Features is off to an impressive start. in Anniston next year. GAMECOCKS GO FOR TITLE Football team heads for championship game Tim Hathcock Hill finalist. The game marks the S~ortsEditor second week in a row JSU has faced a finalist -last week it was quarter- JSU travels to Florence, Ala., Sat- back Tony Aliucci - for the award urday to take on Pittsburg State for to the top player in Division 11. The the national championship in a game Gamecocks also faced the other fi- that pits two of the premier running nalist, Shawn Graves of Wofford, gamesin thenation againsteachother. earlier this season. It will be the third appearance for "The NFL scouts told us he was the JSU in the title game and PSU's first No. 1 wide receiver coming out in the time to play for the championship. draft this year," Burgess said of West. The last time JSU played in the title The demands of preparing for the game, three inches of snow covered national championship arealso heavy the ground, hampering the Game- on the mind of Burgess. "VJe have cocks'wishboneattackina 3-0 heart- got to get our players to understand, breaking loss to Mississippi College. this is the national championship That isn't on the mind of JSU Coach gameandour weekly routine is going Bill Burgess, he said. to change," said Burgess. "I'll be "I don't live in the past," said Bur- honestwith you,Idon'tliketochange gess. "I have enough trouble getting our routine, but I'll sure change it to through today. When you fool with go to Florence." the past you kind of forget about One advantage for JSU is it went what's going to happen today and in through thesame thing only two years the future. If it snows, that's fine with ago. Pittsburg State has never been to us. We're still going." the national championship in Divi- The Gorillas hail from Pittsburg, sion 11. "I hope it's an advantage," Kan. First it was Indiana from Penn- said Burgess. "Anything you've done sylvania and now Pittsburg from before, it'sgot tobe alittleeasier. It's Kansas. No wonder American stu- got to help some." dents are behind in geography. The While the Gorillas have never been people from Pittsburg State and Indi- to the title game, they have experi- ana of Pennsylvania are probably enced considerablesuccess. They had quick to point out Jacksonville State a 56-game regular season winning should be in Florida. streak snapped this year when they If you're confused about the fell to East Texas State in the second schools' locales, there is no need to week of the season. be confused about the brand of foot- Since then, they have reeled off 10 ball to be played Saturday. Don't consecutive wins, including oneover look for the run-and-shoot from ei- East Texas State, to advance to the ther of these teams. title game. PSU boasts not one, but two one- Pittsburg State competed in NAIA thousand-yard rushers this year in until 1989. It is the Missouri Darren Dawson and Robert Moore. Intercollegiate Athletic Association Running out of the Veer, the two champion for the third consecutive haveracked upover 3,000 yards com- year. JSU defeated another MIAA bined on the ground. JSU Coach Bill school -Missouri Southern -20-4 Burgess was impressed with those forthenational championshipin base- numbers. "It's very unusual to get ball in May in Montgomery. two running backs with those kindof "This is a program that the players, Wide Receiver Henry Ray proudly displays the national championship for the second time in statistics," he said. the coaching staff and people that traditional sign for No. 1 as the clock ticks down ' three years. The game will kickoff at 1 p.m. Add to that the explosive talents of follow them expect them to win," to two seconds in Saturday'sgame against Indi- Saturday in Braly Municipal Stadium in Flo- Ronnie West and you have quite an ana of Pennsylvania. The Gamecocks' 27-20 rence, Ala. Tickets are on sale now at Fastix in see Pittsburg State page 14 attack to deal with. West is a Harlon victory gives them the opportunity to play for the the Montgomery Building. 