PRICE, 10 CENTS FORTY-EIGHT PAGES THEATRES^ CIRCUSES FAIRS ~ MUSICIANS T£>e**tric©a Weekly Volume XVII. No. 14. CINCINNATI—NEW YORK" CHICAGO April 8,1905. CHARLES BBRNHAUPT Til* lateriiatloual Agent. Tl\e Billboard proved winners as both men have their clientelle of followers and admirers. KATHERINE OSTERMAN ' DRAMATIC MINSTREL Byron N. Hulburd. of Hulburd's Wild /VAUDEVILLE West, called at this office last week while In BURLESQUE New York on business preparatory to his open- MUSIC OPERA ing In Chicago April 23. Mr. Hulburd bought part of the Buckskin Bill outfit and will use It this season. Fisher & Ryley's Florodora followed -•••-»• Fritzl Scheff Into the Broadway last week, with One of the first acts Jenny Jacobs the following people in the cast: Henry V. will take to London for her engagement will BROADWAY-GOSSIP, Donnelly, Cyril Scott. Joseph Phillips, Thos. he Madge Fox, known to all America as The A. Klerkan, Edward Gore, Geo. P. Smith, D. Flip Flap Girl. Miss Fox will open at the Pal- <'. M"tt, Jas. Hughes. Ralph Williams, Jack ace for one month. Her act will be managed Things Theatrical in the Metropolis, Standing, L. Hazcltlne. Philip Ryley, Maude by Max Hurt, Miss Fox's husband. and Bits of General Interest Lambert, Lllile Collins, Harriet Merrit, Sally Lomas. Llllle Lawton, Madeline Anderton, Discussed on the Rialto. Jennie Bolger. Maud Crosslaud, Maggie Taylor, Mrs. Leslie Carter is in her fifth Elsa Ryan. Gertrude Douglas, Elsa Reinhart, month In the new Belasco play Adrea, and on Gladys Lockwood. Almeda Ragan, Kathleen A|iril 5 reaches her one hundredth performance Business keeps up during the Lenten Dealey, and Adole Richie. The play has not In New York. This is a very long run for a season. The popular attractions are playing been changed since Its run at the Casino, three tragedy. Mrs. Carter continues to turn away to good business generally. seasons ago, except in the instance of one people almost regularly. The secret of her Richard Mansfield is crowding the New Ams- song which has been added, entitled. I Wish I success lies in the excellence of her perform- terdam at every performance, while the Music Could Win a Millionaire, sung by Miss Richie. ance and the exquisite staging which has been Master at the Bijou, the College Widow at tbe The Sextet continues to be a popular feature. given to the production by Mr. Belasco. Garden, and several others are selling out in A glance at tbe cast shows that several of the advance and standing them up at every evening original players have been retained, and from performance. Considering the report of bad the first weeks engagement it Is evident that David Warfleld goes happily on at business out of town, the condition In New Florodora is still a winner. the Bijou, packing the little playhouse to the York is rather remarkable, though essentially doors. Tbe Music Master is a wonderful play, it is a case of survival* of the fittest. wonderfully played. It is chaste and elevating She will star shortly In a new play, entitled The Girl That Looks Like Me, under tbe man- Business at the Barnum & Bailey In its theme, and delightful In its blending of agement of Jake Rosenthal. Show in Madison Square Garden continues up pathos and comedy. In this role David War- Virginia Harned In The Lady Shore to the top notch. The advance sale Is usually field is a revelation. The character is unique, opened at the Hudson last week. The play is heavy and tbe night houses are uniformly the situations are neither strained nor extrava- PRIMA DONNA BURNED by Mrs. Vance Thompson and Lena R. Smith. packed, drawing somewhat from tbe matinee gant, and tbe plot moves smoothly on with The following people are in the cast: Robert attendance, which is not in proportion. It is every day Incidents for Its back ground. It Miss Ethel Tillson was badly burned Loralne, John Blair, Suzette Corrlgan, Dry no doubt safe to say that the show bas never stands out distinct from plays of a flimsy char- while playing the Bastable Theatre, Diamond, Fred Erie, Edward Nawson, William drawn snch enormous crowds to the Garden. acter. Syracuse, N. Y., March 25. While Temple, John Wallace, William Donelll, Daniel Notwithstanding the several sensational and making a change of costume in her Jarrett, George Soul Spencer, William L. death-defying acts, there have been no serious dressing room her flimsy picture hat Branscombe, Charles H. Crosby, James T. Ayer, accidents. Each of the AnclllottI Brothers, who Ignace Paderewski is promoting a caught fire from a. gas Jet. In attempt- P. N. Norris, Walter F. Scott, James Archer. respectively Loop the Loop and Leap the Chasm benefit performance for Mme. Helena Modjeska ing to extinguish the blaze her dress