.......... , \iiA ttx. cm couaiiasi H « a im o t’Avdri Bo m m «C. *-*u ^ EIGHTEEN pS^dBS) (ObuNifled A drertti^ oo SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 17, W32. VOL. U ., NO. 2 Z L CHIU’S GOVERNMENT ^ A Side Glance at Georgre Clark CURTIS IS NOMOIATED AGAm OVERTHROWN PARTYWOORS Army and Nayy Gronps Un­ SHENKItLED, A^semUy HaD Cannot Ac ISANDERSTOHEAD F ora Tiine In the Voting It Seemed That Hoever’s Rmi- der Carlos Davila F^ce (3AREINJURED commodate Visitors; REPUBUCAN BOARD ning Mate Was On Verge of Defeat Bnt Adnunistm- Socialist Junta To ReEn- BYTANKBLA^ Honor Deceased Sepitrito tion Forces Swnng the Tide-Delegates Leaving Chica­ Through Senior Eierdses. |To Manage C o n ^ Cam- go Today In Droves For Heme Towns — Vanguard of SantlscfOf CSill6, June 17#—-r(AP) Montreal Fire Chief and Four Old Man Weather turned ’’thumbs paigm Appoinhnegt Cones Democrats Already Reaching City To Prepare For —Chile’s Socialist Junta, which went down” on the High School Seniors’ ' ' i into power by overthrowing the gov­ Firemen Are Among Vic- bid for fa ir w eather fo r th eir CSass As Sorprise To Ddegates. Their Convention ernment of President Juan l^tuba Day exercises today and the pro­ Montero leas than two weeks ago, tim s^Ten Bodies Have gram went Indoors by unanimous was overthrow® I® ® brief but consent As a result.a large number Chicago, Jime 17—(AP) — It’s Chicago, June 17.—(A P)—The the administration forces of Her­ dramatic counter revolt early today. I just as well perhaps, tiiat sergeants | bert Hoover. Been Recovered Thus Far. of visitors were unable to witness big Republican show is over but the Weary of three dajrs of sessions Colonel Marmaduke Qrovd, mili­ the festivities since the student at anus at poUtital conventions do Democrats are moving In with an the delegates brought their con­ tary leader of the revolt of June 4 body occupies most of the school ,a^ I not have to work ovei^me. even more imposing array of po­ vention to a quick windup at 8:45 and head of the^ Junta since the sembly haiL The grey-gowned Montreal, Qua., Jime 17.—(AP) As It was, the 20ti! Republican ] litical stage trimmings and the p. m. yesterday shortly after sup­ resignation of Carlos Davila last Seniors were led to their seats by I psurley adjourned sine die just In porters of Vice-President Charles Sunday, was made prisoner by the —A eezies of terrific explosions tore Edwlna Elliott, class vice-president tiihe for Everett Sanders, the ser- pause will be only temporary. Curtis, choice of President Hoover counter revolutionary forces, to­ the oil tanker Cymbeline wide open and James O’Lea^, class president Having renominated Hoover and for renomination, had smothered the gether with his associate, Eugenie political storm which had threatened in Montreal harbor today and If the candid cameraman had peered over the shoulder of George Curtis, chosen Everett Sanders of M atte. Indiana their campaign manager t o engulf him. The coimter revolutionaries com­ brought death to an estimated to­ Clark, famous artist for NB*A Service aind The Herald, he might have ob­ Mr. Curtis won, as incipient booms prised army and navy air force tal of 23 men and injuries to.63. tained a picture of a plctuto. For Clark, at right, is hard at Work on and melted down the great variety for former Vice President Charles groups, apparently supporters of Ten bodies had been recovered at lis Inimitable sketches of notables in action on the conventiOT fioor, while I of prohibition views Into a plank G. Dawes and others fell by the way- Senor Davila, who charged the Jun­ noon,' nine hours after the first on the left Cong;ressman John Q. Tilson Is shouting fof attention from the I promising submission of a plan for side In the waning minutes of the blast, and 13 others were believed chairman to offer the resolution to adjourn. Of Interest to local resi­ modification, the host of the G. O. ta had gone over to Communism. to be in the ^^cked tanker’s hold. 