MM MM0200039 |T!I P IF-P T ! X, l< \ -r1- ! -:" I HYANMAR by: Khin Maung Zaw Butterflies are delightful to behold. Colourful and bright, with The project calls not only for collection expeditions to study, intricate designs or well-camouflaged they dart quickly collect and exhibit butterfly species caught at various na- among the green leave* nr sit daintily on flower petals as tional parks and diverse hubilui^ ihroughuui the country but they suck up the nectar for nourishment. There are many also to raise public awareness to the unique ecological niche butterfly specie*; in th-." world and M) anmar is home to r.iuny butterflies occupy in the biosphere. 17 protected sanctuar- of them. ies and some areas of Kayin and Rakhine States and Tanintharyi Division were selected and staff from the For- Butterfly species identification has not been done for a long est Department started collecting which lasted through time in our country although there are many old records of December 1999. Although the collection period was short such surveys for reference. In order to update the records it is most surprising that a total of 290 butterfly species, a project to collect, identify and otherwise document the including subspecies and forms, were collected. It is also species and habitats of Myanmar butterfly species was most remarkable that among the species collected six spe- started by the Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division of cies could be classified as globally rare. the Forest Department under the Ministry of Forestry in October 1999. Specimens of butterflies belonging to 10 families found in Myanmar: 1. Papilionidae Swallowtails, but not all tailed. 3. Pieridae Whites, with yellow-red, black too Generally large and colourful. mostly medium sized, none tailed. 2. Danaidae Mostly bright, tough, lazy flight, 4. Amathusiidae Bright, but shade loving, large, large,untailed, naturally protected. untailed, squarish wings MYANMAR FORESTRY JOURNAL 34/ 01 290 Specimens of butterflies found in Myanmar Family- Papilionidae No. Common Name Scientific Name Ivocation * 1 Caiser Teinopalpus impcralor 23 ? 2 Apollo "amassius imperalor 23 3 The Bhutan 'ihutanitix ledderdalei 23,21 Gory tidderdalei 4 The Common Troides helena IS Bird wing cerberits 5 The Golden Troides aeacus 23, 10, 18 Bird wing iraecox 6 The Golden Troides aeuctis 15 _ ^ -Shweoodaun< Jirdwing lhanuoni . f ? p- Sanctuary 7 The Common Atrophaneura 23 A i Windmill philoxcnus polyeucles Abungdaw l<assapa -8 The Great_^_ 23 Windmill dasarada barata 9 The Common Atrophaneura coon Tanintharyi Div i.Nalmalaung Clubtial doubledavi National Park 'Pop* Mountain ,17 10 The Common Pachliopta aristolo- 16,10,21,26,18 V f^* \ WlnteLake Rose chiae goniopeltu ,\ .' 11 The Common Chilasa clytia clytia 26 Mime (f.onpape) 12 The Common Chilasa clytia clytia 26, 18, 15, Kay in State, Mime ( f. dissimilis) Kandawgyi National Garden ( 13 The Common Chita sa clytia clytia 26,18 *i \. 2S i, Mime ( /. dixsimillima) 14 The Lint Papilio demoleus Found at all regions Butterfly malayanus except 1 and Rakhine State 15 The Noble's Papilio nohlei 23 Helen nohlei 16 The Yellow Papilio nephelus 28 Helen rava 17 The Red Papilio kelenits 23, 18, Helen helenus Tanintharyi Div, Kandawgyi National Garden IS The Common I'apilio polytes 23, 10.9, 15, 17 Mormon rfiiHitlu.t ( ,1" f. rv/v/v) 19 The Common Papilio polvtes 2, 17, 16,21 26, Monuiu i4>nui!u.