• LA POESIA DI E. A. MARIO by Maria Trani Department of Italian McGiII University, Montreal August, 1992 A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Masfer of Arts This thesis was directed and supervised by Prof. Sergio Maria Gilardino Ali rights reserved in ail countries Maria Trani • 1992 t ~(Jrne [),sscrt(Jt/~n-Ab-;tracts Inte--;natlon~~a~ge~tbybroad, generolsublect categories Please select the one sublect wh,ch mos! nûorll df)'><:rlb(~~ tlllJ content of your d,'"ertCJ!lon Enter the corres,!)ondmg four digit code ln the spaces provlded Ir-0 r---111-1Ir--To 1---',] U· M· 1 SUBJECT TE~M SUBJECT CODE Subject Categories THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES {f)MMUNICATIONS AND THE ARTS p"t'!'"I",!! 0'>75 PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION AND Anclpnf 0579 Ilf 1III! (!tif' 'J/ ;'1 ~( Odlliq 0515 THEOLOGY Mcdlc;ol 05fl1 /.,1 , 1, ,l'II 1 IJ l// ~(II j!fill OS7! Modern 0582 PfphlOfJh f 047L (J'l'JI; l'I('lfl J 0714 r 1','rI"l RLIIt,0fl Bloek 0328 fJIIfI'. ((l','!'lf/ U533 Afncon 0331 " Ve >, :I( Ilel(ll Ull8 IIIU j.r! rJI''; j,,(l(ll JI ,Pn,_(.) 0514 k,bl",,1 St "1",, 0121 A;,o Aust'ol,u and Ocean la 0332 1II'I,/tfl/l!",! (!l/l ')'Jr''-JII)<JI (Jf 0l4U { Ip((l! 1]319 (u,",od'un 0334 JI.')/IIIII'III (J l') 1 'JP"( 101 0',;9 European H Jlo',! (II OJ20 0335 1 rLrfH 1"/ !I/,r, () ~9fl rf'ortui TrtJllllr'q (J'JJO lotln Arnf>r •({Hl 0336 Phdv,nphl r)t 03:2 t (j/lJ!l 01,1) fll."',II,'"""lIllI llll,1I 1. (III1f)!nCJl TheoloGY 0469 Mldell" Emtl'rn 033 J f.Au Il 'MI! If 'JI', (Jnrf Apt) ,l,fi IrH'I't' fJ78R U'lItpd StClt, s 0137 (J,1 /1 VO«(Jt!rI110! 1 ',/,f l' I, ( '11111'1. Il 'If IIh',1I ' 0747 SOC1AL SCIENCES H"torl 0 'x .'r f 0585 f If litt f I)M,', lnw Arl'( rl( 'ln (JhJlJ,,><, ,)123 0198 LANGUAGE, LITERA TURE AND PO!"lcol je 'C'1(( I,ntf" ~POI()<Jfc EDUCATION G(>T\'llll 0615 LlNGUISTlCS Ar cf'(Jt ü 0!:3l 0324 ( ""'/1'11 (JI,J') lr,tr">'nol!u 1fl! ln ...... tH-cl [{l!'tllfJ(J1 Cu"u,ol fJ326 /ld'II'PI Il'll,,,1I (}') 14 Pehhons 0616 "'llfICII 0679 Pli, \!Cul 0327 J\d"h 111'.1 ('Jllltr/IIIIlCj (J')lô PubliC All'1111llslHlhon 11,(\1 '1 'II 02S9 BUSlrlC''>, Admln,<tfOlror' 0617 I~f l' 1( ulltlllJ! () ',J 1 RpcrC(JtH)ll 0814 lHlq\lf ,tH " 02'/\; Gr Icro' 0110 1\.' O/I! rh/dr 'n O?'ll Ac (;ullflnq 0772 Soc",1 Work 0452 Hdulil Ifli 1111,1 t.Aldl, 111I'11f,1 IJJI!J IlllfOIIIl( Ilrnk,,,CJ 0770 Sa< ,010'J; 1'."'1I1f JJ fjt,HfI GenuCJ: 01,26 ( J"nl'llll 0401 M(]'\ClqL-PI,'rt 0454 ( l '/fllnllllllj ( IIII! 