'M M session. A New Junta dents is Thomas Ferguson who is seen seated, next to Miss Katherine | P. evacuated their Chlacgo haunts Having nominated President Hoo­ Fifteen of the injured were fire­ Bryne and In front of Congressman TUson. ^ Later today they turned the gov­ men called out to combat the fiames during the night with no lost mo­ ver with a tremendous sweep of ernment over to a new Jimta com­ that followed the first explosions. ' ----------- -------------V —— ------------------^— tion. 1,126 1-2 of the 1,154 votes of the posed of Senor Davila, Senator Al­ py J. Today nearly all of. the Michigan convention, the delegates turned to Flaming oil shot 100 feet In the avenue hotels which had housed the business of picking bis running. berto Cabero, member of former air when the first blast occurred as I President Montero’s Radical party 100 workmen were rushing repairs IjM/ them during toe three convention mate, and an air of expectancy hung ■ and former Deputy Nolasco Car­ on the C^beUne In the great Vick­ STATE IN UMELIGHT 5^ days were back to trie normal ways over toe huge fiag-bedecked Sta- denas. The new Junta was fore­ ers drydock, which was built in of life. dlum. sworn to outlaw Communism but to Within a week, toe Democrats Sndl Proposed England and towed across the At­ will be In Chicago In toe same ho-1 National Comriiltteeman R. B. continue the Socialist republic es­ lantic to Montreal. tablished after the Jtme 4 revolt llDnor Explosions AT G. 0. P. tels, preparing for toe opening of Creager of Texas, prime mover In along moderate lines, friendly to for­ A number of minor explosions oc­ their own convention, In toe same the recent boom for General Da#es, eign Interest , • curred and an hour later, while fire­ overgrown stadium on the West took toe platform. -The man be pro- Colonel Grove had announced he I Side on Monday June 27. posed, however, was not Dawes, but men were- figbtlng the fiames and Vanguard Already There Representative Bertrand H. Snell, of ^ u ld die before he woidd surrender searching for victims of the blasts, Sen. ffin^um’s PRrt In Con­ . yy ' ' ' 0 W to the army groups v^o besieged SrATEDELECATION .The vanguard was heirs before New York. Chairman Snell die- another ‘detonation, more severe toe Republicans were beyond toe dined in a joking manner, the palace vdth 18 Held guns, but Ito ^an any of the others, shook Qm , finally'vw captured S|Uve and taken troversy Over city limits. • Ralph Williams, of Oregon, vlce- The Republicans left behind toeea chairman of toe National committee, /A to a '-laglmentffl bknaeks. ' ^ th blgst F ire Ci^lef * STARTS BAaiODATI J Senor Matte, to await the new gov- Raoul OenilUerr firm er pnaldeot of {-the memory of at least two events I hurried to the BUnois ddegatlnn enunent’s decision regarding th^lr which bid for places In political bis- from the platform to say it wis time the Dominfen Fire CkMs' Assoda- " ".A'"'Mm 'm m /" ' Itory. One, of course, was the eud- to put Dawes forward, deq^te ble fate. tion and known thrm^hout the . Started. Last J l^ t James OTAanr den upward surge of sentisDtot foy. ahhObneement be would not accept Dominion for Us’ courage, was kill­ tioB On Cm a Dekgatioii. ffifl Arrive In Hartford To-| orriblbltion repeal, curbed only aft- even If nominated. The revolt began last night when ed with four of bis m m - The' atudenUkdy song one verse of 1 eriereal conventijm batUe. The oth- Two lUinoIe a group of army oBteenu. • iasraded A e bodies recovered were those “A insrlea the l ^ u t i f u l ” an&A>Uow- . 1 . nerrnwNoop--Windr ; down tow s '1 the fluil etetory yesterday of [prendiiigaet amv/tidShttifl • ^ presidential pif^M ed rttoiaeat O^lAiuy in- the M ysit fy-x. 'ofTMiiPlTa-, IrmlilMit *‘r io esri<U-|F. N e M o f ;,C ld ^ O .« ^ Kldli ;4hel^IflB lw tn‘wl|o pso- June 17^(AP) Its nags ware HMtt'put ih ofihe'li^a^' F or d tfoie, %ven toward the arid, h )# second tb« -nomination of _ _ Hm ReptdUilMB'^’^fktional nuurched on the d ty to bsselgs tlto IdMd wRh .hhnj'end J^mw Wilson, tioijf, m e' colors oam( tional. contefitlon to ebalrman of the It si»m eftoat CJurfli .was on the X»weSA palace, machtnegunt began M r a ^ jp i » i^WfliiL ^ Presldto TMoiMS Mc^jurtlsmd p t I CJonvfefitlon cott)pletW end ha^ltel- nattdbai Committee and manager of vrirlre 0^ defest, despite the fact'' Boess ObU^wes tkb and great crowds of paopl^ many aid Gumo dM WHfiitm A therton, all t^'claM ofJtVSS and toe State ‘ i^g | ity oiTr toe city enjbyed, toe Qonne^ emplpyet of vlekers company. By THOMAS________________ FEBOUSOif his . party’s campaign Is no mean trif every keir man In toe conven- C W rn^ S i^ burri^y sdvia^ of them Communists, set up a ter- Thdmas" John- Uicut delegation left for home this tiSi underat<»d President Hoover Postmaster Oenerd Walt^ If. ilflc din In the streets. Th,te.t«pI^Hpp«l ^ «U,WiV. « H«t. Qticago, June It.—Special—The I ’^*^°new office carries with It thC W»tedbli runnlngmate of Bi^b Airplanes of the attitoking forces Connecticut delegation left here for He (ipoatliiiied «• Aige Ten’ and (White class banner ,of 1982 was privilege of calling toe convention kept on the ticket TOere • flew over the.dyt ai^ the sl^ was Stored dlMCtly to toe rear .
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