MUENSTElli ENTERPRISE Serving Muenster and Cooke County since 1936 35' VOLUME LII, NO.23 TWO SECTIONS 14 PAGES WITH INSFR I MAY 13,1988 Long and varied agenda keeps Muenster City Council busy by Jean Pagel each year for five years, he said. ticipation of Muenster police of- Items ranging from results of John Pagel, president of the ficers in a four-county task force Saturday's City Council election Muenster Chamber of Commerce to combat crime in Montague, to the lead concentration in Industrial Board, said the board Grayson, Fannin and Cooke Muenster drinking water made a supports the abatement, stating counties. long and diverse agenda for the that the new mill will increase "We promised the citizens we'd City Council at its meeting Mon- employment and sales tax income do anything we could to help them day night. for the city. out, and this seems like a good Celine Dittfurth, city secretary, "We members of the Industrial way to do it," Alderman Klement administered oaths of office to Board are here to voice our opi- said. three aldermen elected Saturday. nion in favor of the abatement," Construction of new tennis Pat Dennis received 126 votes to Pagel said. "This is just one thing courts at Muenster City Park was win Place I, incumbent Aubrey we can do to encourage new discussed by Council members, Tuggle received 122 votes to win businesses and growth here." but action was tabled until Place 2 and incumbent Claude Council members expressed specifications of Texas Power & Klement won Place 4 with 130 their approval of the abatement Light could be discussed with the votes. None of the positions were but could not take action on it Muenster Jaycees. In an agree- contested. A total of 142 ballots because of a possible legal pro- ment, the Jaycees will pay $20,000 were cast in the election. cedure that must be followed. for construction of the courts, • THE WORKING COWBOYS of the Cross-N Ran- buckles and a cash prize. The Cross-N team consists New business for the Council ch of Era placed first at the Bill Biffle Memorial Ran- of David McClusky, David Alpin, Robbie Tuggle began with Steve Gilland of W. ch Rodeo last weekend. Billy Biffle, left, and Gerald and Herbert Richardson. Scott Whaley, an auditing com- . Biffle, right, presented team members with belt 1.1e Harm.. Photo pany in Bowie, reporting on Muenster's financial operations from October 1986 through September 1987. Welcome back, Leon! Included in Gilland's report was the fact that general revenues of the city during the fiscal year were MISD prepares for summer $455,151 but expenditures were $482,593. by Elaine Schad School and Texas Tech Universi- cost of about $19,000. Some im- "But your sales tax income has Leon Klement, who previously ty, Bass has traveled more than provements will be made to the been very stable, and that's good served a term of office on the 250,00 miles in both the United pole vault and broad jump pits at for the city," Gilland said. "I've Muenster ISD several years ago, States and in foreign countries the track, and some new gravel seen some (cities) lose as much as was welcomed back to the Public representing the Future Farmers will be added to the stadium park- 25 percent." School Board of Trustees in the of America as both a former state ing lot. Also appearing before the election held Saturday, May 7. and national president. "We had a The district will replace three Council was Ronnie Felderhoff, a He was the winner in a 3-way lot of applicants, and look a lot of cafeteria doors with new glass manager of Muenster Milling Co. t tt‘A contest for Position 7, receiving time in selecting a teacher for this doors; will purchase four new Felderhoff said construction on a THIS IS THE official Muenster Centennial logo adopted at the City 100 votes; Ray Wimmer received position," said Charles Coffey, electric typewriters and one new new mill for the business on South Council meeting Monday. Adopted from the original design by Peggy 50 votes; and Gerald Walterscheid Muenster superintendent. word processor for advanced Main is set to begin within eight Grewing, the emblem will soon appear on lots of Centennial-related items received 48 votes. The school board has also hired classes; will perform normal bus weeks. He requested that the and paperwork. Not contested were Positions 3, Noma Bass, Joe's wife, as a high repairs and maintenance to band Council consider granting a five - 5 and 6. Tom Flusche received 180 school math and computer math equipment. year tax abatement for the new Rezoning