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IIlllrllt ()J Il f olklo«' 03'iH IIHltJlHltl' lilld l,h'f(llrrrt ()/7Y Tran~portfJt'on 0709 IU'I11 ;\111('1 If (JfI o !I} G"oqloJlh) 0366 MIIIllIIIIOlu, (JI!!/) OQ99 Mldrll, [fI tp'n 011:' Gelontolo"v 0351 Urbon onJ R~lof'lal P10nnmg ()').!.! V";omc 1" Slu .. ICS Mil'''' ~'(JlllWl(1 li J HI;tory 0453 pllrl\) !l1,llr III rJt,.."JH o 1)ICI~lr Illld f lI',t (U1U,H~(1I1 U11,1 Gerlf'rol 0578 "II)' IH nI (1',/1 THE SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES ( .. , ndt'':t} (l110 Speech PeJtholooy 0460 fnglrt">t'rlflg Âqrllllllllll (-;"'l!()(IY Ull;> To"cology 0383 GcnerCil 0537 l'I'II"ll! f 1,1! j (-,(~o,)h" \1'" (1 \7! HOfl!P lCOf,Olnl(S 0186 Acr(l~pocc 0538 J\qrlHlt1llly lL'H') Ii,d.ol"qy 0188 Ag"culturol 0539 Alllllhll ( phlill I1lld ~lrH 'ulnq, (Mll PHYSICAL SCIENCES AulolTlo'l'le 0540 f JII"1IIIIII ,\,lt·()!lUI(111'. II !,1) Pure SCtences B, OIPcd 1CCli 0541 1\1\1111111 1'1 rll " Il,~, Iy i'nlt'I)l'lI1!IH1> U4/6 C!>prnill'y C!>e,wcol 0542 l'''ld 'II Il'11\/' flnt! 1\ ,I( \..)!lj(,joq, [J.1IR ('v,1 0541 GCIlflrnl 0485 Il \ IlIhll'II\1 \)\W PlI!"11lt){,lc'tj\ ,WB, Elpctronlc, and Eleet"col 0544 Aqrrcu!'uro[ 07,19 1\lIt' ,II" \111\ V\'d,lldl IL1 'li 11 (11 ..),' Henlond The,monynonllcs ':i "'h '!(llJI A"olyllcol 0486 0348 l'I(lIl!l \tllllfl' 111 1) ~ , ",1( llll ,1'1'1111 'ptlY Illt>b Hydrouk 0545 Blochernlstr\' 0487 1'1'1I111\.!hdl"q,. (l,H1\) flf,,, H(Jlll, f'llIhltlfUph, (lll', Industrroi 0546 IllorgOfllC 1 0488 ,'IIIIlII'],yl,lt)lllqy PHil ""urIPt' 0547 n -, .. ~ Nuclem 0738 1-:"1111./1 MU!l'''lt flll'JlI HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAl Moter loIs SCICllf e 0794 OfgUllil 0490 \VI",-"I II" Iphll\llJ" 11 ',1:, SCIENCES Mech"nlcol 0548 1\1I1111q\ Pho'mOlcut,cul 0491 , 11\ lit Hll11/ Ilf. d' l' il !'~ l' ',,8 Metnllu,'IY 0743 l ~PIII"tll 1) Hl(, P",\l(ol 0494 M!n,ng 0551 Ht'tllth 1), q'rl " '\1\1.1111111\ Pol)'fl'C'r 0495 (l.'t! 1 Nuelear 0552 1.. ('Pt",]j 1 S'10 RudIU!IOI1 075,1 HI\1 hlll ,th 1, Ill{lt1 PoekC19,c9 0549 "\l'Ihd'-'tl". ,)lI'll Mlllllf'maltc~ 0405 I~, lit 111\ l) Hl'" Pe/loleurn 0765 1. hl "\lltH'ldP\ Ol,.II.,l) PhYII(\ , "p d ~ l) SurlitOry und Munle'pol 0554 l)t'ntl,I')' \. )~I(l , General 0605 1" ,1. 'II PL'v System SCience 0790 t,l\fU!lll'll () l ~(1 AtousllC.S 0986 III!llllhlll~r'l l)j',l Geatcchnology 0428 lit'''prllli f\.