Robert Hayden, Andrew MacKenzle, Ernest simultaneously, has had a fall or two, none which will be held at the Metropolitan Opera also caught fire and the upper part of Mandevllle, William Strong. Thomas Wilson, of u liiuli. however, has been of a serious House May 4. The promulgation of Pad- Miss Tillson's body was enveloped in Mr. Edmunds, Mr. Smyth, Alice Hoover, Mabel nature sufficient to put him out of tbe bill envskl's plan, showing as it does that Mme. flames. Manager Hurtig heard her Dixie, Alice Coburn, Jane Gordon, Jane Lloyd, for more than one performance. Modjeska is in need of a benefit, comes as a Elizabeth Brock, Edna Perkins, Betsey DePuy, great surprise. From her American tour Mme. cries and rushing into her room threw Margaret Coghlan, Miss Harkln, Wlnona Den- Modjeska has derived a fortune, bnt she has his coat around the woman thus saving nlson, Miss Anstruther, Miss Anderson and Chas. A. Taylor has won his case in lately received extravagant offers for her ap- her from horrible injury or death. Miss Virginia Harned. the Supreme Court which gives him possession pearance in vaudeville, but she has steadfastly Tillson was taken to a hospital where The play has to do with Lady Jane Shore, of all his plays. Including Tbe White Tigress refused and remained In retirement for the her injuries were pronounced not favorite of the Duke of Gloucester, afterward of Japan, Tracked Around The World, Held for past year. Mme. Sembric has been requested dangerous. Richard III. of England. Wre have another by Paderewski to take part in the performance, Richard III. in New York Just now, personated and as she had contemplated sailing for Europe THE HUMAN LANTERN by Richard Mansfield at the New Amsterdam, JOHN E. DOWLING May 2, her .plans will have to be changed If but the Richard of John Blair in The Lady she consents to appear at the Metropolitan Shore Is very different in conception. He is May 4. A new act In vaudeville which prom- made tbe victim of disappointed love. He is ises to be a feature was produced for not innately bad as all our other Richards have the first time on any stage, March 27, been, and Mr. Blair succeeded In making his Coney Island was the scene of much at the Casino Theatre, Fall River, Interpretation very convincing. The play is well activity last Sunday. Taking advantage of the Mass. It is the Idea and property of sustained in interest barring a couple of scenes warm Sunday weather great crowds filled the the Thearle-Buckley Agency of New in which the dialogue is somewhat long drawn trains and surged along Surf avenue and the York, and Interestingly illustrates a out. Miss Harned's work is perhaps the best Ileach. filling the dance halls and patronizing number of scientific facts. A snow she has ever done, while her company, which the riding schemes. Luna Park and Dreamland storm Is made upon the stage from is extensive and Includes several able people, have not yet opened and will remain closed atmosphere, a number of radium ex- Is well selected and excellently rehearsed. E. until May, hut the sire of tbe crowd on Surf hibits are shown, besides exhibitions H. Sotbern's masterful touch Is perceptible avenue, Sunday, indicates that the people are in wireless telegraphy and the manu- in some of the situations, and while the play anxious for the season to open. Dreamland facture of iron from sand. The exhi- strains history to the utmost, there is a sup- and Luna Park Is each undergoing remodeling bition is pronounced a big success. pression of romanticism that lends it an air that amounts practically to reconstruction. The Helen Hahn, formerly of the Piff, Faff of fidelity. architectural plans and layout of both resorts Pouf Co., and Prof. M. M. Bailey were will be radically changed to avoid the monotony -•-»» the operators. of two seasons of similarity. It Is going to be Richard Mansfield, perhaps, never a big season st Coney. had a more successful New York engagement BENNETT REMEMBERED than he is now enjoying; at the same time he never succeeded better In pleasing New York Henry W. Savage's Prince of Pilsen Clarence Bennett, of the firm of Gor- andlences. The repertoire includes all his is back on Broadway. It opened at the New don & Bennett, became the recipient greatest successes, each of which has its cllen- York Theatre April S and gives promise of of a handsome gold embossed Masonic telle of admirers that serves to fill tbe New duplicating Its earlier success in New York. watch charm at Decatur, 111. The Amsterdam nightly. Mr. Mansfield Is at the At popular prices It is bound to attract big golden charm was given by the stage acme of bis art, the zenith of bis fame.
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