Directorate of Distance Education UNIVERSITY OF JAMMU JAMMU STUDY MATERIAL FOR M.A. ENGLISH Course Code : ENG 412 Modern Poetry-III Lesson No. 1-19 Semester - IV Unit - I to VI Course Coordinator : Teacher Incharge : PROF. ANUPAMA VOHRA DR. JASLEEN KAUR http:/www.distanceeducationju.in Printed and Published on behalf of the Directorate of Distance Education, University of Jammu, Jammu by the Director, DDE, University of Jammu, Jammu. MODERN POETRY - III LESSON WRITER : EDITING & PROOF READING : DR. GARIMA GUPTA DR. JASLEEN KAUR DR. JASLEEN KAUR © Directorate of Distance Education, University of Jammu, 2017. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means, without permission in writing from the DDE, University of Jammu. The script writer shall be responsible for the lesson/script submitted to the DDE and any plagiarism shall be his/her entire responsibility. DTP Print-o-Pack/19/1000 Course Code : ENG 412 Duration of Examination : 3 hrs. Title of the Course : Modern Poetry - III Total Marks : 100 (Credits : 5) (a) Semester Examination : 80 (b) Sessional Assessment : 20 Detailed syllabus for the examination to be held in May 2020, 2021, 2022. yllabus for the Examination to be held in May 2012, 2013 & 2014. Objective : The objective of this course will be to acquaint the students with 20th Century British Poetry and the stylistic, structural, thematic and other technical innovations exercised by the modern and contemporary English Poets, especially in the interregnum of the two Global wars and later on, under the impact of Modernism as a literary phenomenon. Unit - I Intellectual background and literary trends of twentieth century British Poetry Unit - II W.B. Yeats : (a) The Second Coming (b) Sailing to Byzantium (c) Easter 1916 (d) Nineteen Hundered and Nineteen (e) Leda and the Swan (f) Lapis Lazuli Unit - III T.S. Eliot : The Waste Land Unit - IV W.H. Auden : (a) Shield of Achilles (b) In Memory of W.B. Yeats (c) Journey to Iceland (d) First September 1947 (e) The Unkown Citizen (i) Unit-V Ted Hughes : (a) The Hawk Roosting (b) The Jaguar (c) The Thought Fox (d) Wind (e) An Otter (f) Thrushes Unit- VI Seamus Heaney : (a) At a Potato Digging (b) The Forge (c) Casualty (d) Punishment Mode of Examination The Paper will be divided into sections A, B & C M.M. = 80 Section: A Multiple Choice Questions Q.No. 1 will be an objective type question covering the entire syllabus. Twelve objectives, two from each unit, with four options each will be set and the candidate will be required to write the correct option and not specify by putting a tick mark (). Any ten out of twelve are to be attempted. Each objective will be for one mark. (10 x 1 = 10) Section - B Short Answer Questions Q.No. 2 comprises short answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. Four questions will be set and the candidate will be required to attempt any two questions in 80-100 words. Each answer will be evaluated for 5 marks (5 x 2 = 10) (ii) Section - C LongAnswer Questions Q.No.3 comprises long answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. Six questions, one from each unit, will be set and the candidates will be required to attempt all any five questions in about 300-350 words. Each answer will be evaluated for 12 marks. (5x 12 = 60) Suggested Readings: F. R. Leavis New Bearings in English Poetry. F. R. Leavis Revaluations. G. S. Fraser The Modem Writer and His World. Boris Ford The Pelican Guide to English Literature. Vol. VII, The Modern Age and Vol. VIII, The Present. David Daiches Poetry and the Modern World. John Lucas Modem English Poetry from Hardy to Hughes. Grahain Martin The Twentieth Century Poetry : Critical Essays and and EH. Furbank. Documents. P. Waugh The Harvest of 60s. Ian Gregson Contemporary Poetry and Post Modern. Edward Larrisa Reading Twentieth Century Poetry. Ronald Tamplin Seamus Heaney (OUP, 1989). Ayaz Ahmed The Location of Culture. Harish Trivedi Colonial Translations. Edward Said Orientlism Culture and Imperialism. Ngugi Wo Thiongo Homecoming : Decolonising The Mind. ~~~~ (iii) Section - C LongAnswer Questions Q.No.3 comprises long answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. Six questions, one from each unit, will be set and the candidates will be required to attempt all any five questions in about 300-350 words. Each answer will be evaluated for 12 marks. (5x 12 = 60) Suggested Readings: F. R. Leavis New Bearings in English Poetry. F. R. Leavis Revaluations. G. S. Fraser The Modem Writer and His World. Boris Ford The Pelican Guide to English Literature. Vol. VII, The Modern Age and Vol. VIII, The Present. David Daiches Poetry and the Modern World. John Lucas Modem English Poetry from Hardy to Hughes. Grahain Martin The Twentieth Century Poetry : Critical Essays