\lIlHll)t'IlH'I\! 1) "69 A,t. onOlny und \"'('tlt'II.\ () kIl..) Operollolls ReseUfch 0796 ~ ill/Ilt 111 l1t'vt'L..lpml'f\1 l'7"b Astrophysres 0606 111111h,I'\I1' l' 'p ~ PI",t.es Tcchnolagy 0795 111lf1 11lfll)k,,{!\ nQH.) Atmospherlc SC CI1((' \\1~ 1\ lh1L111'q\ ()I hl 0608 Tex!.l .. !echnoloqy 09Q4 i\\t'd1ll/lt' und (~lIl(ll'r) 0-"(>,1 AI01lllC 7 1\\\11"11. 11,11 O~() 0 48 Ml'Ilt\ll H""lt!> \lJ,1 ; Nt'l l lll\I1t'lht\ Pli' flJ'd'oOics and El0ct(lelty 0607 Nlll'il1q ('5<,>Q t Il'menta') Parf<CIcs and PSYCHOLOGY \. \ t '1111, '\l' u!,h\ (111<,> Nuhlllllll \.).:, "'0 High Ene,qy General 0621 l'h",>",I,,\!\ \' 1 0798 lJ \. "lh"ft>h ,e. ... ll'll~ 1...'..,.nl'll.1!t'Q\ 038(1 t\chovlorol 0384 h,'IJ,llllr,'" Utl.' 1 F!clld and PIOImel 0759 CI,nl",1 \.. )tlUllll!ll'lpol Hl'olt], und Molellilar 060Q 0622 \','h" 111111" '" ''''1 l' ()"tl Ihplop\ LI 3,'l1 Developmental 0620 :.ll,l, ... )\ (1.1',' Nucleor 0610 \.... "'phlhlllfllt... kxrv 0181 Ex.perlmflnlal 0623 I~ 1 \~~I,\ 'II, , Opi<CI 0752 l\lll'l,lllll\ L'-"'I Industf!(" 0624 l 't'n.'11I1 Rad.at,on 0756 t'hlH'Jln: l"!"..1q\ L)4!Q Perso"allty 0625 "\t'll'llli Sol,d Stat0 0611 Ph.Hlndl \ ~ 05-;­ ::'tutl'\hc:,. Ph, 1'0109'(01 0989 0463 PsychohlOio9, 0349 EARTH SCIENCES p~,,, 'lll1 1 tlWI dp'r (1182 f\,hl,\ fkllltl, ().5-~ Apphed Sciences Plychomet"cs 0632 " '\_:l't.'t.lh'lll ,'r\ l>5-1 Appl,,'d MechanlCI 0346 SOCial 0451 \ot" .... I,II",r,\ Rl1d,('k'~l" f\Plfl'lll'Of1 lb-S (ornpu!t:>r SCience 0984 • COMPENDIO Il presente lavoro I?samina la poesia in lingua napoletana e particolarmente le opere di E A. Mar 10, poeta e rne!odista fin de siècle, che diede un considerevole contributo alla storia della canzone. La pnma parte ci introduce alla poesia regionale partenopea, alla sua lingua per concludere tlnalmente con la poesia rnusicata: la canzone. L'ambiente predlletto è il café-chantant. Si dà uno sguardo d'insieme dei poeti dell'epoca includendo Salvatore Di Giacomo e la gemerazione dopo. Mentre la seconda parte è dedicata all'autore. Descrive la sua vita, la sua arte e le sue opere. ricclle di elementi popolari e specialmente classici, che 10 coronarono di successo . • ----- ----- ---- • ABSTRACT The present work examines the poetry in neapolltan ianguage and particularly the works of E. A. Mario, fin de siècle poet and melody writer, who contributed considerably ta the song history.
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