (131) EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Animals; Annotated Bibliographies; Athletics; Behavioral Sciences; Biographies; Careers; Current Events; Disabilities; Elementary Secondary Education; Fine Artsl Foreign Countries; Language Arts; Minority Groups; *Reference Materials; Sciences; *Sex Fairness; *Supplementary Reading Materials ABSTRACT Intended to help educators identify materials that offset the influence of sex-biased texts, this bibliography provides an annotated listing of over 550 nonsexist books that have been assessed for bias and reading level. Organized by reading levels for firit through twelfth grades, the citations include bibliographic data, annotations, notation of male and female careers portrayed in the stories, and subject descriptors. In addition to briefly describing content, annotations note the gender, ethnicity, or nationality of the major character. Information to aid educators in appropriate book selection is also provided, along with author, title, and subject indexes, Appended are resource bibliographies, analysis procedures, readability information, and subject definitions. (BJD) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made . from the original document. *********************************************************************** Bibliog phy of Nonsexi -t Supplementary oo's(2) Developed by Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory Center for Sex Equity Karen Stone, Developer Barbara K. Berard Lillian Dixson Janice Druian Joan Goforth Ginger Denecke Hackett Barbara Hutchison, Director ORYX PRESS 1984 The rare Arabian Oryx is believed to have inspired the myth of the unicorn. This desert antelope became virtually extinct in the early 1960s. At_that time several groups of international conservationists arranged to have 9 animals sent to the Phoenix Zoo to be the nucleus of a captive breeding herd. Today the Oryx population is over 400 and herds have been returned to reserves in Israel; Jordan, and Oman. Bibliography of Nonsexist Supplementary Books (K-12)_was first published as BIAS (Building Instruction Around Sex Equity): Bibliography ofNon-Sexist Supplementary Books (K=12) by Northwest Regional Educational Labora- tory in 1982. Copyright © 1984 byThe Oryx Press 2214 North Central at Encanto Phoenix, AZ 85004 Published simultaneously in Canada All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system; without permission in writing from The Oryx Press Printed and Bound in the United States of America. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Bibliography of nonsexist supplementary books (K-12) Includes indexes. 1. Children's literatureBibliography.2. Sex role in literatureBibliography.3. Women in litera- tureBibliography.4. Sexism in literature Bibliography_I. Northwest Regional Educational Laboratoq. Center for Sex Equity. Z1037.B578 1983 011'.62 83-42838 [PN1009. AI] ISBN 0-89774-101-3 Contents Preface vii Acknowledgements ix Introduction xi Bibliography Reading Grade Level 1 1 Reading Grade Level 2 3 Reading Grade Level 3 11 Reading Grade Level 4 19 Reading Grade Level 5 29 Reading Grade Level 6 37 Reading Grade Level 7 49 Reading Grade Level8 59 Reading Grade Level 9 65 Reading Grade Level 10 69 Reading Grade Level 11 71 Reading Grade Level 12 73 Appendixes Appendix 1: Resource Bibliographies 75 Appendix 2: Analysis Procedures 77 Appendix 3: Readability 81 Appendix 4: Subject Definitions 83 Indexes Title Index 85 Author Index 91 Subject Index 95 5 Preface This bibliography was developed by the Center for Sex books are not included merely because we did not Icnow Equity Program at the Northwest Regional Educational Lab- about them: Other books, especially historical and cross- oratory to provide teachers with materials to offset the influ- cultural works may present accurate portrayals of people in ence of sex-biased texts. We &elieve that it can be used in other times and in other places but did not meet our criteria conjunction with current textbooks to provide a balanced for sex-fair materials. (See Appendix 2: "Analysis Proce- reading experience for students, dures" for a complete description of the criteria and proce- We have found that many bdoks portray girls and wom- dures used in making selections for the bibliography.) Under en in only a few careers. Therefore, we have attempted to theguidance of skillful teachers, these still present valuable select books that promote sex equity and present a wide range reading for students: of careers and interests for both girls and boys. We hope that This list, compiled during the last three years; is for in the future more books will be available that portray women K-12 students and will provide classroom teachers and li- in a wider variety of careers. brarians with a full range of books for use in promoting Some of the lidoks included in the bibliography, espe- equitable education for all students; We suggest teachers use cially biographies, were found to contain some forms of this bibliography in conjunction with the Guide to Nonsexist language bias or to portray secondary characters in stereo- Teaching Activities K-12 (published by otyic Press). typed ways. However, we have included them because they This work was made possible by a grant from the Wom- do present major female characters in positive roles. en's Educational Equity Act Program of the U.S. Education If a book is not included on our list, it does not mean we Department. discourage its use in the classroom: For example; some Barbara Hutchison. Director Acknowledgements The development of this bibliography has been a collabm- Sharon Shemer, Sally Gay, Nance 0'1X11, Lynn tive effort requiring the cooperation of many people. The Brown, Janis Hallinan, Debbi-A Keman, Barbara Vans- Center for Sex Equity Program staff would like to thank the low, Joy Wallace; and Ann Wehbring for their assist- following people for their assistance in this effort: ance in reading and analyzing the books included in the bibliography. Gwyneth Britton and Margaret Lumpkin, Britton and Judy Davis, Sharon Mallen and Gen Canfield for their Associates, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Ore- assistance in readying the bibliography for production; gon, for their research and development of the initial analysis instrument and readability assessment pro- Patricia Goins and Doris Shakin, our program monitors, gram, as well as their endless encouragement in this Women's Program Staff of the U.S. Education Depart- endeavor. ment, for their advice and support of this work. Introduction WHY THEBIBLIOGRAPHY WAS HOW THE BIBLIOGRAPHY WAS COMPILED COMPILED Many of the texts and supplementary books available in Staff from the Center for Sex Equity Program Selected schools today are books for review and analysis from several existing nonsexist bibliographies and from publishers' recommendations. Books They contain a disproportionate chosen for inclusion on this list ,vere then analyzed for Sex-Biased number of stories or biographies with males as major characters Sec, Race and Using a quantifiable analysis instrument and/or Career Bias They depict males as having a common Sex-Role set of abilities, interests, values and Stereotyped and roleS that are different from the abilities; interests; values and roles Grade Level Using amultitest computerized Readability of females readability formula For teachers to teach in an equitable manner and in a way HOW THE BIBLIOGRAPHY IS ORGANIZED which offers the maximum career choicas and role models The bibliography is brgailiZed by reading level for for students; they must have access to books that do not grades one through 12. In addition to the main bibliography; promote sex bias or stereotyping. Therefore, this bibliog- author; title and subject indexes have been provided to facili- raphy was compiled after a thorough and systematic analysis tate its use. for sex, race and career bias of many of the supplementary; Each book has an identification number with the first nonsexist books currently available. digit indicating its grade level readability and the subsequent digits indicating its numerical sequence within the grade WHO CAN USE THE BIBLIOGRAPHY level. For example, 4.56 would indicate the 56th book listed in the fourth grade reading level section: This list is for K-12 classroom teachers and librarians who seek alternatives to the books they currently use. Books WHAT INFORMATION IS PROVIDED on the list are either The citation for each book includes bibliographic data, an annotation; career count and subject descriptor-S. The They present both females and males as symtkil "X" by the number for each title
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