PAGE FOURTEEN MONDAY, AUGUST 6, 1966 ATtrage Daily Net PreM Ran Th# Waathw Per the Week Ended Jane 16, 19S« PerMoat «t V. 8. Waathar OariMui Mrs. Abram Matchett.and Miss A 1 2 ,0 6 5 Prebnbly eleudy tenlgkt u A Patricia Hewdtt'of 20 Dorothy Rd. PJaqu^ Awarded Wedneedny. Lew tonight near About Town are vacationing at Old Orchard. ReichenbaclvCarlson Wedding Two Wonderful Values in r ef tte Ai •8. Hlfti Wedneednjr near 89. Maine. ■ To AL Auxiliary^ Burenu of C|t«olni Mr. and Mri. Alexander. M. _ — — -Si Manchester——A City of Village Charm Shearer will hold an open ho"Q*e at The monthly meeting, of the 'Miss Shirley Louise. Carlson, their home on Cldar Mill Rd., The Auxiliary'to Dilworth-Oor- Britiah American Club will be held daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph - BATES BEDSPREADS ton.. Sunday from. 2 to ft p.m. in iomorrow at 8 p.m. at.the^ club- nell-Quey Post, No. 102, Amei-ican F. Carlson, 83 W'alker St., was YOL. LXXV, NO. 262 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, (X)NN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1956 (ClnedHed AdverMaiiig en Page 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS honor of their 50th .wedding an­ houae. Legion, w’ks awarded twm-plaques niversary. married Saturday' afternoon at 3 ' ... at the Department Convention held For Back to School or at Home lAdy Roberta Lodge w;ill meet o'clock in the Emanuel Lutheran Mr. and Mrs. John C. Michaels, tomorrow at 7:30 with Mra. Louiae Church to Jack ..Gordon Reichen- i in Hartford last w eel^ '^ e Auxili­ S7P N, Main St., celebrated their Roblniion at,'691 W. Middle Tpke. bach, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew : ary won the plaqites', which are 'No Challenger 35th -wedding anniversary Friday, A. Reichenbach. 20 Ashworth St. i awarded annually, for excellence in with a party given them by their’ The Rev. C.'° Henry Anderson Adlai May Discarci NThe Manchester Fire Depart-: child welfare w-drk., children. ment will hold a drill tomorrpw at performed the double ring cere-' In Manchester? 6:30 at the firehou.se. corner of mony against a background o f . A citation for its history and The annual outing of Local 63, Main and'Hilliard Sts. — white gladioli and carnations. Her- . two honorable mentions for re­ anm Textile Workers Union of Amer­ bert Bengtson, accompanied on the habilitation and music were also in Providence, R. I , Aug. 7 URI - A pixza-eatihg contesV..waa ica. AFL-CSO. will be held Sunday Roger Staiger. the son. of Mr. organ by Gharles ‘Wakeley, sang won by^;fhe group. at the Garden Grove on Keeney St. and .Mrs. Christian Staiger, ' 66 ■'Because,'^ "Oh Promise Me,” and Mi.ss^Barbara Wallet and Mrs. called off laat night to rjick of Officials said nb tli^eta will be Keeney St., is now taking basic "The Lord’s Prayer.” E^ S.- Moseley were appointed Dis­ hunger. sold after .Thursday. training in th. U S, Air Force at Given in marriage by her father, trict sergeant-at-arms and assist- No. 2 ipot on Ticket Two H-.vear-old-'^ouths. one Lackland Air Force Base San An­ the bride wore a white gow-n of, sei-geant-at-arms, respectively. rv weighing 190-and the other tonio, Tex. ' ' satin and lace, fashioned with a' Miss Wallet was elected treasurer ,170, could eatf^only one and a scalloped v-neckline, long sleeves', of the first district. Both women half thc.iy Mr. and Mrs. .1. Edward Mc- coming to a point over the wrists, C hicago, A u g. 7 (TP)— -TM^lai -more lntere*ted in getting a run The .piroprietor of the pizxa irif in GENERAL sre past presidents 'of the local Id he was upset by the Kcever and family, ' 334 Summit and lace bustle over s full, gath­ Auxiliary. - I .. J E. Stevenson is prepared X i "I,V* ,J'"*, t I T TV SERVICE St., and Mrs. Ella ,M. Quish, fid­ ered skirt.-which ended in a train. Mrs.Ay.ilbur Little, retiring Dis-1 L 1-i- ,.1. j- i- -J .^ n o tch Vice President *thHn in sat- fariiire of the Providence con­ 's. School St., .have returned from Her fingertip veil of illusion was trict president, will represent the toS8 political tradition aside m ,he „«ual requlrimenU of testants to do better. Days a vacation at Daytona Beach, Fla." held by a ,tiara of seed pesrls. She filling second place on the geoj^phy and voter appeal, He said the record at hia Nights District st the Natiohal Conven­ $2.95 1 ..^ ^ carried a cascade of white carna­ tion in Lo's Angeles. Calif, the first ticket if he ^j^ins the Demo- s t e ^ s o n > view, like that^ shop is four and a half pizr.as. TEL. BQ 8-5194 < tions and roses with ivy Streamers. week of September. "But the fellow who did that.” . The bride', sinter Mrs. Micheir cratic presidential, nomina- "^ITaldamul^Sau -Um—proprietor aaid. "cqmefi Challenges Premier lacobucci. 