TUFTS UNIVERSITY 126th COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES MEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS MAY 30, 1982 DEAR ALMA MATER We con beside thy knee, Dear Alma Mater, Earth's book of mystery, Dear Alma Mater. We track the storied past, Dear Alma Mater, Over plains of learning vast, Dear Alma Mater, with thee. Speed on thy sunlit way, Dear Alma Mater. We vow new faith today, Dear Alma Mater! May glory light thy name, Dear Alma Mater, All thy children sing thy fame, Dear Alma Mater, for aye! ORDER OF EVENTS l\lUSICAL PRELUDE RECIPIENTS OF HONORARY DEGREES CONFERRING OF DEGREES Tufts - New England Nom1an E. Borlaug IN COURSE Conservatory Doctor of Agriculture Jean Mayer Brass Nonet C. Douglas Dillon President Lewis Porter Doctor of Arts Alan Dana Callow Conductor Virginia A. Dwyer Chairman, Board of Trustees Tufts University Doctor of Business Economics Sol Gittleman Director of Bands George A. Farrall Academic Vice President/Provost Doctor of Science Robert I. Levy PROCESSIONAL John G. Kemeny Vice President, Health Sciences Doctor of Laws PRESENTER THE C01\IMENCE1\IENT ADDRESS Betty Bao Lord Seymour Oliver Simches John G. Kemeny John Wade Professor of Modern Doctor of Letters Languages David E. Rogers Doctor of Science ALUJ\INI l\JARSHAL Alexander R. Todd Doctor of Science After tbe Commencement Address there Norman R. Wright will be a brief interlude in the ceremony Class of 1957 An Wang during which tbe faculties and tbe students Doctor of Business Economics of The Fletcher School of Law and INVOCATION Diplomacy, the School of Medicine, and REC(X;NITION OF FACULTY EI\IERITI the School of Nutrition, and their guests Reverend Carl Scovel will move to other sites for the second Minister, King's Chapel, Boston Jean Mayer portion of their Commencement exerciser. President All others will please remain seated. NATIONAL ANTHEM Jonathan Pollard RECIPIENTS OF FACULTY College of Liberal Arts EMERITUS CERTIFICATES Class of 1982 Walter L. Hughes Daniel L. Marshall ADDRESS George W . Mitchell, Jr. Jean Mayer Marjorie L. Pedersen President of the University Philip Quinn Joseph Rogers CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES Louis W ekstein Jean Mayer President RECIPIENTS OF HONORARY DEGREES KOR;\IAX E. BORLAUG, an agricultur­ many times over for his accomplish­ Currently chairman of the board al scientist and winner of the Nobel ments, most notably with receipt of the Metropolitan Museum of Peace Prize, is best known as the of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970. Art and chairman of the United father of the "Green Revolution" In addition to scores of awards and States and Foreign Securities Cor­ for his pioneering global agricultur­ prizes from scientific organizations poration, Mr. Dillon also has served al research and his development of and governments around the globe, as chairman of the Rockefeller wheat varieties that have led to he has been presented with some Foundation and of the Brookings greatly increased production of twenty honorary degrees from Institution. wheat in underdeveloped countries universities and schools world wide. Mr. Dillon has previously re­ of the world. Tufts is presenting him with an ceived honorary degrees from Working mainly in Mexico, Mr. honorary doctorate of agriculture. eleven colleges and universities, Borlaug has helped that nation including Harvard and Princeton. achieve self-sufficiency in food c. DOUGLAS DILLON, a former secre­ Tufts is awarding him an honorary production and is responsible for tary of the treasury, has served the doctorate of arts. four major advances in wheat pro­ country in a variety of ways with duction improvement. Crossing great distinction. VIRGINIA A. DWYER, vice president strains, he developed a variety Mr. Dillon's illustrious career in and treasurer of American Tele­ which combined disease resistance public service has spanned both phone and Telegraph Company with adaptation to Mexico's climate Republican and Democratic admin­ (AT&T), is one of the highest­ and which provided yields twice istrations. An investment banker ranking women in American those of native varieties. From other before joining government in 1953, business. crosses, he selected shorter varieties he served as undersecretary of state, Beginning her career in 194 3 as a that permitted farmers to fertilize undersecretary for economic affairs, statistical clerk at Western Electric heavily with nitrogen, further in­ and ambassador to France during Company headquarters in New creasing yield, without causing the the administration of Dwight Eisen­ York City, Miss Dwyer has risen wheat stalk to break over. Later, hower. Although active in Repub­ through the ranks of the Bell Sys­ he developed lines adapted to wam1- lican politics, he was asked by tem, holding positions of increasing er and colder environments, and President John Kennedy to serve responsibility in financial and eco­ finally crossed wheat and rye to as his secretary of the treasury. nomic areas of both Western create triticale, which has better Described as an advocate of aggres­ Electric and AT&T. She was ap­ nutritional quality than wheat and sive and innovative foreign and pointed to her present position is nearly as abundant. From his domestic economic policies, Mr. in 1979. pioneering research, dramatic in­ Dillon continued in the cabinet As treasurer of AT&T, Miss creases in grain production have position during the administration Dwyer holds the highest position of occurred throughout the world. of Lyndon Johnson until 1965, any woman in the Bell System and Mr. Borlaug has been honored when he resigned. is responsible for all financial mat- 5 ters of AT&T, the largest revenue­ a Master of Arts degree in physics JOHN G. KE M ENY, past president of producing entity in the United in 1955. He has continued his asso­ Dartmouth College, is a distin­ States other than the federal ciation with the university over the guished educator, mathematician­ government. She thus oversees the years as a field representative, philosopher, and pioneer in com­ long- and short-range financing of interviewing prospective students puter science, who is known to the Bell System, which has capital from the upstate New York area. many people for his work in chair­ expenditures of over 18 billion With General Electric since ing the presidential commission dollars and operating expenses of leaving Tufts, he has worked on appointed by Jimmy Carter to approximately 40 billion dollars vacuum interrupter research and investigate the 1979 accident at the annually. In addition, she admin­ development of the triggered Three Mile Island nuclear power isters a highly successful dividend vacuum gap, a device providing pla,:t near Harrisburg, Pennsyl­ reinvestment plan, which raised rapid switching of high current varna. 1.2 billion dollars in new equity in and high voltage. Both the vacuum Professor Kemeny's contributions 1981. interrupter and triggered vacuum have been numerous and varied. An A member of numerous profes­ gap programs have culminated in innovator with computers, he is sional financial and economic asso­ commercially marketed products. co-author of the widely-used com­ ciations, she also has been involved Mr. Farrall has advanced knowl­ puter language BASIC and helped in civic concerns as a trustee of the edge of his field through participa­ to develop computer time-sharing YWCA and as a member of the tion in numerous professional and systems, a major breakthrough board of directors of the Girl honorary organizations. He cur­ facilitating the simultaneous use of Scouts. rently serves as general secretary a computer for various purposes. She is being given an honorary for the 198 3 Gaseous Electronics A member of the Dartmouth fac­ doctorate of business economics Conference of the American Physi­ ulty since 195 3, he has taught both from Tufts. cal Society and as a member of the mathematics and philosophy at International Symposium on Dartmouth and, earlier, at Princeton Discharge and Electrical Insulation University. A man who draws deep GEORGE A. FARRALL is a physicist at in Vacuum. The author or co­ satisfaction from teaching, Profes­ General Electric Company and a author of over forty-five published sor Kemeny continued to teach two Tufts alumnus who has distin­ papers, he was recently invited to courses each academic year while guished himself in his professional prepare reviews of published litera­ serving as president of Dartmouth work, and whose contributions have ture in his field for a digest pub­ from 1970 to 1981 , when he stepped been recognized by colleagues in lished by the National Academy of down to return to full-time teach­ his field . Sciences. ing. While in the Army during Mr. Farrall graduated from Tufts He is being presented with an World War II, he was assigned to cum laude with a Bachelor of Sci­ honorary doctorate of science from the Manhattan Project as a mathe­ ence degree in physics in 195 3 and his alma mater. matician. Later, while doing grad- 6 uate work at Princeton, he was work was published by Harper and Cornell University, Rutgers Med­ selected as a research assistant to Row in 1964 and was translated ical School, and Vanderbilt Uni­ Albert Einstein. He is also the into fifteen languages. Tt is expected versity and was chief of the infec­ author or co-author of thirteen to be reissued soon. tious diseases division at the New books, including his most recent, Her first novel, Spring Moon, York Hospital-Cornell Medical Man and the Computer: A New which relates China's recent history Center and physician-in-chief at Symbiosis. through a fictitious family, was Vanderbilt University Hospital. Professor Kemeny previously has published by Harper and Row in A researcher and philosopher of been presented with five other October 1981, and within a month medical care, Dr. Rogers has pub­ honorary degrees, from Princeton, had reached The New York Times lished numerous papers on inf ec­ Columbia, and Brown Universities, best-seller list, where it has remained tious diseases, on medical and dental the University of Pennsylvania, and for twenty-eight weeks so far.
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