\ ( */ cy/"HA> 18, 9, Kayin Slate Taninlharyi Div, FGmdawgyi National Cst i del l ?( The Common Papilitt potvtt's 16. 21. ^6, IS. 19.9, 17 Mormon roiuuhis( T/ polytcs) I, Kayin Slate Tanintharyi Div. 21 The Great Papilio memnon 23, 16,21,26,2,31 Mormon iij>enor d Tanintharyi Div, STATES & DIVISIONS 22 The Great Papilio mt'innon agenor 23 Mormon ( 9 f. distantianus) The Great KACHIN STATE MAGVWAY DIVISION 23 Papilin mutruwn agenor 23,21 Mormon ( 9 f. biitlrrianus) KAYAH STATE j I MANDALAY DIVISION 24 The Great Papilio memnon agenor 21, 15 Mormon 1 ^ /-' nitfiior) KAY'f I STATE STATE TANINTHARYI DIVISION j'VgiaJ SHANSTATE 27 The Spot Grapliium nomius 28 AII inixici 1 ; SAGO DiV!S:C'. , i AYEYARViADY DiYISJGIi 2S| lite Uias^y i -"apliium^ ctoanllius 123 Blue Bottlle |c/ofcloanthusl January, 2001 These are the (1) Kaiser (Tcinopalpus imperials); Common .,. (2) Apollo(ParHassius iuyMtrMor); (3) Tne ttnuuur lunlaiiiu iwuuiMryiUiv G\ory(Bhutanitia tedderdalei tidderdalei): (4) The Com-* Common •w 8 % m«.n Birduhi^ ('/}•< '/<.<.•> m«/»< cciivnts}. O; 'I he (i« k!c.-i j 31 (The Veined |<»r<»/>/;<«»- Binhvinj? 'TV.-' •/« •• /••••••..• ///..-« , ...• »:t6) 1 U ( . u.cn Birdwing divides acacus thoinsoni) and ihcy were caught 32 The tailed Crai>liiuumyttim-u»uin ,2-.>. i» UwcnJay agiuiiemium way up north, Inside the Hkakaborazi National Park. 33 The Great Graphium xeitoclrs 23 Zebra kephlsos However, most of these butterfly species are tinder threat 34 The While Lampmptera curbs 23 Draeontail curius of extinction. Primarily it is from human pressure. As popu- 35 TheQeen L&tyfoptcw mtffs 23. lation grows the need to extend cultivation land always fol- Dragontai vircsctns lows. But by tradition the mode of cultivation in these areas is shifting cultivation. The cultivators would slash and burn Family-Danaidae to clear the land, consequently destroying most of the habi- 36 The Plain 16.21.26,18,9.19.17 tats of the butterflies and also of other fauna species. An- Tiger chrycippus TanindiaryiDiv, other factor is the contraband trade in butterfly species. tuutUdU^y i Natiuoal This illegal trade is encouraged by unscrupulous foreigners Ka> in State, who use the simple local people to collect rare species of State butterflies for them by giving the villagers very good prices 37 The Plain Danauschryeippus Tiger alcippoidts as incentives. The Common Danaus genutia Found at an regions Tiger genutia exept31and The country would benefit immensely if necessary steps RakhineState are taken, after thorough study and classification of native 39 The While Danammelanippia 20.Tani«haiyiDiv, Tiger hegesippus Slfl butterfly species, to preserve our natural habitats not only The Dufc Blue Daiumshamata 23,18, for the butterfly species but for the conservation of the Ther ' TanJnthatviDiv ecology and bio-diversity of the country. One way to in- 41 TbeScwoe BheHier duce tt»k>cal population to value and cherish mese butter- 42 The Blue Danamliimiace 16. W, 21,26,18,15. flies is to raise their awareness of the importance of the Tiger Uopardus •': 17,2.9,19.14,20 butterflies in the biosphere and create an alternative source Raishbe State, of income for mem. Mounted butterflies can be put on sale or TanmthaiyiDhr, Kayin State, . butterfly houses set up at appropriate locations , both for the Kandawgyi National tourists and the local population, as tourist attraction sites or Qanfen public awareness centers chargmg appropriate entrance fees. 43 TheDadc DanaMsagleoides 28,2ft Gassy Tjger agleoidn TanlithaiyiDiv. 