2 Thursday, December 12, 1991 The Chanticleer Administrators charge for Mimosa Kyle Shelton mosa. News Writer Under this system, the Mimosa was printed according to the number of JSU students will have to pay $10 ieservations rece&d. In 1991, the for their memories beginning with number printed was about 1,820. the 1992 Mimosa. Students made up about 1,650of the The decision to begin selling the recipients and about 100 faculty re- Mimosa was made in the midst of ceived a Mimosa. However, such budget cuts brought about by prora- cuts in production could not hold off tion. the effectsofproration and other ideas According to Ralph Carmode, head had to be sought. of the communication department, Several ideas were considered, the budget for the Mimosa was cut 36 Carmode said. Among the altema- percentaspart of aplan to cut comers tives was a plan to print as many in the department. This means the yearbooksas possible within the bud- previous budget of $55,000 was cut get. The students would then have to$35,000. The $lostudent charge, been allowed to get a Mimosa on a along with a $15 charge to faculty for first-come-first-serve basis. How- the 1992 Mimosa, will help pay for ever, the idea was not heavily consid- the production of the yearbook. ered and no vote was taken on it. The "Before, we would have 5,600 better alternative, according to yearbookspublishedandabout4,500 Carmode, was tosell the Mimosa and students would get them," Cmode to raise the amount the faculty paid said. "That would leave us with a lot last year from 512 to $15. of yearbooks." TJ. Hemlinger, adviser for the Under the contract JSU had with Mimosa, said he thinks the students the publisher, the cost to produce aregetting a bargain."For 1,500 year- 5,600 yearbooks was $55,000. Re- books just the printing cost is $27.50 cently that cost was increased by the each," Hemlinger said. "So the stu- attended to by the Jacksonvi publisher b $79,500. dents will pay the$lOand (JSU) will Jacksonville Chief of Police "With costs like that, we just pick up the rest of the costs." couldn't have all those yearbooks Studentswho havealready reserved City News Editor lying around," Carmode said. There- '92 Mimosas will benotified by cam- fore, the depment began to look pus mail of the cancellation of their A pedestrian was ~~ckdown 1 enue in a 1973 Dodge Charger at situation. ,:% ,JL. .-. for ways to reduce the number of reservations. Those wishing to pay whilecrbssing the stre+ at appdi5 approximately 25 mil&perhour-when Officers tested M;:" c6naway's leftover, yyhooks. for a Mimosa will be allowed to re- mat el^ 3 P.m. aft& Saturday's he smck Hulsey in the crosswalk. brakes and they worked fine so they mefit step in reducing & nim- serve a Mimosa by completing a res- game. Police say Conaway then crossed probably were not the cause of the ber of yearbooks remaining from the ervation form and bringing it, along Linda Phillips Hulsey, 47, of thecenterlineandhitavehicledriven accident." 5,600 every year was to begin a res- with their $10, to the Mimosa office Rossville,Ga.,wascrossingFome~ by Rickey W. Jennings of Jackson- Hulsey was taken to JackSonville ervation system with the 1991 Mi- located in the basement of Self Hall. Avenue at the crosswalk from JSU ville. Jennings, who was driving a Hospital and later airlift&.to Chat- to the Collegian Apartments when 1991 Ford truck, sustained no inju- tanooga for treatment of severe head she was hit by an oncoming ve- ries. injuries. Comedy canceled Andy Freeman, University Pro- Melanie Jones Flu verges on epidemic grams Councildirector, said hedidn't News Editor know how such a mistake occurred, Dyana Blythe has been causing death. But so far no one at JSU has become fatally ill. The but apparently Michaels or her man- News. .- - - - Writer. .. - . Students who planned to attend the agement was responsible. Infirnary has sent some students to the hospital for Dec. 4 Comedy Club at the Roost Freeman said performers hired by If it seems like all the people around you are coming testing, but for most students, "all you can do is wait it were a little dissapointed, but some the UPC are responsible for their down with the flu lately, they probably are. out," DeAnnent said. say theexcuse they were offered kept own airline tickets and are supposed Williams Infirmary has been jam-packed this season This flu strain lasts five to seven days, and is often them laughing as much as the show to notify the UPC of their point and with students coughing, sneezing, achiilg all over and complicated by bronchitis or ear infections. could have. time of arrival. unable to speak from sore throats. The virus seems to be "Unless you can get here within the first 24 hours, the What has them so amused? The Since comedians are paid upon per- in epidemic proportions this season. chancesof immediate helparenot good," DeArmentsaid. comedian, Felicia Michaels, acciden- formance, no money was lost in the "We reported seeing over 200 students just last month," The best signal that the flu is about to hit is a sudden tally flew to Jacksonville, Fla. situation. Suzy Gardner, the Infirmary's registered nurse, said.
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