and and EH. Furbank. Documents. P. Waugh The Harvest of 60s. Ian Gregson Contemporary Poetry and Post Modern. Edward Larrisa Reading Twentieth Century Poetry. Ronald Tamplin Seamus Heaney (OUP, 1989). Ayaz Ahmed The Location of Culture. Harish Trivedi Colonial Translations. Edward Said Orientlism Culture and Imperialism. Ngugi Wo Thiongo Homecoming : Decolonising The Mind. ~~~~ (iii) WELCOME MESSAGE Dear Distance Learners, I welcome you to the final semester of your post-graduate programme. By now, you must be well-versed with the prolific works of twentieth century British poetry. The purpose of this paper is to allow you to be acquainted with the modern British poets. Including some of the finest poems of our times, these literary writings have ushered new techniques and themes within literary circles around the world and have been at the vanguard of social and political prophecies and change in the modern world. With this view, the self-learning material has been compiled to appraise the distance learners of the churning in the twentieth century poetic world. Although the S.L.M provided is thorough with regard to the topic, it is by no means all-inclusive and therefore, learners are encouraged to make use of the Directorate library for references and original text of the poems and authors. All distance learners are further advised to follow the deadlines for the submission of the internal assessment assignments. Also, please keep in mind that the assignments must be in your own handwriting, failing which, you will not be marked for the answer. With this, I wish you all the best for your future endeavours. Best of Luck! Dr. Jasleen Kaur Assistant Professor P.G English D.D.E, University of Jammu (iv) LIST OF CONTENTS M.A. ENGLISH (SEMESTER-IV) Course Code : ENG 412 MODERN POETRY - III Page No. Unit - I 3 - 23 Intellectual background and literary trends of twentieth century British Poetry Unit - II 24 - 101 W.B. Yeats : (a) The Second Coming (b) Sailing to Byzantium (c) Easter 1916 (d) Nineteen Hundered and Nineteen (e) Leda and the Swan (f) Lapis Lazuli Unit - III 102 - 134 T.S. Eliot : The Waste Land Unit - IV 135 -182 W.H. Auden : (a) Shield of Achilles (b) In Memory of W.B. Yeats (c) Journey to Iceland (d) First September 1947 (e) The Unkown Citizen (8) Unit-V 183 - 218 Ted Hughes : (a) The Hawk Roosting (b) The Jaguar (c) The Thought Fox (d) Wind (e) An Otter (f) Thrushes Unit- VI 219 - 244 Seamus Heaney : (a) At a Potato Digging (b) The Forge (c) Casualty (d) Punishment (9) M.A. ENGLISH (SEMESTER-IV) COURSE CODE : ENG 412 LESSON NO. 1 MODERN POETRY-III UNIT-I MODERN BRITISH POETRY UPTO THE THIRTIES UNIT STRUCTURE: 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Objectives 1.3 The End of the Nineteenth Century 1.4 Georgian Poetry, Imagism and War Poetry 1.5 Yeats and Irish Poetry 1.6 Modernism, Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot 1.7 Let Us Sum Up 1.8 Multiple Choice Questions 1.9 Examination Oriented Questions 1.10 Suggested Readings 1.1 Introduction The early twentieth century, between about 1900 and the First World War saw the beginning of radical new experiments in poetry. Early writers were especially concerned to delineate clear images and to rid poetry of its Romantic and Victorian era superfluities (its emotion, its didacticism, its exposition). (10) Many Modernist poets looked to seventeenth century metaphysical poets for technical inspiration. So the Modernists were not entirely anti-tradition, and many, like T. S. Eliot argued that Modern poets must have an extensive knowledge of tradition. The metaphysical poets-of whom John Donne was the best example- worked with simile and analogy to present the reader with startling new comparisons. T. S. Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock contains a good example in its opening lines: "Let us go then you and I when the evening is spread out against the sky like a patient etherized upon a table". The comparison of the evening to an etherized patient is both surprising-a comparison we have likely never heard before-but it also reflects the perspective of the poet's speaker that is, we learn about him by how he views the world. T. S. Eliot was also important in the way that his work presented allusions to, and direct quotations from, many other works, as though a "new" kind of poetry could in fact be built from fragments of the old. Many poets of the late 1930s and 1940s (especially post-Second World War) embraced a more direct, impassioned, and human tone, perhaps responding to the inhumanity of the war. But with the 1950s came a movement back towards the linguistic precision of the early Modernists (i.e., away from the emotive extravagance of the 1940s).
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