14 Nathan Rd.. was insi D ob. much atrengUKto the from Fall -River, Maaa:” ■ ;> TTC nMY C 4 tron of lionor. She wore a pink Stevenson, the party’s 1952 What Stevenawn w; s, he has strapless gown of Isce and nylon Increa.se Noted nominee. ii atipremely confident he . told friends, is, President DEXTROSE < net with a lace bolero jacket and -A will get the top nomination on the j who will be the snt'a per- To Keep Proniises carried a bouquet of blue carna­ In Arrests Here first or second ballot at next sonal r^preaenisi^i''* in JSBJtgi-aa* Average Price tions and white stephanotis. week’s convention here. a ' man who/can gel alobg with ^rthur Store^ Donald R. Reichenbach, 20 Ash­ Thia view, of courae. ia diaputed ; members of Conin-ess and be in^ef- ; worth St.i brother of the groom,' Police made 22 more arrests In ; by supporters of Gov. Averell Har- j fective^^rce for the White House O f iSteel Hiked Washington, Aug. 7 (/P)— President Eisenhower called dn wa.i best man. Ushers were Wil­ July than in June, a report of Po­ riman of New York and several! legiahttive program. Soviet Premier Bulganin today to demonstrate a “ hew spirit” liam Law-ton, 8 Carol Dr., Rock­ lice Chief Herman O. Schendel in -, '•f<vorite son" candidates working ri^ond that. Stisvenson appar for a deadlocked convention ■ in wanta a man who could' do .50 Per Ton and eradicate “ eviKs” in international relations which Eisen­ ville, and Michele laCobussi, 14 dlcatea- i RANG! Nathan Rd. • which the lightning might atrikjrf the same aorl of lecurity council, hower .said have survived the Kremlin’s down-with-Stalin There were 161 arrests in June | one of them., I globe-trotting and ceremonial job At a reception for 125 guests In MRS. JACK GORDON REICHENBACH and 183 last month. Pittsburgh. Aug. 7 (fl’i U.S. moves, i i: the church parlor following the If he is worried by the thteat of j for him that Vice President Nixon Steel- Corp., the world’s largest Arrests for^motor vehicle offenses Reigular $7.95 such a ((eadlock. .Steven^tm does has done for President El-sen- Brusliing aside Ru.ssia's newest disarmament proposals, >Uft OIL ceremony, the bride's mother re­ numbered 131 in June and 147 in basic steel producer, today hiked Eisenhower said bluntly he i.s “ greatly disturbed by-the de­ ceived in a navy blue dress with a lint show it. He slreadV'ds reveiw- hower. ' ■ its prices sn average of JS.ftO per GASOLINf through the South, the bride was July. The largest increase was in Ing and refurbishing 'nia poaitlon .attracted by Humphrey velopments which have occurred since Ave met at Geneva” at corsage of pink sweetheart roses. arrests for speeding, 21 in June and ton. Mrs, Reichenbach wore a navy blue wearing a royal blue nylon print Cdlorftti Plaid Homespun bn major issues in anticipation of . To get the kind of man he Republic steel, the third ranking the summit conference a year ago. : 48 In Jllly. j a rigorous fall i-ampsign agaln.at wanta. Stevenaon is willing to dress with pink sweetheart rose dress with white accessories and a Weddings Accidents also jumped from 29 to producer, aiso announced pjice in­ In a personal letter to the Soviet leader, Eisenhower chal­ corsage. President Ei.apiihower. waive geographical consideraUons. corsage of white carnations. The 37, and parking violations from 817 • creases effective today which it lenged him to “do'more to realize the hopes” bom at the BANTLY OIL When leaving for a motor trip couple will be at home to their to 848. ' ' Thinks Ike Overrated Sr *" attracted, for instan^, to | ,.j^ general copipare wllh^the $5.95 Stevenabh has convinced himself Democratic Sen. Hubert Hum- " ^ - surhmit conference, especially to keep pledges about German I 'Ml- \M . IM friends after Aug. 20 at , 49 Winter Spencer-Ferris j Arrests for offenses other than price changes -heretofore an St. ■ i . TWIN and FULL BED SIZES In primary campaigning in all sec­ phrey of nearby Minnesota. Hum- unification “ which desperately need to be fulfilled.” ■ M \ '\ I I'l I I Mrs. Grace R. Ferris, 9 Laurel j motor vehicle violations increased | nounced bv its competition.” Mrs. Reichenbach graduated in from 30 to 38. - .' i Red, green or yellow and black plaid.s on beige hewne- tions'^ of the country that Eisen­ phrey'a friends were the first, to Bethlehem Steel, the No. 2 pro­ In .that connection Eisenhower-- .
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