of lots in block 42, the while the Texas Parks and votes; Harold Bindel drew 175; teacher, replacing Mrs. Ward who Muenster Telephone Co. has facility similar to tax relief given block east of the post office, from Wildlife Department will pay the and D.J. Hellman drew 173. will be teaching in Gainesville next received the bid to upgrade the by the Council in 1977 for con- resident to business was discussed remaining $20,000. The Muenster School Board has year. A graduate of Grand Saline district's telephone system. The struction of Valenite Metals on by the Council. Muenster Mutual The area of the park judged to hired two new teachers to add to High School and the University of board has also asked Coffey to West Hwy. 82. Insurance had requested to build be most suitable for the new the faculty for the 1988-89 school Texas at Tyler, Mrs. Bass has obtain information concerning a "I'm not asking you to cut my an office on a lot there, but a courts lies under TP&L transmis- year. taught for two years at Plainview. drip irrigation system for the foot- taxes out all together," Felderhoff public hearing on an ordinance to sion lines, east of the new Joe Brad Bass will be the new The school district has also ap- ball field, and the board accepted said. "Just help me hold them rezone the block must be held restrooms. One of the TP&L vocational agriculture teacher, proved a list of summer projects a bid from Star Bus Sales of Huff- down for a little while." before the Council can grant the specifications that concerned replacing longtime teacher Edgar to prepare facilities for the fall. man for $778 to sell a 1973 model The tax abatement would save building permit. Council members was a require- Dyer, who is retiring at the end of The district has decided to pave surplus school bus. the business about $7,500- $10,000 The Council approved par ment that no gates or fences this year. a section of Seventh Street just in higher than 8 feet be constructed A graduate of Vernon High front of the school building at a in the area. In other action, the Council: - Approved paving of Seventh Tax transfer: how it Street from the east end of the ex- Sacred Heart Talent Show isting blacktop to the Muenster Public School driveway going north. The school will pay the will affect Muenster Please See CITY, Page 2 by Elaine Schad CCAD when that time ends in While county officials are get- 1990. After that time, the City of Chamber ting ready to take over property Muenster may again decide to col- tax collections from the Cooke lect its own taxes, or may choose County Appraisal District, to contract with either the CCAD hears bed, Muenster city officals are still or the county. waiting to see how the transfer will "We really just have a wait and affect the collection of Muenster see attitude," Dittfurth said. "If it city taxes. goes pretty well, they may decide breakfast Because of the successful Nov. 4 to go ahead and let them collect referendum which mandated that the taxes after the two years." the county take over tax collec- There's little doubt, however, talk Tues. tion, the City of Muenster will lose that the city will pay more to have Gary Morris is a self- the authorty to collect its own city taxes collected when it goes proclaimed tourist. "I like to get taxes. That means Muenster tax- over to the county. Since the city out of Dallas, get away and cool payers will have to travel to now uses in-house personnel to it. Fredericksburg is one of my Gainesville beginning Oct. I to collect taxes, there is virtually no favorite places but Fredericksburg pay their city taxes along with cost. It will cost the CCAD about is four hours away." their county and school taxes. $94,000 this year to collect taxes Morris presented an informal Since the city has used its own for 13 entities. That cost is divid- talk to the Chamber of Commerce personnel to collect its own taxes ed, and each entity is billed accor- monthly luncheon meeting Tues- over the years, the city expects to ding to the size of its total tax levy. day at The Center. He has recently pay more for tax collection now On a comparison basis, the been introduced to the that its out of their hands, said Ci- Walnut Bend and Sivells Bend Muenster/Saint Jo area by his ty Secretary Celine Dittfurth, who ISD both have approximately the secretary, Carol Fuhrmann. is in charge of city tax collection. same tax levy as the City of "Carol told me about "I'm just trying to keep all my Muenster.
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