5. Nymphalidae Bright colours, great variety 7. Hesperadae Mostly brown the antenna] club is mostlylarge,somewithtails. angled or curved, small to rnedium size, none tailed. Blues,alsogreen,goki,most]ybright, 8. Satyridae Browns, generally dull withpcelli, small, up to triple tails. medium, untaQed 6 MYANMAR FORESTRY JOURNAL 44 The Glassy Danaus aglea 23, 16,10,21,26, 18, 60 The Spot Appias lalage 23,18 Tiger melanoides 17,19,9,2,1, Puffin 'alage Rakhine State 61 The Striped Appias libylhea 2,31, 19,21 45 The Chocolate Danaus melaneus 23 Albatross olferna Tiger plataniston 62 The Chocolate Appias lyncida 14, 19,1 46 The Chestnut Danaus sita tira tf 21 Albatross eleonora Tiger 63 The Chocolate Appias lyncida 16, 2, 15, 26, 20, 47 The Chestnut Danaus sita tira 9 23 Albatross vasava Tanintharyi Div, Tiger Kayin State 48 The Plain Blue Euploea modesta 9, Tanintharyi Div 64 The Orange Appias nero 23 Crow modesta Albatross galba 65 Appias pandione 21 49 The Common Euploea core wheeleri 15 lagela Indian Crow 66 The Ceylon Appias paulina 10,18 50 The Violet Euploea core 16,10,26,18,19,9,31, Lesser adamsoni Tipped Crow gadarti 15, Tanintharyi Div Albatross Kandawgyi National 67 The Indian Artogeia canidia 23,21,2,14,17, Garden, Cabbage indica 1, Kayin State, Rakhine State, Kay in State White Kandawgyi National -51 The Long-Banded Euploeuulgea 26- — •• Garden Blue Crow menetriesii 68 The Green- Artogeia napi 17 52 The Striped Euploea doubledayi Tanintharyi Div, veined White montana o Black Crow 69 The Orange Catopsilia scylla 16, 17, 15, 20, 53 The Doubled Euploea Sylvester 16,28 Emigrant comelia Tanintharyi Div Branded Blue harrisii 70 The Lemon Catopsilia pomona various places Crow Emigrant pomona 54 The Striped Euploea mulciber 23,16,26,18,28,2, 71 The Lemon Catopsilia pomona 10,18,2,15,26,21,1 Blue Crow milciber Tanintharyi Div, Emigrant pomona ( if f. hilaria) Rakhine State, 55 The Blue Euploea leucostictos 16,10 Kandawgyi National branded leucogonis Garden, King Crow Kayin State 56 The Magpie Euploea diocletianus 23, 10, 28, 1, 72 The Lemon Catopsilia pomona 16, 18, 2, 9, 19, 26, 21, Crow dlocletianus Tanintharyi Div, Emigrant pomona ( 9 f. pomona) Kandawgyi National Garden Family- Pieridae 73 Catopsila pomona 10, 18, 26 57 The Common Appias albino 23,31,10 pomona ( 9 f.crocale) Albatross darada 74 The Orange Catopsilia scylla 16 58 The Chocolate Appias cardena 9 Emigrant Cornelia ( 9f.catilla) Albatross perakana 75 The Lemon Catopsilai pomona 9 59 The Plain Appias indra thronion 23 Emigrant pomona ( d" f. alcmeone) Puffin 76 The Lemon Catopsilai pomona 18, 26, 19, Emigrant pomana 1 9 f.jiigartha) Kandawjryi National Garden, Tuninlharyi Div 77 The Mottled Catnpsilia pvranthe 14, 31. Emigrant pyranthe Kandawgyi National Garden 78 The Lesser Cepnra nadina 23 Gill nadina 79 Cepnra nerixxa 21, Kandawgyi National dtipha Garden 80 Delias acali* 23,2 9.
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